# Model Visualization ## Textual Output In low- to medium-complexity applications, the simplest way of examining the performance models generated by dfatool is textual output: `--show-model=param`. This is implemented for most modeling methods. ## Graphical Output via dot(1) `--export-dot PREFIX` exports the generated performance models for each pair of name (state/transition/…) and performance attribute to `PREFIX(name)-(attribute).dot`. The dot(1) program is capable of transforming those into images. For instance, if feh(1) is available, a visual model is accessible via `dot -Tpng filename.dot | feh -`. In case of regression forests (XGBoost), dfatool exports the individual trees to `PREFIX(name)-(attribute).(index).dot`. ## Plotting Model Predictions for Individual Configurations `--plot-param name:attribute:parameter` displays both raw readings (as points, see [[analysis-visual.md]]) and the corresponding performance model (as lines). The plot is saved to (name)-(attribute)-(parameter).pdf and shown interactively unless `--non-interactive` has been specified. ## JSON Export Use `--export-json FILENAME` to export the performance model to FILENAME. The model for NAME ATTRIBUTE is located in .name.NAME.ATTRIBUTE.modelFunction. If it is a list, it is an XGB forest. Otherwise, it is an CART/LMT/RMT element described by the `type` key. ### CART/LMT scalar split node ``` { "value": 123, "type": "scalarSplit", "paramIndex": 0, "threshold": 24, "left": …, "right": … } ``` The model for `param[paramIndex] <= threshold` is located in `left`, the model for `param[paramIndex] > threshold` is located in `right`. `value` is a static model that serves as fall-back if `param[paramIndex]` is undefined. ### RMT categorial split node ``` { "value": 123, "type": "split", "paramIndex": 0, "child": { "y": …, "n": …, } } ``` Given some (usually not numeric) `value`, the model for `param[paramIndex] == value` is located in `child[value]`. In this example, the node describes a boolean Kconfig feature, so there are just two children: `y` (feature enabled) and `n` (feature disabled). Again, `value` refers to a static fall-back model. ### ULS (least-squares regresion) node ``` { "value": 123, "type": "analytic", "functionStr": "0 + regression_arg(0) + regression_arg(1) * np.log(parameter(bitrate))", "regressionModel": [674574496.5381737, -51732985.15977712] } ``` The model function is `674574496.5381737 - 51732985.15977712 * log(bitrate)`. `value` is a static model that serves as fall-back if `bitrate` is undefined. ### Static node ``` { "value": 123, "type": "static" } ```