#!/usr/bin/env python3 # vim:tabstop=4 softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 textwidth=160 smarttab expandtab colorcolumn=160 import argparse import psycopg2 import aiohttp from aiohttp import web from datetime import datetime, timedelta import dateutil.parser from geopy.distance import distance import json import logging import os import pytz headers = { "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*", "Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8", } conn = psycopg2.connect( dbname=os.getenv("GEOLOOKUP_DBNAME", "geo_to_stations"), user=os.getenv("GEOLOOKUP_DBUSER", "geo_to_stations"), password=os.getenv("GEOLOOKUP_DBPASS"), host=os.getenv("GEOLOOKUP_DBHOST", "localhost"), ) conn.autocommit = True conn.set_session(readonly=True) def set_coarse_location(train): now = datetime.now(pytz.utc) train_evas = None stopovers = train["previousStopovers"] # includes train["stop"] -- but with arrival instead of departure for i, stopover in enumerate(stopovers): ts = None if stopover["departure"]: try: stopover["departure"] = dateutil.parser.parse(stopover["departure"]) ts = stopover["departure"] except TypeError: return if stopover["arrival"]: try: stopover["arrival"] = dateutil.parser.parse(stopover["arrival"]) ts = stopover["arrival"] except TypeError: return # start with origin. (planned)arrival is always null in a previousStopovers list except for the last entry # (which is the stop where arrivals were requested) if i > 0 and ts and ts > now: train_evas = ( int(stopovers[i - 1]["stop"]["id"]), int(stopover["stop"]["id"]), ) train_stops = (stopovers[i - 1]["stop"]["name"], stopover["stop"]["name"]) train_coords = ( ( stopovers[i - 1]["stop"]["location"]["latitude"], stopovers[i - 1]["stop"]["location"]["longitude"], ), ( stopover["stop"]["location"]["latitude"], stopover["stop"]["location"]["longitude"], ), ) # XXX known bug: we're saving departure at i-1 and (possibly) departure at i. For a more accurate coarse position estimate later on, # we need to track departure at i-1 and arrival at i. But we don't always have it. train_times = (stopovers[i - 1]["departure"], ts) break if not train_evas: return if not train_times[0]: return train["evas"] = train_evas train["stop_names"] = train_stops train["coords"] = train_coords train["times"] = train_times train["progress_ratio"] = 1 - ( (train["times"][1].timestamp() - now.timestamp()) / (train["times"][1].timestamp() - train["times"][0].timestamp()) ) train["progress_ratio"] = max(0, min(1, train["progress_ratio"])) if train["progress_ratio"] == 0: train["location"] = train["coarse_location"] = train["coords"][0] elif train["progress_ratio"] == 1: train["location"] = train["coarse_location"] = train["coords"][1] else: ratio = train["progress_ratio"] coords = train["coords"] train["coarse_location"] = ( coords[1][0] * ratio + coords[0][0] * (1 - ratio), coords[1][1] * ratio + coords[0][1] * (1 - ratio), ) if train_evas[1] == int(train["stop"]["id"]): # we can compare departure at previous stop with arrival at this stop. this is most accurate for position estimation. train["preferred"] = True else: train["preferred"] = False def calculate_distance(train, latlon): train["distance"] = distance(train["coarse_location"], latlon).km def format_train(train): train_type, line_no = train["line"]["name"].split() train_no = train["line"]["fahrtNr"] return { "line": f"{train_type} {line_no}", "train": f"{train_type} {train_no}", "tripId": train["tripId"], "location": train["coarse_location"], "distance": round(train["distance"], 1), "stops": [ ( train["evas"][0], train["stop_names"][0], train["times"][0].strftime("%H:%M"), ), ( train["evas"][1], train["stop_names"][1], train["times"][1].strftime("%H:%M"), ), ], } async def handle_search(request): try: lat = float(request.query.get("lat")) lon = float(request.query.get("lon")) except TypeError: return web.HTTPBadRequest(text="lat/lon are mandatory") except ValueError: return web.HTTPBadRequest(text="lat/lon must be floating-point numbers") lut_lat = round(lat * 1000) lut_lon = round(lon * 1000) evas = set() with conn.cursor() as cur: cur.execute( "select stations from stations where lat between %s and %s and lon between %s and %s", (lut_lat - 3, lut_lat + 3, lut_lon - 3, lut_lon + 3), ) for eva_list in cur.fetchall(): evas.update(eva_list[0]) if not evas: response = {"evas": list(), "trains": list()} return web.Response(body=json.dumps(response), headers=headers) arrivals = list() trains = list() # deliberately not parallelized to minimize load on transport.rest for eva in evas: logging.debug(f"Requesting arrivals at {eva}") async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with session.get( f"https://v5.db.transport.rest/stops/{eva}/arrivals?results=40&duration=120&stopovers=true&bus=false&subway=false&tram=false" ) as response: content = await response.text() content = json.loads(content) arrivals.append(content) for train_list in arrivals: for train in train_list: is_candidate = False for stop in train["previousStopovers"]: if ( int(stop["stop"]["id"]) in evas and stop["stop"]["id"] != train["stop"]["id"] ): is_candidate = True break if is_candidate: trains.append(train) logging.debug(f"{len(trains)} trains travel between at least two requested evas") for train in trains: set_coarse_location(train) trains = list(filter(lambda train: "coarse_location" in train, trains)) for train in trains: calculate_distance(train, (lat, lon)) trains = sorted( trains, key=lambda train: 0 if train["preferred"] else train["distance"] ) logging.debug(f"{len(trains)} trains have a coarse location") # remove duplicates. for now, we keep the preferred version, or the one with the lowest estimated distance. # later on, we'll need to request polylines and perform accurate calculations. seen = set() trains = [ seen.add(train["line"]["fahrtNr"]) or train for train in trains if train["line"]["fahrtNr"] not in seen ] trains = sorted(trains, key=lambda train: train["distance"]) trains = list(map(format_train, trains[:10])) response = {"evas": list(evas), "trains": trains} return web.Response(body=json.dumps(response, ensure_ascii=False), headers=headers) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="geolocation to train estimation service" ) parser.add_argument("--port", type=int, metavar="PORT", default=8080) parser.add_argument("--prefix", type=str, metavar="PATH", default="/") args = parser.parse_args() app = web.Application() app.add_routes([web.get(f"{args.prefix}search", handle_search)]) web.run_app(app, host="localhost", port=args.port)