/** * app.c * BFS Host Application Source File * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "mram-management.h" #include "../support/common.h" #include "../support/graph.h" #include "../support/params.h" #include "../support/timer.h" #include "../support/utils.h" #ifndef ENERGY #define ENERGY 0 #endif #if ENERGY #include #endif #define DPU_BINARY "./bin/dpu_code" // Main of the Host Application int main(int argc, char** argv) { // Process parameters struct Params p = input_params(argc, argv); // Timer and profiling Timer timer; #if ENERGY struct dpu_probe_t probe; DPU_ASSERT(dpu_probe_init("energy_probe", &probe)); double tenergy=0; #endif // Allocate DPUs and load binary struct dpu_set_t dpu_set, dpu; uint32_t numDPUs; DPU_ASSERT(dpu_alloc(NR_DPUS, NULL, &dpu_set)); DPU_ASSERT(dpu_load(dpu_set, DPU_BINARY, NULL)); DPU_ASSERT(dpu_get_nr_dpus(dpu_set, &numDPUs)); PRINT_INFO(p.verbosity >= 1, "Allocated %d DPU(s)", numDPUs); // Initialize BFS data structures PRINT_INFO(p.verbosity >= 1, "Reading graph %s", p.fileName); struct COOGraph cooGraph = readCOOGraph(p.fileName); PRINT_INFO(p.verbosity >= 1, " Graph has %d nodes and %d edges", cooGraph.numNodes, cooGraph.numEdges); struct CSRGraph csrGraph = coo2csr(cooGraph); uint32_t numNodes = csrGraph.numNodes; uint32_t* nodePtrs = csrGraph.nodePtrs; uint32_t* neighborIdxs = csrGraph.neighborIdxs; uint32_t* nodeLevel = calloc(numNodes, sizeof(uint32_t)); // Node's BFS level (initially all 0 meaning not reachable) uint64_t* visited = calloc(numNodes/64, sizeof(uint64_t)); // Bit vector with one bit per node uint64_t* currentFrontier = calloc(numNodes/64, sizeof(uint64_t)); // Bit vector with one bit per node uint64_t* nextFrontier = calloc(numNodes/64, sizeof(uint64_t)); // Bit vector with one bit per node setBit(nextFrontier[0], 0); // Initialize frontier to first node uint32_t level = 1; // Partition data structure across DPUs uint32_t numNodesPerDPU = ROUND_UP_TO_MULTIPLE_OF_64((numNodes - 1)/numDPUs + 1); PRINT_INFO(p.verbosity >= 1, "Assigning %u nodes per DPU", numNodesPerDPU); struct DPUParams dpuParams[numDPUs]; uint32_t dpuParams_m[numDPUs]; unsigned int dpuIdx = 0; unsigned int t0ini = 0; unsigned int t1ini = 0; unsigned int t2ini = 0; unsigned int t3ini = 0; DPU_FOREACH (dpu_set, dpu) { // Allocate parameters struct mram_heap_allocator_t allocator; init_allocator(&allocator); dpuParams_m[dpuIdx] = mram_heap_alloc(&allocator, sizeof(struct DPUParams)); // Find DPU's nodes uint32_t dpuStartNodeIdx = dpuIdx*numNodesPerDPU; uint32_t dpuNumNodes; if(dpuStartNodeIdx > numNodes) { dpuNumNodes = 0; } else if(dpuStartNodeIdx + numNodesPerDPU > numNodes) { dpuNumNodes = numNodes - dpuStartNodeIdx; } else { dpuNumNodes = numNodesPerDPU; } dpuParams[dpuIdx].dpuNumNodes = dpuNumNodes; PRINT_INFO(p.verbosity >= 2, " DPU %u:", dpuIdx); PRINT_INFO(p.verbosity >= 2, " Receives %u nodes", dpuNumNodes); // Partition edges and copy data if(dpuNumNodes > 0) { // Find DPU's CSR graph partition uint32_t* dpuNodePtrs_h = &nodePtrs[dpuStartNodeIdx]; uint32_t dpuNodePtrsOffset = dpuNodePtrs_h[0]; uint32_t* dpuNeighborIdxs_h = neighborIdxs + dpuNodePtrsOffset; uint32_t dpuNumNeighbors = dpuNodePtrs_h[dpuNumNodes] - dpuNodePtrsOffset; uint32_t* dpuNodeLevel_h = &nodeLevel[dpuStartNodeIdx]; // Allocate MRAM uint32_t dpuNodePtrs_m = mram_heap_alloc(&allocator, (dpuNumNodes + 1)*sizeof(uint32_t)); uint32_t dpuNeighborIdxs_m = mram_heap_alloc(&allocator, dpuNumNeighbors*sizeof(uint32_t)); uint32_t dpuNodeLevel_m = mram_heap_alloc(&allocator, dpuNumNodes*sizeof(uint32_t)); uint32_t dpuVisited_m = mram_heap_alloc(&allocator, numNodes/64*sizeof(uint64_t)); uint32_t dpuCurrentFrontier_m = mram_heap_alloc(&allocator, dpuNumNodes/64*sizeof(uint64_t)); uint32_t dpuNextFrontier_m = mram_heap_alloc(&allocator, numNodes/64*sizeof(uint64_t)); PRINT_INFO(p.verbosity >= 2, " Total memory allocated is %d bytes", allocator.totalAllocated); // Set up DPU parameters dpuParams[dpuIdx].numNodes = numNodes; dpuParams[dpuIdx].dpuStartNodeIdx = dpuStartNodeIdx; dpuParams[dpuIdx].dpuNodePtrsOffset = dpuNodePtrsOffset; dpuParams[dpuIdx].level = level; dpuParams[dpuIdx].dpuNodePtrs_m = dpuNodePtrs_m; dpuParams[dpuIdx].dpuNeighborIdxs_m = dpuNeighborIdxs_m; dpuParams[dpuIdx].dpuNodeLevel_m = dpuNodeLevel_m; dpuParams[dpuIdx].dpuVisited_m = dpuVisited_m; dpuParams[dpuIdx].dpuCurrentFrontier_m = dpuCurrentFrontier_m; dpuParams[dpuIdx].dpuNextFrontier_m = dpuNextFrontier_m; // Send data to DPU PRINT_INFO(p.verbosity >= 2, " Copying data to DPU"); startTimer(&timer, 0, t0ini++); copyToDPU(dpu, (uint8_t*)dpuNodePtrs_h, dpuNodePtrs_m, (dpuNumNodes + 1)*sizeof(uint32_t)); copyToDPU(dpu, (uint8_t*)dpuNeighborIdxs_h, dpuNeighborIdxs_m, dpuNumNeighbors*sizeof(uint32_t)); copyToDPU(dpu, (uint8_t*)dpuNodeLevel_h, dpuNodeLevel_m, dpuNumNodes*sizeof(uint32_t)); copyToDPU(dpu, (uint8_t*)visited, dpuVisited_m, numNodes/64*sizeof(uint64_t)); copyToDPU(dpu, (uint8_t*)nextFrontier, dpuNextFrontier_m, numNodes/64*sizeof(uint64_t)); // NOTE: No need to copy current frontier because it is written before being read stopTimer(&timer, 0); //loadTime += getElapsedTime(timer); } // Send parameters to DPU PRINT_INFO(p.verbosity >= 2, " Copying parameters to DPU"); startTimer(&timer, 1, t1ini++); copyToDPU(dpu, (uint8_t*)&dpuParams[dpuIdx], dpuParams_m[dpuIdx], sizeof(struct DPUParams)); stopTimer(&timer, 1); //loadTime += getElapsedTime(timer); ++dpuIdx; } // Iterate until next frontier is empty uint32_t nextFrontierEmpty = 0; while(!nextFrontierEmpty) { PRINT_INFO(p.verbosity >= 1, "Processing current frontier for level %u", level); #if ENERGY DPU_ASSERT(dpu_probe_start(&probe)); #endif // Run all DPUs PRINT_INFO(p.verbosity >= 1, " Booting DPUs"); startTimer(&timer, 2, t2ini++); DPU_ASSERT(dpu_launch(dpu_set, DPU_SYNCHRONOUS)); stopTimer(&timer, 2); //dpuTime += getElapsedTime(timer); #if ENERGY DPU_ASSERT(dpu_probe_stop(&probe)); double energy; DPU_ASSERT(dpu_probe_get(&probe, DPU_ENERGY, DPU_AVERAGE, &energy)); tenergy += energy; #endif // Copy back next frontier from all DPUs and compute their union as the current frontier startTimer(&timer, 3, t3ini++); dpuIdx = 0; DPU_FOREACH (dpu_set, dpu) { uint32_t dpuNumNodes = dpuParams[dpuIdx].dpuNumNodes; if(dpuNumNodes > 0) { if(dpuIdx == 0) { copyFromDPU(dpu, dpuParams[dpuIdx].dpuNextFrontier_m, (uint8_t*)currentFrontier, numNodes/64*sizeof(uint64_t)); } else { copyFromDPU(dpu, dpuParams[dpuIdx].dpuNextFrontier_m, (uint8_t*)nextFrontier, numNodes/64*sizeof(uint64_t)); for(uint32_t i = 0; i < numNodes/64; ++i) { currentFrontier[i] |= nextFrontier[i]; } } ++dpuIdx; } } // Check if the next frontier is empty, and copy data to DPU if not empty nextFrontierEmpty = 1; for(uint32_t i = 0; i < numNodes/64; ++i) { if(currentFrontier[i]) { nextFrontierEmpty = 0; break; } } if(!nextFrontierEmpty) { ++level; dpuIdx = 0; DPU_FOREACH (dpu_set, dpu) { uint32_t dpuNumNodes = dpuParams[dpuIdx].dpuNumNodes; if(dpuNumNodes > 0) { // Copy current frontier to all DPUs (place in next frontier and DPU will update visited and copy to current frontier) copyToDPU(dpu, (uint8_t*)currentFrontier, dpuParams[dpuIdx].dpuNextFrontier_m, numNodes/64*sizeof(uint64_t)); // Copy new level to DPU dpuParams[dpuIdx].level = level; copyToDPU(dpu, (uint8_t*)&dpuParams[dpuIdx], dpuParams_m[dpuIdx], sizeof(struct DPUParams)); ++dpuIdx; } } } stopTimer(&timer, 3); //hostTime += getElapsedTime(timer); } // Copy back node levels PRINT_INFO(p.verbosity >= 1, "Copying back the result"); startTimer(&timer, 4, 0); dpuIdx = 0; DPU_FOREACH (dpu_set, dpu) { uint32_t dpuNumNodes = dpuParams[dpuIdx].dpuNumNodes; if(dpuNumNodes > 0) { uint32_t dpuStartNodeIdx = dpuIdx*numNodesPerDPU; copyFromDPU(dpu, dpuParams[dpuIdx].dpuNodeLevel_m, (uint8_t*)(nodeLevel + dpuStartNodeIdx), dpuNumNodes*sizeof(float)); } ++dpuIdx; } stopTimer(&timer, 4); //retrieveTime += getElapsedTime(timer); //if(p.verbosity == 0) PRINT("CPU-DPU Time(ms): %f DPU Kernel Time (ms): %f Inter-DPU Time (ms): %f DPU-CPU Time (ms): %f", loadTime*1e3, dpuTime*1e3, hostTime*1e3, retrieveTime*1e3); // Calculating result on CPU PRINT_INFO(p.verbosity >= 1, "Calculating result on CPU"); uint32_t* nodeLevelReference = calloc(numNodes, sizeof(uint32_t)); // Node's BFS level (initially all 0 meaning not reachable) memset(nextFrontier, 0, numNodes/64*sizeof(uint64_t)); setBit(nextFrontier[0], 0); // Initialize frontier to first node nextFrontierEmpty = 0; level = 1; while(!nextFrontierEmpty) { // Update current frontier and visited list based on the next frontier from the previous iteration for(uint32_t nodeTileIdx = 0; nodeTileIdx < numNodes/64; ++nodeTileIdx) { uint64_t nextFrontierTile = nextFrontier[nodeTileIdx]; currentFrontier[nodeTileIdx] = nextFrontierTile; if(nextFrontierTile) { visited[nodeTileIdx] |= nextFrontierTile; nextFrontier[nodeTileIdx] = 0; for(uint32_t node = nodeTileIdx*64; node < (nodeTileIdx + 1)*64; ++node) { if(isSet(nextFrontierTile, node%64)) { nodeLevelReference[node] = level; } } } } // Visit neighbors of the current frontier nextFrontierEmpty = 1; for(uint32_t nodeTileIdx = 0; nodeTileIdx < numNodes/64; ++nodeTileIdx) { uint64_t currentFrontierTile = currentFrontier[nodeTileIdx]; if(currentFrontierTile) { for(uint32_t node = nodeTileIdx*64; node < (nodeTileIdx + 1)*64; ++node) { if(isSet(currentFrontierTile, node%64)) { // If the node is in the current frontier // Visit its neighbors uint32_t nodePtr = nodePtrs[node]; uint32_t nextNodePtr = nodePtrs[node + 1]; for(uint32_t i = nodePtr; i < nextNodePtr; ++i) { uint32_t neighbor = neighborIdxs[i]; if(!isSet(visited[neighbor/64], neighbor%64)) { // Neighbor not previously visited // Add neighbor to next frontier setBit(nextFrontier[neighbor/64], neighbor%64); nextFrontierEmpty = 0; } } } } } } ++level; } // Verify the result PRINT_INFO(p.verbosity >= 1, "Verifying the result"); int status = 1; for(uint32_t nodeIdx = 0; nodeIdx < numNodes; ++nodeIdx) { if(nodeLevel[nodeIdx] != nodeLevelReference[nodeIdx]) { PRINT_ERROR("Mismatch at node %u (CPU result = level %u, DPU result = level %u)", nodeIdx, nodeLevelReference[nodeIdx], nodeLevel[nodeIdx]); status = 0; } } if (status) { printf("[::] n_dpus=%d n_tasklets=%d e_type=%s n_elements=%d " "| throughput_pim_MBps=%f throughput_MBps=%f\n", numDPUs, NR_TASKLETS, "uint32_t", numNodes, numNodes * sizeof(uint32_t) / (timer.time[2]), numNodes * sizeof(uint32_t) / (timer.time[0] + timer.time[1] + timer.time[2] + timer.time[3] + timer.time[4])); printf("[::] n_dpus=%d n_tasklets=%d e_type=%s n_elements=%d " "| throughput_pim_MOpps=%f throughput_MOpps=%f\n", numDPUs, NR_TASKLETS, "uint32_t", numNodes, numNodes / (timer.time[2]), numNodes / (timer.time[0] + timer.time[1] + timer.time[2] + timer.time[3] + timer.time[4])); printf("[::] n_dpus=%d n_tasklets=%d e_type=%s n_elements=%d |", numDPUs, NR_TASKLETS, "uint32_t", numNodes); printAll(&timer, 4); } // Display DPU Logs if(p.verbosity >= 2) { PRINT_INFO(p.verbosity >= 2, "Displaying DPU Logs:"); dpuIdx = 0; DPU_FOREACH (dpu_set, dpu) { PRINT("DPU %u:", dpuIdx); DPU_ASSERT(dpu_log_read(dpu, stdout)); ++dpuIdx; } } // Deallocate data structures freeCOOGraph(cooGraph); freeCSRGraph(csrGraph); free(nodeLevel); free(visited); free(currentFrontier); free(nextFrontier); free(nodeLevelReference); return 0; }