package Travelynx; use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious'; use Mojolicious::Plugin::Authentication; use Cache::File; use Crypt::Eksblowfish::Bcrypt qw(bcrypt en_base64); use DateTime; use DBI; use Encode qw(decode encode); use Geo::Distance; use JSON; use List::Util qw(first); use List::MoreUtils qw(after_incl before_incl); use Travel::Status::DE::IRIS; use Travel::Status::DE::IRIS::Stations; use Travelynx::Helper::Sendmail; our $VERSION = qx{git describe --dirty} || 'experimental'; my $cache_iris_main = Cache::File->new( cache_root => $ENV{TRAVELYNX_IRIS_CACHE} // '/tmp/dbf-iris-main', default_expires => '6 hours', lock_level => Cache::File::LOCK_LOCAL(), ); my $cache_iris_rt = Cache::File->new( cache_root => $ENV{TRAVELYNX_IRISRT_CACHE} // '/tmp/dbf-iris-realtime', default_expires => '70 seconds', lock_level => Cache::File::LOCK_LOCAL(), ); sub check_password { my ( $password, $hash ) = @_; if ( bcrypt( $password, $hash ) eq $hash ) { return 1; } return 0; } sub epoch_to_dt { my ($epoch) = @_; # Bugs (and user errors) may lead to undefined timestamps. Set them to # 1970-01-01 to avoid crashing and show obviously wrong data instead. $epoch //= 0; return DateTime->from_epoch( epoch => $epoch, time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' ); } sub get_station { my ($station_name) = @_; my @candidates = Travel::Status::DE::IRIS::Stations::get_station($station_name); if ( @candidates == 1 ) { return $candidates[0]; } return undef; } sub startup { my ($self) = @_; if ( $ENV{TRAVELYNX_SECRETS} ) { $self->secrets( [ split( qr{:}, $ENV{TRAVELYNX_SECRETS} ) ] ); } push( @{ $self->commands->namespaces }, 'Travelynx::Command' ); $self->defaults( layout => 'default' ); $self->config( hypnotoad => { accepts => $ENV{TRAVELYNX_ACCEPTS} // 100, clients => $ENV{TRAVELYNX_CLIENS} // 10, listen => [ $ENV{TRAVELYNX_LISTEN} // 'http://*:8093' ], pid_file => $ENV{TRAVELYNX_PID_FILE} // '/tmp/', workers => $ENV{TRAVELYNX_WORKERS} // 2, spare => $ENV{TRAVELYNX_SPARE} // 2, }, ); $self->types->type( json => 'application/json; charset=utf-8' ); $self->plugin( authentication => { autoload_user => 1, fail_render => { template => 'login' }, load_user => sub { my ( $self, $uid ) = @_; return $self->get_user_data($uid); }, validate_user => sub { my ( $self, $username, $password, $extradata ) = @_; my $user_info = $self->get_user_password($username); if ( not $user_info ) { return undef; } if ( $user_info->{status} != 1 ) { return undef; } if ( check_password( $password, $user_info->{password_hash} ) ) { return $user_info->{id}; } return undef; }, } ); $self->sessions->default_expiration( 60 * 60 * 24 * 180 ); $self->defaults( layout => 'default' ); $self->attr( action_type => sub { return { checkin => 1, checkout => 2, cancelled_from => 4, cancelled_to => 5, }; } ); $self->attr( action_types => sub { return [qw(checkin checkout undo cancelled_from cancelled_to)]; } ); $self->attr( token_type => sub { return { status => 1, history => 2, action => 3, }; } ); $self->attr( token_types => sub { return [qw(status history action)]; } ); $self->attr( add_station_query => sub { my ($self) = @_; return $self->app->dbh->prepare( qq{ insert into stations (ds100, name) values (?, ?) } ); } ); $self->attr( add_user_query => sub { my ($self) = @_; return $self->app->dbh->prepare( qq{ insert into users ( name, status, public_level, email, token, password, registered_at, last_login ) values (?, 0, 0, ?, ?, ?, to_timestamp(?), to_timestamp(?)); } ); } ); $self->attr( set_email_query => sub { my ($self) = @_; return $self->app->dbh->prepare( qq{ update users set email = ?, token = ? where id = ?; } ); } ); $self->attr( set_password_query => sub { my ($self) = @_; return $self->app->dbh->prepare( qq{ update users set password = ? where id = ?; } ); } ); $self->attr( add_mail_query => sub { my ($self) = @_; return $self->app->dbh->prepare( qq{ insert into pending_mails ( email, num_tries, last_try ) values (?, ?, to_timestamp(?)); } ); } ); $self->attr( set_status_query => sub { my ($self) = @_; return $self->app->dbh->prepare( qq{ update users set status = ? where id = ?; } ); } ); $self->attr( mark_for_deletion_query => sub { my ($self) = @_; return $self->app->dbh->prepare( qq{ update users set deletion_requested = to_timestamp(?) where id = ?; } ); } ); $self->attr( get_stats_query => sub { my ($self) = @_; return $self->app->dbh->prepare( qq{ select data from journey_stats where user_id = ? and year = ? and month = ? } ); } ); $self->attr( add_stats_query => sub { my ($self) = @_; return $self->app->dbh->prepare( qq{ insert into journey_stats (user_id, year, month, data) values (?, ?, ?, ?) } ); } ); $self->attr( drop_stats_query => sub { my ($self) = @_; return $self->app->dbh->prepare( qq{ delete from journey_stats where user_id = ? and year = ? and month = ? } ); } ); $self->attr( action_set_sched_time_query => sub { my ($self) = @_; # TODO (re-)initialize all automatically added journeys with edited = 0 # and use it as a bit field to precisely indicate which fields have # been edited. -> ".. set edited = edited | 1", "... | 2" etc. # The action_id check is redundant, but better safe than sorry return $self->app->dbh->prepare( qq{ update user_actions set sched_time = to_timestamp(?), edited = edited | 1 where id = ? and action_id = ? } ); } ); $self->attr( action_set_real_time_query => sub { my ($self) = @_; # The action_id check is redundant, but better safe than sorry return $self->app->dbh->prepare( qq{ update user_actions set real_time = to_timestamp(?), edited = edited | 2 where id = ? and action_id = ? } ); } ); $self->attr( action_query => sub { my ($self) = @_; return $self->app->dbh->prepare( qq{ insert into user_actions ( user_id, action_id, station_id, action_time, edited, train_type, train_line, train_no, train_id, sched_time, real_time, route, messages ) values ( ?, ?, ?, to_timestamp(?), ? ?, ?, ?, ?, to_timestamp(?), to_timestamp(?), ?, ? ) } ); }, ); $self->attr( dbh => sub { my ($self) = @_; my $dbname = $ENV{TRAVELYNX_DB_NAME} // 'travelynx_dev'; my $host = $ENV{TRAVELYNX_DB_HOST} // 'localhost'; my $port = $ENV{TRAVELYNX_DB_PORT} // '5432'; my $user = $ENV{TRAVELYNX_DB_USER}; my $pw = $ENV{TRAVELYNX_DB_PASSWORD}; return DBI->connect( "dbi:Pg:dbname=${dbname};host=${host};port=${port}", $user, $pw, { AutoCommit => 1 } ); } ); $self->attr( get_all_actions_query => sub { my ($self) = @_; return $self->app->dbh->prepare( qq{ select, action_id, extract(epoch from action_time), stations.ds100,, train_type, train_line, train_no, train_id, extract(epoch from sched_time), extract(epoch from real_time), route, messages, edited from user_actions left outer join stations on station_id = where user_id = ? order by action_time desc } ); } ); $self->attr( get_last_actions_query => sub { my ($self) = @_; return $self->app->dbh->prepare( qq{ select, action_id, extract(epoch from action_time), stations.ds100,, train_type, train_line, train_no, train_id, extract(epoch from sched_time), extract(epoch from real_time), route, messages, edited from user_actions left outer join stations on station_id = where user_id = ? order by action_time desc limit 10 } ); } ); $self->attr( get_interval_actions_query => sub { my ($self) = @_; # Note: Selecting on real_time would be more intuitive, but is not # possible at the moment -- non-realtime checkouts # lack both sched_time and real_time. return $self->app->dbh->prepare( qq{ select, action_id, extract(epoch from action_time), stations.ds100,, train_type, train_line, train_no, train_id, extract(epoch from sched_time), extract(epoch from real_time), route, messages, edited from user_actions left outer join stations on station_id = where user_id = ? and action_time >= to_timestamp(?) and action_time < to_timestamp(?) order by action_time desc } ); } ); $self->attr( get_journey_actions_query => sub { my ($self) = @_; return $self->app->dbh->prepare( qq{ select, action_id, extract(epoch from action_time), stations.ds100,, train_type, train_line, train_no, train_id, extract(epoch from sched_time), extract(epoch from real_time), route, messages, edited from user_actions left outer join stations on station_id = where user_id = ? and <= ? order by action_time desc limit 2 } ); } ); $self->attr( drop_journey_query => sub { my ($self) = @_; return $self->app->dbh->prepare( qq{ delete from user_actions where user_id = ? and (id = ? or id = ?) } ); } ); $self->attr( get_userid_query => sub { my ($self) = @_; return $self->app->dbh->prepare( qq{select id from users where name = ?}); } ); $self->attr( get_pending_mails_query => sub { my ($self) = @_; return $self->app->dbh->prepare( qq{select id from users where email = ? and status = 0;}); } ); $self->attr( get_listed_mails_query => sub { my ($self) = @_; return $self->app->dbh->prepare( qq{select * from pending_mails where email = ? and num_tries > 1;} ); } ); $self->attr( get_user_query => sub { my ($self) = @_; return $self->app->dbh->prepare( qq{ select id, name, status, public_level, email, extract(epoch from registered_at), extract(epoch from last_login), extract(epoch from deletion_requested) from users where id = ? } ); } ); $self->attr( get_api_tokens_query => sub { my ($self) = @_; return $self->app->dbh->prepare( qq{ select type, token from tokens where user_id = ? } ); } ); $self->attr( get_api_token_query => sub { my ($self) = @_; return $self->app->dbh->prepare( qq{ select token from tokens where user_id = ? and type = ? } ); } ); $self->attr( drop_api_token_query => sub { my ($self) = @_; return $self->app->dbh->prepare( qq{ delete from tokens where user_id = ? and type = ? } ); } ); $self->attr( set_api_token_query => sub { my ($self) = @_; return $self->app->dbh->prepare( qq{ insert into tokens (user_id, type, token) values (?, ?, ?) on conflict (user_id, type) do update set token = EXCLUDED.token } ); } ); $self->attr( get_password_query => sub { my ($self) = @_; return $self->app->dbh->prepare( qq{ select id, name, status, password from users where name = ? } ); } ); $self->attr( get_token_query => sub { my ($self) = @_; return $self->app->dbh->prepare( qq{ select name, status, token from users where id = ? } ); } ); $self->attr( get_stationid_by_ds100_query => sub { my ($self) = @_; return $self->app->dbh->prepare( qq{select id from stations where ds100 = ?}); } ); $self->attr( get_stationid_by_name_query => sub { my ($self) = @_; return $self->app->dbh->prepare( qq{select id from stations where name = ?}); } ); $self->attr( undo_query => sub { my ($self) = @_; return $self->app->dbh->prepare( qq{ delete from user_actions where id = ? } ); }, ); $self->helper( sendmail => sub { state $sendmail = Travelynx::Helper::Sendmail->new; } ); $self->helper( 'get_departures' => sub { my ( $self, $station, $lookbehind ) = @_; $lookbehind //= 180; my @station_matches = Travel::Status::DE::IRIS::Stations::get_station($station); if ( @station_matches == 1 ) { $station = $station_matches[0][0]; my $status = Travel::Status::DE::IRIS->new( station => $station, main_cache => $cache_iris_main, realtime_cache => $cache_iris_rt, lookbehind => 20, datetime => DateTime->now( time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' ) ->subtract( minutes => $lookbehind ), lookahead => $lookbehind + 10, ); return { results => [ $status->results ], errstr => $status->errstr, station_ds100 => ( $status->station ? $status->station->{ds100} : 'undef' ), station_name => ( $status->station ? $status->station->{name} : 'undef' ), }; } elsif ( @station_matches > 1 ) { return { results => [], errstr => 'Ambiguous station name', }; } else { return { results => [], errstr => 'Unknown station name', }; } } ); $self->helper( 'checkin' => sub { my ( $self, $station, $train_id, $action_id ) = @_; $action_id //= $self->app->action_type->{checkin}; my $status = $self->get_departures($station); if ( $status->{errstr} ) { return ( undef, $status->{errstr} ); } else { my ($train) = first { $_->train_id eq $train_id } @{ $status->{results} }; if ( not defined $train ) { return ( undef, "Train ${train_id} not found" ); } else { my $user = $self->get_user_status; if ( $user->{checked_in} ) { # If a user is already checked in, we assume that they forgot to # check out and do it for them. $self->checkout( $station, 1 ); } elsif ( $user->{cancelled} ) { # Same $self->checkout( $station, 1, $self->app->action_type->{cancelled_to} ); } my $success = $self->app->action_query->execute( $self->current_user->{id}, $action_id, $self->get_station_id( ds100 => $status->{station_ds100}, name => $status->{station_name} ), DateTime->now( time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' )->epoch, 0, $train->type, $train->line_no, $train->train_no, $train->train_id, $train->sched_departure->epoch, $train->departure->epoch, join( '|', $train->route ), join( '|', map { ( $_->[0] ? $_->[0]->epoch : q{} ) . ':' . $_->[1] } $train->messages ) ); if ( defined $success ) { return ( $train, undef ); } else { my $uid = $self->current_user->{id}; my $err = $self->app->action_query->errstr; $self->app->log->error( "Checkin($uid, $action_id): INSERT failed: $err"); return ( undef, 'INSERT failed: ' . $err ); } } } } ); $self->helper( 'undo' => sub { my ( $self, $action_id ) = @_; my $status = $self->get_user_status; if ( $action_id < 1 or $status->{action_id} != $action_id ) { return "Invalid action ID: $action_id != $status->{action_id}. Note that you can only undo your latest action."; } my $success = $self->app->undo_query->execute($action_id); if ( defined $success ) { return; } else { my $uid = $self->current_user->{id}; my $err = $self->app->undo_query->errstr; $self->app->log->error("Undo($uid): DELETE failed: $err"); return 'DELETE failed: ' . $err; } } ); $self->helper( 'invalidate_stats_cache' => sub { my ( $self, $ts ) = @_; my $uid = $self->current_user->{id}; $ts //= DateTime->now( time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' ); # ts is the checkout timestamp or (for manual entries) the # time of arrival. As the journey may span a month or year boundary, # there is a total of five cache entries we need to invalidate: # * year, month # * year # * (year, month) - 1 month (with wraparound) # * (year) - 1 year # * total stats $self->app->drop_stats_query->execute( $uid, $ts->year, $ts->month ); $self->app->drop_stats_query->execute( $uid, $ts->year, 0 ); $ts->subtract( months => 1 ); $self->app->drop_stats_query->execute( $uid, $ts->year, $ts->month ); $ts->subtract( months => 11 ); $self->app->drop_stats_query->execute( $uid, $ts->year, 0 ); $self->app->drop_stats_query->execute( $uid, 0, 0 ); } ); $self->helper( 'checkout' => sub { my ( $self, $station, $force, $action_id ) = @_; $action_id //= $self->app->action_type->{checkout}; my $status = $self->get_departures( $station, 180 ); my $user = $self->get_user_status; my $train_id = $user->{train_id}; if ( not $user->{checked_in} and not $user->{cancelled} ) { return 'You are not checked into any train'; } if ( $status->{errstr} and not $force ) { return $status->{errstr}; } my $now = DateTime->now( time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' ); my ($train) = first { $_->train_id eq $train_id } @{ $status->{results} }; if ( not defined $train ) { if ($force) { my $success = $self->app->action_query->execute( $self->current_user->{id}, $action_id, $self->get_station_id( ds100 => $status->{station_ds100}, name => $status->{station_name} ), $now->epoch, 0, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef ); if ( defined $success ) { $self->invalidate_stats_cache; return; } else { my $uid = $self->current_user->{id}; my $err = $self->app->action_query->errstr; $self->app->log->error( "Force checkout($uid, $action_id): INSERT failed: $err" ); return 'INSERT failed: ' . $err; } } else { return "Train ${train_id} not found"; } } else { my $success = $self->app->action_query->execute( $self->current_user->{id}, $action_id, $self->get_station_id( ds100 => $status->{station_ds100}, name => $status->{station_name} ), $now->epoch, 0, $train->type, $train->line_no, $train->train_no, $train->train_id, $train->sched_arrival ? $train->sched_arrival->epoch : undef, $train->arrival ? $train->arrival->epoch : undef, join( '|', $train->route ), join( '|', map { ( $_->[0] ? $_->[0]->epoch : q{} ) . ':' . $_->[1] } $train->messages ) ); if ( defined $success ) { $self->invalidate_stats_cache; return; } else { my $uid = $self->current_user->{id}; my $err = $self->app->action_query->errstr; $self->app->log->error( "Checkout($uid, $action_id): INSERT failed: $err"); return 'INSERT failed: ' . $err; } } } ); $self->helper( 'update_journey_part' => sub { my ( $self, $checkin_id, $checkout_id, $key, $value ) = @_; my ( $query, $id, $action_type ); if ( $key eq 'sched_departure' ) { $query = $self->app->action_set_sched_time_query; $id = $checkin_id; $action_type = $self->app->action_type->{checkin}; } elsif ( $key eq 'rt_departure' ) { $query = $self->app->action_set_real_time_query; $id = $checkin_id; $action_type = $self->app->action_type->{checkin}; } elsif ( $key eq 'sched_arrival' ) { $query = $self->app->action_set_sched_time_query; $id = $checkout_id; $action_type = $self->app->action_type->{checkout}; } elsif ( $key eq 'rt_arrival' ) { $query = $self->app->action_set_real_time_query; $id = $checkout_id; $action_type = $self->app->action_type->{checkout}; } else { $self->app->log->error( "update_journey_part(id = $id): Invalid key $key"); return 'Internal Error'; } my $success = $query->execute( $value, $id, $action_type ); if ($success) { if ( $query->rows == 1 ) { return undef; } return 'UPDATE failed: did not match any journey part'; } my $err = $query->errstr; $self->app->log->error( "update_journey_part($id): UPDATE failed: $err"); return 'UPDATE failed: ' . $err; } ); $self->helper( 'journey_sanity_check' => sub { my ( $self, $journey ) = @_; if ( $journey->{sched_duration} and $journey->{sched_duration} < 0 ) { return 'Die geplante Dauer dieser Zugfahrt ist negativ. Zeitreisen werden aktuell nicht unterstützt.'; } if ( $journey->{rt_duration} and $journey->{rt_duration} < 0 ) { return 'Die Dauer dieser Zugfahrt ist negativ. Zeitreisen werden aktuell nicht unterstützt.'; } if ( $journey->{sched_duration} and $journey->{sched_duration} > 60 * 60 * 24 ) { return 'Die Zugfahrt ist länger als 24 Stunden.'; } if ( $journey->{rt_duration} and $journey->{rt_duration} > 60 * 60 * 24 ) { return 'Die Zugfahrt ist länger als 24 Stunden.'; } return undef; } ); $self->helper( 'get_station_id' => sub { my ( $self, %opt ) = @_; $self->app->get_stationid_by_ds100_query->execute( $opt{ds100} ); my $rows = $self->app->get_stationid_by_ds100_query->fetchall_arrayref; if ( @{$rows} ) { return $rows->[0][0]; } else { $self->app->add_station_query->execute( $opt{ds100}, $opt{name} ); $self->app->get_stationid_by_ds100_query->execute( $opt{ds100} ); my $rows = $self->app->get_stationid_by_ds100_query->fetchall_arrayref; return $rows->[0][0]; } } ); $self->helper( 'get_user_token' => sub { my ( $self, $uid ) = @_; my $query = $self->app->get_token_query; $query->execute($uid); my $rows = $query->fetchall_arrayref; if ( @{$rows} ) { return @{ $rows->[0] }; } return; } ); # This helper should only be called directly when also providing a user ID. # If you don't have one, use current_user() instead (get_user_data will # delegate to it anyways). $self->helper( 'get_user_data' => sub { my ( $self, $uid ) = @_; $uid //= $self->current_user->{id}; my $query = $self->app->get_user_query; $query->execute($uid); my $rows = $query->fetchall_arrayref; if ( @{$rows} ) { my @row = @{ $rows->[0] }; return { id => $row[0], name => $row[1], status => $row[2], is_public => $row[3], email => $row[4], registered_at => DateTime->from_epoch( epoch => $row[5], time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' ), last_seen => DateTime->from_epoch( epoch => $row[6], time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' ), deletion_requested => $row[7] ? DateTime->from_epoch( epoch => $row[7], time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' ) : undef, }; } return undef; } ); $self->helper( 'get_api_token' => sub { my ( $self, $uid ) = @_; $uid //= $self->current_user->{id}; $self->app->get_api_tokens_query->execute($uid); my $rows = $self->app->get_api_tokens_query->fetchall_arrayref; my $token = {}; for my $row ( @{$rows} ) { $token->{ $self->app->token_types->[ $row->[0] - 1 ] } = $row->[1]; } return $token; } ); $self->helper( 'get_user_password' => sub { my ( $self, $name ) = @_; my $query = $self->app->get_password_query; $query->execute($name); my $rows = $query->fetchall_arrayref; if ( @{$rows} ) { my @row = @{ $rows->[0] }; return { id => $row[0], name => $row[1], status => $row[2], password_hash => $row[3], }; } return; } ); $self->helper( 'add_user' => sub { my ( $self, $user_name, $email, $token, $password ) = @_; $self->app->get_userid_query->execute($user_name); my $rows = $self->app->get_userid_query->fetchall_arrayref; if ( @{$rows} ) { my $id = $rows->[0][0]; # transition code for closed beta account -> normal account if ($email) { $self->app->set_email_query->execute( $email, $token, $id ); } if ($password) { $self->app->set_password_query->execute( $password, $id ); } return $id; } else { my $now = DateTime->now( time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' )->epoch; $self->app->add_user_query->execute( $user_name, $email, $token, $password, $now, $now ); $self->app->get_userid_query->execute($user_name); $rows = $self->app->get_userid_query->fetchall_arrayref; return $rows->[0][0]; } } ); $self->helper( 'set_user_password' => sub { my ( $self, $uid, $password ) = @_; $self->app->set_password_query->execute( $password, $uid ); } ); $self->helper( 'check_if_user_name_exists' => sub { my ( $self, $user_name ) = @_; $self->app->get_userid_query->execute($user_name); my $rows = $self->app->get_userid_query->fetchall_arrayref; if ( @{$rows} ) { return 1; } return 0; } ); $self->helper( 'check_if_mail_is_blacklisted' => sub { my ( $self, $mail ) = @_; $self->app->get_pending_mails_query->execute($mail); if ( @{ $self->app->get_pending_mails_query->fetchall_arrayref } ) { return 1; } $self->app->get_listed_mails_query->execute($mail); if ( @{ $self->app->get_listed_mails_query->fetchall_arrayref } ) { return 1; } return 0; } ); $self->helper( 'delete_journey' => sub { my ( $self, $checkin_id, $checkout_id, $checkin_epoch, $checkout_epoch ) = @_; my $uid = $self->current_user->{id}; my @journeys = $self->get_user_travels( uid => $uid, checkout_id => $checkout_id ); if ( @journeys == 0 ) { return 'Journey not found'; } my $journey = $journeys[0]; # Double-check (comparing both ID and action epoch) to make sure we # are really deleting the right journey and the user isn't just # playing around with POST requests. if ( $journey->{ids}[0] != $checkin_id or $journey->{ids}[1] != $checkout_id or $journey->{checkin}->epoch != $checkin_epoch or $journey->{checkout}->epoch != $checkout_epoch ) { return 'Invalid journey data'; } my $query = $self->app->drop_journey_query; my $success = $query->execute( $uid, $checkin_id, $checkout_id ); if ($success) { if ( $query->rows == 2 ) { $self->invalidate_stats_cache( $journey->{checkout} ); return undef; } else { return sprintf( 'Deleted %d rows, expected 2', $query->rows ); } } my $err = $self->app->drop_journey_query->errstr; $self->app->log->error( "Delete($uid, $checkin_id, $checkout_id): DELETE failed: $err"); return 'DELETE failed: ' . $err; } ); $self->helper( 'get_journey_stats' => sub { my ( $self, %opt ) = @_; if ( $opt{cancelled} ) { $self->app->log->warning( 'get_journey_stats called with illegal option cancelled => 1' ); return {}; } my $uid = $self->current_user->{id}; my $year = $opt{year} // 0; my $month = $opt{month} // 0; # Assumption: If the stats cache contains an entry it is up-to-date. # -> Cache entries must be explicitly invalidated whenever the user # checks out of a train or manually edits/adds a journey. $self->app->get_stats_query->execute( $uid, $year, $month ); my $rows = $self->app->get_stats_query->fetchall_arrayref; if ( @{$rows} == 1 ) { return JSON->new->decode( $rows->[0][0] ); } my $interval_start = DateTime->new( time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin', year => 2000, month => 1, day => 1, hour => 0, minute => 0, second => 0, ); # I wonder if people will still be traveling by train in the year 3000 my $interval_end = $interval_start->clone->add( years => 1000 ); if ( $opt{year} and $opt{month} ) { $interval_start->set( year => $opt{year}, month => $opt{month} ); $interval_end = $interval_start->clone->add( months => 1 ); } elsif ( $opt{year} ) { $interval_start->set( year => $opt{year} ); $interval_end = $interval_start->clone->add( years => 1 ); } my @journeys = $self->get_user_travels( cancelled => $opt{cancelled} ? 1 : 0, verbose => 1, after => $interval_start, before => $interval_end ); my $stats = $self->compute_journey_stats(@journeys); $self->app->drop_stats_query->execute( $uid, $year, $month ); $self->app->add_stats_query->execute( $uid, $year, $month, JSON->new->encode($stats) ); return $stats; } ); $self->helper( 'get_user_travels' => sub { my ( $self, %opt ) = @_; my $uid = $opt{uid} || $self->current_user->{id}; my $query = $self->app->get_all_actions_query; if ( $opt{limit} ) { $query = $self->app->get_last_actions_query; } if ( $opt{checkout_id} ) { $query = $self->app->get_journey_actions_query; $query->execute( $uid, $opt{checkout_id} ); } elsif ( $opt{after} and $opt{before} ) { # Each journey consists of at least two database entries: one for # checkin, one for checkout. A simple query using e.g. # after = YYYY-01-01T00:00:00 and before YYYY-02-01T00:00:00 # will miss journeys where checkin and checkout take place in # different months. # We therefore add one day to the before timestamp and filter out # journeys whose checkin lies outside the originally requested # time range afterwards. # For an additional twist, get_interval_actions_query filters based # on the action time, not actual departure, as force # checkout actions lack sched_time and real_time data. By # subtracting one day from "after" (i.e., moving it one day into # the past), we make sure not to miss journeys where the real departure # time falls into the interval, but the checkin time does not. # Again, this is addressed in postprocessing at the bottom of this # helper. # This works under the assumption that there are no DB trains whose # journey takes more than 24 hours. If this no longer holds, # please adjust the intervals accordingly. $query = $self->app->get_interval_actions_query; $query->execute( $uid, $opt{after}->clone->subtract( days => 1 )->epoch, $opt{before}->clone->add( days => 1 )->epoch ); } else { $query->execute($uid); } my @match_actions = ( $self->app->action_type->{checkout}, $self->app->action_type->{checkin} ); if ( $opt{cancelled} ) { @match_actions = ( $self->app->action_type->{cancelled_to}, $self->app->action_type->{cancelled_from} ); } my @travels; my $prev_action = 0; while ( my @row = $query->fetchrow_array ) { my ( $action_id, $action, $raw_ts, $ds100, $name, $train_type, $train_line, $train_no, $train_id, $raw_sched_ts, $raw_real_ts, $raw_route, $raw_messages, $edited ) = @row; if ( $action == $match_actions[0] or ( $opt{checkout_id} and not @travels ) ) { push( @travels, { ids => [ undef, $action_id ], to_name => $name, sched_arrival => epoch_to_dt($raw_sched_ts), rt_arrival => epoch_to_dt($raw_real_ts), checkout => epoch_to_dt($raw_ts), type => $train_type, line => $train_line, no => $train_no, messages => $raw_messages ? [ split( qr{[|]}, $raw_messages ) ] : undef, route => $raw_route ? [ split( qr{[|]}, $raw_route ) ] : undef, completed => 0, edited => $edited << 8, } ); } elsif ( ( $action == $match_actions[1] and $prev_action == $match_actions[0] ) or $opt{checkout_id} ) { my $ref = $travels[-1]; $ref->{ids}->[0] = $action_id; $ref->{from_name} = $name; $ref->{completed} = 1; $ref->{sched_departure} = epoch_to_dt($raw_sched_ts); $ref->{rt_departure} = epoch_to_dt($raw_real_ts); $ref->{checkin} = epoch_to_dt($raw_ts); $ref->{type} //= $train_type; $ref->{line} //= $train_line; $ref->{no} //= $train_no; $ref->{messages} //= [ split( qr{[|]}, $raw_messages ) ]; $ref->{route} //= [ split( qr{[|]}, $raw_route ) ]; $ref->{edited} |= $edited; if ( $opt{verbose} ) { my @parsed_messages; for my $message ( @{ $ref->{messages} // [] } ) { my ( $ts, $msg ) = split( qr{:}, $message ); push( @parsed_messages, [ epoch_to_dt($ts), $msg ] ); } $ref->{messages} = [ reverse @parsed_messages ]; $ref->{sched_duration} = $ref->{sched_arrival} ? $ref->{sched_arrival}->epoch - $ref->{sched_departure}->epoch : undef; $ref->{rt_duration} = $ref->{rt_arrival} ? $ref->{rt_arrival}->epoch - $ref->{rt_departure}->epoch : undef; $ref->{km_route} = $self->get_travel_distance( $ref->{from_name}, $ref->{to_name}, $ref->{route} ); $ref->{km_beeline} = $self->get_travel_distance( $ref->{from_name}, $ref->{to_name}, [ $ref->{from_name}, $ref->{to_name} ] ); my $kmh_divisor = ( $ref->{rt_duration} // $ref->{sched_duration} // 999999 ) / 3600; $ref->{kmh_route} = $kmh_divisor ? $ref->{km_route} / $kmh_divisor : -1; $ref->{kmh_beeline} = $kmh_divisor ? $ref->{km_beeline} / $kmh_divisor : -1; } if ( $opt{checkout_id} and $action == $self->app->action_type->{cancelled_from} ) { $ref->{cancelled} = 1; } } $prev_action = $action; } if ( $opt{before} and $opt{after} ) { @travels = grep { $_->{rt_departure} >= $opt{after} and $_->{rt_departure} < $opt{before} } @travels; } # user_actions are sorted by action_time. As users are allowed to check # into trains in arbitrary order, action_time does not always # correspond to departure/arrival time, so we ensure a proper sort # order here. @travels = sort { $b->{rt_departure} <=> $a->{rt_departure} } @travels; return @travels; } ); $self->helper( 'get_journey' => sub { my ( $self, %opt ) = @_; my @journeys = $self->get_user_travels(%opt); if ( @journeys == 0 or not $journeys[0]{completed} or $journeys[0]{ids}[1] != $opt{checkout_id} ) { return undef; } return $journeys[0]; } ); $self->helper( 'get_user_status' => sub { my ( $self, $uid ) = @_; $uid //= $self->current_user->{id}; $self->app->get_last_actions_query->execute($uid); my $rows = $self->app->get_last_actions_query->fetchall_arrayref; if ( @{$rows} ) { my $now = DateTime->now( time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' ); my @cols = @{ $rows->[0] }; my $action_ts = epoch_to_dt( $cols[2] ); my $sched_ts = epoch_to_dt( $cols[9] ); my $real_ts = epoch_to_dt( $cols[10] ); my $checkin_station_name = $cols[4]; my @route = split( qr{[|]}, $cols[11] // q{} ); my @route_after; my $is_after = 0; for my $station (@route) { if ( $station eq $checkin_station_name ) { $is_after = 1; } if ($is_after) { push( @route_after, $station ); } } return { checked_in => ( $cols[1] == $self->app->action_type->{checkin} ), cancelled => ( $cols[1] == $self->app->action_type->{cancelled_from} ), timestamp => $action_ts, timestamp_delta => $now->epoch - $action_ts->epoch, action_id => $cols[0], sched_ts => $sched_ts, real_ts => $real_ts, station_ds100 => $cols[3], station_name => $checkin_station_name, train_type => $cols[5], train_line => $cols[6], train_no => $cols[7], train_id => $cols[8], route => \@route, route_after => \@route_after, }; } return { checked_in => 0, timestamp => epoch_to_dt(0), sched_ts => epoch_to_dt(0), real_ts => epoch_to_dt(0), }; } ); $self->helper( 'get_travel_distance' => sub { my ( $self, $from, $to, $route_ref ) = @_; my $distance = 0; my $geo = Geo::Distance->new(); my @route = after_incl { $_ eq $from } @{$route_ref}; @route = before_incl { $_ eq $to } @route; if ( @route < 2 ) { # I AM ERROR return 0; } my $prev_station = get_station( shift @route ); if ( not $prev_station ) { return 0; } for my $station_name (@route) { if ( my $station = get_station($station_name) ) { $distance += $geo->distance( 'kilometer', $prev_station->[3], $prev_station->[4], $station->[3], $station->[4] ); $prev_station = $station; } } return $distance; } ); $self->helper( 'compute_journey_stats' => sub { my ( $self, @journeys ) = @_; my $km_route = 0; my $km_beeline = 0; my $min_travel_sched = 0; my $min_travel_real = 0; my $delay_dep = 0; my $delay_arr = 0; my $interchange_real = 0; my $num_trains = 0; my $num_journeys = 0; my $next_departure = 0; for my $journey (@journeys) { $num_trains++; $km_route += $journey->{km_route}; $km_beeline += $journey->{km_beeline}; if ( $journey->{sched_duration} > 0 ) { $min_travel_sched += $journey->{sched_duration} / 60; } if ( $journey->{rt_duration} > 0 ) { $min_travel_real += $journey->{rt_duration} / 60; } if ( $journey->{sched_departure} and $journey->{rt_departure} ) { $delay_dep += ( $journey->{rt_departure}->epoch - $journey->{sched_departure}->epoch ) / 60; } if ( $journey->{sched_arrival} and $journey->{rt_arrival} ) { $delay_arr += ( $journey->{rt_arrival}->epoch - $journey->{sched_arrival}->epoch ) / 60; } # Note that journeys are sorted from recent to older entries if ( $journey->{rt_arrival} and $next_departure and $next_departure - $journey->{rt_arrival}->epoch < ( 60 * 60 ) ) { $interchange_real += ( $next_departure - $journey->{rt_arrival}->epoch ) / 60; } else { $num_journeys++; } $next_departure = $journey->{rt_departure}->epoch; } return { km_route => $km_route, km_beeline => $km_beeline, num_trains => $num_trains, num_journeys => $num_journeys, min_travel_sched => $min_travel_sched, min_travel_real => $min_travel_real, min_interchange_real => $interchange_real, delay_dep => $delay_dep, delay_arr => $delay_arr, }; } ); $self->helper( 'navbar_class' => sub { my ( $self, $path ) = @_; if ( $self->req->url eq $self->url_for($path) ) { return 'active'; } return q{}; } ); my $r = $self->routes; $r->get('/')->to('traveling#homepage'); $r->get('/about')->to('static#about'); $r->get('/impressum')->to('static#imprint'); $r->get('/imprint')->to('static#imprint'); $r->get('/api/v0/:user_action/:token')->to('api#get_v0'); $r->get('/login')->to('account#login_form'); $r->get('/register')->to('account#registration_form'); $r->get('/reg/:id/:token')->to('account#verify'); $r->post('/action')->to('traveling#log_action'); $r->post('/geolocation')->to('traveling#geolocation'); $r->post('/list_departures')->to('traveling#redirect_to_station'); $r->post('/login')->to('account#do_login'); $r->post('/register')->to('account#register'); my $authed_r = $r->under( sub { my ($self) = @_; if ( $self->is_user_authenticated ) { return 1; } $self->render( 'login', redirect_to => $self->req->url ); return undef; } ); $authed_r->get('/account')->to('account#account'); $authed_r->get('/cancelled')->to('traveling#cancelled'); $authed_r->get('/change_password')->to('account#password_form'); $authed_r->get('/export.json')->to('account#json_export'); $authed_r->get('/history.json')->to('traveling#json_history'); $authed_r->get('/history')->to('traveling#history'); $authed_r->get('/history/:year')->to('traveling#yearly_history'); $authed_r->get('/history/:year/:month')->to('traveling#monthly_history'); $authed_r->get('/journey/add')->to('traveling#add_journey_form'); $authed_r->get('/journey/:id')->to('traveling#journey_details'); $authed_r->get('/s/*station')->to('traveling#station'); $authed_r->post('/journey/edit')->to('traveling#edit_journey'); $authed_r->post('/change_password')->to('account#change_password'); $authed_r->post('/delete')->to('account#delete'); $authed_r->post('/logout')->to('account#do_logout'); $authed_r->post('/set_token')->to('api#set_token'); } 1;