# docparse.py
# Support doc-string parsing classes

__all__ = ["DocParseMeta"]

class DocParseMeta(type):
    Metaclass that processes the class docstring through a parser and
    incorporates the result into the resulting class definition. This
    allows Python classes to be defined with alternative syntax.
    To use this class, you first need to define a lexer and parser:

        from sly import Lexer, Parser
        class MyLexer(Lexer):

        class MyParser(Parser):

    You then need to define a metaclass that inherits from DocParseMeta.
    This class must specify the associated lexer and parser classes.
    For example:

        class MyDocParseMeta(DocParseMeta):
            lexer = MyLexer
            parser = MyParser

    This metaclass is then used as a base for processing user-defined

        class Base(metaclass=MyDocParseMeta):

        class Spam(Base):
            doc string is parsed

    It is expected that the MyParser() class would return a dictionary.
    This dictionary is used to create the final class Spam in this example.

    def __new__(meta, clsname, bases, clsdict):
        if "__doc__" in clsdict:
            lexer = meta.lexer()
            parser = meta.parser()
            lexer.cls_name = parser.cls_name = clsname
            lexer.cls_qualname = parser.cls_qualname = clsdict["__qualname__"]
            lexer.cls_module = parser.cls_module = clsdict["__module__"]
            parsedict = parser.parse(lexer.tokenize(clsdict["__doc__"]))
            assert isinstance(parsedict, dict), "Parser must return a dictionary"
        return super().__new__(meta, clsname, bases, clsdict)

    def __init_subclass__(cls):
        assert hasattr(cls, "parser") and hasattr(cls, "lexer")