#!/usr/bin/env perl use Mojolicious::Lite; use DBI; use Encode qw(decode); use Travel::Status::DE::IRIS; use Travel::Status::DE::IRIS::Stations; use 5.014; use utf8; no if $] >= 5.018, warnings => "experimental::smartmatch"; our $VERSION = qx{git describe --dirty} || '0.01'; my $table = $ENV{DBDB_TABLE} // 'departures'; app->defaults( layout => 'default' ); app->attr( dbh => sub { my $self = shift; my $dbname = $ENV{DBDB_FILE} // 'iris.sqlite'; my $dbh = DBI->connect( "dbi:SQLite:dbname=$dbname", q{}, q{} ); return $dbh; } ); helper barplot_args => sub { my ($self) = @_; my %translation = Travel::Status::DE::IRIS::Result::dump_message_codes(); my $messages; for my $key ( keys %translation ) { $messages->{$key} = { desc => $translation{$key} }; } return { x => { hour => { desc => 'Stunde', label => 'Angebrochene Stunde', }, line => { desc => 'Linie', }, station => { desc => 'Bahnhof', }, train_type => { desc => 'Zugtyp', }, weekday => { desc => 'Wochentag', }, weekhour => { desc => 'Wochentag und Stunde', label => 'Wochentag und angebrochene Stunde', }, }, y => { avg_delay => { desc => 'Durchschnittliche Verspätung', label => 'Minuten', yformat => '.1f', }, cancel_num => { desc => 'Anzahl Zugausfälle', label => 'Zugausfälle', }, cancel_rate => { desc => 'Zugausfälle', yformat => '.1%', }, delay0_rate => { desc => 'Verspätung = 0 Min.', label => 'Verspätung = 0 Min.', yformat => '.1%', }, delay5_rate => { desc => 'Verspätung > 5 Min.', label => 'Verspätung über 5 Min.', yformat => '.1%', }, realtime_rate => { desc => 'Echtzeitdaten vorhanden', yformat => '.1%', }, }, msg => $messages, }; }; helper barplot_filters => sub { my ($self) = @_; my $dbh = $self->app->dbh; my $ret = { lines => [ map { [ $_->[0], $_->[0] ] } @{ $dbh->selectall_arrayref( "select distinct train_type || ' ' || line_no as line from $table order by line" ) } ], train_types => [ q{}, map { [ $_->[0], $_->[0] ] } @{ $dbh->selectall_arrayref( "select distinct train_type from $table order by train_type" ) } ], stations => [ q{}, map { [ Travel::Status::DE::IRIS::Stations::get_station( $_->[0] ) ->[1], $_->[0] ] } @{ $dbh->selectall_arrayref( "select distinct station from $table order by station") } ], destinations => [ q{}, map { [ decode( 'utf8', $_->[0] ), decode( 'utf8', $_->[0] ) ] } @{ $dbh->selectall_arrayref( "select distinct destination from $table order by destination" ) } ], }; return $ret; }; helper count_unique_column => sub { my ( $self, $column ) = @_; my $dbh = $self->app->dbh; if ( not $column ) { return scalar $dbh->selectall_arrayref("select count() from $table")->[0][0]; } return scalar $dbh->selectall_arrayref( "select count(distinct $column) from $table")->[0][0]; }; helper single_query => sub { my ( $self, $query ) = @_; return scalar $self->app->dbh->selectall_arrayref($query)->[0][0]; }; helper globalstats => sub { my ($self) = @_; my $dbh = $self->app->dbh; my $stations = [ map { Travel::Status::DE::IRIS::Stations::get_station($_)->[1] } @{ $self->app->dbh->selectcol_arrayref( "select distinct station from $table") } ]; my $ret = { departures => $self->count_unique_column(), stationlist => $stations, stations => $self->count_unique_column('station'), realtime => $self->single_query( "select count() from $table where delay is not null"), realtime_rate => $self->single_query("select avg(delay is not null) from $table"), ontime => $self->single_query("select count() from $table where delay < 1"), ontime_rate => $self->single_query("select avg(delay < 1) from $table"), days => $self->count_unique_column( 'strftime("%Y%m%d", scheduled_time, "unixepoch")'), delayed => $self->single_query("select count() from $table where delay > 5"), delayed_rate => $self->single_query("select avg(delay > 5) from $table"), canceled => $self->single_query( "select count() from $table where is_canceled > 0"), canceled_rate => $self->single_query("select avg(is_canceled > 0) from $table"), delay_sum => $self->single_query("select sum(delay) from $table"), delay_avg => $self->single_query("select avg(delay) from $table"), }; return $ret; }; helper parse_filter_args => sub { my $self = shift; my $where_clause = q{}; my %filter = ( line => scalar $self->param('filter_line'), train_type => scalar $self->param('filter_train_type'), station => scalar $self->param('filter_station'), destination => scalar $self->param('filter_destination'), delay_min => scalar $self->param('filter_delay_min'), delay_max => scalar $self->param('filter_delay_max'), ); for my $key ( keys %filter ) { $filter{$key} =~ tr{a-zA-Z0-9öäüÖÄÜß }{}cd; } $filter{delay_min} = length( $filter{delay_min} ) ? int( $filter{delay_min} ) : undef; $filter{delay_max} = length( $filter{delay_max} ) ? int( $filter{delay_max} ) : undef; if ( $filter{line} ) { my ( $train_type, $line_no ) = split( / /, $filter{line} ); $where_clause .= " and train_type = '$train_type' and line_no = '$line_no'"; } if ( $filter{train_type} ) { $where_clause .= " and train_type = '$filter{train_type}'"; } if ( $filter{station} ) { $where_clause .= " and station = '$filter{station}'"; } if ( $filter{destination} ) { $where_clause .= " and destination = '$filter{destination}'"; } if ( defined $filter{delay_min} ) { $where_clause .= " and delay >= $filter{delay_min}"; } if ( defined $filter{delay_max} ) { $where_clause .= " and delay <= $filter{delay_max}"; } return ( \%filter, $where_clause ); }; get '/by_hour.json' => sub { my $self = shift; my $json = []; my $res = $self->app->dbh->selectall_arrayref( qq{ select strftime("%H", scheduled_time, "unixepoch") as time, avg(delay) as date from $table group by time} ); for my $row ( @{$res} ) { push( @{$json}, { hour => $row->[0], avgdelay => $row->[1] } ); } $self->render( json => $json ); return; }; get '/2ddata.tsv' => sub { my $self = shift; my $aggregate = $self->param('aggregate') // 'hour'; my $metric = $self->param('metric') // 'avg_delay'; my $msgnum = int( $self->param('msgnum') // 0 ); my ( $filter, $filter_clause ) = $self->parse_filter_args; my @weekdays = qw(So Mo Di Mi Do Fr Sa); if ( $msgnum < 0 or $msgnum > 99 ) { $msgnum = 0; } my $where_clause = '1 = 1'; my $res = "x\ty\ty_total\ty_matched\n"; my $query; my $format = 'strftime("%H", scheduled_time, "unixepoch")'; given ($aggregate) { when ('weekday') { $format = 'strftime("%w", scheduled_time, "unixepoch")'; } when ('weekhour') { $format = 'strftime("%w%H", scheduled_time, "unixepoch")'; } when ('line') { $format = 'train_type || " " || line_no'; $where_clause = 'line_no is not null'; } when ('station') { $format = 'station'; } when ('train_type') { $format = 'train_type'; } } $where_clause .= $filter_clause; given ($metric) { when ('avg_delay') { $query = qq{ select $format as aggregate, avg(delay), count(delay) from $table where not is_canceled and $where_clause group by aggregate }; } when ('cancel_num') { $query = qq{ select $format as aggregate, count(), count() from $table where is_canceled > 0 and $where_clause group by aggregate }; } when ('cancel_rate') { $query = qq{ select $format as aggregate, avg(is_canceled), count(is_canceled), sum(is_canceled = 1) from $table where $where_clause group by aggregate }; } when ('delay0_rate') { $query = qq{ select $format as aggregate, avg(delay < 1), count(delay), sum(delay < 1) from $table where $where_clause group by aggregate }; } when ('delay5_rate') { $query = qq{ select $format as aggregate, avg(delay > 5), count(delay), sum(delay > 5) from $table where $where_clause group by aggregate }; } when ('message_rate') { $query = qq{ select $format as aggregate, avg(msgtable.train_id is not null), count(), sum(msgtable.train_id is not null) from $table left outer join msg_$msgnum as msgtable using (scheduled_time, train_id) where $where_clause group by aggregate }; } when ('realtime_rate') { $query = qq{ select $format as aggregate, avg(delay is not null), count(), sum(delay is not null) from $table where $where_clause group by aggregate }; } } my $dbres = $self->app->dbh->selectall_arrayref($query); if ( $aggregate eq 'weekday' ) { for my $row ( @{$dbres} ) { splice( @{$row}, 0, 1, $weekdays[ $row->[0] ] ); } @{$dbres} = ( @{$dbres}[ 1 .. 6 ], $dbres->[0] ); } elsif ( $aggregate eq 'weekhour' ) { for my $row ( @{$dbres} ) { splice( @{$row}, 0, 1, $weekdays[ substr( $row->[0], 0, 1 ) ] . q{ } . substr( $row->[0], 1 ) ); } @{$dbres} = ( @{$dbres}[ 1 * 24 .. 7 * 24 - 1 ], @{$dbres}[ 0 .. 23 ] ); } for my $row ( @{$dbres} ) { $res .= join( "\t", @{$row} ) . "\n"; } $self->render( data => $res ); return; }; get '/' => sub { my $self = shift; $self->render( 'intro', version => $VERSION ); return; }; get '/all' => sub { my $self = shift; my $dbh = $self->app->dbh; my $num_departures = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( qq{ select count() from $table} )->[0][0]; $self->render( 'main', num_departures => $num_departures, version => $VERSION, ); return; }; get '/bar' => sub { my $self = shift; my $xsource = $self->param('xsource'); my $ysource = $self->param('ysource'); my $want_msg = $self->param('want_msg'); my $msgnum = $self->param('msgnum'); my ( $title, @title_filter_strings ); my %args = %{ $self->barplot_args }; if ($want_msg) { $self->param( ysource => 'message_rate' ); $self->param( ylabel => $args{msg}{$msgnum}{desc} ); $self->param( yformat => '.1%' ); $title = sprintf( '"%s" pro %s', $args{msg}{$msgnum}{desc}, $args{x}{$xsource}{desc} ); } else { $title = sprintf( '%s pro %s', $args{y}{$ysource}{desc}, $args{x}{$xsource}{desc} ); } if ( $self->param('filter_line') ) { push( @title_filter_strings, 'Linie ' . $self->param('filter_line') ); } if ( $self->param('filter_train_type') ) { push( @title_filter_strings, 'Zugtyp ' . $self->param('filter_train_type') ); } if ( $self->param('filter_station') ) { push( @title_filter_strings, 'in ' . Travel::Status::DE::IRIS::Stations::get_station( $self->param('filter_station') )->[1] ); } if ( $self->param('filter_destination') ) { push( @title_filter_strings, 'Züge nach ' . $self->param('filter_destination') ); } if (@title_filter_strings) { $title .= ' (' . join( ', ', @title_filter_strings ) . ')'; } $self->param( title => $title ); if ( not $self->param('xlabel') ) { $self->param( xlabel => $args{x}{$xsource}{label} // $args{x}{$xsource}{desc} ); } if ( not $self->param('ylabel') ) { $self->param( ylabel => $args{y}{$ysource}{label} // $args{y}{$ysource}{desc} ); } if ( not $self->param('xformat') and $args{x}{$xsource}{xformat} ) { $self->param( xformat => $args{x}{$xsource}{xformat} ); } if ( not $self->param('yformat') and $args{y}{$ysource}{yformat} ) { $self->param( yformat => $args{y}{$ysource}{yformat} ); } $self->render( 'bargraph', title => 'bargraph', version => $VERSION, ); return; }; get '/top' => sub { my $self = shift; my $where_clause = '1=1'; my ( $filter, $filter_clause ) = $self->parse_filter_args; my %translation = Travel::Status::DE::IRIS::Result::dump_message_codes(); my @rates; my $dbh = $self->app->dbh; $where_clause .= $filter_clause; my $total = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( "select count() from $table where $where_clause")->[0][0]; for my $msgnum ( 1 .. 99 ) { my $query = qq{ select count() from $table join msg_$msgnum as msgtable using (scheduled_time, train_id) where $where_clause }; $rates[$msgnum] = $self->app->dbh->selectall_arrayref($query)->[0][0]; } my @argsort = reverse sort { $rates[$a] <=> $rates[$b] } ( 1 .. 99 ); my @toplist = map { [ $translation{$_} // $_, sprintf( '%.2f%%', $rates[$_] * 100 / $total ), $rates[$_] ] } @argsort; $self->render( 'toplist', title => 'toplist', toplist => \@toplist, version => $VERSION, ); return; }; app->config( hypnotoad => { accepts => 10, listen => ['http://*:8093'], pid_file => '/tmp/db-fake.pid', workers => $ENV{DBDB_WORKERS} // 2, }, ); app->types->type( json => 'application/json; charset=utf-8' ); app->start();