#!/usr/bin/env python3 import json import logging import numpy as np import os from bisect import bisect_right from dfatool.utils import NpEncoder logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class ExternalTimerSync: def __init__(self): raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented in sub-class") def assert_sync_areas(self, sync_areas): # may be implemented in sub-class pass def compensate_drift(self, data, timestamps, event_timestamps, offline_index=None): # adjust intermediate timestamps. There is a small error between consecutive measurements, # again due to drift caused by random temperature fluctuation. The error increases with # increased distance from synchronization points: It is negligible at the start and end # of the measurement and may be quite high around the middle. That's just the bounds, though -- # you may also have a low error in the middle and error peaks elsewhere. # As the start and stop timestamps have already been synchronized, we only adjust # actual transition timestamps here. if os.getenv("DFATOOL_COMPENSATE_DRIFT"): import dfatool.drift return dfatool.drift.compensate( data, timestamps, event_timestamps, offline_index=offline_index ) return event_timestamps # very similar to DataProcessor.getStatesdfatool # requires: # * self.data (e.g. power readings) # * self.timestamps (timstamps in seconds) # * self.sync_min_high_count, self.sync_min_low_count: outlier handling in synchronization pulse detection # * self.sync_power, self.sync_min_duration: synchronization pulse parameters. one pulse before the measurement, two pulses afterwards # expected_trace must contain online timestamps def analyze_states(self, expected_trace, repeat_id, online_timestamps=None): """ :param online_timestamps: must start at 0, if set """ sync_start = None sync_timestamps = list() high_count = 0 low_count = 0 high_ts = None low_ts = None for i, timestamp in enumerate(self.timestamps): power = self.data[i] if power > self.sync_power: if high_count == 0: high_ts = timestamp high_count += 1 low_count = 0 else: if low_count == 0: low_ts = timestamp high_count = 0 low_count += 1 if high_count >= self.sync_min_high_count and sync_start is None: sync_start = high_ts elif low_count >= self.sync_min_low_count and sync_start is not None: if low_ts - sync_start > self.sync_min_duration: sync_end = low_ts sync_timestamps.append((sync_start, sync_end)) sync_start = None if len(sync_timestamps) != 3: self.errors.append( f"Found {len(sync_timestamps)} synchronization pulses, expected three." ) self.errors.append(f"Synchronization pulses == {sync_timestamps}") return list() self.assert_sync_areas(sync_timestamps) start_ts = sync_timestamps[0][1] end_ts = sync_timestamps[1][0] if online_timestamps is None: # start and end of first state online_timestamps = [0, expected_trace[0]["start_offset"][repeat_id]] # remaining events from the end of the first transition (start of second state) to the end of the last observed state try: for trace in expected_trace: for word in trace["trace"]: online_timestamps.append( online_timestamps[-1] + word["online_aggregates"]["duration"][repeat_id] ) except IndexError: self.errors.append( f"""offline_index {repeat_id} missing in trace {trace["id"]}""" ) return list() online_timestamps = np.array(online_timestamps) * 1e-6 else: online_timestamps = np.array(online_timestamps) online_timestamps = ( online_timestamps * ((end_ts - start_ts) / (online_timestamps[-1] - online_timestamps[0])) + start_ts ) # drift compensation works on transition boundaries. Exclude start of first state and end of last state. # Those are defined to have zero drift anyways. online_timestamps[1:-1] = self.compensate_drift( self.data, self.timestamps, online_timestamps[1:-1], repeat_id ) trigger_edges = list() for ts in online_timestamps: trigger_edges.append(bisect_right(self.timestamps, ts)) energy_trace = list() for i in range(2, len(online_timestamps), 2): prev_state_start_index = trigger_edges[i - 2] prev_state_stop_index = trigger_edges[i - 1] transition_start_index = trigger_edges[i - 1] transition_stop_index = trigger_edges[i] state_start_index = trigger_edges[i] state_stop_index = trigger_edges[i + 1] # If a transition takes less time than the measurement interval, its start and stop index may be the same. # In this case, self.data[transition_start_index] is the only data point affected by the transition. # We use the self.data slice [transition_start_index, transition_stop_index) to determine the mean power, so we need # to increment transition_stop_index by 1 to end at self.data[transition_start_index] # (self.data[transition_start_index : transition_start_index+1 ] == [self.data[transition_start_index]) if transition_stop_index == transition_start_index: transition_stop_index += 1 prev_state_duration = online_timestamps[i + 1] - online_timestamps[i] transition_duration = online_timestamps[i] - online_timestamps[i - 1] state_duration = online_timestamps[i + 1] - online_timestamps[i] # some states are followed by a UART dump of log data. This causes an increase in CPU energy # consumption and is not part of the peripheral behaviour, so it should not be part of the benchmark results. # If a case is followed by a UART dump, its duration is longer than the sleep duration between two transitions. # In this case, we re-calculate the stop index, and calculate the state duration from coarse energytrace data # instead of high-precision sync data if ( self.timestamps[prev_state_stop_index] - self.timestamps[prev_state_start_index] > self.state_duration ): prev_state_stop_index = bisect_right( self.timestamps, self.timestamps[prev_state_start_index] + self.state_duration, ) prev_state_duration = ( self.timestamps[prev_state_stop_index] - self.timestamps[prev_state_start_index] ) if ( self.timestamps[state_stop_index] - self.timestamps[state_start_index] > self.state_duration ): state_stop_index = bisect_right( self.timestamps, self.timestamps[state_start_index] + self.state_duration, ) state_duration = ( self.timestamps[state_stop_index] - self.timestamps[state_start_index] ) prev_state_power = self.data[prev_state_start_index:prev_state_stop_index] transition_timestamps = self.timestamps[ transition_start_index:transition_stop_index ] transition_power = self.data[transition_start_index:transition_stop_index] state_timestamps = self.timestamps[state_start_index:state_stop_index] state_power = self.data[state_start_index:state_stop_index] transition = { "isa": "transition", "W_mean": np.mean(transition_power), "W_std": np.std(transition_power), "s": transition_duration, } if self.with_traces: transition["plot"] = ( transition_timestamps - transition_timestamps[0], transition_power, ) state = { "isa": "state", "W_mean": np.mean(state_power), "W_std": np.std(state_power), "s": state_duration, } if self.with_traces: state["plot"] = (state_timestamps - state_timestamps[0], state_power) transition["W_mean_delta_prev"] = transition["W_mean"] - np.mean( prev_state_power ) transition["W_mean_delta_next"] = transition["W_mean"] - state["W_mean"] energy_trace.append(transition) energy_trace.append(state) if os.getenv("DFATOOL_PLOT_SYNC") is not None and repeat_id == int( os.getenv("DFATOOL_PLOT_SYNC") ): self.plot_sync(online_timestamps) # <- plot traces with sync annotatons # self.plot_sync(names) # <- plot annotated traces (with state/transition names) # TODO LASYNC -> SYNC if os.getenv("DFATOOL_EXPORT_LASYNC") is not None: filename = os.getenv("DFATOOL_EXPORT_LASYNC") + f"_{repeat_id}.json" with open(filename, "w") as f: json.dump(self._export_sync(online_timestamps), f, cls=NpEncoder) logger.info("Exported sync timestamps to {filename}") return energy_trace def _export_sync(self, online_timestamps): # [(1st trans start, 1st trans stop), (2nd trans start, 2nd trans stop), ...] sync_timestamps = list() for i in range(1, len(online_timestamps) - 1, 2): sync_timestamps.append((online_timestamps[i], online_timestamps[i + 1])) # input timestamps timestamps = self.timestamps # input data, e.g. power data = self.data # TODO "power" -> "data" return {"sync": sync_timestamps, "timestamps": timestamps, "power": data} def plot_sync(self, event_timestamps, annotateData=None): """ Plots the power usage and the timestamps by logic analyzer :param annotateData: List of Strings with labels, only needed if annotated plots are wished :return: None """ def calculateRectangleCurve(timestamps, min_value=0, max_value=0.160): import numpy as np data = [] for ts in timestamps: data.append(ts) data.append(ts) a = np.empty((len(data),)) a[0::4] = max_value a[1::4] = min_value a[2::4] = min_value a[3::4] = max_value return data, a # plotting by columns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig, ax = plt.subplots() if annotateData: annot = ax.annotate( "", xy=(0, 0), xytext=(20, 20), textcoords="offset points", bbox=dict(boxstyle="round", fc="w"), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->"), ) annot.set_visible(True) rectCurve_with_drift = calculateRectangleCurve( event_timestamps, max_value=max(self.data) ) plt.plot(self.timestamps, self.data, label="Leistung") plt.plot(self.timestamps, np.gradient(self.data), label="dP/dt") plt.plot(rectCurve_with_drift[0], rectCurve_with_drift[1], "-g", label="Events") plt.xlabel("Zeit [s]") plt.ylabel("Leistung [W]") leg = plt.legend() def getDataText(x): # print(x) dl = len(annotateData) for i, xt in enumerate(event_timestamps): if xt > x and 0 <= i < dl: return f"SoT: {annotateData[i]}" def update_annot(x, y, name): annot.xy = (x, y) text = name annot.set_text(text) annot.get_bbox_patch().set_alpha(0.4) def hover(event): if event.xdata and event.ydata: annot.set_visible(False) update_annot(event.xdata, event.ydata, getDataText(event.xdata)) annot.set_visible(True) fig.canvas.draw_idle() if annotateData: fig.canvas.mpl_connect("motion_notify_event", hover) plt.show()