/* keyevents.c Copyright (C) 1999-2003 Tom Gilbert. Copyright (C) 2010-2020 Daniel Friesel. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies of the Software and its documentation and acknowledgment shall be given in the documentation and software packages that this Software was used. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "feh.h" #include "thumbnail.h" #include "filelist.h" #include "winwidget.h" #include "options.h" #include <termios.h> struct __fehkey keys[EVENT_LIST_END]; struct termios old_term_settings; unsigned char control_via_stdin = 0; void setup_stdin() { struct termios ctrl; control_via_stdin = 1; if (tcgetattr(STDIN_FILENO, &old_term_settings) == -1) eprintf("tcgetattr failed"); if (tcgetattr(STDIN_FILENO, &ctrl) == -1) eprintf("tcgetattr failed"); ctrl.c_iflag &= ~(PARMRK | ISTRIP | INLCR | IGNCR | IXON); ctrl.c_lflag &= ~(ECHO | ICANON | IEXTEN); ctrl.c_cflag &= ~(CSIZE | PARENB); ctrl.c_cflag |= CS8; if (tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &ctrl) == -1) eprintf("tcsetattr failed"); } void restore_stdin() { if (tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &old_term_settings) == -1) eprintf("tcsetattr failed"); } static void feh_set_kb(char *name, unsigned int s0, unsigned int y0, unsigned int s1, unsigned int y1, unsigned int s2, unsigned int y2) { static int key_index = 0; fehkey *key = &keys[key_index]; key->keystates[0] = s0; key->keystates[1] = s1; key->keystates[2] = s2; key->keysyms[0] = y0; key->keysyms[1] = y1; key->keysyms[2] = y2; key->state = 0; key->button = 0; key->name = name; key_index++; } static inline int ignore_space(int keysym) { /* * Passing values which do not fit inside a signed 8bit char to isprint, * isspace and the likes is undefined behaviour... which glibc (for some * values) implements as a segmentation fault. So let's not do that. */ return ((keysym <= 127) && (keysym >= -128) && isprint(keysym) && !isspace(keysym)); } static void feh_set_parse_kb_partial(fehkey *key, int index, char *ks) { char *cur = ks; int mod = 0; if (!*ks) { key->keysyms[index] = 0; return; } while (cur[1] == '-') { switch (cur[0]) { case 'C': mod |= ControlMask; break; case 'S': mod |= ShiftMask; break; case '1': mod |= Mod1Mask; break; case '4': mod |= Mod4Mask; break; default: weprintf("keys: invalid modifier %c in \"%s\"", cur[0], ks); break; } cur += 2; } key->keysyms[index] = XStringToKeysym(cur); if (ignore_space(key->keysyms[index])) mod &= ~ShiftMask; key->keystates[index] = mod; if (key->keysyms[index] == NoSymbol) weprintf("keys: Invalid keysym: %s", cur); } void init_keyevents(void) { char *home = NULL; char *confhome = NULL; char *confpath = NULL; char line[128]; char action[32], k1[32], k2[32], k3[32]; fehkey *cur_kb = NULL; FILE *conf = NULL; int read = 0; /* * The feh_set_kb statements must have the same order as the key_action * enum. */ feh_set_kb("menu_close" , 0, XK_Escape , 0, 0 , 0, 0); feh_set_kb("menu_parent", 0, XK_Left , 0, 0 , 0, 0); feh_set_kb("menu_down", 0, XK_Down , 0, 0 , 0, 0); feh_set_kb("menu_up", 0, XK_Up , 0, 0 , 0, 0); feh_set_kb("menu_child", 0, XK_Right , 0, 0 , 0, 0); feh_set_kb("menu_select", 0, XK_Return , 0, XK_space , 0, 0); feh_set_kb("scroll_left",0, XK_KP_Left , 4, XK_Left , 0, 0); feh_set_kb("scroll_right", 0,XK_KP_Right , 4, XK_Right , 0, 0); feh_set_kb("scroll_down",0, XK_KP_Down , 4, XK_Down , 0, 0); feh_set_kb("scroll_up", 0, XK_KP_Up , 4, XK_Up , 0, 0); feh_set_kb("scroll_left_page" , 8, XK_Left , 0, 0 , 0, 0); feh_set_kb("scroll_right_page", 8, XK_Right, 0, 0 , 0, 0); feh_set_kb("scroll_down_page" , 8, XK_Down , 0, 0 , 0, 0); feh_set_kb("scroll_up_page" , 8, XK_Up , 0, 0 , 0, 0); feh_set_kb("prev_img" , 0, XK_Left , 0, XK_p , 0, XK_BackSpace); feh_set_kb("next_img" , 0, XK_Right , 0, XK_n , 0, XK_space); feh_set_kb("jump_back" , 0, XK_Page_Up , 0, XK_KP_Page_Up, 0, 0); feh_set_kb("jump_fwd" , 0, XK_Page_Down , 0, XK_KP_Page_Down,0,0); feh_set_kb("prev_dir" , 0, XK_bracketleft, 0, 0 , 0, 0); feh_set_kb("next_dir" , 0, XK_bracketright, 0, 0 , 0, 0); feh_set_kb("jump_random" ,0, XK_z , 0, 0 , 0, 0); feh_set_kb("quit" , 0, XK_Escape , 0, XK_q , 0, 0); feh_set_kb("close" , 0, XK_x , 0, 0 , 0, 0); feh_set_kb("remove" , 0, XK_Delete , 0, 0 , 0, 0); feh_set_kb("delete" , 4, XK_Delete , 0, 0 , 0, 0); feh_set_kb("jump_first" , 0, XK_Home , 0, XK_KP_Home , 0, 0); feh_set_kb("jump_last" , 0, XK_End , 0, XK_KP_End , 0, 0); feh_set_kb("action_0" , 0, XK_Return , 0, XK_0 , 0, XK_KP_0); feh_set_kb("action_1" , 0, XK_1 , 0, XK_KP_1 , 0, 0); feh_set_kb("action_2" , 0, XK_2 , 0, XK_KP_2 , 0, 0); feh_set_kb("action_3" , 0, XK_3 , 0, XK_KP_3 , 0, 0); feh_set_kb("action_4" , 0, XK_4 , 0, XK_KP_4 , 0, 0); feh_set_kb("action_5" , 0, XK_5 , 0, XK_KP_5 , 0, 0); feh_set_kb("action_6" , 0, XK_6 , 0, XK_KP_6 , 0, 0); feh_set_kb("action_7" , 0, XK_7 , 0, XK_KP_7 , 0, 0); feh_set_kb("action_8" , 0, XK_8 , 0, XK_KP_8 , 0, 0); feh_set_kb("action_9" , 0, XK_9 , 0, XK_KP_9 , 0, 0); feh_set_kb("zoom_in" , 0, XK_Up , 0, XK_KP_Add , 0, 0); feh_set_kb("zoom_out" , 0, XK_Down , 0, XK_KP_Subtract,0, 0); feh_set_kb("zoom_default" , 0, XK_KP_Multiply, 0, XK_asterisk,0, 0); feh_set_kb("zoom_fit" , 0, XK_KP_Divide , 0, XK_slash , 0, 0); feh_set_kb("zoom_fill" , 0, XK_exclam , 0, 0 , 0, 0); feh_set_kb("size_to_image" , 0, XK_w , 0, 0 , 0, 0); feh_set_kb("render" , 0, XK_KP_Begin , 0, XK_R , 0, 0); feh_set_kb("toggle_actions" , 0, XK_a, 0, 0, 0, 0); feh_set_kb("toggle_aliasing" , 0, XK_A, 0, 0, 0, 0); feh_set_kb("toggle_auto_zoom" , 0, XK_Z, 0, 0, 0, 0); #ifdef HAVE_LIBEXIF feh_set_kb("toggle_exif" , 0, XK_e, 0, 0, 0, 0); #endif feh_set_kb("toggle_filenames" , 0, XK_d, 0, 0, 0, 0); feh_set_kb("toggle_info" , 0, XK_i, 0, 0, 0, 0); feh_set_kb("toggle_pointer" , 0, XK_o, 0, 0, 0, 0); feh_set_kb("toggle_caption" , 0, XK_c, 0, 0, 0, 0); feh_set_kb("toggle_pause" , 0, XK_h, 0, 0, 0, 0); feh_set_kb("toggle_menu" , 0, XK_m, 0, 0, 0, 0); feh_set_kb("toggle_fullscreen" , 0, XK_f, 0, 0, 0, 0); feh_set_kb("reload_image" , 0, XK_r, 0, 0, 0, 0); feh_set_kb("save_image" , 0, XK_s, 0, 0, 0, 0); feh_set_kb("save_filelist" , 0, XK_L, 0, 0, 0, 0); feh_set_kb("orient_1" , 0, XK_greater, 0, 0, 0, 0); feh_set_kb("orient_3" , 0, XK_less, 0, 0, 0, 0); feh_set_kb("flip" , 0, XK_underscore, 0, 0, 0, 0); feh_set_kb("mirror" , 0, XK_bar, 0, 0, 0, 0); feh_set_kb("reload_minus" , 0, XK_minus, 0, 0, 0, 0); feh_set_kb("reload_plus" , 0, XK_plus, 0, 0, 0, 0); feh_set_kb("toggle_keep_vp" , 0, XK_k, 0, 0, 0, 0); feh_set_kb("toggle_fixed_geometry" , 0, XK_g, 0, 0, 0, 0); feh_set_kb("pan" , 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); feh_set_kb("zoom" , 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); feh_set_kb("blur" , 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); feh_set_kb("rotate" , 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); home = getenv("HOME"); confhome = getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME"); if (confhome) confpath = estrjoin("/", confhome, "feh/keys", NULL); else if (home) confpath = estrjoin("/", home, ".config/feh/keys", NULL); else return; conf = fopen(confpath, "r"); free(confpath); if (!conf && ((conf = fopen("/etc/feh/keys", "r")) == NULL)) return; while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), conf)) { *action = '\0'; *k1 = '\0'; *k2 = '\0'; *k3 = '\0'; cur_kb = NULL; read = sscanf(line, "%31s %31s %31s %31s\n", (char *) &action, (char *) &k1, (char* ) &k2, (char *) &k3); if ((read == EOF) || (read == 0) || (line[0] == '#')) continue; cur_kb = feh_str_to_kb(action); if (cur_kb) { feh_set_parse_kb_partial(cur_kb, 0, k1); feh_set_parse_kb_partial(cur_kb, 1, k2); feh_set_parse_kb_partial(cur_kb, 2, k3); } else { weprintf("keys: Invalid action: %s", action); } } fclose(conf); } static short feh_is_kp(unsigned int key_index, unsigned int state, unsigned int sym, unsigned int button) { int i; if (sym != NoSymbol) { for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if ( (keys[key_index].keysyms[i] == sym) && (keys[key_index].keystates[i] == state)) return 1; else if (keys[key_index].keysyms[i] == 0) return 0; } return 0; } if ((keys[key_index].state == state) && (keys[key_index].button == button)) { return 1; } return 0; } void feh_event_invoke_action(winwidget winwid, unsigned char action) { struct stat st; if (opt.actions[action]) { if (opt.slideshow) { feh_action_run(FEH_FILE(winwid->file->data), opt.actions[action], winwid); if (opt.hold_actions[action]) feh_reload_image(winwid, 1, 1); else if (stat(FEH_FILE(winwid->file->data)->filename, &st) == -1) feh_filelist_image_remove(winwid, 0); else slideshow_change_image(winwid, SLIDE_NEXT, 1); } else if ((winwid->type == WIN_TYPE_SINGLE) || (winwid->type == WIN_TYPE_THUMBNAIL_VIEWER)) { feh_action_run(FEH_FILE(winwid->file->data), opt.actions[action], winwid); if (opt.hold_actions[action]) feh_reload_image(winwid, 1, 1); else winwidget_destroy(winwid); } else if (winwid->type == WIN_TYPE_THUMBNAIL) { feh_file *thumbfile; thumbfile = feh_thumbnail_get_selected_file(); if (thumbfile) { feh_action_run(thumbfile, opt.actions[action], winwid); if (!opt.hold_actions[action]) feh_thumbnail_mark_removed(thumbfile, 0); } } } return; } void feh_event_handle_stdin() { char stdin_buf[2]; static char is_esc = 0; KeySym keysym = NoSymbol; if (read(STDIN_FILENO, &stdin_buf, 1) <= 0) { control_via_stdin = 0; if (isatty(STDIN_FILENO) && getpgrp() == (tcgetpgrp(STDIN_FILENO))) { weprintf("reading a command from stdin failed - disabling control via stdin"); restore_stdin(); } return; } stdin_buf[1] = '\0'; // escape? if (stdin_buf[0] == 0x1b) { is_esc = 1; return; } if ((is_esc == 1) && (stdin_buf[0] == '[')) { is_esc = 2; return; } if (stdin_buf[0] == ' ') keysym = XK_space; else if (stdin_buf[0] == '\n') keysym = XK_Return; else if ((stdin_buf[0] == '\b') || (stdin_buf[0] == 127)) keysym = XK_BackSpace; else if (is_esc == 2) { if (stdin_buf[0] == 'A') keysym = XK_Up; else if (stdin_buf[0] == 'B') keysym = XK_Down; else if (stdin_buf[0] == 'C') keysym = XK_Right; else if (stdin_buf[0] == 'D') keysym = XK_Left; is_esc = 0; } else keysym = XStringToKeysym(stdin_buf); if (window_num) feh_event_handle_generic(windows[0], is_esc * Mod1Mask, keysym, 0); is_esc = 0; } void feh_event_handle_keypress(XEvent * ev) { int state; char kbuf[20]; KeySym keysym; XKeyEvent *kev; winwidget winwid = NULL; feh_menu_item *selected_item; feh_menu *selected_menu; winwid = winwidget_get_from_window(ev->xkey.window); /* nuke dupe events, unless we're typing text */ if (winwid && !winwid->caption_entry) { while (XCheckTypedWindowEvent(disp, ev->xkey.window, KeyPress, ev)); } kev = (XKeyEvent *) ev; XLookupString(&ev->xkey, (char *) kbuf, sizeof(kbuf), &keysym, NULL); state = kev->state & (ControlMask | ShiftMask | Mod1Mask | Mod4Mask); if (ignore_space(keysym)) state &= ~ShiftMask; /* menus are showing, so this is a menu control keypress */ if (ev->xbutton.window == menu_cover) { selected_item = feh_menu_find_selected_r(menu_root, &selected_menu); if (feh_is_kp(EVENT_menu_close, state, keysym, 0)) feh_menu_hide(menu_root, True); else if (feh_is_kp(EVENT_menu_parent, state, keysym, 0)) feh_menu_select_parent(selected_menu); else if (feh_is_kp(EVENT_menu_down, state, keysym, 0)) feh_menu_select_next(selected_menu, selected_item); else if (feh_is_kp(EVENT_menu_up, state, keysym, 0)) feh_menu_select_prev(selected_menu, selected_item); else if (feh_is_kp(EVENT_menu_child, state, keysym, 0)) feh_menu_select_submenu(selected_menu); else if (feh_is_kp(EVENT_menu_select, state, keysym, 0)) feh_menu_item_activate(selected_menu, selected_item); return; } if (winwid == NULL) return; feh_event_handle_generic(winwid, state, keysym, 0); } fehkey *feh_str_to_kb(char *action) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < EVENT_LIST_END; i++) { if (!strcmp(action, keys[i].name)) { return &keys[i]; } } return NULL; } void feh_event_handle_generic(winwidget winwid, unsigned int state, KeySym keysym, unsigned int button) { int curr_screen = 0; if (winwid->caption_entry && (keysym != NoSymbol)) { switch (keysym) { case XK_Return: if (state & ControlMask) { /* insert actual newline */ ESTRAPPEND(FEH_FILE(winwid->file->data)->caption, "\n"); winwidget_render_image_cached(winwid); } else { /* finish caption entry, write to captions file */ FILE *fp; char *caption_filename; caption_filename = build_caption_filename(FEH_FILE(winwid->file->data), 1); winwid->caption_entry = 0; winwidget_render_image_cached(winwid); XFreePixmap(disp, winwid->bg_pmap_cache); winwid->bg_pmap_cache = 0; fp = fopen(caption_filename, "w"); if (!fp) { eprintf("couldn't write to captions file %s:", caption_filename); return; } fprintf(fp, "%s", FEH_FILE(winwid->file->data)->caption); free(caption_filename); fclose(fp); } break; case XK_Escape: /* cancel, revert caption */ winwid->caption_entry = 0; free(FEH_FILE(winwid->file->data)->caption); FEH_FILE(winwid->file->data)->caption = NULL; winwidget_render_image_cached(winwid); XFreePixmap(disp, winwid->bg_pmap_cache); winwid->bg_pmap_cache = 0; break; case XK_BackSpace: /* backspace */ ESTRTRUNC(FEH_FILE(winwid->file->data)->caption, 1); winwidget_render_image_cached(winwid); break; default: if (isascii(keysym)) { /* append to caption */ ESTRAPPEND_CHAR(FEH_FILE(winwid->file->data)->caption, keysym); winwidget_render_image_cached(winwid); } break; } return; } if (feh_is_kp(EVENT_next_img, state, keysym, button)) { if (opt.slideshow) slideshow_change_image(winwid, SLIDE_NEXT, 1); else if (winwid->type == WIN_TYPE_THUMBNAIL) feh_thumbnail_select_next(winwid, 1); } else if (feh_is_kp(EVENT_prev_img, state, keysym, button)) { if (opt.slideshow) slideshow_change_image(winwid, SLIDE_PREV, 1); else if (winwid->type == WIN_TYPE_THUMBNAIL) feh_thumbnail_select_prev(winwid, 1); } else if (feh_is_kp(EVENT_scroll_right, state, keysym, button)) { winwid->im_x -= opt.scroll_step;; winwidget_sanitise_offsets(winwid); winwidget_render_image(winwid, 0, 1); } else if (feh_is_kp(EVENT_scroll_left, state, keysym, button)) { winwid->im_x += opt.scroll_step; winwidget_sanitise_offsets(winwid); winwidget_render_image(winwid, 0, 1); } else if (feh_is_kp(EVENT_scroll_down, state, keysym, button)) { winwid->im_y -= opt.scroll_step; winwidget_sanitise_offsets(winwid); winwidget_render_image(winwid, 0, 1); } else if (feh_is_kp(EVENT_scroll_up, state, keysym, button)) { winwid->im_y += opt.scroll_step; winwidget_sanitise_offsets(winwid); winwidget_render_image(winwid, 0, 1); } else if (feh_is_kp(EVENT_scroll_right_page, state, keysym, button)) { winwid->im_x -= winwid->w; winwidget_sanitise_offsets(winwid); winwidget_render_image(winwid, 0, 0); } else if (feh_is_kp(EVENT_scroll_left_page, state, keysym, button)) { winwid->im_x += winwid->w; winwidget_sanitise_offsets(winwid); winwidget_render_image(winwid, 0, 0); } else if (feh_is_kp(EVENT_scroll_down_page, state, keysym, button)) { winwid->im_y -= winwid->h; winwidget_sanitise_offsets(winwid); winwidget_render_image(winwid, 0, 0); } else if (feh_is_kp(EVENT_scroll_up_page, state, keysym, button)) { winwid->im_y += winwid->h; winwidget_sanitise_offsets(winwid); winwidget_render_image(winwid, 0, 0); } else if (feh_is_kp(EVENT_jump_back, state, keysym, button)) { if (opt.slideshow) slideshow_change_image(winwid, SLIDE_JUMP_BACK, 1); else if (winwid->type == WIN_TYPE_THUMBNAIL) feh_thumbnail_select_prev(winwid, 10); } else if (feh_is_kp(EVENT_jump_fwd, state, keysym, button)) { if (opt.slideshow) slideshow_change_image(winwid, SLIDE_JUMP_FWD, 1); else if (winwid->type == WIN_TYPE_THUMBNAIL) feh_thumbnail_select_next(winwid, 10); } else if (feh_is_kp(EVENT_next_dir, state, keysym, button)) { if (opt.slideshow) slideshow_change_image(winwid, SLIDE_JUMP_NEXT_DIR, 1); } else if (feh_is_kp(EVENT_prev_dir, state, keysym, button)) { if (opt.slideshow) slideshow_change_image(winwid, SLIDE_JUMP_PREV_DIR, 1); } else if (feh_is_kp(EVENT_quit, state, keysym, button)) { winwidget_destroy_all(); } else if (feh_is_kp(EVENT_delete, state, keysym, button)) { if (winwid->type == WIN_TYPE_THUMBNAIL_VIEWER) feh_thumbnail_mark_removed(FEH_FILE(winwid->file->data), 1); feh_filelist_image_remove(winwid, 1); } else if (feh_is_kp(EVENT_remove, state, keysym, button)) { if (winwid->type == WIN_TYPE_THUMBNAIL_VIEWER) feh_thumbnail_mark_removed(FEH_FILE(winwid->file->data), 0); feh_filelist_image_remove(winwid, 0); } else if (feh_is_kp(EVENT_jump_first, state, keysym, button)) { if (opt.slideshow) slideshow_change_image(winwid, SLIDE_FIRST, 1); } else if (feh_is_kp(EVENT_jump_last, state, keysym, button)) { if (opt.slideshow) slideshow_change_image(winwid, SLIDE_LAST, 1); } else if (feh_is_kp(EVENT_action_0, state, keysym, button)) { feh_event_invoke_action(winwid, 0); } else if (feh_is_kp(EVENT_action_1, state, keysym, button)) { feh_event_invoke_action(winwid, 1); } else if (feh_is_kp(EVENT_action_2, state, keysym, button)) { feh_event_invoke_action(winwid, 2); } else if (feh_is_kp(EVENT_action_3, state, keysym, button)) { feh_event_invoke_action(winwid, 3); } else if (feh_is_kp(EVENT_action_4, state, keysym, button)) { feh_event_invoke_action(winwid, 4); } else if (feh_is_kp(EVENT_action_5, state, keysym, button)) { feh_event_invoke_action(winwid, 5); } else if (feh_is_kp(EVENT_action_6, state, keysym, button)) { feh_event_invoke_action(winwid, 6); } else if (feh_is_kp(EVENT_action_7, state, keysym, button)) { feh_event_invoke_action(winwid, 7); } else if (feh_is_kp(EVENT_action_8, state, keysym, button)) { feh_event_invoke_action(winwid, 8); } else if (feh_is_kp(EVENT_action_9, state, keysym, button)) { feh_event_invoke_action(winwid, 9); } else if (feh_is_kp(EVENT_zoom_in, state, keysym, button)) { winwid->old_zoom = winwid->zoom; winwid->zoom = winwid->zoom * 1.25; if (winwid->zoom > ZOOM_MAX) winwid->zoom = ZOOM_MAX; winwid->im_x = (winwid->w / 2) - (((winwid->w / 2) - winwid->im_x) / winwid->old_zoom * winwid->zoom); winwid->im_y = (winwid->h / 2) - (((winwid->h / 2) - winwid->im_y) / winwid->old_zoom * winwid->zoom); winwidget_sanitise_offsets(winwid); winwidget_render_image(winwid, 0, 0); } else if (feh_is_kp(EVENT_zoom_out, state, keysym, button)) { winwid->old_zoom = winwid->zoom; winwid->zoom = winwid->zoom * 0.80; if (winwid->zoom < ZOOM_MIN) winwid->zoom = ZOOM_MIN; winwid->im_x = (winwid->w / 2) - (((winwid->w / 2) - winwid->im_x) / winwid->old_zoom * winwid->zoom); winwid->im_y = (winwid->h / 2) - (((winwid->h / 2) - winwid->im_y) / winwid->old_zoom * winwid->zoom); winwidget_sanitise_offsets(winwid); winwidget_render_image(winwid, 0, 0); } else if (feh_is_kp(EVENT_zoom_default, state, keysym, button)) { winwid->zoom = 1.0; winwidget_center_image(winwid); winwidget_render_image(winwid, 0, 0); } else if (feh_is_kp(EVENT_zoom_fit, state, keysym, button)) { feh_calc_needed_zoom(&winwid->zoom, winwid->im_w, winwid->im_h, winwid->w, winwid->h); winwidget_center_image(winwid); winwidget_render_image(winwid, 0, 0); } else if (feh_is_kp(EVENT_zoom_fill, state, keysym, button)) { int save_zoom = opt.zoom_mode; opt.zoom_mode = ZOOM_MODE_FILL; feh_calc_needed_zoom(&winwid->zoom, winwid->im_w, winwid->im_h, winwid->w, winwid->h); winwidget_center_image(winwid); winwidget_render_image(winwid, 0, 0); opt.zoom_mode = save_zoom; } else if (feh_is_kp(EVENT_render, state, keysym, button)) { if (winwid->type == WIN_TYPE_THUMBNAIL) feh_thumbnail_show_selected(); else winwidget_render_image(winwid, 0, 0); } else if (feh_is_kp(EVENT_toggle_actions, state, keysym, button)) { opt.draw_actions = !opt.draw_actions; winwidget_rerender_all(0); } else if (feh_is_kp(EVENT_toggle_aliasing, state, keysym, button)) { opt.force_aliasing = !opt.force_aliasing; winwid->force_aliasing = !winwid->force_aliasing; winwidget_render_image(winwid, 0, 0); } else if (feh_is_kp(EVENT_toggle_auto_zoom, state, keysym, button)) { opt.zoom_mode = (opt.zoom_mode == 0 ? ZOOM_MODE_MAX : 0); winwidget_rerender_all(1); } else if (feh_is_kp(EVENT_toggle_filenames, state, keysym, button)) { opt.draw_filename = !opt.draw_filename; winwidget_rerender_all(0); } #ifdef HAVE_LIBEXIF else if (feh_is_kp(EVENT_toggle_exif, state, keysym, button)) { opt.draw_exif = !opt.draw_exif; winwidget_rerender_all(0); } #endif else if (feh_is_kp(EVENT_toggle_info, state, keysym, button)) { opt.draw_info = !opt.draw_info; winwidget_rerender_all(0); } else if (feh_is_kp(EVENT_toggle_pointer, state, keysym, button)) { winwidget_set_pointer(winwid, opt.hide_pointer); opt.hide_pointer = !opt.hide_pointer; } else if (feh_is_kp(EVENT_jump_random, state, keysym, button)) { if (winwid->type == WIN_TYPE_THUMBNAIL) feh_thumbnail_select_next(winwid, random() % (filelist_len - 1)); else slideshow_change_image(winwid, SLIDE_RAND, 1); } else if (feh_is_kp(EVENT_toggle_caption, state, keysym, button)) { if (opt.caption_path && path_is_url(FEH_FILE(winwid->file->data)->filename)) { im_weprintf(winwid, "Caption entry is not supported on URLs"); } else if (opt.caption_path) { /* * editing captions in slideshow mode does not make any sense * at all; this is just in case someone accidentally does it... */ if (opt.slideshow_delay) opt.paused = 1; winwid->caption_entry = 1; } winwidget_render_image(winwid, 0, 0); } else if (feh_is_kp(EVENT_reload_image, state, keysym, button)) { feh_reload_image(winwid, 0, 0); } else if (feh_is_kp(EVENT_toggle_pause, state, keysym, button)) { slideshow_pause_toggle(winwid); /* We need to re-render the image to update the info string immediately. */ winwidget_render_image(winwid, 0, 0); } else if (feh_is_kp(EVENT_save_image, state, keysym, button)) { slideshow_save_image(winwid); } else if (feh_is_kp(EVENT_save_filelist, state, keysym, button)) { if ((winwid->type == WIN_TYPE_THUMBNAIL) || (winwid->type == WIN_TYPE_THUMBNAIL_VIEWER)) weprintf("Filelist saving is not supported in thumbnail mode"); else feh_save_filelist(); } else if (feh_is_kp(EVENT_size_to_image, state, keysym, button)) { winwidget_size_to_image(winwid); } else if (!opt.no_menus && feh_is_kp(EVENT_toggle_menu, state, keysym, button)) { winwidget_show_menu(winwid); } else if (feh_is_kp(EVENT_close, state, keysym, button)) { winwidget_destroy(winwid); } else if (feh_is_kp(EVENT_orient_1, state, keysym, button)) { feh_edit_inplace(winwid, 1); } else if (feh_is_kp(EVENT_orient_3, state, keysym, button)) { feh_edit_inplace(winwid, 3); } else if (feh_is_kp(EVENT_flip, state, keysym, button)) { feh_edit_inplace(winwid, INPLACE_EDIT_FLIP); } else if (feh_is_kp(EVENT_mirror, state, keysym, button)) { feh_edit_inplace(winwid, INPLACE_EDIT_MIRROR); } else if (feh_is_kp(EVENT_toggle_fullscreen, state, keysym, button)) { #ifdef HAVE_LIBXINERAMA if (opt.xinerama && xinerama_screens) { int i, rect[4]; winwidget_get_geometry(winwid, rect); for (i = 0; i < num_xinerama_screens; i++) { xinerama_screen = 0; if (XY_IN_RECT(rect[0], rect[1], xinerama_screens[i].x_org, xinerama_screens[i].y_org, xinerama_screens[i].width, xinerama_screens[i].height)) { curr_screen = xinerama_screen = i; break; } } if (opt.xinerama_index >= 0) curr_screen = xinerama_screen = opt.xinerama_index; } #endif /* HAVE_LIBXINERAMA */ winwid->full_screen = !winwid->full_screen; winwidget_destroy_xwin(winwid); winwidget_create_window(winwid, winwid->im_w, winwid->im_h); winwidget_render_image(winwid, 1, 0); winwidget_show(winwid); #ifdef HAVE_LIBXINERAMA /* if we have xinerama and we're using it, then full screen the window * on the head that the window was active on */ if (winwid->full_screen == TRUE && opt.xinerama && xinerama_screens) { xinerama_screen = curr_screen; winwidget_move(winwid, xinerama_screens[curr_screen].x_org, xinerama_screens[curr_screen].y_org); } #endif /* HAVE_LIBXINERAMA */ } else if (feh_is_kp(EVENT_reload_plus, state, keysym, button)){ if (opt.reload < SLIDESHOW_RELOAD_MAX) opt.reload++; else if (opt.verbose) weprintf("Cannot set RELOAD higher than %f seconds.", opt.reload); } else if (feh_is_kp(EVENT_reload_minus, state, keysym, button)) { if (opt.reload > 1) opt.reload--; else if (opt.verbose) weprintf("Cannot set RELOAD lower than 1 second."); } else if (feh_is_kp(EVENT_toggle_keep_vp, state, keysym, button)) { opt.keep_zoom_vp = !opt.keep_zoom_vp; } else if (feh_is_kp(EVENT_toggle_fixed_geometry, state, keysym, button)) { if (opt.geom_flags & ((WidthValue | HeightValue))) { opt.geom_flags &= ~(WidthValue | HeightValue); } else { opt.geom_flags |= (WidthValue | HeightValue); opt.geom_w = winwid->w; opt.geom_h = winwid->h; } winwidget_render_image(winwid, 1, 0); } return; }