{% for departure in departures %} <li class="{{ departure.classes }}" data-timestamp="{{ departure.sort_by }}"> {% if departure.line.productName and departure.line.fahrtNr %} <div class="anchor" id="{{departure.line.productName}}{{departure.line.fahrtNr}}"> {% endif %} <a href="/trip/{{ departure.tripId }}?line={{ departure.quoted_line_name }}&highlight={{ departure.quoted_stop_name }}&platform={{ departure.quoted_platform() }}"> <span class="line {{ departure.line.css_class }}">{{ departure.line.name }}</span> {% if departure.direction_area %} <span class="destsuffix">{{ departure.direction_area }}</span> {% endif %} <span class="dest" aria-label="nach {{ departure.direction_stop }}">{{ departure.direction_stop }} </span> {% if departure.cancelled and departure.plannedWhen %} <span class="time" aria-label="fällt aus, planmäßige Abfahrt um {{ departure.plannedWhen }}"> {{ departure.plannedWhen.strftime("%H:%M") }} </span> {% else %} <span class="time" aria-label="Abfahrtszeit: {{ departure.relativeWhen }}"> {% if departure.delay %} <span class="delay" aria-label="{{ departure.delay }} Minuten Verspätung">({{ departure.delay }})</span> {% elif departure.delay is none %} <span class="no-realtime" aria-hidden="true"><i class="material-icons">gps_off</i></span> {% endif %} {{ departure.relativeWhen }} </span> {% endif %} {% if departure.cancelled %} <span class="cancelled" aria-hidden="true">entfällt</span> {% elif departure.platform %} <span class="platform" aria-label="Steig {{ departure.platform }}">{{ departure.platform }}</span> {% endif %} </a> </li> {% endfor %}