""" Harnesses for various types of benchmark logs. tbd """ import re from .pubcode import Code128 class TransitionHarness: """ TODO :param done: True if the specified amount of iterations have been logged. :param synced: True if `parser_cb` has synchronized with UART output, i.e., the benchmark has successfully started. :param traces: List of annotated PTA traces from benchmark execution. This list is updated during UART logging and should only be read back when `done` is True. Uses the standard dfatool trace format: `traces` is a list of `{'id': ..., 'trace': ...}` dictionaries, each of which represents a single PTA trace (AKA run). Each `trace` is in turn a list of state or transition dictionaries with the following attributes: * `isa`: 'state' or 'transition' * `name`: state or transition name * `parameter`: currently valid parameter values. If normalization is used, they are already normalized. Each parameter value is either a primitive int/float/str value (-> constant for each iteration) or a list of primitive values (-> set by the return value of the current run, not necessarily constant) * `args`: function arguments, if isa == 'transition' """ def __init__( self, gpio_pin=None, gpio_mode="around", pta=None, log_return_values=False, repeat=0, post_transition_delay_us=0, ): """ Create a new TransitionHarness :param gpio_pin: multipass GPIO Pin used for transition synchronization with an external measurement device, e.g. `GPIO::p1_0`. Optional. The GPIO output is high iff a transition is executing :param pta: PTA object. Needed to map UART output IDs to states and transitions :param log_return_values: Log return values of transition function calls? :param repeat: How many times to run the benchmark until setting `one`, default 0. When 0, `done` is never set. :param post_transition_delay_us: If set, inject `arch.delay_us` after each transition, before logging the transition as completed (and releasing `gpio_pin`). This artificially increases transition duration by the specified time and is useful if an external measurement device's resolution is lower than the expected minimum transition duration. """ self.gpio_pin = gpio_pin self.gpio_mode = gpio_mode self.pta = pta self.log_return_values = log_return_values self.repeat = repeat self.post_transition_delay_us = post_transition_delay_us self.reset() def copy(self): new_object = __class__( gpio_pin=self.gpio_pin, gpio_mode=self.gpio_mode, pta=self.pta, log_return_values=self.log_return_values, repeat=self.repeat, post_transition_delay_us=self.post_transition_delay_us, ) new_object.traces = self.traces.copy() new_object.trace_id = self.trace_id return new_object def undo(self, undo_from): """ Undo all benchmark runs starting with index `undo_from`. :param undo_from: index of measurements to be undone. Measurementh with a higher index (i.e., which happened later) will also be undone. Removes all logged results (nondeterministic parameter values and return values) of the current benchmark iteration. Resets `done` and `synced`, """ for trace in self.traces: for state_or_transition in trace["trace"]: if "return_values" in state_or_transition: state_or_transition["return_values"] = state_or_transition[ "return_values" ][:undo_from] for param_name in state_or_transition["parameter"].keys(): if type(state_or_transition["parameter"][param_name]) is list: state_or_transition["parameter"][ param_name ] = state_or_transition["parameter"][param_name][:undo_from] def reset(self): """ Reset harness for a new benchmark. Truncates `traces`, `trace_id`, `done`, and `synced`. """ self.traces = [] self.trace_id = 0 self.repetitions = 0 self.abort = False self.done = False self.synced = False def restart(self): """ Reset harness for a new execution of the current benchmark. Resets `done` and `synced`. """ self.repetitions = 0 self.abort = False self.done = False self.synced = False def global_code(self): """Return global (pre-`main()`) C++ code needed for tracing.""" ret = "" if self.gpio_pin != None: ret += "#define PTALOG_GPIO {}\n".format(self.gpio_pin) if self.gpio_mode == "before": ret += "#define PTALOG_GPIO_BEFORE\n" elif self.gpio_mode == "bar": ret += "#define PTALOG_GPIO_BAR\n" if self.log_return_values: ret += "#define PTALOG_WITH_RETURNVALUES\n" ret += "uint16_t transition_return_value;\n" ret += '#include "object/ptalog.h"\n' if self.gpio_pin != None: ret += "PTALog ptalog({});\n".format(self.gpio_pin) else: ret += "PTALog ptalog;\n" return ret def start_benchmark(self, benchmark_id=0): """Return C++ code to signal benchmark start to harness.""" return "ptalog.startBenchmark({:d});\n".format(benchmark_id) def start_trace(self): """Prepare a new trace/run in the internal `.traces` structure.""" self.traces.append( {"id": self.trace_id, "trace": list(),} ) self.trace_id += 1 def append_state(self, state_name, param): """ Append a state to the current run in the internal `.traces` structure. :param state_name: state name :param param: parameter dict """ self.traces[-1]["trace"].append( {"name": state_name, "isa": "state", "parameter": param,} ) def append_transition(self, transition_name, param, args=[]): """ Append a transition to the current run in the internal `.traces` structure. :param transition_name: transition name :param param: parameter dict :param args: function arguments (optional) """ self.traces[-1]["trace"].append( { "name": transition_name, "isa": "transition", "parameter": param, "args": args, } ) def start_run(self): """Return C++ code used to start a new run/trace.""" return "ptalog.reset();\n" def _get_barcode(self, transition_id): barcode_bits = Code128("T{}".format(transition_id), charset="B").modules if len(barcode_bits) % 8 != 0: barcode_bits.extend([1] * (8 - (len(barcode_bits) % 8))) barcode_bytes = [ 255 - int("".join(map(str, reversed(barcode_bits[i : i + 8]))), 2) for i in range(0, len(barcode_bits), 8) ] inline_array = "".join(map(lambda s: "\\x{:02x}".format(s), barcode_bytes)) return inline_array, len(barcode_bytes) def pass_transition( self, transition_id, transition_code, transition: object = None ): """ Return C++ code used to pass a transition, including the corresponding function call. Tracks which transition has been executed and optionally its return value. May also inject a delay, if `post_transition_delay_us` is set. """ ret = "ptalog.passTransition({:d});\n".format(transition_id) if self.gpio_mode == "bar": ret += """ptalog.startTransition("{}", {});\n""".format( *self._get_barcode(transition_id) ) else: ret += "ptalog.startTransition();\n" if ( self.log_return_values and transition and len(transition.return_value_handlers) ): ret += "transition_return_value = {}\n".format(transition_code) ret += "ptalog.logReturn(transition_return_value);\n" else: ret += "{}\n".format(transition_code) if self.post_transition_delay_us: ret += "arch.delay_us({});\n".format(self.post_transition_delay_us) ret += "ptalog.stopTransition();\n" return ret def stop_run(self, num_traces=0): return "ptalog.dump({:d});\n".format(num_traces) def stop_benchmark(self): return "ptalog.stopBenchmark();\n" def _append_nondeterministic_parameter_value( self, log_data_target, parameter_name, parameter_value ): if log_data_target["parameter"][parameter_name] is None: log_data_target["parameter"][parameter_name] = list() log_data_target["parameter"][parameter_name].append(parameter_value) # Here Be Dragons def parser_cb(self, line): # print('[HARNESS] got line {}'.format(line)) if re.match(r"\[PTA\] benchmark stop", line): self.repetitions += 1 self.synced = False if self.repeat > 0 and self.repetitions == self.repeat: self.done = True print("[HARNESS] done") return if re.match(r"\[PTA\] benchmark start, id=(\S+)", line): self.synced = True print("[HARNESS] synced, {}/{}".format(self.repetitions + 1, self.repeat)) if self.synced: res = re.match(r"\[PTA\] trace=(\S+) count=(\S+)", line) if res: self.trace_id = int(res.group(1)) self.trace_length = int(res.group(2)) self.current_transition_in_trace = 0 if self.log_return_values: res = re.match(r"\[PTA\] transition=(\S+) return=(\S+)", line) else: res = re.match(r"\[PTA\] transition=(\S+)", line) if res: transition_id = int(res.group(1)) # self.traces contains transitions and states, UART output only contains transitions -> use index * 2 try: log_data_target = self.traces[self.trace_id]["trace"][ self.current_transition_in_trace * 2 ] except IndexError: transition_name = None if self.pta: transition_name = self.pta.transitions[transition_id].name print( "[HARNESS] benchmark id={:d} trace={:d}: transition #{:d} (ID {:d}, name {}) is out of bounds".format( 0, self.trace_id, self.current_transition_in_trace, transition_id, transition_name, ) ) print(" Offending line: {}".format(line)) return if log_data_target["isa"] != "transition": self.abort = True raise RuntimeError( "Log mismatch: Expected transition, got {:s}".format( log_data_target["isa"] ) ) if self.pta: transition = self.pta.transitions[transition_id] if transition.name != log_data_target["name"]: self.abort = True raise RuntimeError( "Log mismatch: Expected transition {:s}, got transition {:s} -- may have been caused by preceding malformed UART output".format( log_data_target["name"], transition.name ) ) if self.log_return_values and len(transition.return_value_handlers): for handler in transition.return_value_handlers: if "parameter" in handler: parameter_value = return_value = int(res.group(2)) if "return_values" not in log_data_target: log_data_target["return_values"] = list() log_data_target["return_values"].append(return_value) if "formula" in handler: parameter_value = handler["formula"].eval( return_value ) self._append_nondeterministic_parameter_value( log_data_target, handler["parameter"], parameter_value, ) for following_log_data_target in self.traces[ self.trace_id ]["trace"][ (self.current_transition_in_trace * 2 + 1) : ]: self._append_nondeterministic_parameter_value( following_log_data_target, handler["parameter"], parameter_value, ) if "apply_from" in handler and any( map( lambda x: x["name"] == handler["apply_from"], self.traces[self.trace_id]["trace"][ : (self.current_transition_in_trace * 2 + 1) ], ) ): for preceding_log_data_target in reversed( self.traces[self.trace_id]["trace"][ : (self.current_transition_in_trace * 2) ] ): self._append_nondeterministic_parameter_value( preceding_log_data_target, handler["parameter"], parameter_value, ) if ( preceding_log_data_target["name"] == handler["apply_from"] ): break self.current_transition_in_trace += 1 class OnboardTimerHarness(TransitionHarness): """TODO Additional parameters / changes from TransitionHarness: :param traces: Each trace element (`.traces[*]['trace'][*]`) additionally contains the dict `offline_aggregates` with the member `duration`. It contains a list of durations (in us) of the corresponding state/transition for each benchmark iteration. I.e. `.traces[*]['trace'][*]['offline_aggregates']['duration'] = [..., ...]` """ def __init__(self, counter_limits, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.trace_length = 0 ( self.one_cycle_in_us, self.one_overflow_in_us, self.counter_max_overflow, ) = counter_limits def copy(self): new_harness = __class__( (self.one_cycle_in_us, self.one_overflow_in_us, self.counter_max_overflow), gpio_pin=self.gpio_pin, gpio_mode=self.gpio_mode, pta=self.pta, log_return_values=self.log_return_values, repeat=self.repeat, ) new_harness.traces = self.traces.copy() new_harness.trace_id = self.trace_id return new_harness def undo(self, undo_from): """ Undo all benchmark runs starting with index `undo_from`. :param undo_from: index of measurements to be undone. Measurementh with a higher index (i.e., which happened later) will also be undone. Removes all logged results (durations, nondeterministic parameter values, return values) of the current benchmark iteration. Resets `done` and `synced`, """ super().undo(undo_from) for trace in self.traces: for state_or_transition in trace["trace"]: if "offline_aggregates" in state_or_transition: state_or_transition["offline_aggregates"][ "duration" ] = state_or_transition["offline_aggregates"]["duration"][ :undo_from ] def global_code(self): ret = "#define PTALOG_TIMING\n" ret += super().global_code() return ret def start_benchmark(self, benchmark_id=0): ret = "ptalog.passNop();\n" ret += super().start_benchmark(benchmark_id) return ret def pass_transition( self, transition_id, transition_code, transition: object = None ): ret = "ptalog.passTransition({:d});\n".format(transition_id) if self.gpio_mode == "bar": ret += """ptalog.startTransition("{}", {});\n""".format( *self._get_barcode(transition_id) ) else: ret += "ptalog.startTransition();\n" if ( self.log_return_values and transition and len(transition.return_value_handlers) ): ret += "transition_return_value = {}\n".format(transition_code) else: ret += "{}\n".format(transition_code) if ( self.log_return_values and transition and len(transition.return_value_handlers) ): ret += "ptalog.logReturn(transition_return_value);\n" ret += "ptalog.stopTransition();\n" return ret def _append_nondeterministic_parameter_value( self, log_data_target, parameter_name, parameter_value ): if log_data_target["parameter"][parameter_name] is None: log_data_target["parameter"][parameter_name] = list() log_data_target["parameter"][parameter_name].append(parameter_value) # Here Be Dragons def parser_cb(self, line): # print('[HARNESS] got line {}'.format(line)) res = re.match(r"\[PTA\] nop=(\S+)/(\S+)", line) if res: self.nop_cycles = int(res.group(1)) if int(res.group(2)): raise RuntimeError( "Counter overflow ({:d}/{:d}) during NOP test, wtf?!".format( res.group(1), res.group(2) ) ) match = re.match(r"\[PTA\] benchmark stop, cycles=(\S+)/(\S+)", line) if match: self.repetitions += 1 self.synced = False if self.repeat > 0 and self.repetitions == self.repeat: self.done = True prev_state_cycles = int(match.group(1)) prev_state_overflow = int(match.group(2)) prev_state_duration_us = ( prev_state_cycles * self.one_cycle_in_us + prev_state_overflow * self.one_overflow_in_us - self.nop_cycles * self.one_cycle_in_us ) final_state = self.traces[self.trace_id]["trace"][-1] if "offline_aggregates" not in final_state: final_state["offline_aggregates"] = {"duration": list()} final_state["offline_aggregates"]["duration"].append( prev_state_duration_us ) print("[HARNESS] done") return # May be repeated, e.g. if the device is reset shortly after start by # EnergyTrace. if re.match(r"\[PTA\] benchmark start, id=(\S+)", line): self.synced = True print("[HARNESS] synced, {}/{}".format(self.repetitions + 1, self.repeat)) if self.synced: res = re.match(r"\[PTA\] trace=(\S+) count=(\S+)", line) if res: self.trace_id = int(res.group(1)) self.trace_length = int(res.group(2)) self.current_transition_in_trace = 0 if self.log_return_values: res = re.match( r"\[PTA\] transition=(\S+) prevcycles=(\S+)/(\S+) cycles=(\S+)/(\S+) return=(\S+)", line, ) else: res = re.match( r"\[PTA\] transition=(\S+) prevcycles=(\S+)/(\S+) cycles=(\S+)/(\S+)", line, ) if res: transition_id = int(res.group(1)) prev_state_cycles = int(res.group(2)) prev_state_overflow = int(res.group(3)) cycles = int(res.group(4)) overflow = int(res.group(5)) if overflow >= self.counter_max_overflow: self.abort = True raise RuntimeError( "Counter overflow ({:d}/{:d}) in benchmark id={:d} trace={:d}: transition #{:d} (ID {:d})".format( cycles, overflow, 0, self.trace_id, self.current_transition_in_trace, transition_id, ) ) if prev_state_overflow >= self.counter_max_overflow: self.abort = True raise RuntimeError( "Counter overflow ({:d}/{:d}) in benchmark id={:d} trace={:d}: state before transition #{:d} (ID {:d})".format( prev_state_cycles, prev_state_overflow, 0, self.trace_id, self.current_transition_in_trace, transition_id, ) ) duration_us = ( cycles * self.one_cycle_in_us + overflow * self.one_overflow_in_us - self.nop_cycles * self.one_cycle_in_us ) prev_state_duration_us = ( prev_state_cycles * self.one_cycle_in_us + prev_state_overflow * self.one_overflow_in_us - self.nop_cycles * self.one_cycle_in_us ) if duration_us < 0: duration_us = 0 # self.traces contains transitions and states, UART output only contains transitions -> use index * 2 try: log_data_target = self.traces[self.trace_id]["trace"][ self.current_transition_in_trace * 2 ] if self.current_transition_in_trace > 0: prev_state_data = self.traces[self.trace_id]["trace"][ self.current_transition_in_trace * 2 - 1 ] elif self.current_transition_in_trace == 0 and self.trace_id > 0: prev_state_data = self.traces[self.trace_id - 1]["trace"][-1] else: prev_state_data = None except IndexError: transition_name = None if self.pta: transition_name = self.pta.transitions[transition_id].name print( "[HARNESS] benchmark id={:d} trace={:d}: transition #{:d} (ID {:d}, name {}) is out of bounds".format( 0, self.trace_id, self.current_transition_in_trace, transition_id, transition_name, ) ) print(" Offending line: {}".format(line)) return if log_data_target["isa"] != "transition": self.abort = True raise RuntimeError( "Log mismatch in benchmark id={:d} trace={:d}: transition #{:d} (ID {:d}): Expected transition, got {:s}".format( 0, self.trace_id, self.current_transition_in_trace, transition_id, log_data_target["isa"], ) ) if prev_state_data and prev_state_data["isa"] != "state": self.abort = True raise RuntimeError( "Log mismatch in benchmark id={:d} trace={:d}: state before transition #{:d} (ID {:d}): Expected state, got {:s}".format( 0, self.trace_id, self.current_transition_in_trace, transition_id, prev_state_data["isa"], ) ) if self.pta: transition = self.pta.transitions[transition_id] if transition.name != log_data_target["name"]: self.abort = True raise RuntimeError( "Log mismatch in benchmark id={:d} trace={:d}: transition #{:d} (ID {:d}): Expected transition {:s}, got transition {:s} -- may have been caused by preceding maformed UART output".format( 0, self.trace_id, self.current_transition_in_trace, transition_id, log_data_target["name"], transition.name, line, ) ) if self.log_return_values and len(transition.return_value_handlers): for handler in transition.return_value_handlers: if "parameter" in handler: parameter_value = return_value = int(res.group(4)) if "return_values" not in log_data_target: log_data_target["return_values"] = list() log_data_target["return_values"].append(return_value) if "formula" in handler: parameter_value = handler["formula"].eval( return_value ) self._append_nondeterministic_parameter_value( log_data_target, handler["parameter"], parameter_value, ) for following_log_data_target in self.traces[ self.trace_id ]["trace"][ (self.current_transition_in_trace * 2 + 1) : ]: self._append_nondeterministic_parameter_value( following_log_data_target, handler["parameter"], parameter_value, ) if "apply_from" in handler and any( map( lambda x: x["name"] == handler["apply_from"], self.traces[self.trace_id]["trace"][ : (self.current_transition_in_trace * 2 + 1) ], ) ): for preceding_log_data_target in reversed( self.traces[self.trace_id]["trace"][ : (self.current_transition_in_trace * 2) ] ): self._append_nondeterministic_parameter_value( preceding_log_data_target, handler["parameter"], parameter_value, ) if ( preceding_log_data_target["name"] == handler["apply_from"] ): break if "offline_aggregates" not in log_data_target: log_data_target["offline_aggregates"] = {"duration": list()} log_data_target["offline_aggregates"]["duration"].append(duration_us) if prev_state_data is not None: if "offline_aggregates" not in prev_state_data: prev_state_data["offline_aggregates"] = {"duration": list()} prev_state_data["offline_aggregates"]["duration"].append( prev_state_duration_us ) self.current_transition_in_trace += 1