/* slideshow.c Copyright (C) 1999-2003 Tom Gilbert. Copyright (C) 2010-2018 Daniel Friesel. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies of the Software and its documentation and acknowledgment shall be given in the documentation and software packages that this Software was used. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "feh.h" #include "filelist.h" #include "timers.h" #include "winwidget.h" #include "options.h" #include "signals.h" void init_slideshow_mode(void) { winwidget w = NULL; int success = 0; gib_list *l = filelist, *last = NULL; for (; l && opt.start_list_at; l = l->next) { if (!strcmp(opt.start_list_at, FEH_FILE(l->data)->filename)) { opt.start_list_at = NULL; break; } } if (opt.start_list_at) eprintf("--start-at %s: File not found in filelist", opt.start_list_at); if (!opt.title) opt.title = PACKAGE " [%u of %l] - %f"; mode = "slideshow"; for (; l; l = l->next) { if (last) { filelist = feh_file_remove_from_list(filelist, last); last = NULL; } current_file = l; if ((w = winwidget_create_from_file(l, WIN_TYPE_SLIDESHOW)) != NULL) { success = 1; winwidget_show(w); if (opt.slideshow_delay > 0.0) feh_add_timer(cb_slide_timer, w, opt.slideshow_delay, "SLIDE_CHANGE"); if (opt.reload > 0) feh_add_unique_timer(cb_reload_timer, w, opt.reload); break; } else { last = l; } } if (!success) show_mini_usage(); return; } void cb_slide_timer(void *data) { slideshow_change_image((winwidget) data, SLIDE_NEXT, 1); return; } void cb_reload_timer(void *data) { gib_list *l; char *current_filename; winwidget w = (winwidget) data; /* save the current filename for refinding it in new list */ current_filename = estrdup(FEH_FILE(current_file->data)->filename); for (l = filelist; l; l = l->next) { feh_file_free(l->data); l->data = NULL; } gib_list_free_and_data(filelist); filelist = NULL; filelist_len = 0; current_file = NULL; /* rebuild filelist from original_file_items */ if (gib_list_length(original_file_items) > 0) for (l = gib_list_last(original_file_items); l; l = l->prev) add_file_to_filelist_recursively(l->data, FILELIST_FIRST); else if (!opt.filelistfile && !opt.bgmode) add_file_to_filelist_recursively(".", FILELIST_FIRST); if (opt.filelistfile) { filelist = gib_list_cat(filelist, feh_read_filelist(opt.filelistfile)); } if (!(filelist_len = gib_list_length(filelist))) { eprintf("No files found to reload."); } feh_prepare_filelist(); /* find the previously current file */ for (l = filelist; l; l = l->next) if (strcmp(FEH_FILE(l->data)->filename, current_filename) == 0) { current_file = l; break; } free(current_filename); if (!current_file) current_file = filelist; w->file = current_file; feh_reload_image(w, 1, 0); feh_add_unique_timer(cb_reload_timer, w, opt.reload); return; } void feh_reload_image(winwidget w, int resize, int force_new) { char *new_title; int len; Imlib_Image tmp; int old_w, old_h; if (!w->file) { im_weprintf(w, "couldn't reload, this image has no file associated with it."); winwidget_render_image(w, 0, 0); return; } D(("resize %d, force_new %d\n", resize, force_new)); free(FEH_FILE(w->file->data)->caption); FEH_FILE(w->file->data)->caption = NULL; len = strlen(w->name) + sizeof("Reloading: ") + 1; new_title = emalloc(len); snprintf(new_title, len, "Reloading: %s", w->name); winwidget_rename(w, new_title); free(new_title); old_w = gib_imlib_image_get_width(w->im); old_h = gib_imlib_image_get_height(w->im); /* * If we don't free the old image before loading the new one, Imlib2's * caching will get in our way. * However, if --reload is used (force_new == 0), we want to continue if * the new image cannot be loaded, so we must not free the old image yet. */ if (force_new) winwidget_free_image(w); if ((feh_load_image(&tmp, FEH_FILE(w->file->data))) == 0) { if (force_new) eprintf("failed to reload image\n"); else { im_weprintf(w, "Couldn't reload image. Is it still there?"); winwidget_render_image(w, 0, 0); } return; } if (!resize && ((old_w != gib_imlib_image_get_width(tmp)) || (old_h != gib_imlib_image_get_height(tmp)))) resize = 1; if (!force_new) winwidget_free_image(w); w->im = tmp; winwidget_reset_image(w); w->mode = MODE_NORMAL; if ((w->im_w != gib_imlib_image_get_width(w->im)) || (w->im_h != gib_imlib_image_get_height(w->im))) w->had_resize = 1; if (w->has_rotated) { Imlib_Image temp; temp = gib_imlib_create_rotated_image(w->im, 0.0); w->im_w = gib_imlib_image_get_width(temp); w->im_h = gib_imlib_image_get_height(temp); gib_imlib_free_image_and_decache(temp); } else { w->im_w = gib_imlib_image_get_width(w->im); w->im_h = gib_imlib_image_get_height(w->im); } winwidget_render_image(w, resize, 0); return; } void slideshow_change_image(winwidget winwid, int change, int render) { gib_list *last = NULL; gib_list *previous_file = current_file; int i = 0; int jmp = 1; /* We can't use filelist_len in the for loop, since that changes when we * encounter invalid images. */ int our_filelist_len = filelist_len; if (opt.slideshow_delay > 0.0) feh_add_timer(cb_slide_timer, winwid, opt.slideshow_delay, "SLIDE_CHANGE"); /* Without this, clicking a one-image slideshow reloads it. Not very * intelligent behaviour :-) */ if (filelist_len < 2 && opt.on_last_slide != ON_LAST_SLIDE_QUIT) return; /* Ok. I do this in such an odd way to ensure that if the last or first * image is not loadable, it will go through in the right direction to * find the correct one. Otherwise SLIDE_LAST would try the last file, * then loop forward to find a loadable one. */ if (change == SLIDE_FIRST) { current_file = gib_list_last(filelist); change = SLIDE_NEXT; previous_file = NULL; } else if (change == SLIDE_LAST) { current_file = filelist; change = SLIDE_PREV; previous_file = NULL; } /* The for loop prevents us looping infinitely */ for (i = 0; i < our_filelist_len; i++) { winwidget_free_image(winwid); switch (change) { case SLIDE_NEXT: current_file = feh_list_jump(filelist, current_file, FORWARD, 1); break; case SLIDE_PREV: current_file = feh_list_jump(filelist, current_file, BACK, 1); break; case SLIDE_RAND: if (filelist_len > 1) { current_file = feh_list_jump(filelist, current_file, FORWARD, (rand() % (filelist_len - 1)) + 1); change = SLIDE_NEXT; } break; case SLIDE_JUMP_FWD: if (filelist_len < 5) jmp = 1; else if (filelist_len < 40) jmp = 2; else jmp = filelist_len / 20; if (!jmp) jmp = 2; current_file = feh_list_jump(filelist, current_file, FORWARD, jmp); /* important. if the load fails, we only want to step on ONCE to try the next file, not another jmp */ change = SLIDE_NEXT; break; case SLIDE_JUMP_BACK: if (filelist_len < 5) jmp = 1; else if (filelist_len < 40) jmp = 2; else jmp = filelist_len / 20; if (!jmp) jmp = 2; current_file = feh_list_jump(filelist, current_file, BACK, jmp); /* important. if the load fails, we only want to step back ONCE to try the previous file, not another jmp */ change = SLIDE_NEXT; break; case SLIDE_JUMP_NEXT_DIR: { char old_dir[PATH_MAX], new_dir[PATH_MAX]; int j; feh_file_dirname(old_dir, FEH_FILE(current_file->data), PATH_MAX); for (j = 0; j < our_filelist_len; j++) { current_file = feh_list_jump(filelist, current_file, FORWARD, 1); feh_file_dirname(new_dir, FEH_FILE(current_file->data), PATH_MAX); if (strcmp(old_dir, new_dir) != 0) break; } } change = SLIDE_NEXT; break; case SLIDE_JUMP_PREV_DIR: { char old_dir[PATH_MAX], new_dir[PATH_MAX]; int j; /* Start the search from the previous file in case we are on the first file of a directory */ current_file = feh_list_jump(filelist, current_file, BACK, 1); feh_file_dirname(old_dir, FEH_FILE(current_file->data), PATH_MAX); for (j = 0; j < our_filelist_len; j++) { current_file = feh_list_jump(filelist, current_file, BACK, 1); feh_file_dirname(new_dir, FEH_FILE(current_file->data), PATH_MAX); if (strcmp(old_dir, new_dir) != 0) break; } /* Next file is the first entry of prev_dir */ current_file = feh_list_jump(filelist, current_file, FORWARD, 1); } change = SLIDE_NEXT; break; default: eprintf("BUG!\n"); break; } if (last) { filelist = feh_file_remove_from_list(filelist, last); last = NULL; } if (opt.on_last_slide == ON_LAST_SLIDE_HOLD && previous_file && ((current_file == filelist && change == SLIDE_NEXT) || (previous_file == filelist && change == SLIDE_PREV))) { current_file = previous_file; } if (winwidget_loadimage(winwid, FEH_FILE(current_file->data))) { int w = gib_imlib_image_get_width(winwid->im); int h = gib_imlib_image_get_height(winwid->im); if (feh_should_ignore_image(winwid->im)) { last = current_file; continue; } winwid->mode = MODE_NORMAL; winwid->file = current_file; if ((winwid->im_w != w) || (winwid->im_h != h)) winwid->had_resize = 1; winwidget_reset_image(winwid); winwid->im_w = w; winwid->im_h = h; if (render) { winwidget_render_image(winwid, 1, 0); } break; } else last = current_file; } if (last) filelist = feh_file_remove_from_list(filelist, last); if (filelist_len == 0) eprintf("No more slides in show"); return; } void slideshow_pause_toggle(winwidget w) { if (!opt.paused) { opt.paused = 1; } else { opt.paused = 0; } winwidget_rename(w, NULL); } void feh_action_run(feh_file * file, char *action, winwidget winwid) { if (action) { char *sys; D(("Running action %s\n", action)); sys = feh_printf(action, file, winwid); if (opt.verbose && !opt.list && !opt.customlist) fprintf(stderr, "Running action -->%s<--\n", sys); system(sys); } return; } char *format_size(int size) { static char ret[5]; char units[] = {' ', 'k', 'M', 'G', 'T'}; unsigned char postfix = 0; while (size >= 1000) { size /= 1000; postfix++; } snprintf(ret, 5, "%3d%c", size, units[postfix]); return ret; } char *feh_printf(char *str, feh_file * file, winwidget winwid) { char *c; char buf[20]; static char ret[4096]; char *filelist_tmppath; ret[0] = '\0'; filelist_tmppath = NULL; gib_list *f; for (c = str; *c != '\0'; c++) { if ((*c == '%') && (*(c+1) != '\0')) { c++; switch (*c) { case 'f': if (file) strncat(ret, file->filename, sizeof(ret) - strlen(ret) - 1); break; case 'F': if (file) strncat(ret, shell_escape(file->filename), sizeof(ret) - strlen(ret) - 1); break; case 'g': if (winwid) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d,%d", winwid->w, winwid->h); strncat(ret, buf, sizeof(ret) - strlen(ret) - 1); } break; case 'h': if (file && (file->info || !feh_file_info_load(file, NULL))) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", file->info->height); strncat(ret, buf, sizeof(ret) - strlen(ret) - 1); } break; case 'l': snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", gib_list_length(filelist)); strncat(ret, buf, sizeof(ret) - strlen(ret) - 1); break; case 'L': if (filelist_tmppath != NULL) { strncat(ret, filelist_tmppath, sizeof(ret) - strlen(ret) - 1); } else { filelist_tmppath = feh_unique_filename("/tmp/","filelist"); feh_write_filelist(filelist, filelist_tmppath); strncat(ret, filelist_tmppath, sizeof(ret) - strlen(ret) - 1); } break; case 'm': strncat(ret, mode, sizeof(ret) - strlen(ret) - 1); break; case 'n': if (file) strncat(ret, file->name, sizeof(ret) - strlen(ret) - 1); break; case 'N': if (file) strncat(ret, shell_escape(file->name), sizeof(ret) - strlen(ret) - 1); break; case 'o': if (winwid) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d,%d", winwid->im_x, winwid->im_y); strncat(ret, buf, sizeof(ret) - strlen(ret) - 1); } break; case 'p': if (file && (file->info || !feh_file_info_load(file, NULL))) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", file->info->pixels); strncat(ret, buf, sizeof(ret) - strlen(ret) - 1); } break; case 'P': if (file && (file->info || !feh_file_info_load(file, NULL))) { strncat(ret, format_size(file->info->pixels), sizeof(ret) - strlen(ret) - 1); } break; case 'r': if (winwid) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%.1f", winwid->im_angle); strncat(ret, buf, sizeof(ret) - strlen(ret) - 1); } break; case 's': if (file && (file->info || !feh_file_info_load(file, NULL))) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", file->info->size); strncat(ret, buf, sizeof(ret) - strlen(ret) - 1); } break; case 'S': if (file && (file->info || !feh_file_info_load(file, NULL))) { strncat(ret, format_size(file->info->size), sizeof(ret) - strlen(ret) - 1); } break; case 't': if (file && (file->info || !feh_file_info_load(file, NULL))) { strncat(ret, file->info->format, sizeof(ret) - strlen(ret) - 1); } break; case 'u': f = current_file ? current_file : gib_list_find_by_data(filelist, file); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", f ? gib_list_num(filelist, f) + 1 : 0); strncat(ret, buf, sizeof(ret) - strlen(ret) - 1); break; case 'v': strncat(ret, VERSION, sizeof(ret) - strlen(ret) - 1); break; case 'V': snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", getpid()); strncat(ret, buf, sizeof(ret) - strlen(ret) - 1); break; case 'w': if (file && (file->info || !feh_file_info_load(file, NULL))) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", file->info->width); strncat(ret, buf, sizeof(ret) - strlen(ret) - 1); } break; case 'z': if (winwid) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%.2f", winwid->zoom); strncat(ret, buf, sizeof(ret) - strlen(ret) - 1); } else { strncat(ret, "1.00", sizeof(ret) - strlen(ret) - 1); } break; case 'Z': if (winwid) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%f", winwid->zoom); strncat(ret, buf, sizeof(ret) - strlen(ret) - 1); } break; case '%': strncat(ret, "%", sizeof(ret) - strlen(ret) - 1); break; default: weprintf("Unrecognized format specifier %%%c", *c); if ((strlen(ret) + 3) < sizeof(ret)) strncat(ret, c - 1, 2); break; } } else if ((*c == '\\') && (*(c+1) != '\0') && ((strlen(ret) + 3) < sizeof(ret))) { c++; switch (*c) { case 'n': strcat(ret, "\n"); break; default: strncat(ret, c - 1, 2); break; } } else if ((strlen(ret) + 2) < sizeof(ret)) strncat(ret, c, 1); } if (filelist_tmppath != NULL) free(filelist_tmppath); return(ret); } void feh_filelist_image_remove(winwidget winwid, char do_delete) { if (winwid->type == WIN_TYPE_SLIDESHOW) { gib_list *doomed; doomed = current_file; /* * work around feh_list_jump exiting if ON_LAST_SLIDE_QUIT is set * and no further files are left (we need to delete first) */ if (opt.on_last_slide == ON_LAST_SLIDE_QUIT && ! doomed->next && do_delete) { feh_file_rm_and_free(filelist, doomed); exit(0); } if (doomed->next) { slideshow_change_image(winwid, SLIDE_NEXT, 0); } else { slideshow_change_image(winwid, SLIDE_PREV, 0); } if (do_delete) filelist = feh_file_rm_and_free(filelist, doomed); else filelist = feh_file_remove_from_list(filelist, doomed); if (!filelist) { /* No more images. Game over ;-) */ winwidget_destroy(winwid); return; } winwidget_render_image(winwid, 1, 0); } else if ((winwid->type == WIN_TYPE_SINGLE) || (winwid->type == WIN_TYPE_THUMBNAIL_VIEWER)) { if (do_delete) filelist = feh_file_rm_and_free(filelist, winwid->file); else filelist = feh_file_remove_from_list(filelist, winwid->file); winwid->file = NULL; winwidget_destroy(winwid); } } void slideshow_save_image(winwidget win) { char *tmpname; Imlib_Load_Error err; char *base_dir = estrjoin("", opt.output_dir ? opt.output_dir : "", "/", NULL); if (win->file) { tmpname = feh_unique_filename(base_dir, FEH_FILE(win->file->data)->name); } else if (mode) { char *tmp; tmp = estrjoin(".", mode, "png", NULL); tmpname = feh_unique_filename(base_dir, tmp); free(tmp); } else { tmpname = feh_unique_filename(base_dir, "noname.png"); } free(base_dir); if (opt.verbose) fprintf(stderr, "saving image to filename '%s'\n", tmpname); gib_imlib_save_image_with_error_return(win->im, tmpname, &err); if (err) feh_imlib_print_load_error(tmpname, win, err); free(tmpname); return; } gib_list *feh_list_jump(gib_list * root, gib_list * l, int direction, int num) { int i; gib_list *ret = NULL; if (!root) return (NULL); if (!l) return (root); ret = l; for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { if (direction == FORWARD) { if (ret->next) { ret = ret->next; } else { if (opt.on_last_slide == ON_LAST_SLIDE_QUIT) { exit(0); } if (opt.randomize) { /* Randomize the filename order */ filelist = gib_list_randomize(filelist); ret = filelist; } else { ret = root; } } } else { if (ret->prev) ret = ret->prev; else ret = gib_list_last(ret); } } return (ret); }