// ArduinoJson - arduinojson.org
// Copyright Benoit Blanchon 2014-2018
// MIT License

#pragma once

#include "Data/JsonBufferAllocated.hpp"
#include "Data/List.hpp"
#include "Data/ReferenceType.hpp"
#include "Data/ValueSaver.hpp"
#include "JsonVariant.hpp"
#include "Serialization/JsonPrintable.hpp"
#include "StringTraits/StringTraits.hpp"
#include "TypeTraits/EnableIf.hpp"
#include "TypeTraits/IsArray.hpp"
#include "TypeTraits/IsFloatingPoint.hpp"
#include "TypeTraits/IsSame.hpp"

// Returns the size (in bytes) of an array with n elements.
// Can be very handy to determine the size of a StaticJsonBuffer.
  (sizeof(JsonArray) + (NUMBER_OF_ELEMENTS) * sizeof(JsonArray::node_type))

namespace ArduinoJson {

// Forward declarations
class JsonObject;
class JsonBuffer;
namespace Internals {
class JsonArraySubscript;

// An array of JsonVariant.
// The constructor is private, instances must be created via
// JsonBuffer::createArray() or JsonBuffer::parseArray().
// A JsonArray can be serialized to a JSON string via JsonArray::printTo().
// It can also be deserialized from a JSON string via JsonBuffer::parseArray().
class JsonArray : public Internals::JsonPrintable<JsonArray>,
                  public Internals::ReferenceType,
                  public Internals::NonCopyable,
                  public Internals::List<JsonVariant>,
                  public Internals::JsonBufferAllocated {
  // Create an empty JsonArray attached to the specified JsonBuffer.
  // You should not call this constructor directly.
  // Instead, use JsonBuffer::createArray() or JsonBuffer::parseArray().
  explicit JsonArray(JsonBuffer *buffer) throw()
      : Internals::List<JsonVariant>(buffer) {}

  // Gets the value at the specified index
  const Internals::JsonArraySubscript operator[](size_t index) const;

  // Gets or sets the value at specified index
  Internals::JsonArraySubscript operator[](size_t index);

  // Adds the specified value at the end of the array.
  // bool add(TValue);
  // TValue = bool, long, int, short, float, double, RawJson, JsonVariant,
  //          std::string, String, JsonArray, JsonObject
  template <typename T>
  bool add(const T &value) {
    return add_impl<const T &>(value);
  // bool add(TValue);
  // TValue = char*, const char*, const FlashStringHelper*
  template <typename T>
  bool add(T *value) {
    return add_impl<T *>(value);
  // bool add(TValue value, uint8_t decimals);
  // TValue = float, double
  template <typename T>
  DEPRECATED("Second argument is not supported anymore")
  bool add(T value, uint8_t) {
    return add_impl<const JsonVariant &>(JsonVariant(value));

  // Sets the value at specified index.
  // bool add(size_t index, const TValue&);
  // TValue = bool, long, int, short, float, double, RawJson, JsonVariant,
  //          std::string, String, JsonArray, JsonObject
  template <typename T>
  bool set(size_t index, const T &value) {
    return set_impl<const T &>(index, value);
  // bool add(size_t index, TValue);
  // TValue = char*, const char*, const FlashStringHelper*
  template <typename T>
  bool set(size_t index, T *value) {
    return set_impl<T *>(index, value);
  // bool set(size_t index, TValue value, uint8_t decimals);
  // TValue = float, double
  template <typename T>
  typename Internals::EnableIf<Internals::IsFloatingPoint<T>::value, bool>::type
  set(size_t index, T value, uint8_t decimals) {
    return set_impl<const JsonVariant &>(index, JsonVariant(value, decimals));

  // Gets the value at the specified index.
  template <typename T>
  typename Internals::JsonVariantAs<T>::type get(size_t index) const {
    const_iterator it = begin() += index;
    return it != end() ? it->as<T>() : Internals::JsonVariantDefault<T>::get();

  // Check the type of the value at specified index.
  template <typename T>
  bool is(size_t index) const {
    const_iterator it = begin() += index;
    return it != end() ? it->is<T>() : false;

  // Creates a JsonArray and adds a reference at the end of the array.
  // It's a shortcut for JsonBuffer::createArray() and JsonArray::add()
  JsonArray &createNestedArray();

  // Creates a JsonObject and adds a reference at the end of the array.
  // It's a shortcut for JsonBuffer::createObject() and JsonArray::add()
  JsonObject &createNestedObject();

  // Removes element at specified index.
  void remove(size_t index) {
    remove(begin() += index);
  using Internals::List<JsonVariant>::remove;

  // Returns a reference an invalid JsonArray.
  // This object is meant to replace a NULL pointer.
  // This is used when memory allocation or JSON parsing fail.
  static JsonArray &invalid() {
    static JsonArray instance(NULL);
    return instance;

  // Imports a 1D array
  template <typename T, size_t TN>
  bool copyFrom(T (&array)[TN]) {
    return copyFrom(array, TN);

  // Imports a 1D array
  template <typename T>
  bool copyFrom(T *array, size_t len) {
    bool ok = true;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
      ok &= add(array[i]);
    return ok;

  // Imports a 2D array
  template <typename T, size_t N1, size_t N2>
  bool copyFrom(T (&array)[N1][N2]) {
    bool ok = true;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < N1; i++) {
      JsonArray &nestedArray = createNestedArray();
      for (size_t j = 0; j < N2; j++) {
        ok &= nestedArray.add(array[i][j]);
    return ok;

  // Exports a 1D array
  template <typename T, size_t TN>
  size_t copyTo(T (&array)[TN]) const {
    return copyTo(array, TN);

  // Exports a 1D array
  template <typename T>
  size_t copyTo(T *array, size_t len) const {
    size_t i = 0;
    for (const_iterator it = begin(); it != end() && i < len; ++it)
      array[i++] = *it;
    return i;

  // Exports a 2D array
  template <typename T, size_t N1, size_t N2>
  void copyTo(T (&array)[N1][N2]) const {
    size_t i = 0;
    for (const_iterator it = begin(); it != end() && i < N1; ++it) {

  DEPRECATED("use remove() instead")
  FORCE_INLINE void removeAt(size_t index) {
    return remove(index);

  template <typename TValueRef>
  bool set_impl(size_t index, TValueRef value) {
    iterator it = begin() += index;
    if (it == end()) return false;
    return Internals::ValueSaver<TValueRef>::save(_buffer, *it, value);

  template <typename TValueRef>
  bool add_impl(TValueRef value) {
    iterator it = Internals::List<JsonVariant>::add();
    if (it == end()) return false;
    return Internals::ValueSaver<TValueRef>::save(_buffer, *it, value);

namespace Internals {
template <>
struct JsonVariantDefault<JsonArray> {
  static JsonArray &get() {
    return JsonArray::invalid();