package App::Dthumb; =head1 NAME App::Dthumb - Generate thumbnail index for a set of images =head1 SYNOPSIS use App::Dthumb; use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_ignore_case); my $opt = {}; GetOptions( $opt, qw{ help|h size|d=i spacing|s=f no-lightbox|L no-names|n quality|q=i version|v }, ); my $dthumb = App::Dthumb->new($opt); $dthumb->run(); =head1 VERSION This manual documents App::Dthumb version 0.1 =cut use strict; use warnings; use autodie; use 5.010; use base 'Exporter'; use App::Dthumb::Data; use Cwd; use Image::Imlib2; our @EXPORT_OK = (); our $VERSION = '0.2'; =head1 METHODS =head2 new($conf) Returns a new B object. As you can see in the SYNOPSIS, $conf is designed so that it can be directly fed by B. Valid hash keys are: =over =item B => I If true, prints a short help message to STDOUT and quits Default: false =item B => I Maximum image size in pixels, either width or height (depending on image orientation) Default: 200 =item B => I Spacing between image boxes. 1.0 means each box is exactly as wide as the maximum image width (see B), 1.1 means slightly larger, et cetera Default: 1.1 =item B => I Do not show include javascript lightbox code Default: false =item B => I Do not show image name below thumbnail Default: false =item B => I<0 .. 100> Thumbnail image quality Default: 75 =item B => I If true, prints version information to STDOUT and quits Default: false =back =cut sub new { my ($obj, %conf) = @_; my $ref = {}; $conf{quality} //= 75; $conf{recreate} //= 0; $conf{size} //= 200; $conf{spacing} //= 1.1; $conf{title} //= (split(qr{/}, cwd()))[-1]; $conf{file_index} //= 'index.xhtml'; $conf{dir_thumbs} //= '.thumbs'; $conf{dir_data} //= '.dthumb'; # helpers to directly pass GetOptions results $conf{lightbox} //= !$conf{'no-lightbox'}; $conf{names} //= !$conf{'no-names'}; $ref->{config} = \%conf; $ref->{data} = App::Dthumb::Data->new(); $ref->{data}->set_vars( title => $conf{title}, width => $conf{size} * $conf{spacing} . 'px', height => $conf{size} * $conf{spacing} . 'px', ); $ref->{html} = $ref->{data}->get('html_start.dthumb'); return bless($ref, $obj); } =head1 INTERNALS The following methods are internal only and do not need to be called by external scripts. This documentation is only for people working on B itself. All of them are object-oriented, so need to be called as $dthumb->something(). =head2 read_directories Store all image files in the current directory in $self->{files} (arrayref), and all files in F<.thumbs> which do not have a corresponding full-size image in $self->{old_thumbnails}. $self->{files} is sorted case-insensitively. =cut sub read_directories { my ($self) = @_; my $thumbdir = $self->{config}->{dir_thumbs}; my $imgdir = '.'; my $dh; my (@files, @old_thumbs); opendir($dh, $imgdir); for my $file (readdir($dh)) { if (-f $file and $file =~ qr{ \. (png | jp e? g) $ }iox) { push(@files, $file); } } closedir($dh); if (-d $thumbdir) { opendir($dh, $thumbdir); for my $file (readdir($dh)) { if ($file =~ qr{^ [^.] }ox and not -f $file) { push(@old_thumbs, $file); } } closedir($dh); } @{$self->{files}} = sort { lc($a) cmp lc($b) } @files; @{$self->{old_thumbnails}} = @old_thumbs; } =head2 create_files Makes sure the F<.thumbs> directory exists. If $self->{conf}->{lightbox} is true (which is the default), also creates the F<.dthumb> directory and fills it with F, F, F and F. =cut sub create_files { my ($self) = @_; my $thumbdir = $self->{config}->{dir_thumbs}; my $datadir = $self->{config}->{dir_data}; if (not -d $thumbdir) { mkdir($thumbdir); } if ($self->{config}->{lightbox}) { if (not -d $datadir) { mkdir($datadir); } for my $file ($self->{data}->list_archived()) { open(my $fh, '>', "${datadir}/${file}"); print {$fh} $self->{data}->get($file); close($fh); } } } =head2 delete_old_thumbnails Unlink all no longer required thumbnails (those saved in $self->{old_thumbnails}). =cut sub delete_old_thumbnails { my ($self) = @_; my $thumbdir = $self->{config}->{dir_thumbs}; for my $file (@{$self->{old_thumbnails}}) { unlink("${thumbdir}/${file}"); } } =head2 get_files Returns an array of all image files found by B. =cut sub get_files { my ($self) = @_; return @{$self->{files}}; } =head2 create_thumbnail_html($file) Append the necessary lines for $file to the HTML. =cut sub create_thumbnail_html { my ($self, $file) = @_; my $div_width = $self->{config}->{size} * $self->{config}->{spacing}; my $div_height = $div_width + ($self->{config}->{names} ? 10 : 0); $self->{html} .= "
\n"; $self->{html} .= sprintf( "\t\n" . "\t\t\"%s\"\n", ($file) x 2, $self->{config}->{dir_thumbs}, ($file) x 2, ); if ($self->{config}->{names}) { $self->{html} .= sprintf( "\t
\n" . "\t%s\n", 'text-decoration: none', ($file) x 2, ); } $self->{html} .= "
\n"; } =head2 create_thumbnail_image($file) Load F<$file> and save a resized version in F<.thumbs/$file>. Returns if the thumbnail file already exists, so far it doesn't do any further checks. =cut sub create_thumbnail_image { my ($self, $file) = @_; my $thumbdir = $self->{config}->{dir_thumbs}; my $thumb_dim = $self->{config}->{size}; if (-e "${thumbdir}/${file}" and not $self->{config}->{recreate}) { return; } my $image = Image::Imlib2->load($file); my ($dx, $dy) = ($image->width(), $image->height()); my $thumb = $image; if ($dx > $thumb_dim or $dy > $thumb_dim) { if ($dx > $dy) { $thumb = $image->create_scaled_image($thumb_dim, 0); } else { $thumb = $image->create_scaled_image(0, $thumb_dim); } } $thumb->set_quality($self->{config}->{quality}); $thumb->save("${thumbdir}/${file}"); } =head2 write_out_html Write the cached HTML data to F. =cut sub write_out_html { my ($self) = @_; $self->{html} .= $self->{data}->get('html_end.dthumb'); open(my $fh, '>', $self->{config}->{file_index}); print {$fh} $self->{html}; close($fh); } sub version { return $VERSION; } 1; __END__ =head1 DEPENDENCIES =over =item * App::Dthumb::Data =item * Image::Imlib2 =back =head1 AUTHOR Copyright (C) 2009-2011 by Daniel Friesel Ederf@chaosdorf.deE =head1 LICENSE 0. You just DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO.