#!/usr/bin/env python3 import logging import numpy as np import kconfiglib from scipy import optimize from sklearn.metrics import r2_score from multiprocessing import Pool from .automata import PTA from .functions import analytic from .functions import AnalyticFunction from .parameters import ParamStats from .utils import is_numeric, soft_cast_int, param_slice_eq, remove_index_from_tuple from .utils import by_name_to_by_param, match_parameter_values logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) arg_support_enabled = True def aggregate_measures(aggregate: float, actual: list) -> dict: """ Calculate error measures for model value on data list. arguments: aggregate -- model value (float or int) actual -- real-world / reference values (list of float or int) return value: See regression_measures """ aggregate_array = np.array([aggregate] * len(actual)) return regression_measures(aggregate_array, np.array(actual)) def regression_measures(predicted: np.ndarray, actual: np.ndarray): """ Calculate error measures by comparing model values to reference values. arguments: predicted -- model values (np.ndarray) actual -- real-world / reference values (np.ndarray) Returns a dict containing the following measures: mae -- Mean Absolute Error mape -- Mean Absolute Percentage Error, if all items in actual are non-zero (NaN otherwise) smape -- Symmetric Mean Absolute Percentage Error, if no 0,0-pairs are present in actual and predicted (NaN otherwise) msd -- Mean Square Deviation rmsd -- Root Mean Square Deviation ssr -- Sum of Squared Residuals rsq -- R^2 measure, see sklearn.metrics.r2_score count -- Number of values """ if type(predicted) != np.ndarray: raise ValueError("first arg must be ndarray, is {}".format(type(predicted))) if type(actual) != np.ndarray: raise ValueError("second arg must be ndarray, is {}".format(type(actual))) deviations = predicted - actual # mean = np.mean(actual) if len(deviations) == 0: return {} measures = { "mae": np.mean(np.abs(deviations), dtype=np.float64), "msd": np.mean(deviations ** 2, dtype=np.float64), "rmsd": np.sqrt(np.mean(deviations ** 2), dtype=np.float64), "ssr": np.sum(deviations ** 2, dtype=np.float64), "rsq": r2_score(actual, predicted), "count": len(actual), } # rsq_quotient = np.sum((actual - mean)**2, dtype=np.float64) * np.sum((predicted - mean)**2, dtype=np.float64) if np.all(actual != 0): measures["mape"] = np.mean(np.abs(deviations / actual)) * 100 # bad measure else: measures["mape"] = np.nan if np.all(np.abs(predicted) + np.abs(actual) != 0): measures["smape"] = ( np.mean(np.abs(deviations) / ((np.abs(predicted) + np.abs(actual)) / 2)) * 100 ) else: measures["smape"] = np.nan # if np.all(rsq_quotient != 0): # measures['rsq'] = (np.sum((actual - mean) * (predicted - mean), dtype=np.float64)**2) / rsq_quotient return measures class ParallelParamFit: """ Fit a set of functions on parameterized measurements. One parameter is variale, all others are fixed. Reports the best-fitting function type for each parameter. """ def __init__(self, by_param): """Create a new ParallelParamFit object.""" self.fit_queue = [] self.by_param = by_param def enqueue( self, state_or_tran, attribute, param_index, param_name, safe_functions_enabled=False, param_filter=None, ): """ Add state_or_tran/attribute/param_name to fit queue. This causes fit() to compute the best-fitting function for this model part. """ self.fit_queue.append( { "key": [state_or_tran, attribute, param_name, param_filter], "args": [ self.by_param, state_or_tran, attribute, param_index, safe_functions_enabled, param_filter, ], } ) def fit(self): """ Fit functions on previously enqueue data. Fitting is one in parallel with one process per core. Results can be accessed using the public ParallelParamFit.results object. """ with Pool() as pool: self.results = pool.map(_try_fits_parallel, self.fit_queue) def get_result(self, name, attribute, param_filter: dict = None): """ Parse and sanitize fit results for state/transition/... 'name' and model attribute 'attribute'. Filters out results where the best function is worse (or not much better than) static mean/median estimates. :param name: state/transition/... name, e.g. 'TX' :param attribute: model attribute, e.g. 'duration' :param param_filter: :returns: dict with fit result (see `_try_fits`) for each successfully fitted parameter. E.g. {'param 1': {'best' : 'function name', ...} } """ fit_result = dict() for result in self.results: if ( result["key"][0] == name and result["key"][1] == attribute and result["key"][3] == param_filter and result["result"]["best"] is not None ): # dürfte an ['best'] != None liegen-> Fit für gefilterten Kram schlägt fehl? this_result = result["result"] if this_result["best_rmsd"] >= min( this_result["mean_rmsd"], this_result["median_rmsd"] ): logger.debug( "Not modeling {} {} as function of {}: best ({:.0f}) is worse than ref ({:.0f}, {:.0f})".format( name, attribute, result["key"][2], this_result["best_rmsd"], this_result["mean_rmsd"], this_result["median_rmsd"], ) ) # See notes on depends_on_param elif this_result["best_rmsd"] >= 0.8 * min( this_result["mean_rmsd"], this_result["median_rmsd"] ): logger.debug( "Not modeling {} {} as function of {}: best ({:.0f}) is not much better than ref ({:.0f}, {:.0f})".format( name, attribute, result["key"][2], this_result["best_rmsd"], this_result["mean_rmsd"], this_result["median_rmsd"], ) ) else: fit_result[result["key"][2]] = this_result return fit_result def _try_fits_parallel(arg): """ Call _try_fits(*arg['args']) and return arg['key'] and the _try_fits result. Must be a global function as it is called from a multiprocessing Pool. """ return {"key": arg["key"], "result": _try_fits(*arg["args"])} def _try_fits( by_param, state_or_tran, model_attribute, param_index, safe_functions_enabled=False, param_filter: dict = None, ): """ Determine goodness-of-fit for prediction of `by_param[(state_or_tran, *)][model_attribute]` dependence on `param_index` using various functions. This is done by varying `param_index` while keeping all other parameters constant and doing one least squares optimization for each function and for each combination of the remaining parameters. The value of the parameter corresponding to `param_index` (e.g. txpower or packet length) is the sole input to the model function. Only numeric parameter values (as determined by `utils.is_numeric`) are used for fitting, non-numeric values such as None or enum strings are ignored. Fitting is only performed if at least three distinct parameter values exist in `by_param[(state_or_tran, *)]`. :returns: a dictionary with the following elements: best -- name of the best-fitting function (see `analytic.functions`). `None` in case of insufficient data. best_rmsd -- mean Root Mean Square Deviation of best-fitting function over all combinations of the remaining parameters mean_rmsd -- mean Root Mean Square Deviation of a reference model using the mean of its respective input data as model value median_rmsd -- mean Root Mean Square Deviation of a reference model using the median of its respective input data as model value results -- mean goodness-of-fit measures for the individual functions. See `analytic.functions` for keys and `aggregate_measures` for values :param by_param: measurements partitioned by state/transition/... name and parameter values. Example: `{('foo', (0, 2)): {'bar': [2]}, ('foo', (0, 4)): {'bar': [4]}, ('foo', (0, 6)): {'bar': [6]}}` :param state_or_tran: state/transition/... name for which goodness-of-fit will be calculated (first element of by_param key tuple). Example: `'foo'` :param model_attribute: attribute for which goodness-of-fit will be calculated. Example: `'bar'` :param param_index: index of the parameter used as model input :param safe_functions_enabled: Include "safe" variants of functions with limited argument range. :param param_filter: Only use measurements whose parameters match param_filter for fitting. """ functions = analytic.functions(safe_functions_enabled=safe_functions_enabled) for param_key in filter(lambda x: x[0] == state_or_tran, by_param.keys()): # We might remove elements from 'functions' while iterating over # its keys. A generator will not allow this, so we need to # convert to a list. function_names = list(functions.keys()) for function_name in function_names: function_object = functions[function_name] if is_numeric(param_key[1][param_index]) and not function_object.is_valid( param_key[1][param_index] ): functions.pop(function_name, None) raw_results = dict() raw_results_by_param = dict() ref_results = {"mean": list(), "median": list()} results = dict() results_by_param = dict() seen_parameter_combinations = set() # for each parameter combination: for param_key in filter( lambda x: x[0] == state_or_tran and remove_index_from_tuple(x[1], param_index) not in seen_parameter_combinations and len(by_param[x]["param"]) and match_parameter_values(by_param[x]["param"][0], param_filter), by_param.keys(), ): X = [] Y = [] num_valid = 0 num_total = 0 # Ensure that each parameter combination is only optimized once. Otherwise, with parameters (1, 2, 5), (1, 3, 5), (1, 4, 5) and param_index == 1, # the parameter combination (1, *, 5) would be optimized three times, both wasting time and biasing results towards more frequently occuring combinations of non-param_index parameters seen_parameter_combinations.add( remove_index_from_tuple(param_key[1], param_index) ) # for each value of the parameter denoted by param_index (all other parameters remain the same): for k, v in filter( lambda kv: param_slice_eq(kv[0], param_key, param_index), by_param.items() ): num_total += 1 if is_numeric(k[1][param_index]): num_valid += 1 X.extend([float(k[1][param_index])] * len(v[model_attribute])) Y.extend(v[model_attribute]) if num_valid > 2: X = np.array(X) Y = np.array(Y) other_parameters = remove_index_from_tuple(k[1], param_index) raw_results_by_param[other_parameters] = dict() results_by_param[other_parameters] = dict() for function_name, param_function in functions.items(): if function_name not in raw_results: raw_results[function_name] = dict() error_function = param_function.error_function res = optimize.least_squares( error_function, [0, 1], args=(X, Y), xtol=2e-15 ) measures = regression_measures(param_function.eval(res.x, X), Y) raw_results_by_param[other_parameters][function_name] = measures for measure, error_rate in measures.items(): if measure not in raw_results[function_name]: raw_results[function_name][measure] = list() raw_results[function_name][measure].append(error_rate) # print(function_name, res, measures) mean_measures = aggregate_measures(np.mean(Y), Y) ref_results["mean"].append(mean_measures["rmsd"]) raw_results_by_param[other_parameters]["mean"] = mean_measures median_measures = aggregate_measures(np.median(Y), Y) ref_results["median"].append(median_measures["rmsd"]) raw_results_by_param[other_parameters]["median"] = median_measures if not len(ref_results["mean"]): # Insufficient data for fitting # print('[W] Insufficient data for fitting {}/{}/{}'.format(state_or_tran, model_attribute, param_index)) return {"best": None, "best_rmsd": np.inf, "results": results} for ( other_parameter_combination, other_parameter_results, ) in raw_results_by_param.items(): best_fit_val = np.inf best_fit_name = None results = dict() for function_name, result in other_parameter_results.items(): if len(result) > 0: results[function_name] = result rmsd = result["rmsd"] if rmsd < best_fit_val: best_fit_val = rmsd best_fit_name = function_name results_by_param[other_parameter_combination] = { "best": best_fit_name, "best_rmsd": best_fit_val, "mean_rmsd": results["mean"]["rmsd"], "median_rmsd": results["median"]["rmsd"], "results": results, } best_fit_val = np.inf best_fit_name = None results = dict() for function_name, result in raw_results.items(): if len(result) > 0: results[function_name] = {} for measure in result.keys(): results[function_name][measure] = np.mean(result[measure]) rmsd = results[function_name]["rmsd"] if rmsd < best_fit_val: best_fit_val = rmsd best_fit_name = function_name return { "best": best_fit_name, "best_rmsd": best_fit_val, "mean_rmsd": np.mean(ref_results["mean"]), "median_rmsd": np.mean(ref_results["median"]), "results": results, "results_by_other_param": results_by_param, } def _num_args_from_by_name(by_name): num_args = dict() for key, value in by_name.items(): if "args" in value: num_args[key] = len(value["args"][0]) return num_args class AnalyticModel: """ Parameter-aware analytic energy/data size/... model. Supports both static and parameter-based model attributes, and automatic detection of parameter-dependence. These provide measurements aggregated by (function/state/...) name and (for by_param) parameter values. Layout: dictionary with one key per name ('send', 'TX', ...) or one key per name and parameter combination (('send', (1, 2)), ('send', (2, 3)), ('TX', (1, 2)), ('TX', (2, 3)), ...). Parameter values must be ordered corresponding to the lexically sorted parameter names. Each element is in turn a dict with the following elements: - param: list of parameter values in each measurement (-> list of lists) - attributes: list of keys that should be analyzed, e.g. ['power', 'duration'] - for each attribute mentioned in 'attributes': A list with measurements. All list except for 'attributes' must have the same length. For example: parameters = ['foo_count', 'irrelevant'] by_name = { 'foo' : [1, 1, 2], 'bar' : [5, 6, 7], 'attributes' : ['foo', 'bar'], 'param' : [[1, 0], [1, 0], [2, 0]] } methods: get_static -- return static (parameter-unaware) model. get_param_lut -- return parameter-aware look-up-table model. Cannot model parameter combinations not present in by_param. get_fitted -- return parameter-aware model using fitted functions for behaviour prediction. variables: names -- function/state/... names (i.e., the keys of by_name) parameters -- parameter names stats -- ParamStats object providing parameter-dependency statistics for each name and attribute assess -- calculate model quality """ def __init__( self, by_name, parameters, arg_count=None, function_override=dict(), use_corrcoef=False, ): """ Create a new AnalyticModel and compute parameter statistics. :param by_name: measurements aggregated by (function/state/...) name. Layout: dictionary with one key per name ('send', 'TX', ...) or one key per name and parameter combination (('send', (1, 2)), ('send', (2, 3)), ('TX', (1, 2)), ('TX', (2, 3)), ...). Parameter values must be ordered corresponding to the lexically sorted parameter names. Each element is in turn a dict with the following elements: - param: list of parameter values in each measurement (-> list of lists) - attributes: list of keys that should be analyzed, e.g. ['power', 'duration'] - for each attribute mentioned in 'attributes': A list with measurements. All list except for 'attributes' must have the same length. For example: parameters = ['foo_count', 'irrelevant'] by_name = { 'foo' : [1, 1, 2], 'duration' : [5, 6, 7], 'attributes' : ['foo', 'duration'], 'param' : [[1, 0], [1, 0], [2, 0]] # foo_count-^ ^-irrelevant } :param parameters: List of parameter names :param function_override: dict of overrides for automatic parameter function generation. If (state or transition name, model attribute) is present in function_override, the corresponding text string is the function used for analytic (parameter-aware/fitted) modeling of this attribute. It is passed to AnalyticFunction, see there for the required format. Note that this happens regardless of parameter dependency detection: The provided analytic function will be assigned even if it seems like the model attribute is static / parameter-independent. :param use_corrcoef: use correlation coefficient instead of stddev comparison to detect whether a model attribute depends on a parameter """ self.cache = dict() self.by_name = by_name self.by_param = by_name_to_by_param(by_name) self.names = sorted(by_name.keys()) self.parameters = sorted(parameters) self.function_override = function_override.copy() self._use_corrcoef = use_corrcoef self._num_args = arg_count if self._num_args is None: self._num_args = _num_args_from_by_name(by_name) self.stats = ParamStats( self.by_name, self.by_param, self.parameters, self._num_args, use_corrcoef=use_corrcoef, ) def _get_model_from_dict(self, model_dict, model_function): model = {} for name, elem in model_dict.items(): model[name] = {} for key in elem["attributes"]: try: model[name][key] = model_function(elem[key]) except RuntimeWarning: logger.warning("Got no data for {} {}".format(name, key)) except FloatingPointError as fpe: logger.warning("Got no data for {} {}: {}".format(name, key, fpe)) return model def param_index(self, param_name): if param_name in self.parameters: return self.parameters.index(param_name) return len(self.parameters) + int(param_name) def param_name(self, param_index): if param_index < len(self.parameters): return self.parameters[param_index] return str(param_index) def get_static(self, use_mean=False): """ Get static model function: name, attribute -> model value. Uses the median of by_name for modeling. """ getter_function = np.median if use_mean: getter_function = np.mean static_model = self._get_model_from_dict(self.by_name, getter_function) def static_model_getter(name, key, **kwargs): return static_model[name][key] return static_model_getter def get_param_lut(self, fallback=False): """ Get parameter-look-up-table model function: name, attribute, parameter values -> model value. The function can only give model values for parameter combinations present in by_param. By default, it raises KeyError for other values. arguments: fallback -- Fall back to the (non-parameter-aware) static model when encountering unknown parameter values """ static_model = self._get_model_from_dict(self.by_name, np.median) lut_model = self._get_model_from_dict(self.by_param, np.median) def lut_median_getter(name, key, param, arg=[], **kwargs): param.extend(map(soft_cast_int, arg)) try: return lut_model[(name, tuple(param))][key] except KeyError: if fallback: return static_model[name][key] raise return lut_median_getter def get_fitted(self, safe_functions_enabled=False): """ Get paramete-aware model function and model information function. Returns two functions: model_function(name, attribute, param=parameter values) -> model value. model_info(name, attribute) -> {'fit_result' : ..., 'function' : ... } or None """ if "fitted_model_getter" in self.cache and "fitted_info_getter" in self.cache: return self.cache["fitted_model_getter"], self.cache["fitted_info_getter"] static_model = self._get_model_from_dict(self.by_name, np.median) param_model = dict([[name, {}] for name in self.by_name.keys()]) paramfit = ParallelParamFit(self.by_param) for name in self.by_name.keys(): for attribute in self.by_name[name]["attributes"]: for param_index, param in enumerate(self.parameters): if self.stats.depends_on_param(name, attribute, param): paramfit.enqueue(name, attribute, param_index, param, False) if arg_support_enabled and name in self._num_args: for arg_index in range(self._num_args[name]): if self.stats.depends_on_arg(name, attribute, arg_index): paramfit.enqueue( name, attribute, len(self.parameters) + arg_index, arg_index, False, ) paramfit.fit() for name in self.by_name.keys(): num_args = 0 if name in self._num_args: num_args = self._num_args[name] for attribute in self.by_name[name]["attributes"]: fit_result = paramfit.get_result(name, attribute) if (name, attribute) in self.function_override: function_str = self.function_override[(name, attribute)] x = AnalyticFunction(function_str, self.parameters, num_args) x.fit(self.by_param, name, attribute) if x.fit_success: param_model[name][attribute] = { "fit_result": fit_result, "function": x, } elif len(fit_result.keys()): x = analytic.function_powerset( fit_result, self.parameters, num_args ) x.fit(self.by_param, name, attribute) if x.fit_success: param_model[name][attribute] = { "fit_result": fit_result, "function": x, } def model_getter(name, key, **kwargs): if "arg" in kwargs and "param" in kwargs: kwargs["param"].extend(map(soft_cast_int, kwargs["arg"])) if key in param_model[name]: param_list = kwargs["param"] param_function = param_model[name][key]["function"] if param_function.is_predictable(param_list): return param_function.eval(param_list) return static_model[name][key] def info_getter(name, key): if key in param_model[name]: return param_model[name][key] return None self.cache["fitted_model_getter"] = model_getter self.cache["fitted_info_getter"] = info_getter return model_getter, info_getter def assess(self, model_function): """ Calculate MAE, SMAPE, etc. of model_function for each by_name entry. state/transition/... name and parameter values are fed into model_function. The by_name entries of this AnalyticModel are used as ground truth and compared with the values predicted by model_function. For proper model assessments, the data used to generate model_function and the data fed into this AnalyticModel instance must be mutually exclusive (e.g. by performing cross validation). Otherwise, overfitting cannot be detected. """ detailed_results = {} for name, elem in sorted(self.by_name.items()): detailed_results[name] = {} for attribute in elem["attributes"]: predicted_data = np.array( list( map( lambda i: model_function( name, attribute, param=elem["param"][i] ), range(len(elem[attribute])), ) ) ) measures = regression_measures(predicted_data, elem[attribute]) detailed_results[name][attribute] = measures return {"by_name": detailed_results} def to_json(self): # TODO pass class PTAModel: """ Parameter-aware PTA-based energy model. Supports both static and parameter-based model attributes, and automatic detection of parameter-dependence. The model heavily relies on two internal data structures: PTAModel.by_name and PTAModel.by_param. These provide measurements aggregated by state/transition name and (for by_param) parameter values. Layout: dictionary with one key per state/transition ('send', 'TX', ...) or one key per state/transition and parameter combination (('send', (1, 2)), ('send', (2, 3)), ('TX', (1, 2)), ('TX', (2, 3)), ...). For by_param, parameter values are ordered corresponding to the lexically sorted parameter names. Each element is in turn a dict with the following elements: - isa: 'state' or 'transition' - power: list of mean power measurements in µW - duration: list of durations in µs - power_std: list of stddev of power per state/transition - energy: consumed energy (power*duration) in pJ - paramkeys: list of parameter names in each measurement (-> list of lists) - param: list of parameter values in each measurement (-> list of lists) - attributes: list of keys that should be analyzed, e.g. ['power', 'duration'] additionally, only if isa == 'transition': - timeout: list of duration of previous state in µs - rel_energy_prev: transition energy relative to previous state mean power in pJ - rel_energy_next: transition energy relative to next state mean power in pJ """ def __init__( self, by_name, parameters, arg_count, traces=[], ignore_trace_indexes=[], function_override={}, use_corrcoef=False, pta=None, ): """ Prepare a new PTA energy model. Actual model generation is done on-demand by calling the respective functions. arguments: by_name -- state/transition measurements aggregated by name, as returned by pta_trace_to_aggregate. parameters -- list of parameter names, as returned by pta_trace_to_aggregate arg_count -- function arguments, as returned by pta_trace_to_aggregate traces -- list of preprocessed DFA traces, as returned by RawData.get_preprocessed_data() ignore_trace_indexes -- list of trace indexes. The corresponding traces will be ignored. function_override -- dict of overrides for automatic parameter function generation. If (state or transition name, model attribute) is present in function_override, the corresponding text string is the function used for analytic (parameter-aware/fitted) modeling of this attribute. It is passed to AnalyticFunction, see there for the required format. Note that this happens regardless of parameter dependency detection: The provided analytic function will be assigned even if it seems like the model attribute is static / parameter-independent. use_corrcoef -- use correlation coefficient instead of stddev comparison to detect whether a model attribute depends on a parameter pta -- hardware model as `PTA` object """ self.by_name = by_name self.by_param = by_name_to_by_param(by_name) self._parameter_names = sorted(parameters) self._num_args = arg_count self._use_corrcoef = use_corrcoef self.traces = traces self.stats = ParamStats( self.by_name, self.by_param, self._parameter_names, self._num_args, self._use_corrcoef, ) self.cache = {} np.seterr("raise") self.function_override = function_override.copy() self.pta = pta self.ignore_trace_indexes = ignore_trace_indexes self._aggregate_to_ndarray(self.by_name) def _aggregate_to_ndarray(self, aggregate): for elem in aggregate.values(): for key in elem["attributes"]: elem[key] = np.array(elem[key]) # This heuristic is very similar to the "function is not much better than # median" checks in get_fitted. So far, doing it here as well is mostly # a performance and not an algorithm quality decision. # --df, 2018-04-18 def depends_on_param(self, state_or_trans, key, param): return self.stats.depends_on_param(state_or_trans, key, param) # See notes on depends_on_param def depends_on_arg(self, state_or_trans, key, param): return self.stats.depends_on_arg(state_or_trans, key, param) def _get_model_from_dict(self, model_dict, model_function): model = {} for name, elem in model_dict.items(): model[name] = {} for key in elem["attributes"]: try: model[name][key] = model_function(elem[key]) except RuntimeWarning: logger.warning("Got no data for {} {}".format(name, key)) except FloatingPointError as fpe: logger.warning("Got no data for {} {}: {}".format(name, key, fpe)) return model def get_static(self, use_mean=False): """ Get static model function: name, attribute -> model value. Uses the median of by_name for modeling, unless `use_mean` is set. """ getter_function = np.median if use_mean: getter_function = np.mean static_model = self._get_model_from_dict(self.by_name, getter_function) def static_model_getter(name, key, **kwargs): return static_model[name][key] return static_model_getter def get_param_lut(self, fallback=False): """ Get parameter-look-up-table model function: name, attribute, parameter values -> model value. The function can only give model values for parameter combinations present in by_param. By default, it raises KeyError for other values. arguments: fallback -- Fall back to the (non-parameter-aware) static model when encountering unknown parameter values """ static_model = self._get_model_from_dict(self.by_name, np.median) lut_model = self._get_model_from_dict(self.by_param, np.median) def lut_median_getter(name, key, param, arg=[], **kwargs): param.extend(map(soft_cast_int, arg)) try: return lut_model[(name, tuple(param))][key] except KeyError: if fallback: return static_model[name][key] raise return lut_median_getter def param_index(self, param_name): if param_name in self._parameter_names: return self._parameter_names.index(param_name) return len(self._parameter_names) + int(param_name) def param_name(self, param_index): if param_index < len(self._parameter_names): return self._parameter_names[param_index] return str(param_index) def get_fitted(self, safe_functions_enabled=False): """ Get parameter-aware model function and model information function. Returns two functions: model_function(name, attribute, param=parameter values) -> model value. model_info(name, attribute) -> {'fit_result' : ..., 'function' : ... } or None """ if "fitted_model_getter" in self.cache and "fitted_info_getter" in self.cache: return self.cache["fitted_model_getter"], self.cache["fitted_info_getter"] static_model = self._get_model_from_dict(self.by_name, np.median) param_model = dict( [[state_or_tran, {}] for state_or_tran in self.by_name.keys()] ) paramfit = ParallelParamFit(self.by_param) for state_or_tran in self.by_name.keys(): for model_attribute in self.by_name[state_or_tran]["attributes"]: fit_results = {} for parameter_index, parameter_name in enumerate(self._parameter_names): if self.depends_on_param( state_or_tran, model_attribute, parameter_name ): paramfit.enqueue( state_or_tran, model_attribute, parameter_index, parameter_name, safe_functions_enabled, ) if ( arg_support_enabled and self.by_name[state_or_tran]["isa"] == "transition" ): for arg_index in range(self._num_args[state_or_tran]): if self.depends_on_arg( state_or_tran, model_attribute, arg_index ): paramfit.enqueue( state_or_tran, model_attribute, len(self._parameter_names) + arg_index, arg_index, safe_functions_enabled, ) paramfit.fit() for state_or_tran in self.by_name.keys(): num_args = 0 if ( arg_support_enabled and self.by_name[state_or_tran]["isa"] == "transition" ): num_args = self._num_args[state_or_tran] for model_attribute in self.by_name[state_or_tran]["attributes"]: fit_results = paramfit.get_result(state_or_tran, model_attribute) if (state_or_tran, model_attribute) in self.function_override: function_str = self.function_override[ (state_or_tran, model_attribute) ] x = AnalyticFunction(function_str, self._parameter_names, num_args) x.fit(self.by_param, state_or_tran, model_attribute) if x.fit_success: param_model[state_or_tran][model_attribute] = { "fit_result": fit_results, "function": x, } elif len(fit_results.keys()): x = analytic.function_powerset( fit_results, self._parameter_names, num_args ) x.fit(self.by_param, state_or_tran, model_attribute) if x.fit_success: param_model[state_or_tran][model_attribute] = { "fit_result": fit_results, "function": x, } def model_getter(name, key, **kwargs): if "arg" in kwargs and "param" in kwargs: kwargs["param"].extend(map(soft_cast_int, kwargs["arg"])) if key in param_model[name]: param_list = kwargs["param"] param_function = param_model[name][key]["function"] if param_function.is_predictable(param_list): return param_function.eval(param_list) return static_model[name][key] def info_getter(name, key): if key in param_model[name]: return param_model[name][key] return None self.cache["fitted_model_getter"] = model_getter self.cache["fitted_info_getter"] = info_getter return model_getter, info_getter def to_json(self): static_model = self.get_static() static_quality = self.assess(static_model) param_model, param_info = self.get_fitted() analytic_quality = self.assess(param_model) pta = self.pta if pta is None: pta = PTA(self.states(), parameters=self._parameter_names) pta.update( static_model, param_info, static_error=static_quality["by_name"], analytic_error=analytic_quality["by_name"], ) return pta.to_json() def states(self): """Return sorted list of state names.""" return sorted( list( filter(lambda k: self.by_name[k]["isa"] == "state", self.by_name.keys()) ) ) def transitions(self): """Return sorted list of transition names.""" return sorted( list( filter( lambda k: self.by_name[k]["isa"] == "transition", self.by_name.keys(), ) ) ) def states_and_transitions(self): """Return list of states and transition names.""" ret = self.states() ret.extend(self.transitions()) return ret def parameters(self): return self._parameter_names def attributes(self, state_or_trans): return self.by_name[state_or_trans]["attributes"] def assess(self, model_function): """ Calculate MAE, SMAPE, etc. of model_function for each by_name entry. state/transition/... name and parameter values are fed into model_function. The by_name entries of this PTAModel are used as ground truth and compared with the values predicted by model_function. For proper model assessments, the data used to generate model_function and the data fed into this AnalyticModel instance must be mutually exclusive (e.g. by performing cross validation). Otherwise, overfitting cannot be detected. """ detailed_results = {} for name, elem in sorted(self.by_name.items()): detailed_results[name] = {} for key in elem["attributes"]: predicted_data = np.array( list( map( lambda i: model_function(name, key, param=elem["param"][i]), range(len(elem[key])), ) ) ) measures = regression_measures(predicted_data, elem[key]) detailed_results[name][key] = measures return {"by_name": detailed_results} def assess_states( self, model_function, model_attribute="power", distribution: dict = None ): """ Calculate overall model error assuming equal distribution of states """ # TODO calculate mean power draw for distribution and use it to # calculate relative error from MAE combination model_quality = self.assess(model_function) num_states = len(self.states()) if distribution is None: distribution = dict(map(lambda x: [x, 1 / num_states], self.states())) if not np.isclose(sum(distribution.values()), 1): raise ValueError( "distribution must be a probability distribution with sum 1" ) # total_value = None # try: # total_value = sum(map(lambda x: model_function(x, model_attribute) * distribution[x], self.states())) # except KeyError: # pass total_error = np.sqrt( sum( map( lambda x: np.square( model_quality["by_name"][x][model_attribute]["mae"] * distribution[x] ), self.states(), ) ) ) return total_error def assess_on_traces(self, model_function): """ Calculate MAE, SMAPE, etc. of model_function for each trace known to this PTAModel instance. :returns: dict of `duration_by_trace`, `energy_by_trace`, `timeout_by_trace`, `rel_energy_by_trace` and `state_energy_by_trace`. Each entry holds regression measures for the corresponding measure. Note that the determined model quality heavily depends on the traces: small-ish absolute errors in states which frequently occur may have more effect than large absolute errors in rarely occuring states """ model_energy_list = [] real_energy_list = [] model_rel_energy_list = [] model_state_energy_list = [] model_duration_list = [] real_duration_list = [] model_timeout_list = [] real_timeout_list = [] for trace in self.traces: if trace["id"] not in self.ignore_trace_indexes: for rep_id in range(len(trace["trace"][0]["offline"])): model_energy = 0.0 real_energy = 0.0 model_rel_energy = 0.0 model_state_energy = 0.0 model_duration = 0.0 real_duration = 0.0 model_timeout = 0.0 real_timeout = 0.0 for i, trace_part in enumerate(trace["trace"]): name = trace_part["name"] prev_name = trace["trace"][i - 1]["name"] isa = trace_part["isa"] if name != "UNINITIALIZED": try: param = trace_part["offline_aggregates"]["param"][ rep_id ] prev_param = trace["trace"][i - 1][ "offline_aggregates" ]["param"][rep_id] power = trace_part["offline"][rep_id]["uW_mean"] duration = trace_part["offline"][rep_id]["us"] prev_duration = trace["trace"][i - 1]["offline"][ rep_id ]["us"] real_energy += power * duration if isa == "state": model_energy += ( model_function(name, "power", param=param) * duration ) else: model_energy += model_function( name, "energy", param=param ) # If i == 1, the previous state was UNINITIALIZED, for which we do not have model data if i == 1: model_rel_energy += model_function( name, "energy", param=param ) else: model_rel_energy += model_function( prev_name, "power", param=prev_param ) * (prev_duration + duration) model_state_energy += model_function( prev_name, "power", param=prev_param ) * (prev_duration + duration) model_rel_energy += model_function( name, "rel_energy_prev", param=param ) real_duration += duration model_duration += model_function( name, "duration", param=param ) if ( "plan" in trace_part and trace_part["plan"]["level"] == "epilogue" ): real_timeout += trace_part["offline"][rep_id][ "timeout" ] model_timeout += model_function( name, "timeout", param=param ) except KeyError: # if states/transitions have been removed via --filter-param, this is harmless pass real_energy_list.append(real_energy) model_energy_list.append(model_energy) model_rel_energy_list.append(model_rel_energy) model_state_energy_list.append(model_state_energy) real_duration_list.append(real_duration) model_duration_list.append(model_duration) real_timeout_list.append(real_timeout) model_timeout_list.append(model_timeout) return { "duration_by_trace": regression_measures( np.array(model_duration_list), np.array(real_duration_list) ), "energy_by_trace": regression_measures( np.array(model_energy_list), np.array(real_energy_list) ), "timeout_by_trace": regression_measures( np.array(model_timeout_list), np.array(real_timeout_list) ), "rel_energy_by_trace": regression_measures( np.array(model_rel_energy_list), np.array(real_energy_list) ), "state_energy_by_trace": regression_measures( np.array(model_state_energy_list), np.array(real_energy_list) ), } class KConfigModel: """Decision-Tree Model for a specific system attribute such as ROM or RAM usage""" class Node: pass class Leaf(Node): """ A Leaf node describes system behaviour for a set of configurations which are similar enough to warrant no additional decomposition. :param value: A model value, e.g. expected ROM or RAM usage in Byte :type value: float :param loss: Loss (sum of squared residuals) for the benchmark data used to generate this leaf node vs. `value`. Lower is better. :type loss: float """ def __init__(self, value, loss): self.value = value self.loss = loss @classmethod def from_json(cls, json_node): node = cls(json_node["value"], json_node["loss"]) return node def model(self, kconf): return self.value def __repr__(self): return f"" def to_json(self): return {"value": self.value, "loss": self.loss} class BoolNode(Node): """ A Bool node describes a single boolean Kconfig variable. It holds two children: one for the tree in which the variable is enabled (y), and one for the tree in which it is disabled (n). A tree may be None, e.g. if there were no matching configurations during model generation or if the configuration described by the path from root to the child is illegal. :param symbol: Kconfig symbol name :type symbol: str :param child_n: sub-tree for symbol == n (disabled) :type child_n: class:`KConigModel.Node`, optional :param child_y: sub-tree for symbol == y (enabled) :type child_y: class:`KConigModel.Node`, optional """ def __init__(self, symbol): self.symbol = symbol self.child_n = None self.child_y = None @classmethod def from_json(cls, outer_cls, json_node): node = cls(json_node["symbol"]) if json_node["n"]: node.set_child_n(outer_cls._node_from_json(json_node["n"])) if json_node["y"]: node.set_child_y(outer_cls._node_from_json(json_node["y"])) return node def set_child_n(self, child_node): self.child_n = child_node def set_child_y(self, child_node): self.child_y = child_node def model(self, kconf): if kconf.syms[self.symbol].tri_value == 0 and self.child_n: return self.child_n.model(kconf) if kconf.syms[self.symbol].tri_value == 2 and self.child_y: return self.child_y.model(kconf) return None def __repr__(self): return f"" def to_json(self): ret = {"symbol": self.symbol} if self.child_n: ret["n"] = self.child_n.to_json() else: ret["n"] = None if self.child_y: ret["y"] = self.child_y.to_json() else: ret["y"] = None return ret class ChoiceNode(Node): """ A Choice node describes a single mandatory Kconfig choice. It holds one sub-tree for each choice variable. As the choice is mandatory, a valid configuration must select exactly one of them. The sub-tree for a choice variable corresponds to configurations in which it is enabled (set to y). :param symbol: Kconfig choice name :type symbol: str :param choice: map of symbol name -> class:`Node` object :type choce: dict """ def __init__(self, symbol): self.symbol = symbol self.choice = dict() @classmethod def from_json(cls, outer_cls, json_node): node = cls(json_node["symbol"]) for choice_name, choice_json in json_node["choice"].items(): node.set_child(choice_name, outer_cls._node_from_json(choice_json)) return node def set_child(self, choice, node): self.choice[choice] = node def model(self, kconf): kconf_choice = next( filter(lambda choice: choice.name == self.symbol, kconf.choices) ) selection = kconf_choice.selection.name if selection in self.choice: return self.choice[selection].model(kconf) return None def __repr__(self): choice_names = sorted(self.choice.keys()) choice_list = ", ".join( map(lambda choice: f"{choice}={self.choice[choice]}", choice_names) ) return f"" def to_json(self): ret = {"symbol": self.symbol, "choice": dict()} for choice_name, choice_node in self.choice.items(): ret["choice"][choice_name] = choice_node.to_json() return ret @classmethod def from_benchmark(cls, kconfig_benchmark, attribute): self = cls() self.data = kconfig_benchmark.data self.symbols = kconfig_benchmark.symbol_names self.choices = kconfig_benchmark.choice_names self.symbol = kconfig_benchmark.symbol self.choice = kconfig_benchmark.choice self.max_loss = 10 if callable(attribute): self.attribute = "custom" self.attr_function = lambda x: attribute(x[1]) elif attribute == "rom": self.attribute = "rom" self.attr_function = lambda x: x[1]["total"]["ROM"] elif attribute == "ram": self.attribute = "ram" self.attr_function = lambda x: x[1]["total"]["RAM"] else: raise ValueError("attribute must be a a function, 'rom', or 'ram'") return self @classmethod def from_json(cls, json_input: dict): self = cls() self.attribute = json_input["attribute"] self.symbols = json_input["symbols"] self.choices = json_input["choices"] self.model = self._node_from_json(json_input["model"]) return self @classmethod def _node_from_json(cls, json_node): if "choice" in json_node: return cls.ChoiceNode.from_json(cls, json_node) elif "n" in json_node: return cls.BoolNode.from_json(cls, json_node) return cls.Leaf.from_json(json_node) def loss(self, values, model_value=None): if type(values) is list: values = np.array(values) if model_value is None: model_value = np.mean(values) return np.sum((model_value - values) ** 2, dtype=np.float64) def build_tree(self): # without ChoiceNode: # self.model = self._build_tree(self.symbols, list(), self.data, 0) standalone_symbols = list( filter( lambda sym: self.symbol[sym].choice is None or self.symbol[sym].choice.is_optional, self.symbols, ) ) tree_choices = list( filter(lambda choice: not self.choice[choice].is_optional, self.choices) ) self.model = self._build_tree(standalone_symbols, tree_choices, self.data, 0) def value_for_config(self, kconf): return self.model.model(kconf) def to_json(self): output = { "model": self.model.to_json(), "symbols": self.symbols, "choices": self.choices, "attribute": self.attribute, } return output def _build_tree(self, this_symbols, this_choices, this_data, level): rom_sizes = list(map(self.attr_function, this_data)) if self.loss(rom_sizes) < self.max_loss or len(this_symbols) == 0: return self.Leaf(np.mean(rom_sizes), self.loss(rom_sizes)) sym_losses = list() for symbol_name in this_symbols: enabled = list(filter(lambda vrr: vrr[0][symbol_name] == True, this_data)) disabled = list(filter(lambda vrr: vrr[0][symbol_name] == False, this_data)) if len(enabled) == 0 or len(disabled) == 0: sym_losses.append(np.inf) continue enabled_attr = list(map(self.attr_function, enabled)) disabled_attr = list(map(self.attr_function, disabled)) children = [self.loss(enabled_attr), self.loss(disabled_attr)] sym_losses.append(np.sum(children)) choice_losses = list() for choice in this_choices: choice_loss = list() num_configs = 0 for symbol in self.choice[choice].syms: sym_enabled = list( filter(lambda vrr: vrr[0][symbol.name] == True, this_data) ) enabled_attr = list(map(self.attr_function, sym_enabled)) if len(enabled_attr) == 0: continue num_configs += len(enabled_attr) choice_loss.append(self.loss(enabled_attr)) # only split on a choice if it is present in _all_ configurations if num_configs != len(this_data): choice_losses.append(np.inf) else: choice_losses.append(np.sum(choice_loss)) min_index = np.argmin(sym_losses + choice_losses) if min_index < len(sym_losses): symbol_index = min_index symbol = this_symbols[symbol_index] node = self.BoolNode(symbol) new_symbols = this_symbols[:symbol_index] + this_symbols[symbol_index + 1 :] enabled = list(filter(lambda vrr: vrr[0][symbol] == True, this_data)) disabled = list(filter(lambda vrr: vrr[0][symbol] == False, this_data)) logger.debug( f"Level {level} split on {symbol} (loss={sym_losses[symbol_index]}) has {len(enabled)} children when enabled and {len(disabled)} children when disabled" ) if len(enabled): node.set_child_y( self._build_tree(new_symbols, this_choices, enabled, level + 1) ) if len(disabled): node.set_child_n( self._build_tree(new_symbols, this_choices, disabled, level + 1) ) else: choice_index = min_index - len(sym_losses) choice = this_choices[choice_index] node = self.ChoiceNode(choice) new_choices = this_choices[:choice_index] + this_choices[choice_index + 1 :] for sym in self.choice[choice].syms: enabled = list(filter(lambda vrr: vrr[0][sym.name] == True, this_data)) logger.debug( f"Level {level} split on {choice} (loss={choice_losses[choice_index]}) has {len(enabled)} children for {sym.name}" ) if len(enabled): node.set_child( sym.name, self._build_tree(this_symbols, new_choices, enabled, level + 1), ) return node