#!/usr/bin/env python3 import kconfiglib import logging import itertools import numpy as np import os import re import shutil import subprocess from .utils import cd from versuchung.experiment import Experiment from versuchung.types import String, Bool, Integer from versuchung.files import File, Directory logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class AttributeExperiment(Experiment): outputs = { "config": File(".config"), "attributes": File("attributes.json"), "build_out": File("build.out"), "build_err": File("build.err"), } def run(self): build_command = self.build_command.value.split() attr_command = self.attr_command.value.split() shutil.copyfile(f"{self.project_root.path}/.config", self.config.path) subprocess.check_call( ["make", "clean"], cwd=self.project_root.path, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, ) try: with open(self.build_out.path, "w") as out_fd, open( self.build_err.path, "w" ) as err_fd: subprocess.check_call( build_command, cwd=self.project_root.path, stdout=out_fd, stderr=err_fd, ) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: logger.info("build error") return with open(self.attributes.path, "w") as attr_fd: subprocess.check_call( attr_command, cwd=self.project_root.path, stdout=attr_fd ) class RandomConfig(AttributeExperiment): inputs = { "randconfig_seed": String("FIXME"), "config_hash": String("FIXME"), "kconfig_hash": String("FIXME"), "project_root": Directory("/tmp"), "project_version": String("FIXME"), "clean_command": String("make clean"), "build_command": String("make"), "attr_command": String("make attributes"), } class RepeatableRandomConfig(RandomConfig): inputs = RandomConfig.inputs.copy() inputs.update( { "random": String("FIXME"), } ) class ExploreConfig(AttributeExperiment): inputs = { "config_hash": String("FIXME"), "kconfig_hash": String("FIXME"), "project_root": Directory("/tmp"), "project_version": String("FIXME"), "clean_command": String("make clean"), "build_command": String("make"), "attr_command": String("make attributes"), } class RepeatableExploreConfig(ExploreConfig): inputs = ExploreConfig.inputs.copy() inputs.update( { "random": String("FIXME"), } ) class KConfig: def __init__(self, working_directory): self.cwd = os.path.abspath(working_directory) self.clean_command = "make clean" self.build_command = "make" self.attribute_command = "make attributes" self.randconfig_command = "make randconfig" self.kconfig = "Kconfig" self.repeatable = False self.repeat = 0 self.rng = np.random.default_rng() def randconfig(self, with_random_int=False): status = subprocess.run( self.randconfig_command.split(), cwd=self.cwd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True, ) # make randconfig occasionally generates illegal configurations, so a project may run randconfig more than once. # Make sure to return the seed of the latest run (don't short-circuit). seed = None for line in status.stderr.split("\n"): match = re.match("KCONFIG_SEED=(.*)", line) if match: seed = match.group(1) if with_random_int: kconfig_file = f"{self.cwd}/{self.kconfig}" config_file = f"{self.cwd}/.config" with cd(self.cwd): kconf = kconfiglib.Kconfig(kconfig_file) kconf.load_config(config_file) for symbol in kconf.syms.values(): if ( kconfiglib.TYPE_TO_STR[symbol.type] == "int" and symbol.visibility and symbol.ranges ): for min_val, max_val, condition in symbol.ranges: if kconfiglib.expr_value(condition): min_val = int(min_val.str_value, 0) max_val = int(max_val.str_value, 0) symbol.set_value( str( min_val + int(self.rng.random() * (max_val - min_val)) ) ) kconf.write_config(config_file) if seed: return seed return "unknown" def git_commit_id(self): try: status = subprocess.run( ["git", "rev-parse", "HEAD"], cwd=self.cwd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True, ) revision = status.stdout.strip() return revision except FileNotFoundError: return "unknown" def file_hash(self, config_file): status = subprocess.run( ["sha256sum", config_file], cwd=self.cwd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True, ) try: sha256sum = status.stdout.split()[0] except IndexError: raise RuntimeError( f"Unable to extract hash from 'sha256sum {config_file}' output '{status.stdout}'" ) return sha256sum def run_nfpkeys(self): nfpkeys = File("nfpkeys.json") with open(nfpkeys.path, "w") as out_fd: subprocess.check_call(["make", "nfpkeys"], cwd=self.cwd, stdout=out_fd) def run_randconfig(self, with_random_int=False): """Run a randomconfig experiment in the selected project. Results are written to the current working directory.""" seed = self.randconfig(with_random_int=with_random_int) args = [ "--randconfig_seed", seed, "--config_hash", self.file_hash(f"{self.cwd}/.config"), "--kconfig_hash", self.file_hash(f"{self.cwd}/{self.kconfig}"), "--project_version", self.git_commit_id(), "--project_root", self.cwd, "--clean_command", self.clean_command, "--build_command", self.build_command, "--attr_command", self.attribute_command, ] if self.repeatable: experiment = RepeatableRandomConfig() args += ["--random", self.rng.random()] else: experiment = RandomConfig() experiment(args) success = os.path.exists(experiment.attributes.path) if success and self.repeat: for i in range(self.repeat): logger.debug(f"Running repetition {i+1} of {self.repeat}") new_args = args.copy() new_args[-1] = self.rng.random() new_experiment = RepeatableRandomConfig() new_experiment(new_args) return {"success": success, "config_path": experiment.config.path} def config_is_functional(self, kconf): for choice in kconf.choices: if ( not choice.is_optional and 2 in choice.assignable and choice.selection is None ): return False return True def _run_explore_experiment(self, kconf, kconf_hash, config_file): if not self.config_is_functional(kconf): logger.debug("Configuration is non-functional") kconf.load_config(config_file) return kconf.write_config(f"{self.cwd}/.config") args = [ "--config_hash", self.file_hash(f"{self.cwd}/.config"), "--kconfig_hash", kconf_hash, "--project_version", self.git_commit_id(), "--project_root", self.cwd, "--clean_command", self.clean_command, "--build_command", self.build_command, "--attr_command", self.attribute_command, ] if self.repeatable: experiment = RepeatableExploreConfig() args += ["--random", self.rng.random()] else: experiment = ExploreConfig() experiment(args) if self.repeat: for i in range(self.repeat): logger.debug(f"Running repetition {i+1} of {self.repeat}") new_args = args.copy() new_args[-1] = self.rng.random() new_experiment = RepeatableExploreConfig() new_experiment(new_args) kconf.load_config(config_file) def _can_be_handled_by_bdd(self, symbol): sym_type = kconfiglib.TYPE_TO_STR[symbol.type] return sym_type == "bool" def _dependencies_to_bdd_expr(self, depends_on): depends_on = kconfiglib.expr_str(depends_on) choices = list() for match in re.finditer(r"<choice ([^>]+)>", depends_on): choices.append(match.group(1)) for choice in choices: depends_on = re.sub(f"<choice {choice}>", f"_choice_{choice}", depends_on) depends_on = re.sub("&& <([^>]+)>", "", depends_on) if depends_on == "n" or depends_on == "m" or depends_on == "y": return None depends_on = re.sub("&&", "&", depends_on) depends_on = re.sub("\|\|", "|", depends_on) return depends_on def enumerate( self, cudd=True, export_pdf=None, return_count=False, return_solutions=False ): if cudd: from dd.cudd import BDD else: from dd.autoref import BDD kconfig_file = f"{self.cwd}/{self.kconfig}" kconfig_hash = self.file_hash(kconfig_file) with cd(self.cwd): kconf = kconfiglib.Kconfig(kconfig_file) pre_variables = list() pre_expressions = list() for choice in kconf.choices: var_name = f"_choice_{choice.name}" pre_variables.append(var_name) # Build "exactly_one", expressing that exactly one of the symbols managed by this choice must be selected symbols = list(map(lambda sym: sym.name, choice.syms)) exactly_one = list() for sym1 in symbols: subexpr = list() for sym2 in symbols: if sym1 == sym2: subexpr.append(sym2) else: subexpr.append(f"!{sym2}") exactly_one.append("(" + " & ".join(subexpr) + ")") exactly_one = " | ".join(exactly_one) # If the choice is selected, exactly one choice element must be selected pre_expressions.append(f"{var_name} -> ({exactly_one})") # Each choice symbol in exactly_once depends on the choice itself, which will lead to "{symbol} -> {var_name}" rules being generated later on. This # ensures that if the choice is false, each symbol is false too. We do not need to handle that case here. # The choice may depend on other variables depends_on = self._dependencies_to_bdd_expr(choice.direct_dep) if depends_on: if choice.is_optional: pre_expressions.append(f"{var_name} -> {depends_on}") else: pre_expressions.append(f"{var_name} <-> {depends_on}") elif not choice.is_optional: # Always active pre_expressions.append(var_name) for symbol in kconf.syms.values(): if not self._can_be_handled_by_bdd(symbol): continue pre_variables.append(symbol.name) depends_on = self._dependencies_to_bdd_expr(symbol.direct_dep) if depends_on: pre_expressions.append(f"{symbol.name} -> {depends_on}") for selected_symbol, depends_on in symbol.selects: depends_on = self._dependencies_to_bdd_expr(depends_on) if depends_on: pre_expressions.append( f"({symbol.name} & ({depends_on})) -> {selected_symbol.name}" ) else: pre_expressions.append(f"{symbol.name} -> {selected_symbol.name}") logger.debug("Variables:") logger.debug("\n".join(pre_variables)) logger.debug("Expressions:") logger.debug("\n".join(pre_expressions)) variables = list() expressions = list() bdd = BDD() variable_count = 0 for variable in pre_variables: if variable[0] != "#": variables.append(variable) variable_count += 1 bdd.declare(variable) logger.debug(f"Got {variable_count} variables") constraint = "True" expression_count = 0 for expression in pre_expressions: if expression[0] != "#": expressions.append(expression) expression_count += 1 constraint += f" & ({expression})" logger.debug(f"Got {expression_count} rules") logger.debug(constraint) constraint = bdd.add_expr(constraint) if cudd: # Egal? logger.debug("Reordering ...") BDD.reorder(bdd) else: # Wichtig! Lesbarkeit++ falls gedumpt wird, Performance vermutlich auch. logger.debug("Collecting Garbage ...") bdd.collect_garbage() # See <http://www.ecs.umass.edu/ece/labs/vlsicad/ece667/reading/somenzi99bdd.pdf> for how to read the graphical representation. # A solid line is followed if the origin node is 1 # A dashed line is followed if the origin node is 0 # A path from a top node to 1 satisfies the function iff the number of negations ("-1" annotations) is even if export_pdf is not None: logger.info(f"Dumping to {export_pdf} ...") bdd.dump(export_pdf) logger.debug("Solving ...") # still need to be set, otherwise autoref and cudd complain and set them anyways. # care_vars = list(filter(lambda x: "meta_" not in x and "_choice_" not in x, variables)) if return_solutions: return bdd.pick_iter(constraint, care_vars=variables) if return_count: return len(bdd.pick_iter(constraint, care_vars=variables)) config_file = f"{self.cwd}/.config" for solution in bdd.pick_iter(constraint, care_vars=variables): logger.debug(f"Set {solution}") with open(config_file, "w") as f: for k, v in solution.items(): if v: print(f"CONFIG_{k}=y", file=f) else: print(f"# CONFIG_{k} is not set", file=f) with cd(self.cwd): kconf = kconfiglib.Kconfig(kconfig_file) kconf.load_config(config_file) int_values = list() int_names = list() for symbol in kconf.syms.values(): if ( kconfiglib.TYPE_TO_STR[symbol.type] == "int" and symbol.visibility and symbol.ranges ): for min_val, max_val, condition in symbol.ranges: if condition.tri_value: int_names.append(symbol.name) min_val = int(min_val.str_value, 0) max_val = int(max_val.str_value, 0) step_size = (max_val - min_val) // 8 if step_size == 0: step_size = 1 int_values.append( list(range(min_val, max_val + 1, step_size)) ) continue for int_config in itertools.product(*int_values): for i, int_name in enumerate(int_names): val = int_config[i] symbol = kconf.syms[int_name] logger.debug(f"Set {symbol.name} to {val}") symbol.set_value(str(val)) self._run_explore_experiment(kconf, kconfig_hash, config_file) def run_exploration_from_file(self, config_file, with_initial_config=True): kconfig_file = f"{self.cwd}/{self.kconfig}" kconfig_hash = self.file_hash(kconfig_file) with cd(self.cwd): kconf = kconfiglib.Kconfig(kconfig_file) kconf.load_config(config_file) if with_initial_config: args = [ "--config_hash", self.file_hash(config_file), "--kconfig_hash", kconfig_hash, "--project_version", self.git_commit_id(), "--project_root", self.cwd, "--clean_command", self.clean_command, "--build_command", self.build_command, "--attr_command", self.attribute_command, ] if self.repeatable: experiment = RepeatableExploreConfig() args += ["--random", self.rng.random()] else: experiment = ExploreConfig() shutil.copyfile(config_file, f"{self.cwd}/.config") experiment(args) if self.repeat: for i in range(self.repeat): logger.debug(f"Running repetition {i+1} of {self.repeat}") new_args = args.copy() new_args[-1] = self.rng.random() new_experiment = RepeatableExploreConfig() new_experiment(new_args) for symbol in kconf.syms.values(): if kconfiglib.TYPE_TO_STR[symbol.type] == "bool": if symbol.tri_value == 0 and 2 in symbol.assignable: logger.debug(f"Set {symbol.name} to y") symbol.set_value(2) self._run_explore_experiment(kconf, kconfig_hash, config_file) elif symbol.tri_value == 2 and 0 in symbol.assignable: logger.debug(f"Set {symbol.name} to n") symbol.set_value(0) self._run_explore_experiment(kconf, kconfig_hash, config_file) elif ( kconfiglib.TYPE_TO_STR[symbol.type] == "int" and symbol.visibility and symbol.ranges ): for min_val, max_val, condition in symbol.ranges: if kconfiglib.expr_value(condition): min_val = int(min_val.str_value, 0) max_val = int(max_val.str_value, 0) step_size = (max_val - min_val) // 5 if step_size == 0: step_size = 1 for val in range(min_val, max_val + 1, step_size): logger.debug(f"Set {symbol.name} to {val}") symbol.set_value(str(val)) self._run_explore_experiment( kconf, kconfig_hash, config_file ) break else: continue