package FLAT::NFA; use strict; use base 'FLAT::FA'; use FLAT::Transition; =head1 NAME FLAT::NFA - Nondeterministic finite automata =head1 SYNOPSIS A FLAT::NFA object is a finite automata whose transitions are labeled either with characters or the empty string (epsilon). =cut sub new { my $pkg = shift; my $self = $pkg->SUPER::new(@_); $self->{TRANS_CLASS} = "FLAT::Transition"; return $self; } sub singleton { my ($class, $char) = @_; my $nfa = $class->new; if (not defined $char) { $nfa->add_states(1); $nfa->set_starting(0); } elsif ($char eq "") { $nfa->add_states(1); $nfa->set_starting(0); $nfa->set_accepting(0); } else { $nfa->add_states(2); $nfa->set_starting(0); $nfa->set_accepting(1); $nfa->set_transition(0, 1, $char); } return $nfa; } sub as_nfa { $_[0]->clone } sub union { my @nfas = map { $_->as_nfa } @_; my $result = $nfas[0]->clone; $result->_swallow($_) for @nfas[1 .. $#nfas]; $result; } sub concat { my @nfas = map { $_->as_nfa } @_; my $result = $nfas[0]->clone; my @newstate = ([ $result->get_states ]); my @start = $result->get_starting; for (1 .. $#nfas) { push @newstate, [ $result->_swallow( $nfas[$_] ) ]; } $result->unset_accepting($result->get_states); $result->unset_starting($result->get_states); $result->set_starting(@start); for my $nfa_id (1 .. $#nfas) { for my $s1 ($nfas[$nfa_id-1]->get_accepting) { for my $s2 ($nfas[$nfa_id]->get_starting) { $result->set_transition( $newstate[$nfa_id-1][$s1], $newstate[$nfa_id][$s2], "" ); }} } $result->set_accepting( @{$newstate[-1]}[ $nfas[-1]->get_accepting ] ); $result; } sub kleene { my $result = $_[0]->clone; my ($newstart, $newfinal) = $result->add_states(2); $result->set_transition($newstart, $_, "") for $result->get_starting; $result->unset_starting( $result->get_starting ); $result->set_starting($newstart); $result->set_transition($_, $newfinal, "") for $result->get_accepting; $result->unset_accepting( $result->get_accepting ); $result->set_accepting($newfinal); $result->set_transition($newstart, $newfinal, ""); $result->set_transition($newfinal, $newstart, ""); $result; } sub reverse { my $self = $_[0]->clone; $self->_transpose; my @start = $self->get_starting; my @final = $self->get_accepting; $self->unset_accepting( $self->get_states ); $self->unset_starting( $self->get_states ); $self->set_accepting( @start ); $self->set_starting( @final ); $self; } ########### sub is_empty { my $self = shift; my @queue = $self->get_starting; my %seen = map { $_ => 1 } @queue; while (@queue) { return 0 if grep { $self->is_accepting($_) } @queue; @queue = grep { !$seen{$_}++ } $self->successors(\@queue); } return 1; } sub is_finite { my $self = shift; my @alphabet = $self->alphabet; return 1 if @alphabet == 0; my @queue = $self->get_starting; my %seen = map { $_ => 1 } @queue; while (@queue) { @queue = grep { !$seen{$_}++ } $self->successors(\@queue); } for my $s ( grep { $self->is_accepting($_) } keys %seen ) { @queue = $self->epsilon_closure($s); %seen = map { $_ => 1 } @queue; while (@queue) { my @next = $self->epsilon_closure( $self->successors(\@queue, \@alphabet) ); return 0 if grep { $s eq $_ } @next; @queue = grep { !$seen{$_}++ } @next; } } return 1; } sub epsilon_closure { my ($self, @states) = @_; my %seen = map { $_ => 1 } @states; my @queue = @states; while (@queue) { @queue = grep { ! $seen{$_}++ } $self->successors( \@queue, "" ); } keys %seen; } sub contains { my ($self, $string) = @_; my @active = $self->epsilon_closure( $self->get_starting ); for my $char (split //, $string) { return 0 if ! @active; @active = $self->epsilon_closure( $self->successors(\@active, $char) ); } return !! grep { $self->is_accepting($_) } @active; } sub trace { my ($self, $string) = @_; my @trace = ([ $self->epsilon_closure( $self->get_starting ) ]); for my $char (split //, $string) { push @trace, [ $self->epsilon_closure( $self->successors($trace[-1], $char) ) ]; } return @trace; } ############ sub _extend_alphabet { my ($self, @alpha) = @_; my %alpha = map { $_ => 1 } @alpha; delete $alpha{$_} for $self->alphabet; return if not keys %alpha; my $trash = $self->add_states(1); for my $state ($self->get_states) { next if $state eq $trash; for my $char (keys %alpha) { $self->add_transition($state, $trash, $char); } } $self->add_transition($trash, $trash, $self->alphabet); } ######## transformations # subset construction sub as_dfa { my $self = shift; my $result = FLAT::DFA->new; my %subset; my %final = map { $_ => 1 } $self->get_accepting; my @start = sort { $a <=> $b } $self->epsilon_closure( $self->get_starting ); my $start = $subset{ _SET_ID(@start) } = $result->add_states(1); $result->set_starting($start); $result->set_accepting( $start ) if grep $_, @final{@start}; my @queue = (\@start); while (@queue) { my @states = @{ shift @queue }; my $S = $subset{ _SET_ID(@states) }; for my $symb ($self->alphabet) { my @to = $self->epsilon_closure( $self->successors(\@states, $symb) ); if ( not exists $subset{_SET_ID(@to)} ) { push @queue, \@to; my $T = $subset{_SET_ID(@to)} = $result->add_states(1); $result->set_accepting($T) if grep $_, @final{@to}; } $result->add_transition($S, $subset{ _SET_ID(@to) }, $symb); } } $result; } ############ Formatted output # Format that Dr. Sukhamay KUNDU likes to use in his assignments :) # This format is just a undirected graph - so transition and state info is lost sub as_undirected { my $self = shift; my @symbols = $self->alphabet(); my @states = $self->get_states(); my %edges = (); foreach (@states) { my $s = $_; foreach (@symbols) { my $a = $_; # foreach state, get all nodes connected to it; ignore symbols and # treat transitions simply as directed push(@{$edges{$s}},$self->successors($s,$a)); foreach ($self->successors($s,$a)) { push(@{$edges{$_}},$s); } } } my @lines = (($#states+1)); foreach (sort{$a <=> $b;}(keys(%edges))) { #<-- iterate over numerically sorted list of keys @{$edges{$_}} = sort {$a <=> $b;} $self->array_unique(@{$edges{$_}}); #<- make items unique and sort numerically push(@lines,sprintf("%s(%s):%s",$_,($#{$edges{$_}}+1),join(' ',@{$edges{$_}}))); } return join("\n",@lines); } # Format that Dr. Sukhamay KUNDU likes to use in his assignments :) # This format is just a directed graph - so transition and state info is lost sub as_digraph { my $self = shift; my @symbols = $self->alphabet(); my @states = $self->get_states(); my @lines = (); foreach (@states) { my $s = $_; my @edges = (); foreach (@symbols) { my $a = $_; # foreach state, get all nodes connected to it; ignore symbols and # treat transitions simply as directed push(@edges,$self->successors($s,$a)); } @edges = sort {$a <=> $b;} $self->array_unique(@edges); #<- make items unique and sort numerically push(@lines,sprintf("%s(%s): %s",$s,($#edges+1),join(' ',@edges))); } return sprintf("%s\n%s",($#states+1),join("\n",@lines)); } # Graph Description Language, aiSee, etc sub as_gdl { my $self = shift; my @states = map { sprintf qq{node: { title:"%s" shape:circle borderstyle: %s}\n}, $_, ($self->is_accepting($_) ? "double bordercolor: red" : "solid") } $self->get_states; my @trans; for my $s1 ($self->get_states) { for my $s2 ($self->get_states) { my $t = $self->get_transition($s1, $s2); if (defined $t) { push @trans, sprintf qq[edge: { source: "%s" target: "%s" label: "%s" arrowstyle: line }\n], $s1, $s2, $t->as_string; } }} return sprintf "graph: {\ndisplay_edge_labels: yes\n\n%s\n%s}\n", join("", @states), join("", @trans); } # Graphviz: dot, etc ## digraph, directed sub as_graphviz { my $self = shift; my @states = map { sprintf qq{%s [label="%s",shape=%s]\n}, $_, ($self->is_starting($_) ? "start ($_)" : "$_"), ($self->is_accepting($_) ? "doublecircle" : "circle") } $self->get_states; my @trans; for my $s1 ($self->get_states) { for my $s2 ($self->get_states) { my $t = $self->get_transition($s1, $s2); if (defined $t) { push @trans, sprintf qq[%s -> %s [label="%s"]\n], $s1, $s2, $t->as_string; } }} return sprintf "digraph G {\ngraph [rankdir=LR]\n\n%s\n%s}\n", join("", @states), join("", @trans); } ## undirected sub as_undirected_graphviz { my $self = shift; my @states = map { sprintf qq{%s [label="%s",shape=%s]\n}, $_, ("$_"), ("circle") } $self->get_states; my @trans; for my $s1 ($self->get_states) { for my $s2 ($self->get_states) { my $t = $self->get_transition($s1, $s2); if (defined $t) { push @trans, sprintf qq[%s -- %s\n], $s1, $s2, $t->as_string; } }} return sprintf "graph G {\ngraph [rankdir=LR]\n\n%s\n%s}\n", join("", @states), join("", @trans); } sub _SET_ID { return join "\0", sort { $a <=> $b } @_; } sub as_summary { my $self = shift; my $out = ''; $out .= sprintf ("States : "); my @start; my @final; foreach ($self->get_states()) { $out .= sprintf "'$_' "; if ($self->is_starting($_)) { push(@start,$_); } if ($self->is_accepting($_)) { push(@final,$_); } } $out .= sprintf ("\nStart State : '%s'\n",join('',@start)); $out .= sprintf ("Final State(s) : "); foreach (@final) { $out .= sprintf "'$_' "; } $out .= sprintf ("\nAlphabet : "); foreach ($self->alphabet()) { $out .= sprintf "'$_' "; } $out .= sprintf ("\nTransitions :\n"); my @trans; for my $s1 ($self->get_states) { for my $s2 ($self->get_states) { my $t = $self->get_transition($s1, $s2); if (defined $t) { push @trans, sprintf qq[%s -> %s on "%s"\n], $s1, $s2, $t->as_string; } }} $out .= join('',@trans); return $out; } 1; __END__ =head1 USAGE In addition to implementing the interface specified in L<FLAT>, FLAT::NFA objects provide the following NFA-specific methods: =over =item $nfa-E<gt>epsilon_closure(@states) Returns the set of states (without duplicates) which are reachable from @states via zero or more epsilon-labeled transitions. =item $nfa-E<gt>trace($string) Returns a list of N+1 arrayrefs, where N is the length of $string. The I-th arrayref contains the states which are reachable from the starting state(s) of $nfa after reading I characters of $string. Correctly accounts for epsilon transitions. =item $nfa-E<gt>as_undirected Outputs FA in a format that may be easily read into an external program as a description of an undirected graph. =item $nfa-E<gt>as_digraph Outputs FA in a format that may be easily read into an external program as a description of an directed graph. =item $nfa-E<gt>as_gdl Outputs FA in Graph Description Language (GDL), including directed transitions with symbols and state names labeled. =item $nfa-E<gt>as_graphviz Outputs FA in Graphviz format, including directed transitions with symbols and and state names labeled. This output may be directly piped into any of the Graphviz layout programs, and in turn one may output an image using a single commandline instruction. C<fash> uses this function to implement its "nfa2gv" command: fash nfa2gv "a*b" | dot -Tpng > nfa.png =item $nfa-E<gt>as_undirected_graphviz Outputs FA in Graphviz format, with out the directed transitions or labels. The output is suitable for any of the Graphvize layout programs, as discussed above. =item $nfa-E<gt>as_summary Outputs a summary of the FA, including its states, symbols, and transition matrix. It is useful for manually validating what the FA looks like. =back =head1 AUTHORS & ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS FLAT is written by Mike Rosulek E<lt>mike at mikero dot comE<gt> and Brett Estrade E<lt>estradb at gmail dot comE<gt>. The initial version (FLAT::Legacy) by Brett Estrade was work towards an MS thesis at the University of Southern Mississippi. Please visit the Wiki at =head1 LICENSE This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.