feh - Imlib2 based image viewer

 * <http://feh.finalrewind.org/>
 * <http://linuxbrit.co.uk/feh/>


 * giblib
 * Imlib2
 * libpng
 * libX11


 * jpegtran  (supplied by the jpeg library, for lossless image rotation)
 * wget      (for http/ftp support)


$ make
$ sudo make install

If compilation does not work or you want to customize stuff (like disable
Xinerama support), edit config.mk first.

Note: config.mk is designed so that in most cases, you can set environment
variables instead of editing it. E.g.:
CFLAGS='-g -Os' make
export DESTDIR=/tmp/feh PREFIX=/usr; make && make install

Testing (non-X):

$ make test

Requires perl >= 5.10 with Test::Command. The tests are non-interactive and
work without X, so they can safely be run even on a headless buildserver.

Testing (X):

 * import (usually supplied by imagemagick)
 * perl >= 5.10 with GD, Test::More and X11::GUITest
 * twm
 * Xnest

$ make test-x11

Be aware that this is quite experimental, so far the X-tests have only been
run on one machine. So they may or may not work for you.