#!/usr/bin/env python3 import logging import numpy as np from multiprocessing import Pool from scipy import optimize from .functions import analytic from .utils import ( is_numeric, param_slice_eq, remove_index_from_tuple, match_parameter_values, aggregate_measures, regression_measures, ) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class ParamFit: """ Fit a set of functions on parameterized measurements. One parameter is variale, all others are fixed. Reports the best-fitting function type for each parameter. """ def __init__(self, parallel=True): """Create a new ParamFit object.""" self.fit_queue = list() self.parallel = parallel def enqueue(self, key, param, args, kwargs=dict()): """ Add state_or_tran/attribute/param_name to fit queue. This causes fit() to compute the best-fitting function for this model part. :param key: arbitrary key used to retrieve param result in `get_result`. Typically (state/transition name, model attribute). Different parameter names may have the same key. Identical parameter names must have different keys. :param param: parameter name :param args: [by_param, param_index, safe_functions_enabled, param_filter] by_param[(param 1, param2, ...)] holds measurements. """ self.fit_queue.append({"key": (key, param), "args": args, "kwargs": kwargs}) def fit(self): """ Fit functions on previously enqueue data. Fitting is one in parallel with one process per core. Results can be accessed using the public ParamFit.results object. """ if self.parallel: with Pool() as pool: self.results = pool.map(_try_fits_parallel, self.fit_queue) else: self.results = list(map(_try_fits_parallel, self.fit_queue)) def get_result(self, key): """ Parse and sanitize fit results. Filters out results where the best function is worse (or not much better than) static mean/median estimates. :param key: arbitrary key used in `enqueue`. Typically (state/transition name, model attribute). :param param: parameter name :returns: dict with fit result (see `_try_fits`) for each successfully fitted parameter. E.g. {'param 1': {'best' : 'function name', ...} } """ fit_result = dict() for result in self.results: if ( result["key"][0] == key and result["result"]["best"] is not None ): # dürfte an ['best'] != None liegen-> Fit für gefilterten Kram schlägt fehl? this_result = result["result"] if this_result["best_rmsd"] >= min( this_result["mean_rmsd"], this_result["median_rmsd"] ): logger.debug( "Not modeling {} as function of {}: best ({:.0f}) is worse than ref ({:.0f}, {:.0f})".format( result["key"][0], result["key"][1], this_result["best_rmsd"], this_result["mean_rmsd"], this_result["median_rmsd"], ) ) # See notes on depends_on_param elif this_result["best_rmsd"] >= 0.8 * min( this_result["mean_rmsd"], this_result["median_rmsd"] ): logger.debug( "Not modeling {} as function of {}: best ({:.0f}) is not much better than ref ({:.0f}, {:.0f})".format( result["key"][0], result["key"][1], this_result["best_rmsd"], this_result["mean_rmsd"], this_result["median_rmsd"], ) ) else: fit_result[result["key"][1]] = this_result return fit_result def _try_fits_parallel(arg): """ Call _try_fits(*arg['args'], **arg["kwargs"]) and return arg['key'] and the _try_fits result. Must be a global function as it is called from a multiprocessing Pool. """ return {"key": arg["key"], "result": _try_fits(*arg["args"], **arg["kwargs"])} def _try_fits( n_by_param, param_index, safe_functions_enabled=False, param_filter: dict = None ): """ Determine goodness-of-fit for prediction of `n_by_param[(param1_value, param2_value, ...)]` dependence on `param_index` using various functions. This is done by varying `param_index` while keeping all other parameters constant and doing one least squares optimization for each function and for each combination of the remaining parameters. The value of the parameter corresponding to `param_index` (e.g. txpower or packet length) is the sole input to the model function. Only numeric parameter values (as determined by `utils.is_numeric`) are used for fitting, non-numeric values such as None or enum strings are ignored. Fitting is only performed if at least three distinct parameter values exist in `by_param[*]`. :returns: a dictionary with the following elements: best -- name of the best-fitting function (see `analytic.functions`). `None` in case of insufficient data. best_rmsd -- mean Root Mean Square Deviation of best-fitting function over all combinations of the remaining parameters mean_rmsd -- mean Root Mean Square Deviation of a reference model using the mean of its respective input data as model value median_rmsd -- mean Root Mean Square Deviation of a reference model using the median of its respective input data as model value results -- mean goodness-of-fit measures for the individual functions. See `analytic.functions` for keys and `aggregate_measures` for values :param n_by_param: measurements of a specific model attribute partitioned by parameter values. Example: `{(0, 2): [2], (0, 4): [4], (0, 6): [6]}` :param param_index: index of the parameter used as model input :param safe_functions_enabled: Include "safe" variants of functions with limited argument range. :param param_filter: Only use measurements whose parameters match param_filter for fitting. """ functions = analytic.functions(safe_functions_enabled=safe_functions_enabled) for param_key in n_by_param.keys(): # We might remove elements from 'functions' while iterating over # its keys. A generator will not allow this, so we need to # convert to a list. function_names = list(functions.keys()) for function_name in function_names: function_object = functions[function_name] if is_numeric(param_key[param_index]) and not function_object.is_valid( param_key[param_index] ): functions.pop(function_name, None) raw_results = dict() raw_results_by_param = dict() ref_results = {"mean": list(), "median": list()} results = dict() results_by_param = dict() seen_parameter_combinations = set() # for each parameter combination: for param_key in filter( lambda x: remove_index_from_tuple(x, param_index) not in seen_parameter_combinations and len(n_by_param[x]) and match_parameter_values(n_by_param[x][0], param_filter), n_by_param.keys(), ): X = [] Y = [] num_valid = 0 num_total = 0 # Ensure that each parameter combination is only optimized once. Otherwise, with parameters (1, 2, 5), (1, 3, 5), (1, 4, 5) and param_index == 1, # the parameter combination (1, *, 5) would be optimized three times, both wasting time and biasing results towards more frequently occuring combinations of non-param_index parameters seen_parameter_combinations.add(remove_index_from_tuple(param_key, param_index)) # for each value of the parameter denoted by param_index (all other parameters remain the same): for k, v in filter( lambda kv: param_slice_eq(kv[0], param_key, param_index), n_by_param.items() ): num_total += 1 if is_numeric(k[param_index]): num_valid += 1 X.extend([float(k[param_index])] * len(v)) Y.extend(v) if num_valid > 2: X = np.array(X) Y = np.array(Y) other_parameters = remove_index_from_tuple(k, param_index) raw_results_by_param[other_parameters] = dict() results_by_param[other_parameters] = dict() for function_name, param_function in functions.items(): if function_name not in raw_results: raw_results[function_name] = dict() error_function = param_function.error_function res = optimize.least_squares( error_function, [0, 1], args=(X, Y), xtol=2e-15 ) measures = regression_measures(param_function.eval(res.x, X), Y) raw_results_by_param[other_parameters][function_name] = measures for measure, error_rate in measures.items(): if measure not in raw_results[function_name]: raw_results[function_name][measure] = list() raw_results[function_name][measure].append(error_rate) # print(function_name, res, measures) mean_measures = aggregate_measures(np.mean(Y), Y) ref_results["mean"].append(mean_measures["rmsd"]) raw_results_by_param[other_parameters]["mean"] = mean_measures median_measures = aggregate_measures(np.median(Y), Y) ref_results["median"].append(median_measures["rmsd"]) raw_results_by_param[other_parameters]["median"] = median_measures if not len(ref_results["mean"]): # Insufficient data for fitting # print('[W] Insufficient data for fitting {}'.format(param_index)) return {"best": None, "best_rmsd": np.inf, "results": results} for ( other_parameter_combination, other_parameter_results, ) in raw_results_by_param.items(): best_fit_val = np.inf best_fit_name = None results = dict() for function_name, result in other_parameter_results.items(): if len(result) > 0: results[function_name] = result rmsd = result["rmsd"] if rmsd < best_fit_val: best_fit_val = rmsd best_fit_name = function_name results_by_param[other_parameter_combination] = { "best": best_fit_name, "best_rmsd": best_fit_val, "mean_rmsd": results["mean"]["rmsd"], "median_rmsd": results["median"]["rmsd"], "results": results, } best_fit_val = np.inf best_fit_name = None results = dict() for function_name, result in raw_results.items(): if len(result) > 0: results[function_name] = {} for measure in result.keys(): results[function_name][measure] = np.mean(result[measure]) rmsd = results[function_name]["rmsd"] if rmsd < best_fit_val: best_fit_val = rmsd best_fit_name = function_name return { "best": best_fit_name, "best_rmsd": best_fit_val, "mean_rmsd": np.mean(ref_results["mean"]), "median_rmsd": np.mean(ref_results["median"]), "results": results, "results_by_other_param": results_by_param, }