#!/usr/bin/env python3 import json import logging import numpy as np import os import re from dfatool.loader.generic import ExternalTimerSync from dfatool.utils import NpEncoder, soft_cast_int logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) try: from dfatool.pubcode import Code128 import zbar zbar_available = True except ImportError: zbar_available = False def _load_energytrace(data_string): """ Load log data (raw energytrace .txt file, one line per event). :param log_data: raw energytrace log file in 4-column .txt format """ lines = data_string.decode("ascii").split("\n") data_count = sum(map(lambda x: len(x) > 0 and x[0] != "#", lines)) data_lines = filter(lambda x: len(x) > 0 and x[0] != "#", lines) data = np.empty((data_count, 4)) hardware_states = [None for i in range(data_count)] for i, line in enumerate(data_lines): fields = line.split(" ") if len(fields) == 4: timestamp, current, voltage, total_energy = map(int, fields) elif len(fields) == 5: hardware_states[i] = fields[0] timestamp, current, voltage, total_energy = map(int, fields[1:]) else: raise RuntimeError('cannot parse line "{}"'.format(line)) data[i] = [timestamp, current, voltage, total_energy] interval_start_timestamp = data[1:, 0] * 1e-6 interval_duration = (data[1:, 0] - data[:-1, 0]) * 1e-6 interval_power = (data[1:, 3] - data[:-1, 3]) / (data[1:, 0] - data[:-1, 0]) * 1e-3 m_duration_us = data[-1, 0] - data[0, 0] sample_rate = data_count / (m_duration_us * 1e-6) hardware_state_changes = list() if hardware_states[0]: prev_state = hardware_states[0] # timestamps start at data[1], so hardware state change indexes must start at 1, too for i, state in enumerate(hardware_states[1:]): if ( state != prev_state and state != "0000000000000000" and prev_state != "0000000000000000" ): hardware_state_changes.append(i) if state != "0000000000000000": prev_state = state logger.debug( "got {} samples with {} seconds of log data ({} Hz)".format( data_count, m_duration_us * 1e-6, sample_rate ) ) return ( interval_start_timestamp, interval_duration, interval_power, sample_rate, hardware_state_changes, ) class EnergyTrace: @staticmethod def add_offline_aggregates(online_traces, offline_trace, repeat_id): # Edits online_traces[*]['trace'][*]['offline'] # and online_traces[*]['trace'][*]['offline_aggregates'] in place # (appends data from offline_trace) online_datapoints = [] for run_idx, run in enumerate(online_traces): for trace_part_idx in range(len(run["trace"])): online_datapoints.append((run_idx, trace_part_idx)) for offline_idx, (online_run_idx, online_trace_part_idx) in enumerate( online_datapoints ): try: offline_trace_part = offline_trace[offline_idx] except IndexError: logger.error(f" offline energy_trace data is shorter than online data") logger.error(f" len(online_datapoints) == {len(online_datapoints)}") logger.error(f" len(energy_trace) == {len(offline_trace)}") raise online_trace_part = online_traces[online_run_idx]["trace"][ online_trace_part_idx ] if "offline" not in online_trace_part: online_trace_part["offline"] = [offline_trace_part] else: online_trace_part["offline"].append(offline_trace_part) paramkeys = sorted(online_trace_part["parameter"].keys()) paramvalues = list() for paramkey in paramkeys: if type(online_trace_part["parameter"][paramkey]) is list: paramvalues.append( soft_cast_int( online_trace_part["parameter"][paramkey][repeat_id] ) ) else: paramvalues.append( soft_cast_int(online_trace_part["parameter"][paramkey]) ) # NB: Unscheduled transitions do not have an 'args' field set. # However, they should only be caused by interrupts, and # interrupts don't have args anyways. if "args" in online_trace_part: paramvalues.extend(map(soft_cast_int, online_trace_part["args"])) if "offline_aggregates" not in online_trace_part: online_trace_part["offline_aggregates"] = { "offline_attributes": ["power", "duration", "energy"], "duration": list(), "power": list(), "power_std": list(), "energy": list(), "paramkeys": list(), "param": list(), } if "plot" in offline_trace_part: online_trace_part["offline_support"] = [ "power_traces", "timestamps", ] online_trace_part["offline_aggregates"]["power_traces"] = list() online_trace_part["offline_aggregates"]["timestamps"] = list() if online_trace_part["isa"] == "transition": online_trace_part["offline_aggregates"][ "offline_attributes" ].extend(["rel_power_prev", "rel_power_next"]) online_trace_part["offline_aggregates"]["rel_energy_prev"] = list() online_trace_part["offline_aggregates"]["rel_energy_next"] = list() online_trace_part["offline_aggregates"]["rel_power_prev"] = list() online_trace_part["offline_aggregates"]["rel_power_next"] = list() offline_aggregates = online_trace_part["offline_aggregates"] # if online_trace_part['isa'] == 'transitions': # online_trace_part['offline_attributes'].extend(['rel_energy_prev', 'rel_energy_next']) # offline_aggregates['rel_energy_prev'] = list() # offline_aggregates['rel_energy_next'] = list() offline_aggregates["duration"].append(offline_trace_part["s"] * 1e6) offline_aggregates["power"].append(offline_trace_part["W_mean"] * 1e6) offline_aggregates["power_std"].append(offline_trace_part["W_std"] * 1e6) offline_aggregates["energy"].append( offline_trace_part["W_mean"] * offline_trace_part["s"] * 1e12 ) offline_aggregates["paramkeys"].append(paramkeys) offline_aggregates["param"].append(paramvalues) if "plot" in offline_trace_part: offline_aggregates["power_traces"].append(offline_trace_part["plot"][1]) offline_aggregates["timestamps"].append(offline_trace_part["plot"][0]) if online_trace_part["isa"] == "transition": offline_aggregates["rel_energy_prev"].append( offline_trace_part["W_mean_delta_prev"] * offline_trace_part["s"] * 1e12 ) offline_aggregates["rel_energy_next"].append( offline_trace_part["W_mean_delta_next"] * offline_trace_part["s"] * 1e12 ) offline_aggregates["rel_power_prev"].append( offline_trace_part["W_mean_delta_prev"] * 1e6 ) offline_aggregates["rel_power_next"].append( offline_trace_part["W_mean_delta_next"] * 1e6 ) class EnergyTraceWithBarcode: """ EnergyTrace log loader for DFA traces. Expects an EnergyTrace log file generated via msp430-etv / energytrace-util and a dfatool-generated benchmark. An EnergyTrace log consits of a series of measurements. Each measurement has a timestamp, mean current, voltage, and cumulative energy since start of measurement. Each transition is preceded by a Code128 barcode embedded into the energy consumption by toggling a LED. Note that the baseline power draw of board and peripherals is not subtracted at the moment. """ def __init__( self, voltage: float, state_duration: int, transition_names: list, with_traces=False, ): """ Create a new EnergyTraceWithBarcode object. :param voltage: supply voltage [V], usually 3.3 V :param state_duration: state duration [ms] :param transition_names: list of transition names in PTA transition order. Needed to map barcode synchronization numbers to transitions. """ self.voltage = voltage self.state_duration = state_duration * 1e-3 self.transition_names = transition_names self.with_traces = with_traces self.errors = list() # TODO auto-detect self.led_power = 10e-3 # multipass/include/object/ptalog.h#startTransition self.module_duration = 5e-3 # multipass/include/object/ptalog.h#startTransition self.quiet_zone_duration = 60e-3 # TODO auto-detect? # Note that we consider barcode duration after start, so only the # quiet zone -after- the code is relevant self.min_barcode_duration = 57 * self.module_duration + self.quiet_zone_duration self.max_barcode_duration = 68 * self.module_duration + self.quiet_zone_duration def load_data(self, log_data): """ Load log data (raw energytrace .txt file, one line per event). :param log_data: raw energytrace log file in 4-column .txt format """ if not zbar_available: logger.error("zbar module is not available") self.errors.append( 'zbar module is not available. Try "apt install python3-zbar"' ) self.interval_power = None return list() ( self.interval_start_timestamp, self.interval_duration, self.interval_power, self.sample_rate, self.hw_statechange_indexes, ) = _load_energytrace(log_data[0]) def ts_to_index(self, timestamp): """ Convert timestamp in seconds to interval_start_timestamp / interval_duration / interval_power index. Returns the index of the interval which timestamp is part of. """ return self._ts_to_index(timestamp, 0, len(self.interval_start_timestamp)) def _ts_to_index(self, timestamp, left_index, right_index): if left_index == right_index: return left_index if left_index + 1 == right_index: return left_index mid_index = left_index + (right_index - left_index) // 2 # I'm feeling lucky if ( timestamp > self.interval_start_timestamp[mid_index] and timestamp <= self.interval_start_timestamp[mid_index] + self.interval_duration[mid_index] ): return mid_index if timestamp <= self.interval_start_timestamp[mid_index]: return self._ts_to_index(timestamp, left_index, mid_index) return self._ts_to_index(timestamp, mid_index, right_index) def analyze_states(self, traces, offline_index: int): """ Split log data into states and transitions and return duration, energy, and mean power for each element. :param traces: expected traces, needed to synchronize with the measurement. traces is a list of runs, traces[*]['trace'] is a single run (i.e. a list of states and transitions, starting with a transition and ending with a state). :param offline_index: This function uses traces[*]['trace'][*]['online_aggregates']['duration'][offline_index] to find sync codes :param charges: raw charges (each element describes the charge in pJ transferred during 10 µs) :param trigidx: "charges" indexes corresponding to a trigger edge, see `trigger_edges` :param ua_func: charge(pJ) -> current(µA) function as returned by `calibration_function` :returns: maybe returns list of states and transitions, both starting andending with a state. Each element is a dict containing: * `isa`: 'state' or 'transition' * `clip_rate`: range(0..1) Anteil an Clipping im Energieverbrauch * `raw_mean`: Mittelwert der Rohwerte * `raw_std`: Standardabweichung der Rohwerte * `uW_mean`: Mittelwert der (kalibrierten) Leistungsaufnahme * `uW_std`: Standardabweichung der (kalibrierten) Leistungsaufnahme * `us`: Dauer if isa == 'transition, it also contains: * `timeout`: Dauer des vorherigen Zustands * `uW_mean_delta_prev`: Differenz zwischen uW_mean und uW_mean des vorherigen Zustands * `uW_mean_delta_next`: Differenz zwischen uW_mean und uW_mean des Folgezustands """ energy_trace = list() first_sync = self.find_first_sync() if first_sync is None: logger.error("did not find initial synchronization pulse") return energy_trace expected_transitions = list() for trace_number, trace in enumerate(traces): for state_or_transition_number, state_or_transition in enumerate( trace["trace"] ): if state_or_transition["isa"] == "transition": try: expected_transitions.append( ( state_or_transition["name"], state_or_transition["online_aggregates"]["duration"][ offline_index ] * 1e-6, ) ) except IndexError: self.errors.append( 'Entry #{} ("{}") in trace #{} has no duration entry for offline_index/repeat_id {}'.format( state_or_transition_number, state_or_transition["name"], trace_number, offline_index, ) ) return energy_trace next_barcode = first_sync for name, duration in expected_transitions: bc, start, stop, end = self.find_barcode(next_barcode) if bc is None: logger.error('did not find transition "{}"'.format(name)) break next_barcode = end + self.state_duration + duration logger.debug( '{} barcode "{}" area: {:0.2f} .. {:0.2f} / {:0.2f} seconds'.format( offline_index, bc, start, stop, end ) ) if bc != name: logger.error('mismatch: expected "{}", got "{}"'.format(name, bc)) logger.debug( "{} estimated transition area: {:0.3f} .. {:0.3f} seconds".format( offline_index, end, end + duration ) ) transition_start_index = self.ts_to_index(end) transition_done_index = self.ts_to_index(end + duration) + 1 state_start_index = transition_done_index state_done_index = ( self.ts_to_index(end + duration + self.state_duration) + 1 ) logger.debug( "{} estimated transitionindex: {:0.3f} .. {:0.3f} seconds".format( offline_index, transition_start_index / self.sample_rate, transition_done_index / self.sample_rate, ) ) transition_power_W = self.interval_power[ transition_start_index:transition_done_index ] transition = { "isa": "transition", "W_mean": np.mean(transition_power_W), "W_std": np.std(transition_power_W), "s": duration, "s_coarse": self.interval_start_timestamp[transition_done_index] - self.interval_start_timestamp[transition_start_index], } if self.with_traces: timestamps = ( self.interval_start_timestamp[ transition_start_index:transition_done_index ] - self.interval_start_timestamp[transition_start_index] ) transition["plot"] = (timestamps, transition_power_W) energy_trace.append(transition) if len(energy_trace) > 1: energy_trace[-1]["W_mean_delta_prev"] = ( energy_trace[-1]["W_mean"] - energy_trace[-2]["W_mean"] ) else: # TODO this really isn't nice, as W_mean_delta_prev of other setup # transitions is probably different. The best solution might be # ignoring the first transition when handling delta_prev values energy_trace[-1]["W_mean_delta_prev"] = energy_trace[-1]["W_mean"] state_power_W = self.interval_power[state_start_index:state_done_index] state = { "isa": "state", "W_mean": np.mean(state_power_W), "W_std": np.std(state_power_W), "s": self.state_duration, "s_coarse": self.interval_start_timestamp[state_done_index] - self.interval_start_timestamp[state_start_index], } if self.with_traces: timestamps = ( self.interval_start_timestamp[state_start_index:state_done_index] - self.interval_start_timestamp[state_start_index] ) state["plot"] = (timestamps, state_power_W) energy_trace.append(state) energy_trace[-2]["W_mean_delta_next"] = ( energy_trace[-2]["W_mean"] - energy_trace[-1]["W_mean"] ) expected_transition_count = len(expected_transitions) recovered_transition_ount = len(energy_trace) // 2 if expected_transition_count != recovered_transition_ount: self.errors.append( "Expected {:d} transitions, got {:d}".format( expected_transition_count, recovered_transition_ount ) ) return energy_trace def find_first_sync(self): # zbar unavailable if self.interval_power is None: return None # LED Power is approx. self.led_power W, use self.led_power/2 W above surrounding median as threshold sync_threshold_power = ( np.median(self.interval_power[: int(3 * self.sample_rate)]) + self.led_power / 3 ) for i, ts in enumerate(self.interval_start_timestamp): if ts > 2 and self.interval_power[i] > sync_threshold_power: return self.interval_start_timestamp[i - 300] return None def find_barcode(self, start_ts): """ Return absolute position and content of the next barcode following `start_ts`. :param interval_ts: list of start timestamps (one per measurement interval) [s] :param interval_power: mean power per measurement interval [W] :param start_ts: timestamp at which to start looking for a barcode [s] """ for i, ts in enumerate(self.interval_start_timestamp): if ts >= start_ts: start_position = i break # Lookaround: 100 ms in both directions lookaround = int(0.1 * self.sample_rate) # LED Power is approx. self.led_power W, use self.led_power/2 W above surrounding median as threshold sync_threshold_power = ( np.median( self.interval_power[ start_position - lookaround : start_position + lookaround ] ) + self.led_power / 3 ) logger.debug( "looking for barcode starting at {:0.2f} s, threshold is {:0.1f} mW".format( start_ts, sync_threshold_power * 1e3 ) ) sync_area_start = None sync_start_ts = None sync_area_end = None sync_end_ts = None for i, ts in enumerate(self.interval_start_timestamp): if ( sync_area_start is None and ts >= start_ts and self.interval_power[i] > sync_threshold_power ): sync_area_start = i - 300 sync_start_ts = ts if ( sync_area_start is not None and sync_area_end is None and ts > sync_start_ts + self.min_barcode_duration and ( ts > sync_start_ts + self.max_barcode_duration or abs(sync_threshold_power - self.interval_power[i]) > self.led_power ) ): sync_area_end = i sync_end_ts = ts break barcode_data = self.interval_power[sync_area_start:sync_area_end] logger.debug( "barcode search area: {:0.2f} .. {:0.2f} seconds ({} samples)".format( sync_start_ts, sync_end_ts, len(barcode_data) ) ) bc, start, stop, padding_bits = self.find_barcode_in_power_data(barcode_data) if bc is None: return None, None, None, None start_ts = self.interval_start_timestamp[sync_area_start + start] stop_ts = self.interval_start_timestamp[sync_area_start + stop] end_ts = ( stop_ts + self.module_duration * padding_bits + self.quiet_zone_duration ) # barcode content, barcode start timestamp, barcode stop timestamp, barcode end (stop + padding) timestamp return bc, start_ts, stop_ts, end_ts def find_barcode_in_power_data(self, barcode_data): min_power = np.min(barcode_data) max_power = np.max(barcode_data) # zbar seems to be confused by measurement (and thus image) noise # inside of barcodes. As our barcodes are only 1px high, this is # likely not trivial to fix. # -> Create a black and white (not grayscale) image to avoid this. # Unfortunately, this decreases resilience against background noise # (e.g. a not-exactly-idle peripheral device or CPU interrupts). image_data = np.around( 1 - ((barcode_data - min_power) / (max_power - min_power)) ) image_data *= 255 # zbar only returns the complete barcode position if it is at least # two pixels high. For a 1px barcode, it only returns its right border. width = len(image_data) height = 2 image_data = bytes(map(int, image_data)) * height # img = Image.frombytes('L', (width, height), image_data).resize((width, 100)) # img.save('/tmp/test-{}.png'.format(os.getpid())) zbimg = zbar.Image(width, height, "Y800", image_data) scanner = zbar.ImageScanner() scanner.parse_config("enable") if scanner.scan(zbimg): (sym,) = zbimg.symbols content = sym.data try: sym_start = sym.location[1][0] except IndexError: sym_start = 0 sym_end = sym.location[0][0] match = re.fullmatch(r"T(\d+)", content) if match: content = self.transition_names[int(match.group(1))] # PTALog barcode generation operates on bytes, so there may be # additional non-barcode padding (encoded as LED off / image white). # Calculate the amount of extra bits to determine the offset until # the transition starts. padding_bits = len(Code128(sym.data, charset="B").modules) % 8 # sym_start leaves out the first two bars, but we don't do anything about that here # sym_end leaves out the last three bars, each of which is one padding bit long. # as a workaround, we unconditionally increment padding_bits by three. padding_bits += 3 return content, sym_start, sym_end, padding_bits else: logger.warning("unable to find barcode") return None, None, None, None class EnergyTraceWithLogicAnalyzer: def __init__( self, voltage: float, state_duration: int, transition_names: list, with_traces=False, ): """ Create a new EnergyTraceWithLogicAnalyzer object. :param voltage: supply voltage [V], usually 3.3 V :param state_duration: state duration [ms] :param transition_names: list of transition names in PTA transition order. Needed to map barcode synchronization numbers to transitions. """ self.voltage = voltage self.state_duration = state_duration * 1e-3 self.transition_names = transition_names self.with_traces = with_traces self.errors = list() def load_data(self, log_data): from dfatool.lennart.SigrokInterface import SigrokResult from dfatool.lennart.EnergyInterface import EnergyInterface # Daten laden self.sync_data = SigrokResult.fromString(log_data[0]) ( self.interval_start_timestamp, self.interval_duration, self.interval_power, self.sample_rate, self.hw_statechange_indexes, ) = _load_energytrace(log_data[1]) def analyze_states(self, traces, offline_index: int): """ Split log data into states and transitions and return duration, energy, and mean power for each element. :param traces: expected traces, needed to synchronize with the measurement. traces is a list of runs, traces[*]['trace'] is a single run (i.e. a list of states and transitions, starting with a transition and ending with a state). :param offline_index: This function uses traces[*]['trace'][*]['online_aggregates']['duration'][offline_index] to find sync codes :param charges: raw charges (each element describes the charge in pJ transferred during 10 µs) :param trigidx: "charges" indexes corresponding to a trigger edge, see `trigger_edges` :param ua_func: charge(pJ) -> current(µA) function as returned by `calibration_function` :returns: returns list of states and transitions, starting with a transition and ending with astate Each element is a dict containing: * `isa`: 'state' or 'transition' * `W_mean`: Mittelwert der Leistungsaufnahme * `W_std`: Standardabweichung der Leistungsaufnahme * `s`: Dauer if isa == 'transition, it also contains: * `W_mean_delta_prev`: Differenz zwischen W_mean und W_mean des vorherigen Zustands * `W_mean_delta_next`: Differenz zwischen W_mean und W_mean des Folgezustands """ names = [] for trace_number, trace in enumerate(traces): for state_or_transition in trace["trace"]: names.append(state_or_transition["name"]) # print(names[:15]) from dfatool.lennart.DataProcessor import DataProcessor dp = DataProcessor( sync_data=self.sync_data, et_timestamps=self.interval_start_timestamp, et_power=self.interval_power, hw_statechange_indexes=self.hw_statechange_indexes, offline_index=offline_index, ) dp.run() energy_trace_new = dp.getStatesdfatool( state_sleep=self.state_duration, with_traces=self.with_traces ) # Uncomment to plot traces if os.getenv("DFATOOL_PLOT_LASYNC") is not None and offline_index == int( os.getenv("DFATOOL_PLOT_LASYNC") ): dp.plot() # <- plot traces with sync annotatons # dp.plot(names) # <- plot annotated traces (with state/transition names) if os.getenv("DFATOOL_EXPORT_LASYNC") is not None: filename = os.getenv("DFATOOL_EXPORT_LASYNC") + f"_{offline_index}.json" with open(filename, "w") as f: json.dump(dp.export_sync(), f, cls=NpEncoder) logger.info("Exported data and LA sync timestamps to {filename}") energy_trace = list() expected_transitions = list() return energy_trace_new class EnergyTraceWithTimer(ExternalTimerSync): def __init__( self, voltage: float, state_duration: int, transition_names: list, with_traces=False, ): """ Create a new EnergyTraceWithLogicAnalyzer object. :param voltage: supply voltage [V], usually 3.3 V :param state_duration: state duration [ms] :param transition_names: list of transition names in PTA transition order. Needed to map barcode synchronization numbers to transitions. """ self.voltage = voltage self.state_duration = state_duration * 1e-3 self.transition_names = transition_names self.with_traces = with_traces self.errors = list() self.sync_min_duration = 0.7 self.sync_min_low_count = 3 self.sync_min_high_count = 1 self.sync_power = 0.011 def load_data(self, log_data): self.sync_data = None ( self.interval_start_timestamp, self.interval_duration, self.interval_power, self.sample_rate, self.hw_statechange_indexes, ) = _load_energytrace(log_data[0]) # for analyze_states self.timestamps = self.interval_start_timestamp self.data = self.interval_power