## Library for the Simplestore format ## Copyright © 2009 by Daniel Friesel ## License: WTFPL package Simplestore; use strict; use warnings; use Carp; use base 'Exporter'; our @EXPORT_OK = ('load', 'save'); my $VERSION = '0.1'; sub load { my ($file, $store) = @_; my @keys; open(my $handle, '<', $file) or confess("Cannot open $file for reading: $!"); while (<$handle>) { chomp; if ($_ !~ / ^ (\S+) \s+ (.*) $ /x) { next; } my ($key, $value) = ($1, $2); if (exists($store->{$key}) and grep {$_ eq $key} @keys) { $store->{$key} .= "\n$value"; } else { $store->{$key} = $value; push(@keys, $key); } } close($handle) or confess("Cannot close $file: $!"); return($store); } sub save { my ($file, $store) = @_; open(my $handle, '>', $file) or confess("Cannot open $file for writing: $!"); foreach my $key (keys(%{$store})) { if ($key !~ / ^ [\w.]+ $ /x) { confess("Invalid key name: $key: May only contain [\\w.]"); } foreach (split(/\n/, $store->{$key})) { print $handle "$key\t$_\n"; } } close($handle) or confess("Cannot close $file: $!"); return 1; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Simplestore - simple storage format for hash refs =head1 SYNOPSIS use Simplestore; # somefile contains: # word purrl # foo eggs my $ref = Simplestore::load('somefile'); say $ref->{word}; # purrl $ref->{foo} = 'bar'; $ref->{sentence} = "Mind the\nnewnile."; Simplestore::save('somefile', $ref); # somefile contains: # word purrl # foo bar # sentence Mind the # sentence newline. =head1 DESCRIPTION B is a perl library to store hashes in a very simple, easy-to-parse file format. Note that it can only store simple hashes with string/digit values and word keys (the key must match \w+, like a perl variable name for example). References or any other complex stuff are not supported. =head1 FUNCTIONS Note: The function names are quite generic, so by default they are not exported. Use C<< use Simplestore qw/load save/ >> if you want to use them directly. =over =item B(I[, I]) Load the hash saved in I. Returns a hash ref containing the hash saved in I. If I is specified, I will not be loaded into an empty hash, but into I. However, keys in I overwrite those in I. =item B(I, I) save I in I. Returns nothing. =back =head1 STORAGE FORMAT The store file contains key-value-pairs, each of them separated by a newline, the key and value are separated by a single tab. If a value contains newlines, they will be printed, but the next line(s) will be prefixed by the key. For a little example, see SYNOPSIS. =head1 MOTIVATION B aims to provide a common, simple format to store data. The format is extremely easy to parse in almost all languages, even C or Shell, thus Simplestore should offer a good way to exchange non-complex data between apps of all kinds. =head1 AUTHOR Copyright (C) 2009 by Daniel Friesel. Licensed under the terms of the WTFPL Ehttp://sam.zoy.org/wtfplE.