#!/usr/bin/env python3 import numpy as np import logging import os import scipy from bisect import bisect_left, bisect_right logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class DataProcessor: def __init__( self, sync_data, et_timestamps, et_power, hw_statechange_indexes=list(), offline_index=None, ): """ Creates DataProcessor object. :param sync_data: input timestamps (SigrokResult) :param energy_data: List of EnergyTrace datapoints """ self.raw_sync_timestamps = [] # high-precision LA/Timer timestamps at synchronization events self.sync_timestamps = [] # low-precision energytrace timestamps self.et_timestamps = et_timestamps # energytrace power values self.et_power_values = et_power self.hw_statechange_indexes = hw_statechange_indexes self.offline_index = offline_index self.sync_data = sync_data self.start_offset = 0 # TODO determine automatically based on minimum (or p1) power draw over measurement area + X # use 0.02 for HFXT runs self.power_sync_watt = 0.011 self.power_sync_len = 0.7 self.power_sync_max_outliers = 2 def run(self): """ Main Function to remove unwanted data, get synchronization points, add the offset and add drift. :return: None """ # Remove bogus data before / after the measurement time_stamp_data = self.sync_data.timestamps for x in range(1, len(time_stamp_data)): if time_stamp_data[x] - time_stamp_data[x - 1] > 1.3: time_stamp_data = time_stamp_data[x:] break for x in reversed(range(1, len(time_stamp_data))): if time_stamp_data[x] - time_stamp_data[x - 1] > 1.3: time_stamp_data = time_stamp_data[:x] break # Each synchronization pulse consists of two LogicAnalyzer pulses, so four # entries in time_stamp_data (rising edge, falling edge, rising edge, falling edge). # If we have less then twelve entries, we observed no transitions and don't even have # valid synchronization data. In this case, we bail out. if len(time_stamp_data) < 12: raise RuntimeError( f"LogicAnalyzer sync data has length {len(time_stamp_data)}, expected >= 12" ) self.raw_sync_timestamps = time_stamp_data # NEW datasync_timestamps = [] sync_start = 0 outliers = 0 pre_outliers_ts = None # TODO only consider the first few and the last few seconds for sync points for i, timestamp in enumerate(self.et_timestamps): power = self.et_power_values[i] if power > 0: if power > self.power_sync_watt: if sync_start is None: sync_start = timestamp outliers = 0 else: # Sync point over or outliers if outliers == 0: pre_outliers_ts = timestamp outliers += 1 if outliers > self.power_sync_max_outliers: if sync_start is not None: if (pre_outliers_ts - sync_start) > self.power_sync_len: datasync_timestamps.append( (sync_start, pre_outliers_ts) ) sync_start = None if power > self.power_sync_watt: if (self.et_timestamps[-1] - sync_start) > self.power_sync_len: datasync_timestamps.append((sync_start, pre_outliers_ts)) # time_stamp_data contains an entry for each level change on the Logic Analyzer input. # So, time_stamp_data[0] is the first low-to-high transition, time_stamp_data[2] the second, etc. # -> time_stamp_data[2] is the low-to-high transition indicating the end of the first sync pulse # -> time_stamp_data[-8] is the low-to-high transition indicating the start of the first after-measurement sync pulse start_timestamp = datasync_timestamps[0][1] start_offset = start_timestamp - time_stamp_data[2] end_timestamp = datasync_timestamps[-2][0] end_offset = end_timestamp - (time_stamp_data[-8] + start_offset) logger.debug( f"Iteration #{self.offline_index}: Measurement area: ET timestamp range [{start_timestamp}, {end_timestamp}]" ) logger.debug( f"Iteration #{self.offline_index}: Measurement area: LA timestamp range [{time_stamp_data[2]}, {time_stamp_data[-8]}]" ) logger.debug( f"Iteration #{self.offline_index}: Start/End offsets: {start_offset} / {end_offset}" ) if abs(end_offset) > 10: raise RuntimeError( f"Iteration #{self.offline_index}: synchronization end_offset == {end_offset}. It should be no more than a few seconds." ) # adjust start offset with_offset = np.array(time_stamp_data) + start_offset logger.debug( f"Iteration #{self.offline_index}: Measurement area with offset: LA timestamp range [{with_offset[2]}, {with_offset[-8]}]" ) # adjust stop offset (may be different from start offset due to drift caused by # random temperature fluctuations) with_drift = self.addDrift( with_offset, end_timestamp, end_offset, start_timestamp ) logger.debug( f"Iteration #{self.offline_index}: Measurement area with drift: LA timestamp range [{with_drift[2]}, {with_drift[-8]}]" ) self.sync_timestamps = with_drift # adjust intermediate timestamps. There is a small error between consecutive measurements, # again due to drift caused by random temperature fluctuation. The error increases with # increased distance from synchronization points: It is negligible at the start and end # of the measurement and may be quite high around the middle. That's just the bounds, though -- # you may also have a low error in the middle and error peaks elsewhere. # As the start and stop timestamps have already been synchronized, we only adjust # actual transition timestamps here. if os.getenv("DFATOOL_COMPENSATE_DRIFT"): if len(self.hw_statechange_indexes): # measurement was performed with EnergyTrace++ # (i.e., with cpu state annotations) with_drift_compensation = self.compensateDriftPlusplus(with_drift[4:-8]) else: with_drift_compensation = self.compensateDrift(with_drift[4:-8]) try: self.sync_timestamps[4:-8] = with_drift_compensation except ValueError: logger.error( f"Iteration #{self.offline_index}: drift-compensated sequence is too short ({len(with_drift_compensation)}/{len(self.sync_timestamps[4:-8])-1})" ) raise def addDrift(self, input_timestamps, end_timestamp, end_offset, start_timestamp): """ Add drift to datapoints :param input_timestamps: List of timestamps (float list) :param end_timestamp: Timestamp of first EnergyTrace datapoint at the second-to-last sync point :param end_offset: the time between end_timestamp and the timestamp of synchronisation signal :param start_timestamp: Timestamp of last EnergyTrace datapoint at the first sync point :return: List of modified timestamps (float list) """ endFactor = 1 + (end_offset / ((end_timestamp - end_offset) - start_timestamp)) # endFactor assumes that the end of the first sync pulse is at timestamp 0. # Then, timestamps with drift := timestamps * endFactor. # As this is not the case (the first sync pulse ends at start_timestamp > 0), we shift the data by first # removing start_timestamp, then multiplying with endFactor, and then re-adding the start_timestamp. sync_timestamps_with_drift = ( input_timestamps - start_timestamp ) * endFactor + start_timestamp return sync_timestamps_with_drift def compensateDriftPlusplus(self, sync_timestamps): """Use hardware state changes reported by EnergyTrace++ to determine transition timestamps.""" expected_transition_start_timestamps = sync_timestamps[::2] compensated_timestamps = list() drift = 0 for i, expected_start_ts in enumerate(expected_transition_start_timestamps): expected_end_ts = sync_timestamps[i * 2 + 1] et_timestamps_start = bisect_left( self.et_timestamps, expected_start_ts - 5e-3 ) et_timestamps_end = bisect_right( self.et_timestamps, expected_start_ts + 5e-3 ) candidate_indexes = list() for index in self.hw_statechange_indexes: if et_timestamps_start <= index <= et_timestamps_end: candidate_indexes.append(index) if len(candidate_indexes) == 2: drift = self.et_timestamps[candidate_indexes[0]] - expected_start_ts compensated_timestamps.append(expected_start_ts + drift) compensated_timestamps.append(expected_end_ts + drift) return compensated_timestamps def compensateDrift(self, sync_timestamps): """Use ruptures (e.g. Pelt, Dynp) to determine transition timestamps.""" from dfatool.pelt import PELT # TODO die Anzahl Changepoints ist a priori bekannt, es könnte mit ruptures.Dynp statt ruptures.Pelt besser funktionieren. # Vielleicht sollte man auch "rbf" statt "l1" nutzen. # "rbf" und "l2" scheinen ähnlich gut zu funktionieren, l2 ist schneller. # PELT does not find changepoints for transitions which span just four or five data points (i.e., transitions shorter than ~2ms). # Workaround: Double the data rate passed to PELT by interpolation ("stretch=2") pelt = PELT(with_multiprocessing=False, stretch=2, min_dist=1) expected_transition_start_timestamps = sync_timestamps[::2] transition_start_candidate_weights = list() drift = 0 for i, expected_start_ts in enumerate(expected_transition_start_timestamps): expected_end_ts = sync_timestamps[2 * i + 1] # assumption: maximum deviation between expected and actual timestamps is 5ms. # We use ±10ms to have some contetx for PELT et_timestamps_start = bisect_left( self.et_timestamps, expected_start_ts - 10e-3 ) et_timestamps_end = bisect_right( self.et_timestamps, expected_end_ts + 10e-3 ) timestamps = self.et_timestamps[et_timestamps_start : et_timestamps_end + 1] energy_data = self.et_power_values[ et_timestamps_start : et_timestamps_end + 1 ] candidate_weight = dict() # TODO for greedy mode, perform changepoint detection between greedy steps # (-> the expected changepoint area is well-known, Dynp with 1/2 changepoints # should work much better than "somewhere in these 20ms there should be a transition") if 0: penalties = (None,) elif os.getenv("DFATOOL_DRIFT_COMPENSATION_PENALTY"): penalties = (int(os.getenv("DFATOOL_DRIFT_COMPENSATION_PENALTY")),) else: penalties = (1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 20) for penalty in penalties: for changepoint in pelt.get_changepoints( energy_data, penalty=penalty, num_changepoints=1 ): if changepoint in candidate_weight: candidate_weight[changepoint] += 1 else: candidate_weight[changepoint] = 1 # TODO ist expected_start_ts wirklich eine gute Referenz? Wenn vor einer Transition ein UART-Dump # liegt, dürfte expected_end_ts besser sein, dann muss allerdings bei der compensation wieder auf # start_ts zurückgerechnet werden. transition_start_candidate_weights.append( list( map( lambda k: ( timestamps[k] - expected_start_ts, timestamps[k] - expected_end_ts, candidate_weight[k], ), sorted(candidate_weight.keys()), ) ) ) if os.getenv("DFATOOL_COMPENSATE_DRIFT_GREEDY"): return self.compensate_drift_greedy( sync_timestamps, transition_start_candidate_weights ) return self.compensate_drift_graph( sync_timestamps, transition_start_candidate_weights ) def compensate_drift_graph( self, sync_timestamps, transition_start_candidate_weights ): # Algorithm: Obtain the shortest path in a layered graph made up from # transition candidates. Each node represents a transition candidate timestamp, and each layer represents a transition. # Each node in layer i contains a directed edge to each node in layer i+1. # The edge weight is the drift delta between the two nodes. So, if, # node X (transition i, candidate a) has a drift of 5, and node Y # (transition i+1, candidate b) has a drift of -2, the weight is 7. # The first and last layer of the graph consists of a single node # with a drift of 0, representing the start / end synchronization pulse, respectively. prev_nodes = [0] prev_drifts = [0] node_drifts = [0] edge_srcs = list() edge_dsts = list() csr_weights = list() # (transition index) -> [candidate 0/start node, candidate 0/end node, candidate 1/start node, ...] nodes_by_transition_index = dict() # (node number) -> (transition index, candidate index, is_end) # (-> transition_start_candidate_weights[transition index][candidate index][is_end]) transition_by_node = dict() compensated_timestamps = list() # default: up to two nodes may be skipped max_skip_count = 2 if os.getenv("DFATOOL_DC_MAX_SKIP"): max_skip_count = int(os.getenv("DFATOOL_DC_MAX_SKIP")) for transition_index, candidates in enumerate( transition_start_candidate_weights ): new_nodes = list() new_drifts = list() i_offset = prev_nodes[-1] + 1 nodes_by_transition_index[transition_index] = list() for new_node_i, (new_drift_start, new_drift_end, _) in enumerate( candidates ): for is_end, new_drift in enumerate((new_drift_start, new_drift_end)): new_node = i_offset + new_node_i * 2 + is_end nodes_by_transition_index[transition_index].append(new_node) transition_by_node[new_node] = ( transition_index, new_node_i, is_end, ) new_nodes.append(new_node) new_drifts.append(new_drift) node_drifts.append(new_drift) for prev_node_i, prev_node in enumerate(prev_nodes): prev_drift = prev_drifts[prev_node_i] edge_srcs.append(prev_node) edge_dsts.append(new_node) delta_drift = np.abs(prev_drift - new_drift) # TODO evaluate "delta_drift ** 2" or similar nonlinear # weights -> further penalize large drift deltas csr_weights.append(delta_drift) # a transition's candidate list may be empty if len(new_nodes): prev_nodes = new_nodes prev_drifts = new_drifts # add an end node for shortest path search # (end node == final sync, so drift == 0) new_node = prev_nodes[-1] + 1 for prev_node_i, prev_node in enumerate(prev_nodes): prev_drift = prev_drifts[prev_node_i] edge_srcs.append(prev_node) edge_dsts.append(new_node) csr_weights.append(np.abs(prev_drift)) # Add "skip" edges spanning from transition i to transition i+n (n > 1). # These avoid synchronization errors caused by transitions wich are # not found by changepiont detection, as long as they are sufficiently rare. for transition_index, candidates in enumerate( transition_start_candidate_weights ): for skip_count in range(2, max_skip_count + 2): if transition_index < skip_count: continue for from_node in nodes_by_transition_index[ transition_index - skip_count ]: for to_node in nodes_by_transition_index[transition_index]: ( from_trans_i, from_candidate_i, from_is_end, ) = transition_by_node[from_node] to_trans_i, to_candidate_i, to_is_end = transition_by_node[ to_node ] assert transition_index - skip_count == from_trans_i assert transition_index == to_trans_i from_drift = transition_start_candidate_weights[from_trans_i][ from_candidate_i ][from_is_end] to_drift = transition_start_candidate_weights[to_trans_i][ to_candidate_i ][to_is_end] edge_srcs.append(from_node) edge_dsts.append(to_node) csr_weights.append( np.abs(from_drift - to_drift) + (skip_count - 1) * 270e-6 ) sm = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix( (csr_weights, (edge_srcs, edge_dsts)), shape=(new_node + 1, new_node + 1) ) dm, predecessors = scipy.sparse.csgraph.shortest_path( sm, return_predecessors=True, indices=0 ) nodes = list() pred = predecessors[-1] while pred > 0: nodes.append(pred) pred = predecessors[pred] nodes = list(reversed(nodes)) # first and last node are not included in "nodes" as they represent # the start/stop sync pulse (and not a transition with sync candidates) prev_transition = -1 for i, node in enumerate(nodes): transition, _, _ = transition_by_node[node] drift = node_drifts[node] while transition - prev_transition > 1: prev_drift = node_drifts[nodes[i - 1]] prev_transition += 1 expected_start_ts = sync_timestamps[prev_transition * 2] + prev_drift expected_end_ts = sync_timestamps[prev_transition * 2 + 1] + prev_drift compensated_timestamps.append(expected_start_ts) compensated_timestamps.append(expected_end_ts) expected_start_ts = sync_timestamps[transition * 2] + drift expected_end_ts = sync_timestamps[transition * 2 + 1] + drift compensated_timestamps.append(expected_start_ts) compensated_timestamps.append(expected_end_ts) prev_transition = transition # handle skips over the last few transitions, if any transition = len(transition_start_candidate_weights) - 1 while transition - prev_transition > 0: prev_drift = node_drifts[nodes[-1]] prev_transition += 1 expected_start_ts = sync_timestamps[prev_transition * 2] + prev_drift expected_end_ts = sync_timestamps[prev_transition * 2 + 1] + prev_drift compensated_timestamps.append(expected_start_ts) compensated_timestamps.append(expected_end_ts) if os.getenv("DFATOOL_EXPORT_DRIFT_COMPENSATION"): import json from dfatool.utils import NpEncoder expected_transition_start_timestamps = sync_timestamps[::2] with open(os.getenv("DFATOOL_EXPORT_DRIFT_COMPENSATION"), "w") as f: json.dump( [ expected_transition_start_timestamps, transition_start_candidate_weights, ], f, cls=NpEncoder, ) return compensated_timestamps def compensate_drift_greedy( self, sync_timestamps, transition_start_candidate_weights ): drift = 0 expected_transition_start_timestamps = sync_timestamps[::2] compensated_timestamps = list() for i, expected_start_ts in enumerate(expected_transition_start_timestamps): candidates = sorted( map( lambda x: x[0] + expected_start_ts, transition_start_candidate_weights[i], ) ) expected_start_ts += drift expected_end_ts = sync_timestamps[2 * i + 1] + drift # choose the next candidates around the expected sync point. start_right_sync = bisect_left(candidates, expected_start_ts) start_left_sync = start_right_sync - 1 end_right_sync = bisect_left(candidates, expected_end_ts) end_left_sync = end_right_sync - 1 start_left_diff = expected_start_ts - candidates[start_left_sync] if start_right_sync < len(candidates): start_right_diff = candidates[start_right_sync] - expected_start_ts else: start_right_diff = np.inf end_left_diff = expected_end_ts - candidates[end_left_sync] if end_right_sync < len(candidates): end_right_diff = candidates[end_right_sync] - expected_end_ts else: end_right_diff = np.inf drift_candidates = ( start_left_diff, start_right_diff, end_left_diff, end_right_diff, ) min_drift_i = np.argmin(drift_candidates) min_drift = min(drift_candidates) if min_drift < 5e-4: if min_drift_i % 2 == 0: # left compensated_timestamps.append(expected_start_ts - min_drift) compensated_timestamps.append(expected_end_ts - min_drift) drift -= min_drift else: # right compensated_timestamps.append(expected_start_ts + min_drift) compensated_timestamps.append(expected_end_ts + min_drift) drift += min_drift else: compensated_timestamps.append(expected_start_ts) compensated_timestamps.append(expected_end_ts) if os.getenv("DFATOOL_EXPORT_DRIFT_COMPENSATION"): import json from dfatool.utils import NpEncoder expected_transition_start_timestamps = sync_timestamps[::2] with open(os.getenv("DFATOOL_EXPORT_DRIFT_COMPENSATION"), "w") as f: json.dump( [ expected_transition_start_timestamps, transition_start_candidate_weights, ], f, cls=NpEncoder, ) return compensated_timestamps def export_sync(self): # [1st trans start, 1st trans stop, 2nd trans start, 2nd trans stop, ...] sync_timestamps = list() for i in range(4, len(self.sync_timestamps) - 8, 2): sync_timestamps.append( (self.sync_timestamps[i], self.sync_timestamps[i + 1]) ) # EnergyTrace timestamps timestamps = self.et_timestamps # EnergyTrace power values power = self.et_power_values return {"sync": sync_timestamps, "timestamps": timestamps, "power": power} def plot(self, annotateData=None): """ Plots the power usage and the timestamps by logic analyzer :param annotateData: List of Strings with labels, only needed if annotated plots are wished :return: None """ def calculateRectangleCurve(timestamps, min_value=0, max_value=0.160): import numpy as np data = [] for ts in timestamps: data.append(ts) data.append(ts) a = np.empty((len(data),)) a[0::4] = min_value a[1::4] = max_value a[2::4] = max_value a[3::4] = min_value return data, a # plotting by columns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig, ax = plt.subplots() if annotateData: annot = ax.annotate( "", xy=(0, 0), xytext=(20, 20), textcoords="offset points", bbox=dict(boxstyle="round", fc="w"), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->"), ) annot.set_visible(True) rectCurve_with_drift = calculateRectangleCurve( self.sync_timestamps, max_value=max(self.et_power_values) ) plt.plot(self.et_timestamps, self.et_power_values, label="Leistung") plt.plot(self.et_timestamps, np.gradient(self.et_power_values), label="dP/dt") plt.plot( rectCurve_with_drift[0], rectCurve_with_drift[1], "-g", label="Synchronisationsignale mit Driftfaktor", ) plt.xlabel("Zeit von EnergyTrace [s]") plt.ylabel("Leistung [W]") leg = plt.legend() def getDataText(x): # print(x) dl = len(annotateData) for i, xt in enumerate(self.sync_timestamps): if xt > x and i >= 4 and i - 5 < dl: return f"SoT: {annotateData[i - 5]}" def update_annot(x, y, name): annot.xy = (x, y) text = name annot.set_text(text) annot.get_bbox_patch().set_alpha(0.4) def hover(event): if event.xdata and event.ydata: annot.set_visible(False) update_annot(event.xdata, event.ydata, getDataText(event.xdata)) annot.set_visible(True) fig.canvas.draw_idle() if annotateData: fig.canvas.mpl_connect("motion_notify_event", hover) plt.show() def getStatesdfatool(self, state_sleep, with_traces=False, algorithm=False): """ Calculates the length and energy usage of the states :param state_sleep: Length in seconds of one state, needed for cutting out the UART Sending cycle :param algorithm: possible usage of accuracy algorithm / not implemented yet :returns: returns list of states and transitions, starting with a transition and ending with astate Each element is a dict containing: * `isa`: 'state' or 'transition' * `W_mean`: Mittelwert der Leistungsaufnahme * `W_std`: Standardabweichung der Leistungsaufnahme * `s`: Dauer """ if algorithm: raise NotImplementedError end_transition_ts = None timestamps_sync_start = 0 energy_trace_new = list() # sync_timestamps[3] is the start of the first (UNINITIALIZED) state (and the end of the benchmark-start sync pulse) # sync_timestamps[-8] is the end of the final state and the corresponding UART dump (and the start of the benchmark-end sync pulses) self.trigger_high_precision_timestamps = self.sync_timestamps[3:-7] self.trigger_edges = list() for ts in self.trigger_high_precision_timestamps: # Let ts be the trigger timestamp corresponding to the end of a transition. # We are looking for an index i such that et_timestamps[i-1] <= ts < et_timestamps[i]. # Then, et_power_values[i] (the mean power in the interval et_timestamps[i-1] .. et_timestamps[i]) is affected by the transition and # et_power_values[i+1] is not affected by it. # # bisect_right does just what we need; bisect_left would correspond to et_timestamps[i-1] < ts <= et_timestamps[i]. # Not that this is a moot point in practice, as ts ≠ et_timestamps[j] for almost all j. Also, the resolution of # et_timestamps is several decades lower than the resolution of trigger_high_precision_timestamps. self.trigger_edges.append(bisect_right(self.et_timestamps, ts)) # Loop over transitions. We start at the end of the first transition and handle the transition and the following state. # We then proceed to the end of the second transition, etc. for i in range(2, len(self.trigger_high_precision_timestamps), 2): prev_state_start_index = self.trigger_edges[i - 2] prev_state_stop_index = self.trigger_edges[i - 1] transition_start_index = self.trigger_edges[i - 1] transition_stop_index = self.trigger_edges[i] state_start_index = self.trigger_edges[i] state_stop_index = self.trigger_edges[i + 1] # If a transition takes less time than the energytrace measurement interval, its start and stop index may be the same. # In this case, et_power_values[transition_start_index] is the only data point affected by the transition. # We use the et_power_values slice [transition_start_index, transition_stop_index) to determine the mean power, so we need # to increment transition_stop_index by 1 to end at et_power_values[transition_start_index] # (as et_power_values[transition_start_index : transition_start_index+1 ] == [et_power_values[transition_start_index]) if transition_stop_index == transition_start_index: transition_stop_index += 1 prev_state_duration = ( self.trigger_high_precision_timestamps[i + 1] - self.trigger_high_precision_timestamps[i] ) transition_duration = ( self.trigger_high_precision_timestamps[i] - self.trigger_high_precision_timestamps[i - 1] ) state_duration = ( self.trigger_high_precision_timestamps[i + 1] - self.trigger_high_precision_timestamps[i] ) # some states are followed by a UART dump of log data. This causes an increase in CPU energy # consumption and is not part of the peripheral behaviour, so it should not be part of the benchmark results. # If a case is followed by a UART dump, its duration is longer than the sleep duration between two transitions. # In this case, we re-calculate the stop index, and calculate the state duration from coarse energytrace data # instead of high-precision sync data if ( self.et_timestamps[prev_state_stop_index] - self.et_timestamps[prev_state_start_index] > state_sleep ): prev_state_stop_index = bisect_right( self.et_timestamps, self.et_timestamps[prev_state_start_index] + state_sleep, ) prev_state_duration = ( self.et_timestamps[prev_state_stop_index] - self.et_timestamps[prev_state_start_index] ) if ( self.et_timestamps[state_stop_index] - self.et_timestamps[state_start_index] > state_sleep ): state_stop_index = bisect_right( self.et_timestamps, self.et_timestamps[state_start_index] + state_sleep, ) state_duration = ( self.et_timestamps[state_stop_index] - self.et_timestamps[state_start_index] ) prev_state_power = self.et_power_values[ prev_state_start_index:prev_state_stop_index ] transition_timestamps = self.et_timestamps[ transition_start_index:transition_stop_index ] transition_power = self.et_power_values[ transition_start_index:transition_stop_index ] state_timestamps = self.et_timestamps[state_start_index:state_stop_index] state_power = self.et_power_values[state_start_index:state_stop_index] transition = { "isa": "transition", "W_mean": np.mean(transition_power), "W_std": np.std(transition_power), "s": transition_duration, "count_dp": len(transition_power), } if with_traces: transition["plot"] = ( transition_timestamps - transition_timestamps[0], transition_power, ) state = { "isa": "state", "W_mean": np.mean(state_power), "W_std": np.std(state_power), "s": state_duration, } if with_traces: state["plot"] = (state_timestamps - state_timestamps[0], state_power) transition["W_mean_delta_prev"] = transition["W_mean"] - np.mean( prev_state_power ) transition["W_mean_delta_next"] = transition["W_mean"] - state["W_mean"] energy_trace_new.append(transition) energy_trace_new.append(state) return energy_trace_new