/* * Copyright 2020 Birte Kristina Friesel * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include "arch.h" #include "driver/gpio.h" #include "driver/stdout.h" #if defined(CONFIG_meta_driver_hardware_i2c) #include "driver/i2c.h" #elif defined(CONFIG_driver_softi2c) #include "driver/soft_i2c.h" #endif #ifdef CONFIG_driver_ads111x #include "driver/ads111x.h" #endif #ifdef CONFIG_driver_lm75 #include "driver/lm75.h" #endif #ifdef CONFIG_driver_s5851a #include "driver/s5851a.h" #endif #ifdef CONFIG_driver_am2320 #include "driver/am2320.h" #endif #ifdef CONFIG_driver_bme280 #include "driver/bme280.h" #include "driver/bme680_util.h" #endif #ifdef CONFIG_driver_bme680 #include "driver/bme680.h" #include "driver/bme680_util.h" #endif #ifdef CONFIG_driver_ccs811 #include "driver/ccs811.h" #endif #ifdef CONFIG_driver_ds2482 #include "driver/ds2482.h" #endif #ifdef CONFIG_driver_max44006 #include "driver/max44006.h" #endif #ifdef CONFIG_driver_max44009 #include "driver/max44009.h" #endif #ifdef CONFIG_driver_hdc1080 #include "driver/hdc1080.h" #endif #ifdef CONFIG_driver_mpu9250 #include "driver/mpu9250.h" #endif #ifdef CONFIG_driver_tsl2591 #include "driver/tsl2591.h" #endif #ifdef CONFIG_driver_scd4x #include "driver/scd4x.h" #endif #ifdef CONFIG_driver_sen5x #include "driver/sen5x.h" #endif #ifdef CONFIG_driver_veml6075 #include "driver/veml6075.h" #endif void loop(void) { #ifdef CONFIG_driver_ads111x kout << "Reading: " << ads111x.readRaw() << " = "; kout.printf_float(ads111x.readVoltage()); kout << " V" << endl; #endif #ifdef CONFIG_driver_lm75 kout << "temperature_celsius: "; kout.printf_float(lm75.getTemp()); kout << endl; #endif #ifdef CONFIG_driver_s5851a kout << "temperature_celsius: "; kout.printf_float(s5851a.getTemp()); kout << endl; #endif #ifdef CONFIG_driver_am2320 am2320.read(); if (am2320.getStatus() == 0) { kout.printf_float(am2320.getTemp()); kout << " degC @ "; kout.printf_float(am2320.getHumidity()); kout << " rel%" << endl; } else { kout << "AM2320 error " << dec << am2320.getStatus() << endl; } #endif #ifdef CONFIG_driver_bme280 struct bme280_data comp_data; int8_t rslt = bme280.getSensorData(BME280_ALL, &comp_data); kout << "BME280 read " << rslt << endl; kout << "BME280 temperature " << (float)comp_data.temperature / 100 << " degC" << endl; kout << "BME280 humidity " << (float)comp_data.humidity / 1024 << " %" << endl; kout << "BME280 pressure " << (float)comp_data.pressure / 100 << " Pa" << endl; #endif #ifdef CONFIG_driver_bme680 struct bme680_field_data data; bme680.setSensorMode(); arch.delay_ms(250); bme680.getSensorData(&data); kout << "BME680 temperature " << (float)data.temperature / 100 << " degC" << endl; kout << "BME680 humidity " << (float)data.humidity / 1000 << " %" << endl; kout << "BME680 pressure " << (float)data.pressure / 100 << " hPa" << endl; kout << "BME680 gas resistance " << data.gas_resistance << endl; #endif #ifdef CONFIG_driver_ccs811 ccs811.read(); kout << bin; kout << "CCS811 status / error: " << ccs811.status << " / " << ccs811.error_id << endl; kout << dec; kout << "CCS811 tVOC / eCO₂ : " << ccs811.tvoc << " ppb / " << ccs811.eco2 << " ppm" << endl; #endif #ifdef CONFIG_driver_ds2482 unsigned char addr[8]; ds2482.readROM(addr, 8); kout << hex << "DS2482 ROM address: "; for (unsigned char i = 0; i < 8; i++) { kout << (unsigned int)addr[i]; } kout << " / "; for (signed char i = 7; i >= 0; i--) { kout << (unsigned int)addr[i]; } kout << endl; #endif #ifdef CONFIG_driver_hdc1080 /* hdc1080.heater(1); for (unsigned char i = 0; i < 50; i++) { hdc1080.getTemp(); } */ hdc1080.measure(); arch.delay_ms(10); kout << "HDC1080 temperature " << hdc1080.getTemp() << " degC" << endl; kout << "HDC1080 humidity " << hdc1080.getRH() << " %H" << endl; #endif #ifdef CONFIG_driver_mpu9250 int mx, my, mz; kout << "Temperature: " << mpu9250.getTemperature() << endl; kout << "Accel X " << mpu9250.getAccelX() << endl; kout << "Accel Y " << mpu9250.getAccelY() << endl; kout << "Accel Z " << mpu9250.getAccelZ() << endl; kout << "Gyro X " << mpu9250.getGyroX() << endl; kout << "Gyro Y " << mpu9250.getGyroY() << endl; kout << "Gyro Z " << mpu9250.getGyroZ() << endl; mpu9250.getRawMagnet(&mx, &my, &mz); kout << "Magnet X " << mx << endl; kout << "Magnet Y " << my << endl; kout << "Magnet Z " << mz << endl; #endif #ifdef CONFIG_driver_max44006 kout << "MAX44006 Temperature: " << max44006.getTemperature() << " counts" << endl; float r, g, b, c, ir; if (max44006.getLight(&r, &g, &b, &c, &ir)) { kout << "MAX44006 Red: "; kout.printf_float(r); kout << " µW/cm²" << endl; kout << "MAX44006 Green: "; kout.printf_float(g); kout << " µW/cm²" << endl; kout << "MAX44006 Blue: "; kout.printf_float(b); kout << " µW/cm²" << endl; kout << "MAX44006 Clear: "; kout.printf_float(c); kout << " µW/cm²" << endl; kout << "MAX44006 IR: "; kout.printf_float(ir); kout << " µW/cm²" << endl; } #endif #ifdef CONFIG_driver_max44009 kout << "MAX44009 Brightness: "; kout.printf_float(max44009.getLux()); kout << " lx" << endl; #endif #ifdef CONFIG_driver_tsl2591 tsl2591.read(); kout << dec << "TSL2591 CH0: " << tsl2591.ch0 << " / CH1: " << tsl2591.ch1; kout << hex << " (status: 0x" << tsl2591.getStatus() << ")" << endl; #endif #ifdef CONFIG_driver_scd4x if (scd4x.read()) { kout << dec << "CO₂: " << scd4x.co2 << " ppm" << endl; kout << "Temperature: "; kout.printf_float(((175.0 * scd4x.rawTemperature) / 65536) - 45); kout << " °c" << endl; kout << "Humidity: "; kout.printf_float((100.0 * scd4x.rawHumidity) / 65536); kout << " %" << endl; } else { kout << "SCD4x error" << endl; } #endif #ifdef CONFIG_driver_sen5x if (sen5x.read()) { kout << dec; if (sen5x.pm1 != sen5x.PM_INVALID) { kout << "PM1.0: " << (sen5x.pm1 / 10) << "." << (sen5x.pm1 % 10) << " µg/m³" << endl; } if (sen5x.pm2_5 != sen5x.PM_INVALID) { kout << "PM2.5: " << (sen5x.pm2_5 / 10) << "." << (sen5x.pm2_5 % 10) << " µg/m³" << endl; } if (sen5x.pm4 != sen5x.PM_INVALID) { kout << "PM4.0: " << (sen5x.pm4 / 10) << "." << (sen5x.pm4 % 10) << " µg/m³" << endl; } if (sen5x.pm10 != sen5x.PM_INVALID) { kout << "PM10 : " << (sen5x.pm10 / 10) << "." << (sen5x.pm10 % 10) << " µg/m³" << endl; } if (sen5x.humidity != sen5x.HUMIDITY_INVALID) { kout << "Humidity: " << (sen5x.humidity / 100) << "." << ((sen5x.humidity % 100) / 10) << " %" << endl; } if (sen5x.temperature != sen5x.TEMPERATURE_INVALID) { kout << "Temperature: " << (sen5x.temperature / 200) << "." << ((sen5x.temperature % 200) / 20) << " °c" << endl; } if (sen5x.voc != sen5x.VOC_INVALID) { kout << "VOC index: " << (sen5x.voc / 10) << "." << (sen5x.voc % 10) << endl; } if (sen5x.nox != sen5x.NOX_INVALID) { kout << "NOx index: " << (sen5x.nox / 10) << "." << (sen5x.nox % 10) << endl; } } else { kout << "SEN5x error" << endl; } if (sen5x.readStatus()) { if (sen5x.fan_speed_warning) { kout << "SEN5x warning: fan speed out of range" << endl; } if (sen5x.fan_cleaning_active) { kout << "SEN5x info: fan cleaning active" << endl; } if (sen5x.gas_sensor_error) { kout << "SEN5x error: gas sensor" << endl; } if (sen5x.rht_sensor_error) { kout << "SEN5x error: RHT sensor" << endl; } if (sen5x.laser_failure) { kout << "SEN5x error: laser current out of range" << endl; } if (sen5x.fan_failure) { kout << "SEN5x error: fan failure" << endl; } } #endif #ifdef CONFIG_driver_veml6075 float uva, uvb; if (veml6075.readUV(&uva, &uvb)) { kout << "VEML6075 UVA: " << uva << " µW / cm²" << endl; kout << "VEML6075 UVB: " << uvb << " µW / cm²" << endl; } if (veml6075.readUVI(&uva, &uvb)) { kout << "VEML6075 UV Index: " << (uva + uvb)/2 << endl; } #endif } int main(void) { arch.setup(); gpio.setup(); kout.setup(); #if defined(CONFIG_meta_driver_i2c) if (i2c.setup() != 0) { kout << "I2C setup FAILED" << endl; return 1; } kout << "I2C setup OK" << endl; #endif #ifdef CONFIG_driver_ads111x ads111x.configure(ADS111x::CONTINUOUS | ADS111x::FSR_4V | ADS111x::SPS_8 | ADS111x::SINGLE_3); #endif #ifdef CONFIG_driver_bme280 bme280.intf = BME280_I2C_INTF; bme280.read = bme680_i2c_read; bme280.write = bme680_i2c_write; bme280.delay_ms = bme680_delay_ms; int8_t rslt = BME280_OK; rslt = bme280.init(); kout << "BME280 init " << rslt << endl; bme280.settings.osr_p = BME280_OVERSAMPLING_16X; bme280.settings.osr_t = BME280_OVERSAMPLING_16X; bme280.settings.osr_h = BME280_OVERSAMPLING_16X; bme280.settings.filter = BME280_FILTER_COEFF_OFF; bme280.settings.standby_time = BME280_STANDBY_TIME_500_MS; bme280.setSensorSettings(BME280_OSR_PRESS_SEL | BME280_OSR_TEMP_SEL | BME280_OSR_HUM_SEL | BME280_FILTER_SEL | BME280_STANDBY_SEL); bme280.enterNormalMode(); #endif #ifdef CONFIG_driver_bme680 bme680.intf = BME680_I2C_INTF; bme680.read = bme680_i2c_read; bme680.write = bme680_i2c_write; bme680.delay_ms = bme680_delay_ms; bme680.amb_temp = 25; int8_t rslt = BME680_OK; rslt = bme680.init(); kout << "BME680 init " << rslt << endl; bme680.power_mode = BME680_FORCED_MODE; bme680.tph_sett.os_hum = BME680_OS_1X; bme680.tph_sett.os_pres = BME680_OS_16X; bme680.tph_sett.os_temp = BME680_OS_2X; bme680.gas_sett.run_gas = BME680_ENABLE_GAS_MEAS; bme680.gas_sett.heatr_dur = 100; bme680.gas_sett.heatr_temp = 300; bme680.setSensorSettings(BME680_OST_SEL | BME680_OSP_SEL | BME680_OSH_SEL | BME680_GAS_SENSOR_SEL); #endif #ifdef CONFIG_driver_ccs811 kout << hex; kout << "CCS811 HWID: " << ccs811.getManufacturerID() << endl; arch.delay_ms(65); kout << "CCS811 status: " << ccs811.getStatus() << endl; arch.delay_ms(65); ccs811.init(); arch.delay_ms(65); kout << "CCS811 status: " << ccs811.getStatus() << endl; kout << dec; ccs811.setMode(1); arch.delay_ms(50); #endif #ifdef CONFIG_driver_ds2482 ds2482.setup(); #endif #ifdef CONFIG_driver_hdc1080 hdc1080.init(); if (hdc1080.getManufacturerID() != 0x5449) { kout << "[!] invalid HDC1080 manufacturer ID: " << hex << hdc1080.getManufacturerID() << endl; } #endif #ifdef CONFIG_driver_max44006 unsigned char ret; if ((ret = max44006.init()) != 0) { kout << "MAX44006 Initialization failed: " << ret << endl; } #endif #ifdef CONFIG_driver_mpu9250 kout << "MPU9250 init" << endl; mpu9250.init(); kout << "MPU9250 nineAxis" << endl; mpu9250.nineAxis(); #endif #ifdef CONFIG_driver_tsl2591 tsl2591.init(); #endif #ifdef CONFIG_driver_scd4x scd4x.start(); #endif #ifdef CONFIG_driver_sen5x sen5x.start(); #endif #ifdef CONFIG_driver_veml6075 veml6075.init(); #endif arch.idle_loop(); return 0; }