#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../../support/common.h" #include "../../support/graph.h" #include "../../support/params.h" #include "../../support/timer.h" #include "../../support/utils.h" int main(int argc, char** argv) { // Process parameters struct Params p = input_params(argc, argv); // Initialize BFS data structures PRINT_INFO(p.verbosity >= 1, "Reading graph %s", p.fileName); struct COOGraph cooGraph = readCOOGraph(p.fileName); PRINT_INFO(p.verbosity >= 1, " Graph has %d nodes and %d edges", cooGraph.numNodes, cooGraph.numEdges); struct CSRGraph csrGraph = coo2csr(cooGraph); uint32_t* nodeLevel = (uint32_t*) malloc(csrGraph.numNodes*sizeof(uint32_t)); uint32_t* nodeLevelRef = (uint32_t*) malloc(csrGraph.numNodes*sizeof(uint32_t)); for(uint32_t i = 0; i < csrGraph.numNodes; ++i) { nodeLevel[i] = UINT32_MAX; // Unreachable nodeLevelRef[i] = UINT32_MAX; // Unreachable } uint32_t srcNode = 0; // Initialize frontier double buffers uint32_t* buffer1 = (uint32_t*) malloc(csrGraph.numNodes*sizeof(uint32_t)); uint32_t* buffer2 = (uint32_t*) malloc(csrGraph.numNodes*sizeof(uint32_t)); uint32_t* prevFrontier = buffer1; uint32_t* currFrontier = buffer2; // Calculating result on CPU PRINT_INFO(p.verbosity >= 1, "Calculating result on CPU (OpenMP)"); omp_set_num_threads(4); Timer timer; startTimer(&timer); nodeLevel[srcNode] = 0; prevFrontier[0] = srcNode; uint32_t numPrevFrontier = 1; for(uint32_t level = 1; numPrevFrontier > 0; ++level) { uint32_t numCurrFrontier = 0; // Visit nodes in the previous frontier #pragma omp parallel for for(uint32_t i = 0; i < numPrevFrontier; ++i) { uint32_t node = prevFrontier[i]; for(uint32_t edge = csrGraph.nodePtrs[node]; edge < csrGraph.nodePtrs[node + 1]; ++edge) { uint32_t neighbor = csrGraph.neighborIdxs[edge]; uint32_t justVisited = 0; #pragma omp critical { if(nodeLevel[neighbor] == UINT32_MAX) { // Node not previously visited nodeLevel[neighbor] = level; justVisited = 1; } } if(justVisited) { uint32_t currFrontierIdx; #pragma omp critical { currFrontierIdx = numCurrFrontier++; } currFrontier[currFrontierIdx] = neighbor; } } } // Swap buffers uint32_t* tmp = prevFrontier; prevFrontier = currFrontier; currFrontier = tmp; numPrevFrontier = numCurrFrontier; } stopTimer(&timer); if(p.verbosity == 0) PRINT("%f", getElapsedTime(timer)*1e3); PRINT_INFO(p.verbosity >= 1, "Elapsed time: %f ms", getElapsedTime(timer)*1e3); // Calculating result on CPU sequentially PRINT_INFO(p.verbosity >= 1, "Calculating result on CPU (sequential)"); startTimer(&timer); nodeLevelRef[srcNode] = 0; prevFrontier[0] = srcNode; numPrevFrontier = 1; for(uint32_t level = 1; numPrevFrontier > 0; ++level) { uint32_t numCurrFrontier = 0; // Visit nodes in the previous frontier for(uint32_t i = 0; i < numPrevFrontier; ++i) { uint32_t node = prevFrontier[i]; for(uint32_t edge = csrGraph.nodePtrs[node]; edge < csrGraph.nodePtrs[node + 1]; ++edge) { uint32_t neighbor = csrGraph.neighborIdxs[edge]; uint32_t justVisited = 0; if(nodeLevelRef[neighbor] == UINT32_MAX) { // Node not previously visited nodeLevelRef[neighbor] = level; justVisited = 1; } if(justVisited) { uint32_t currFrontierIdx; currFrontierIdx = numCurrFrontier++; currFrontier[currFrontierIdx] = neighbor; } } } // Swap buffers uint32_t* tmp = prevFrontier; prevFrontier = currFrontier; currFrontier = tmp; numPrevFrontier = numCurrFrontier; } stopTimer(&timer); if(p.verbosity == 0) PRINT("%f", getElapsedTime(timer)*1e3); PRINT_INFO(p.verbosity >= 1, "Elapsed time: %f ms", getElapsedTime(timer)*1e3); // Verifying result PRINT_INFO(p.verbosity >= 1, "Verifying the result"); for(uint32_t nodeIdx = 0; nodeIdx < csrGraph.numNodes; ++nodeIdx) { if(nodeLevel[nodeIdx] != nodeLevelRef[nodeIdx]) { PRINT_ERROR("Mismatch at node %u (CPU sequential result = level %u, CPU parallel result = level %u)", nodeIdx, nodeLevelRef[nodeIdx], nodeLevel[nodeIdx]); } } // Deallocate data structures freeCOOGraph(cooGraph); freeCSRGraph(csrGraph); free(nodeLevel); free(buffer1); free(buffer2); return 0; }