/* * Copyright 2021 Birte Kristina Friesel * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include "arch.h" #include "driver/gpio.h" #include "driver/stdout.h" #include "driver/spi.h" #include "driver/pervasive_aurora_mb.h" #include "object/framebuffer.h" #include "lib/inflate.h" #include "driver/timer.h" volatile unsigned char timer_done = 0; #include "frames.cc" __attribute__((section(".leaRAM"))) unsigned char img_buf[160 * 120 / 8]; /* * Flashless Update isn't working properly yet. Black-to-white transitions * appear to be pretty much broken (or rather, nearly invisible). * Or I broke my display, who knows. */ int main(void) { unsigned int i = 0; unsigned char line; arch.setup(); gpio.setup(); kout.setup(); spi.setup(); pervasiveAuroraMb.setup(); timer.setup_hz_low(frame_rate); while (1) { for (i = 0; i < (sizeof(frames) / sizeof(frames[0])); i++) { timer_done = 0; timer.start(1); inflate(frames[i], sizeof(img_buf), img_buf, sizeof(img_buf)); fb.clear(); fb.drawAt(0, 0, 160, 120, img_buf); pervasiveAuroraMb.powerOn(); pervasiveAuroraMb.initialize(20, i%20); pervasiveAuroraMb.sendImage((unsigned char*)fb.data, 0, 0, 160, 120); pervasiveAuroraMb.sendUpdate(); pervasiveAuroraMb.powerOff(); while (!timer_done) { arch.idle(); } timer.stop(); } } return 0; } ON_TIMER_INTERRUPT_head timer_done = 1; ON_TIMER_INTERRUPT_tail