station_cfgs = {} chip_id = string.format("%06X", node.chipid()) device_id = "esp8266_" .. chip_id dofile("config.lua") i2c.setup(0, 1, 2, i2c.SLOW) ssd1306 = require("ssd1306") fn = require("terminus16") fb = require("framebuffer") scd4x = require("scd4x") ledpin = 4 gpio.mode(ledpin, gpio.OUTPUT) gpio.write(ledpin, 0) ssd1306.init(128, 64) ssd1306.contrast(128) fb.init(128, 64) wifi_index = 1 no_wifi_count = 0 publish_count = 0 past_pos = 1 past = {} -- cal 2023-01-06 -- 4.2V -> "4.36V" (raw ~ 948) -- 4.0V -> "4.16V" (raw ~ 905) -- 3.8V -> "3.95V" (raw ~ 859) -- 3.6V -> "3.74V" (raw ~ 814) function get_battery_mv() return * 461 / 104 end function get_battery_percent(bat_mv) if bat_mv > 4160 then return 100 end if bat_mv < 3360 then return 0 end return (bat_mv - 3360) / 8 end function connect_wifi() print("Connecting to ESSID " .. station_cfgs[wifi_index].ssid) wifi.eventmon.register(wifi.eventmon.STA_GOT_IP, wifi_connected) wifi.eventmon.register(wifi.eventmon.STA_DHCP_TIMEOUT, wifi_err) wifi.eventmon.register(wifi.eventmon.STA_DISCONNECTED, wifi_err) wifi.setmode(wifi.STATION, false) wifi.sta.config(station_cfgs[wifi_index]) end function scd4x_start() if scd4x.start() then gpio.write(ledpin, 1) else print("SCD4x error") end local measure_t = tmr.create() measure_t:register(5 * 1000, tmr.ALARM_AUTO, measure) measure_t:start() end function measure() if publishing_http then return end local co2, raw_temp, raw_humi = local bat_mv = get_battery_mv() local bat_p = get_battery_percent(bat_mv) gpio.write(ledpin, co2 >= 1600 and 0 or 1) fb.init(128, 64) fb.draw_battery_8(0, 0, bat_p) if have_wifi then fb.x = 96 fb.y = 16 fb.print(fn, string.format("%d", wifi.sta.getrssi())) else if no_wifi_count == 5 then wifi_index = (wifi_index % table.getn(station_cfgs)) + 1 wifi.setmode(wifi.NULLMODE, false) end if no_wifi_count < 24 then no_wifi_count = no_wifi_count + 1 else no_wifi_count = 0 connect_wifi() end end fb.x = 0 fb.y = 16 if co2 == nil then fb.print(fn, "SCD4x error") fb.init(128, 64) collectgarbage() return end fb.x = 16 fb.print(fn, string.format("%5d ppm", co2)) fb.x = 16 fb.y = 0 fb.print(fn, string.format("%4d.%d c %3d.%d %%", raw_temp/65536 - 45, (raw_temp%65536)/6554, raw_humi/65536, (raw_humi%65536)/6554)) past[past_pos] = (co2 - 400) / 50 past[past_pos] = past[past_pos] >= 0 and past[past_pos] or 0 past[past_pos] = past[past_pos] <= 31 and past[past_pos] or 31 past_pos = (past_pos) % 128 + 1 for i = 1, 128 do fb.buf[i * 2] = bit.lshift(1, 31 - (past[(past_pos + (i-2)) % 128 + 1] or 0)) end fb.init(128, 64) collectgarbage() publish_count = publish_count + 1 if have_wifi and influx_url and publish_count >= 4 and not publishing_http then publish_count = 0 publish_influx(co2, raw_temp, raw_humi, bat_mv) end end function publish_influx(co2, raw_temp, raw_humi, bat_mv) publishing_http = true, influx_header, string.format("scd4x%s co2_ppm=%d,temperature_celsius=%d.%d,humidity_relpercent=%d.%d", influx_attr, co2, raw_temp/65536 - 45, (raw_temp%65536)/6554, raw_humi/65536, (raw_humi%65536)/6554), function(code, data), influx_header, string.format("esp8266%s battery_mv=%d", influx_attr, bat_mv), function(code, data) collectgarbage() publishing_http = false end) end) end local init_t = tmr.create() init_t:register(1 * 1000, tmr.ALARM_SINGLE, scd4x_start) init_t:start() function wifi_connected() print("Connected") have_wifi = true no_wifi_count = 0 end function wifi_err() have_wifi = false end print("WiFi MAC: " .. wifi.sta.getmac()) connect_wifi()