""" Harnesses for various types of benchmark logs. tbd """ import subprocess import re # TODO prepare benchmark log JSON with parameters etc. # Should be independent of PTA class, as benchmarks may also be # generated otherwise and it should also work with AnalyticModel (which does # not have states) class TransitionHarness: def __init__(self, gpio_pin = None): self.gpio_pin = gpio_pin self.traces = [] self.trace_id = 1 pass def start_benchmark(self): pass def stop_benchmark(self): pass def global_code(self): ret = '' if self.gpio_pin != None: ret += '#define PTALOG_GPIO {}\n'.format(self.gpio_pin) ret += '#include "object/ptalog.h"\n' if self.gpio_pin != None: ret += 'PTALog ptalog({});\n'.format(self.gpio_pin) else: ret += 'PTALog ptalog;\n' return ret def start_benchmark(self): return 'ptalog.startBenchmark(0);\n' def start_trace(self): self.traces.append({ 'id' : self.trace_id, 'trace' : list(), }) self.trace_id += 1 def append_state(self, state_name, param): self.traces[-1]['trace'].append({ 'name': state_name, 'isa': 'state', 'parameter': param, }) def append_transition(self, transition_name, param, args = []): self.traces[-1]['trace'].append({ 'name': transition_name, 'isa': 'transition', 'parameter': param, 'args' : args, }) def start_run(self): return 'ptalog.reset();\n' def pass_transition(self, transition_id, transition_code, transition: object = None, parameter: dict = dict()): ret = 'ptalog.passTransition({:d});\n'.format(transition_id) ret += 'ptalog.startTransition();\n' ret += '{}\n'.format(transition_code) ret += 'ptalog.stopTransition();\n' return ret def stop_run(self, trace_id = 0): return 'ptalog.dump({:d});\n'.format(trace_id) def stop_benchmark(self): return '' def parser_cb(self, line): pass def parse_log(self, lines): sync = False for line in lines: print(line) res = re.fullmatch(r'\[PTA\] (.*=.*)', line) if re.fullmatch(r'\[PTA\] benchmark start, id=(.*)', line): print('> got sync') sync = True elif not sync: continue elif re.fullmatch(r'\[PTA\] trace, count=(.*)', line): print('> got transition') pass elif res: print(dict(map(lambda x: x.split('='), res.group(1).split()))) pass class OnboardTimerHarness(TransitionHarness): def __init__(self, gpio_pin = None): super().__init__(gpio_pin = gpio_pin) def global_code(self): ret = '#include "driver/counter.h"\n' ret += '#define PTALOG_TIMING\n' ret += super().global_code() return ret def start_benchmark(self): ret = 'counter.start();\n' ret += 'counter.stop();\n' ret += 'ptalog.passNop(counter);\n' ret += super().start_benchmark() return ret def pass_transition(self, transition_id, transition_code, transition: object = None, parameter: dict = dict()): ret = 'ptalog.passTransition({:d});\n'.format(transition_id) ret += 'ptalog.startTransition();\n' ret += 'counter.start();\n' ret += '{}\n'.format(transition_code) ret += 'counter.stop();\n' ret += 'ptalog.stopTransition(counter);\n' return ret