#!/usr/bin/perl # Copyright © 2009 by Daniel Friesel # License: WTFPL use strict; use warnings; use Image::Imlib2; use Getopt::Long; use constant { DEFAULT_FILEMODE => oct(644), THUMB_MAX_DIM => 150, THUMB_QUALITY => 60, THUMB_SPACING => 1.1, }; my $directory = '.'; my $thumbdir = "$directory/.thumbs"; my $indexfile = "$directory/index.xhtml"; my $title = ''; my $css_line = ''; my $css_source; my ($dx, $dy); my @files; my $number = 0; local $| = 1; sub print_progress { if (($number % 60) == 0) { if ($number) { printf(" %4d/%d\n", $number, scalar(@files)); } printf('[%3d%%] ', $number * 100 / @files); } elsif (($number % 10) == 0) { print ' '; } return; } GetOptions( 'css=s' => \$css_source, 'title=s' => \$title, ); if (@ARGV > 0) { $directory = shift; } if (defined($css_source)) { $css_line = ""; } open(my $index, '>', $indexfile) or die("Cannot open $indexfile for writing: $!"); print $index <<"EOD"; $title $css_line
EOD if (! -d $thumbdir) { mkdir($thumbdir) or die("cannot create $thumbdir: $!"); } opendir(my $dirhandle, $directory) or die("Cannot open directory $directory: $!"); foreach my $file (readdir($dirhandle)) { if ($file =~ / \. ( png | jp e? g ) $ /ix) { push(@files, $file); } } closedir($dirhandle); print "Generating thumbnails [ - cached | + generated ]\n"; foreach my $file (sort(@files)) { my $image = Image::Imlib2->load($file); my $thumb; if (defined($css_source)) { print {$index} '
'; } else { printf {$index} ( '
', THUMB_MAX_DIM * THUMB_SPACING, THUMB_MAX_DIM * THUMB_SPACING, ); } print {$index} "\"$file\"
\n"; print_progress; $number++; if (-e "$thumbdir/$file") { print '-'; next; } ($dx, $dy) = ($image->width, $image->height); if ($dx > $dy) { $thumb = $image->create_scaled_image(THUMB_MAX_DIM, 0); } else { $thumb = $image->create_scaled_image(0, THUMB_MAX_DIM); } $thumb->set_quality(THUMB_QUALITY); $thumb->save("$thumbdir/$file"); chmod(DEFAULT_FILEMODE, "$thumbdir/$file"); print '+'; } print "\n"; print $index <<'EOD';
EOD close($index) or die("Cannot close $indexfile: $!"); chmod(DEFAULT_FILEMODE, $indexfile); __END__ =head1 NAME gen-xhtml-thumbnails - Generate Thumbnails + Index for a set of images =head1 SYNOPSIS B [I] [I] =head1 DESCRIPTION gen-xhtml-thumbnails will create an F with a list (thumbnails) of all images found if I; the thumbnails will link to the images. The F file will always be created in I. The thumbnails will be saved in F<.thumbs>, also in I. If I is not specified, the current directory is used. Note that only the images in the directory itself will be processed, recursion is not supported. =head1 OPTIONS =over =item B<--css> I Use I for css definitions =item B<--title> I Use I<title> as <title> for the XHTML output =back