package Travelynx; # Copyright (C) 2020 Daniel Friesel # # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious'; use Mojo::Pg; use Mojo::Promise; use Mojolicious::Plugin::Authentication; use Cache::File; use Crypt::Eksblowfish::Bcrypt qw(bcrypt en_base64); use DateTime; use DateTime::Format::Strptime; use Encode qw(decode encode); use File::Slurp qw(read_file); use JSON; use List::Util; use List::UtilsBy qw(uniq_by); use List::MoreUtils qw(first_index); use Travel::Status::DE::DBWagenreihung; use Travelynx::Helper::DBDB; use Travelynx::Helper::HAFAS; use Travelynx::Helper::IRIS; use Travelynx::Helper::Sendmail; use Travelynx::Helper::Traewelling; use Travelynx::Model::InTransit; use Travelynx::Model::Journeys; use Travelynx::Model::JourneyStatsCache; use Travelynx::Model::Stations; use Travelynx::Model::Traewelling; use Travelynx::Model::Users; sub check_password { my ( $password, $hash ) = @_; if ( bcrypt( substr( $password, 0, 10000 ), $hash ) eq $hash ) { return 1; } return 0; } sub epoch_to_dt { my ($epoch) = @_; # Bugs (and user errors) may lead to undefined timestamps. Set them to # 1970-01-01 to avoid crashing and show obviously wrong data instead. $epoch //= 0; return DateTime->from_epoch( epoch => $epoch, time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin', locale => 'de-DE', ); } sub startup { my ($self) = @_; push( @{ $self->commands->namespaces }, 'Travelynx::Command' ); $self->defaults( layout => 'default' ); $self->types->type( csv => 'text/csv; charset=utf-8' ); $self->types->type( json => 'application/json; charset=utf-8' ); $self->plugin('Config'); if ( $self->config->{secrets} ) { $self->secrets( $self->config->{secrets} ); } chomp $self->config->{version}; $self->plugin( authentication => { autoload_user => 1, fail_render => { template => 'login' }, load_user => sub { my ( $self, $uid ) = @_; return $self->get_user_data($uid); }, validate_user => sub { my ( $self, $username, $password, $extradata ) = @_; my $user_info = $self->users->get_login_data( name => $username ); if ( not $user_info ) { return undef; } if ( $user_info->{status} != 1 ) { return undef; } if ( check_password( $password, $user_info->{password_hash} ) ) { return $user_info->{id}; } return undef; }, } ); $self->sessions->default_expiration( 60 * 60 * 24 * 180 ); # Starting with v8.11, Mojolicious sends SameSite=Lax Cookies by default. # In theory, "The default lax value provides a reasonable balance between # security and usability for websites that want to maintain user's logged-in # session after the user arrives from an external link". In practice, # Safari (both iOS and macOS) does not send a SameSite=lax cookie when # following a link from an external site. So, providing a # checkin link to does not work because the user # is not logged in due to Safari not sending the cookie. # # This looks a lot like a Safari bug, but we can't do anything about it. So # we don't set the SameSite flag at all for now. # # --derf, 2019-05-01 $self->sessions->samesite(undef); $self->defaults( layout => 'default' ); $self->hook( before_dispatch => sub { my ($self) = @_; # The "theme" cookie is set client-side if the theme we delivered was # changed by dark mode detection or by using the theme switcher. It's # not part of Mojolicious' session data (and can't be, due to # signing and HTTPOnly), so we need to add it here. for my $cookie ( @{ $self->req->cookies } ) { if ( $cookie->name eq 'theme' ) { $self->session( theme => $cookie->value ); return; } } } ); $self->attr( cache_iris_main => sub { my ($self) = @_; return Cache::File->new( cache_root => $self->app->config->{cache}->{schedule}, default_expires => '6 hours', lock_level => Cache::File::LOCK_LOCAL(), ); } ); $self->attr( cache_iris_rt => sub { my ($self) = @_; return Cache::File->new( cache_root => $self->app->config->{cache}->{realtime}, default_expires => '70 seconds', lock_level => Cache::File::LOCK_LOCAL(), ); } ); $self->attr( token_type => sub { return { status => 1, history => 2, travel => 3, import => 4, }; } ); $self->attr( token_types => sub { return [qw(status history travel import)]; } ); $self->attr( account_public_mask => sub { return { status_intern => 0x01, status_extern => 0x02, status_comment => 0x04, history_intern => 0x10, history_latest => 0x20, history_full => 0x40, }; } ); $self->attr( journey_edit_mask => sub { return { sched_departure => 0x0001, real_departure => 0x0002, from_station => 0x0004, route => 0x0010, is_cancelled => 0x0020, sched_arrival => 0x0100, real_arrival => 0x0200, to_station => 0x0400, }; } ); $self->attr( coordinates_by_station => sub { my $legacy_names = $self->app->renamed_station; my $location = $self->stations->get_latlon_by_name; while ( my ( $old_name, $new_name ) = each %{$legacy_names} ) { $location->{$old_name} = $location->{$new_name}; } return $location; } ); # # via $self->attr( ice_name => sub { my $id_to_name = JSON->new->utf8->decode( scalar read_file('share/ice_names.json') ); return $id_to_name; } ); $self->attr( renamed_station => sub { my $legacy_to_new = JSON->new->utf8->decode( scalar read_file('share/old_station_names.json') ); return $legacy_to_new; } ); if ( not $self->app->config->{base_url} ) { $self->app->log->error( "travelynx.conf: 'base_url' is missing. Links in maintenance/work/worker-generated E-Mails will be incorrect. This variable was introduced in travelynx 1.22; see examples/travelynx.conf for documentation." ); } $self->helper( base_url_for => sub { my ( $self, $path ) = @_; if ( ( my $url = $self->url_for($path) )->base ne q{} or not $self->app->config->{base_url} ) { return $url; } return $self->url_for($path) ->base( $self->app->config->{base_url} ); } ); $self->helper( hafas => sub { my ($self) = @_; state $hafas = Travelynx::Helper::HAFAS->new( log => $self->app->log, main_cache => $self->app->cache_iris_main, realtime_cache => $self->app->cache_iris_rt, root_url => $self->base_url_for('/')->to_abs, user_agent => $self->ua, version => $self->app->config->{version}, ); } ); $self->helper( iris => sub { my ($self) = @_; state $iris = Travelynx::Helper::IRIS->new( log => $self->app->log, main_cache => $self->app->cache_iris_main, realtime_cache => $self->app->cache_iris_rt, root_url => $self->base_url_for('/')->to_abs, version => $self->app->config->{version}, ); } ); $self->helper( traewelling => sub { my ($self) = @_; state $trwl = Travelynx::Model::Traewelling->new( pg => $self->pg ); } ); $self->helper( traewelling_api => sub { my ($self) = @_; state $trwl_api = Travelynx::Helper::Traewelling->new( log => $self->app->log, model => $self->traewelling, root_url => $self->base_url_for('/')->to_abs, user_agent => $self->ua, version => $self->app->config->{version}, ); } ); $self->helper( in_transit => sub { my ($self) = @_; state $in_transit = Travelynx::Model::InTransit->new( log => $self->app->log, pg => $self->pg, ); } ); $self->helper( journey_stats_cache => sub { my ($self) = @_; state $journey_stats_cache = Travelynx::Model::JourneyStatsCache->new( log => $self->app->log, pg => $self->pg, ); } ); $self->helper( journeys => sub { my ($self) = @_; state $journeys = Travelynx::Model::Journeys->new( log => $self->app->log, pg => $self->pg, in_transit => $self->in_transit, stats_cache => $self->journey_stats_cache, renamed_station => $self->app->renamed_station, latlon_by_station => $self->app->coordinates_by_station, stations => $self->stations, ); } ); $self->helper( pg => sub { my ($self) = @_; my $config = $self->app->config; my $dbname = $config->{db}->{database}; my $host = $config->{db}->{host} // 'localhost'; my $port = $config->{db}->{port} // 5432; my $user = $config->{db}->{user}; my $pw = $config->{db}->{password}; state $pg = Mojo::Pg->new("postgresql://${user}\@${host}:${port}/${dbname}") ->password($pw); $pg->on( connection => sub { my ( $pg, $dbh ) = @_; $dbh->do("set time zone 'Europe/Berlin'"); } ); return $pg; } ); $self->helper( sendmail => sub { state $sendmail = Travelynx::Helper::Sendmail->new( config => ( $self->config->{mail} // {} ), log => $self->log ); } ); $self->helper( stations => sub { my ($self) = @_; state $stations = Travelynx::Model::Stations->new( pg => $self->pg ); } ); $self->helper( users => sub { my ($self) = @_; state $users = Travelynx::Model::Users->new( pg => $self->pg ); } ); $self->helper( dbdb => sub { my ($self) = @_; state $dbdb = Travelynx::Helper::DBDB->new( log => $self->app->log, cache => $self->app->cache_iris_main, root_url => $self->base_url_for('/')->to_abs, user_agent => $self->ua, version => $self->app->config->{version}, ); } ); $self->helper( 'now' => sub { return DateTime->now( time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' ); } ); $self->helper( 'numify_skipped_stations' => sub { my ( $self, $count ) = @_; if ( $count == 0 ) { return 'INTERNAL ERROR'; } if ( $count == 1 ) { return 'Eine Station ohne Geokoordinaten wurde nicht berücksichtigt.'; } return "${count} Stationen ohne Geookordinaten wurden nicht berücksichtigt."; } ); $self->helper( 'load_icon' => sub { my ( $self, $load ) = @_; my $first = $load->{FIRST} // 0; my $second = $load->{SECOND} // 0; my @symbols = ( qw(help_outline person_outline people priority_high not_interested) ); return ( $symbols[$first], $symbols[$second] ); } ); $self->helper( 'checkin' => sub { my ( $self, %opt ) = @_; my $station = $opt{station}; my $train_id = $opt{train_id}; my $uid = $opt{uid} // $self->current_user->{id}; my $db = $opt{db} // $self->pg->db; my $status = $self->iris->get_departures( station => $station, lookbehind => 140, lookahead => 40 ); if ( $status->{errstr} ) { return ( undef, $status->{errstr} ); } else { my ($train) = List::Util::first { $_->train_id eq $train_id } @{ $status->{results} }; if ( not defined $train ) { return ( undef, "Train ${train_id} not found" ); } else { my $user = $self->get_user_status( $uid, $db ); if ( $user->{checked_in} or $user->{cancelled} ) { if ( $user->{train_id} eq $train_id and $user->{dep_eva} eq $status->{station_eva} ) { # checking in twice is harmless return ( $train, undef ); } # Otherwise, someone forgot to check out first $self->checkout( station => $station, force => 1, uid => $uid, db => $db ); } eval { $self->in_transit->add( uid => $uid, db => $db, departure_eva => $status->{station_eva}, train => $train, route => [ $self->iris->route_diff($train) ], ); }; if ($@) { $self->app->log->error( "Checkin($uid): INSERT failed: $@"); return ( undef, 'INSERT failed: ' . $@ ); } if ( not $opt{in_transaction} ) { # mustn't be called during a transaction $self->add_route_timestamps( $uid, $train, 1 ); $self->run_hook( $uid, 'checkin' ); } return ( $train, undef ); } } } ); $self->helper( 'undo' => sub { my ( $self, $journey_id, $uid ) = @_; $uid //= $self->current_user->{id}; if ( $journey_id eq 'in_transit' ) { eval { $self->in_transit->delete( uid => $uid ); }; if ($@) { $self->app->log->error("Undo($uid, $journey_id): $@"); return "Undo($journey_id): $@"; } $self->run_hook( $uid, 'undo' ); return undef; } if ( $journey_id !~ m{ ^ \d+ $ }x ) { return 'Invalid Journey ID'; } eval { my $db = $self->pg->db; my $tx = $db->begin; my $journey = $self->journeys->pop( uid => $uid, db => $db, journey_id => $journey_id ); if ( $journey->{edited} ) { die( "Cannot undo a journey which has already been edited. Please delete manually.\n" ); } delete $journey->{edited}; delete $journey->{id}; $self->in_transit->add_from_journey( db => $db, journey => $journey ); my $cache_ts = DateTime->now( time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' ); if ( $journey->{real_departure} =~ m{ ^ (? \d{4} ) - (? \d{2} ) }x ) { $cache_ts->set( year => $+{year}, month => $+{month} ); } $self->journey_stats_cache->invalidate( ts => $cache_ts, db => $db, uid => $uid ); $tx->commit; }; if ($@) { $self->app->log->error("Undo($uid, $journey_id): $@"); return "Undo($journey_id): $@"; } $self->run_hook( $uid, 'undo' ); return undef; } ); $self->helper( 'checkout' => sub { my ( $self, %opt ) = @_; my $station = $opt{station}; my $force = $opt{force}; my $uid = $opt{uid}; my $db = $opt{db} // $self->pg->db; my $status = $self->iris->get_departures( station => $station, lookbehind => 120, lookahead => 120 ); $uid //= $self->current_user->{id}; my $user = $self->get_user_status( $uid, $db ); my $train_id = $user->{train_id}; if ( not $station ) { $self->app->log->error("Checkout($uid): station is empty"); return ( 1, 'BUG: Checkout station is empty.' ); } if ( not $user->{checked_in} and not $user->{cancelled} ) { return ( 0, 'You are not checked into any train' ); } if ( $status->{errstr} and not $force ) { return ( 1, $status->{errstr} ); } my $now = DateTime->now( time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' ); my $journey = $self->in_transit->get( uid => $uid, with_data => 1 ); # Note that a train may pass the same station several times. # Notable example: S41 / S42 ("Ringbahn") both starts and # terminates at Berlin Südkreuz my ($train) = List::Util::first { $_->train_id eq $train_id and $_->sched_arrival and $_->sched_arrival->epoch > $user->{sched_departure}->epoch } @{ $status->{results} }; $train //= List::Util::first { $_->train_id eq $train_id } @{ $status->{results} }; my $new_checkout_station_id = $status->{station_eva}; # When a checkout is triggered by a checkin, there is an edge case # with related stations. # Assume a user travels from A to B1, then from B2 to C. B1 and B2 are # relatd stations (e.g. "Frankfurt Hbf" and "Frankfurt Hbf(tief)"). # Now, if they check in for the journey from B2 to C, and have not yet # checked out of the previous train, $train is undef as B2 is not B1. # Redo the request with with_related => 1 to avoid this case. # While at it, we increase the lookahead to handle long journeys as # well. if ( not $train ) { $status = $self->iris->get_departures( station => $station, lookbehind => 120, lookahead => 180, with_related => 1 ); ($train) = List::Util::first { $_->train_id eq $train_id } @{ $status->{results} }; if ( $train and $self->stations->get_by_eva( $train->station_uic ) ) { $new_checkout_station_id = $train->station_uic; } } # Store the intended checkout station regardless of this operation's # success. $self->in_transit->set_arrival_eva( uid => $uid, db => $db, arrival_eva => $new_checkout_station_id ); # If in_transit already contains arrival data for another estimated # destination, we must invalidate it. if ( defined $journey->{checkout_station_id} and $journey->{checkout_station_id} != $new_checkout_station_id ) { $self->in_transit->unset_arrival_data( uid => $uid, db => $db ); } if ( not defined $train ) { # Arrival time via IRIS is unknown, so the train probably has not # arrived yet. Fall back to HAFAS. # TODO support cases where $station is EVA or DS100 code if ( my $station_data = List::Util::first { $_->[0] eq $station } @{ $journey->{route} } ) { $station_data = $station_data->[1]; if ( $station_data->{sched_arr} ) { my $sched_arr = epoch_to_dt( $station_data->{sched_arr} ); my $rt_arr = epoch_to_dt( $station_data->{rt_arr} ); if ( $rt_arr->epoch == 0 ) { $rt_arr = $sched_arr->clone; if ( $station_data->{arr_delay} and $station_data->{arr_delay} =~ m{^\d+$} ) { $rt_arr->add( minutes => $station_data->{arr_delay} ); } } $self->in_transit->set_arrival_times( uid => $uid, db => $db, sched_arrival => $sched_arr, rt_arrival => $rt_arr ); } } if ( not $force ) { # mustn't be called during a transaction if ( not $opt{in_transaction} ) { $self->run_hook( $uid, 'update' ); } return ( 1, undef ); } } my $has_arrived = 0; eval { my $tx; if ( not $opt{in_transaction} ) { $tx = $db->begin; } if ( defined $train and not $train->arrival and not $force ) { my $train_no = $train->train_no; die("Train ${train_no} has no arrival timestamp\n"); } elsif ( defined $train and $train->arrival ) { $self->in_transit->set_arrival( uid => $uid, db => $db, train => $train, route => [ $self->iris->route_diff($train) ] ); $has_arrived = $train->arrival->epoch < $now->epoch ? 1 : 0; if ($has_arrived) { my @unknown_stations = $self->stations->grep_unknown( $train->route ); if (@unknown_stations) { $self->app->log->warn( sprintf( 'Route of %s %s (%s -> %s) contains unknown stations: %s', $train->type, $train->train_no, $train->origin, $train->destination, join( ', ', @unknown_stations ) ) ); } } } $journey = $self->in_transit->get( uid => $uid, db => $db ); if ( $has_arrived or $force ) { $self->journeys->add_from_in_transit( db => $db, journey => $journey ); $self->in_transit->delete( uid => $uid, db => $db ); my $cache_ts = $now->clone; if ( $journey->{real_departure} =~ m{ ^ (? \d{4} ) - (? \d{2} ) }x ) { $cache_ts->set( year => $+{year}, month => $+{month} ); } $self->journey_stats_cache->invalidate( ts => $cache_ts, db => $db, uid => $uid ); } elsif ( defined $train and $train->arrival_is_cancelled ) { # This branch is only taken if the deparure was not cancelled, # i.e., if the train was supposed to go here but got # redirected or cancelled on the way and not from the start on. # If the departure itself was cancelled, the user route is # cancelled_from action -> 'cancelled journey' panel on main page # -> cancelled_to action -> force checkout (causing the # previous branch to be taken due to $force) $journey->{cancelled} = 1; $self->journeys->add_from_in_transit( db => $db, journey => $journey ); $self->in_transit->set_cancelled_destination( uid => $uid, db => $db, cancelled_destination => $train->station, ); } if ( not $opt{in_transaction} ) { $tx->commit; } }; if ($@) { $self->app->log->error("Checkout($uid): $@"); return ( 1, 'Checkout error: ' . $@ ); } if ( $has_arrived or $force ) { if ( not $opt{in_transaction} ) { $self->run_hook( $uid, 'checkout' ); } return ( 0, undef ); } if ( not $opt{in_transaction} ) { $self->run_hook( $uid, 'update' ); $self->add_route_timestamps( $uid, $train, 0 ); } return ( 1, undef ); } ); # This helper should only be called directly when also providing a user ID. # If you don't have one, use current_user() instead (get_user_data will # delegate to it anyways). $self->helper( 'get_user_data' => sub { my ( $self, $uid ) = @_; $uid //= $self->current_user->{id}; return $self->users->get_data( uid => $uid ); } ); $self->helper( 'get_api_token' => sub { my ( $self, $uid ) = @_; $uid //= $self->current_user->{id}; my $token = {}; my $res = $self->pg->db->select( 'tokens', [ 'type', 'token' ], { user_id => $uid } ); for my $entry ( $res->hashes->each ) { $token->{ $self->app->token_types->[ $entry->{type} - 1 ] } = $entry->{token}; } return $token; } ); $self->helper( 'run_hook' => sub { my ( $self, $uid, $reason, $callback ) = @_; my $hook = $self->users->get_webhook( uid => $uid ); if ( not $hook->{enabled} or not $hook->{url} =~ m{^ https?:// }x ) { if ($callback) { &$callback(); } return; } my $status = $self->get_user_status_json_v1($uid); my $header = {}; my $hook_body = { reason => $reason, status => $status, }; if ( $hook->{token} ) { $header->{Authorization} = "Bearer $hook->{token}"; $header->{'User-Agent'} = 'travelynx/' . $self->app->config->{version}; } my $ua = $self->ua; if ($callback) { $ua->request_timeout(4); } else { $ua->request_timeout(10); } $ua->post_p( $hook->{url} => $header => json => $hook_body )->then( sub { my ($tx) = @_; if ( my $err = $tx->error ) { $self->users->update_webhook_status( uid => $uid, url => $hook->{url}, success => 0, text => "HTTP $err->{code} $err->{message}" ); } else { $self->users->update_webhook_status( uid => $uid, url => $hook->{url}, success => 1, text => $tx->result->body ); } if ($callback) { &$callback(); } return; } )->catch( sub { my ($err) = @_; $self->users->update_webhook_status( uid => $uid, url => $hook->{url}, success => 0, text => $err ); if ($callback) { &$callback(); } return; } )->wait; } ); $self->helper( 'add_route_timestamps' => sub { my ( $self, $uid, $train, $is_departure ) = @_; $uid //= $self->current_user->{id}; my $db = $self->pg->db; # TODO "with_timestamps" is misleading, there are more differences between in_transit and in_transit_str # Here it's only needed because of dep_eva / arr_eva names my $journey = $self->in_transit->get( db => $db, uid => $uid, with_data => 1, with_timestamps => 1 ); if ( not $journey ) { return; } my ($platform) = ( ( $train->platform // 0 ) =~ m{(\d+)} ); my $route = $journey->{route}; my $base = ''; my $date_yy = $train->start->strftime('%d.%m.%y'); my $date_yyyy = $train->start->strftime('%d.%m.%Y'); my $train_no = $train->type . ' ' . $train->train_no; $self->hafas->get_json_p( "${base}&date=${date_yy}&trainname=${train_no}")->then( sub { my ($trainsearch) = @_; # Fallback: Take first result my $result = $trainsearch->{suggestions}[0]; # Try finding a result for the current date for my $suggestion ( @{ $trainsearch->{suggestions} // [] } ) { # Drunken API, sail with care. Both date formats are used interchangeably if ( $suggestion->{depDate} and ( $suggestion->{depDate} eq $date_yy or $suggestion->{depDate} eq $date_yyyy ) ) { # Train numbers are not unique, e.g. IC 149 refers both to the # InterCity service Amsterdam -> Berlin and to the InterCity service # Koebenhavns Lufthavn st -> Aarhus. One workaround is making # requests with the stationFilter=80 parameter. Checking the origin # station seems to be the more generic solution, so we do that # instead. if ( $suggestion->{dep} eq $train->origin ) { $result = $suggestion; last; } } } if ( not $result ) { $self->app->log->debug("trainlink not found"); return Mojo::Promise->reject("trainlink not found"); } # Calculate and store trip_id. # The trip_id's date part doesn't seem to matter -- so far, # HAFAS is happy as long as the date part starts with a number. # HAFAS-internal tripIDs use this format (withouth leading zero # for day of month < 10) though, so let's stick with it. my $date_map = $date_yyyy; $date_map =~ tr{.}{}d; my $trip_id = sprintf( '1|%d|%d|%d|%s', $result->{id}, $result->{cycle}, $result->{pool}, $date_map ); $self->in_transit->update_data( uid => $uid, db => $db, data => { trip_id => $trip_id } ); return $self->hafas->get_route_timestamps_p( train => $train, trip_id => $trip_id, with_polyline => not $journey->{polyline} ); } )->then( sub { my ( $route_data, $journey, $polyline ) = @_; for my $station ( @{$route} ) { if ( $station->[0] =~ m{^Betriebsstelle nicht bekannt (\d+)$} ) { my $eva = $1; if ( $route_data->{$eva} ) { $station->[0] = $route_data->{$eva}{name}; } } $station->[1] = $route_data->{ $station->[0] }; } my @messages; for my $m ( $journey->messages ) { if ( not $m->code ) { push( @messages, { header => $m->short, lead => $m->text, } ); } } $self->in_transit->set_route_data( uid => $uid, db => $db, route => $route, delay_messages => [ map { [ $_->[0]->epoch, $_->[1] ] } $train->delay_messages ], qos_messages => [ map { [ $_->[0]->epoch, $_->[1] ] } $train->qos_messages ], him_messages => \@messages, ); if ($polyline) { my $coords = $polyline->{coords}; my $from_eva = $polyline->{from_eva}; my $to_eva = $polyline->{to_eva}; my $polyline_str = JSON->new->encode($coords); my $pl_res = $db->select( 'polylines', ['id'], { origin_eva => $from_eva, destination_eva => $to_eva, polyline => $polyline_str }, { limit => 1 } ); my $polyline_id; if ( my $h = $pl_res->hash ) { $polyline_id = $h->{id}; } else { eval { $polyline_id = $db->insert( 'polylines', { origin_eva => $from_eva, destination_eva => $to_eva, polyline => $polyline_str }, { returning => 'id' } )->hash->{id}; }; if ($@) { $self->app->log->warn( "add_route_timestamps: insert polyline: $@" ); } } if ($polyline_id) { $self->in_transit->set_polyline_id( uid => $uid, db => $db, polyline_id => $polyline_id ); } } return; } )->catch( sub { my ($err) = @_; $self->app->log->debug("add_route_timestamps: $err"); return; } )->wait; if ( $train->sched_departure ) { $self->dbdb->has_wagonorder_p( $train->sched_departure, $train->train_no )->then( sub { my ($api) = @_; return $self->dbdb->get_wagonorder_p( $api, $train->sched_departure, $train->train_no ); } )->then( sub { my ($wagonorder) = @_; my $data = {}; my $user_data = {}; if ( $is_departure and not exists $wagonorder->{error} ) { $data->{wagonorder_dep} = $wagonorder; $user_data->{wagongroups} = []; for my $group ( @{ $wagonorder->{data}{istformation} {allFahrzeuggruppe} // [] } ) { my @wagons; for my $wagon ( @{ $group->{allFahrzeug} // [] } ) { push( @wagons, { id => $wagon->{fahrzeugnummer}, number => $wagon->{wagenordnungsnummer}, type => $wagon->{fahrzeugtyp}, } ); } push( @{ $user_data->{wagongroups} }, { name => $group->{fahrzeuggruppebezeichnung}, from => $group->{startbetriebsstellename}, to => $group->{zielbetriebsstellename}, no => $group->{verkehrlichezugnummer}, wagons => [@wagons], } ); } $self->in_transit->update_data( uid => $uid, db => $db, data => $data ); $self->in_transit->update_user_data( uid => $uid, db => $db, user_data => $user_data ); } elsif ( not $is_departure and not exists $wagonorder->{error} ) { $data->{wagonorder_arr} = $wagonorder; $self->in_transit->update_data( uid => $uid, db => $db, data => $data ); } return; } )->catch( sub { # no wagonorder? no problem. return; } )->wait; } if ($is_departure) { $self->dbdb->get_stationinfo_p( $journey->{dep_eva} )->then( sub { my ($station_info) = @_; my $data = { stationinfo_dep => $station_info }; $self->in_transit->update_data( uid => $uid, db => $db, data => $data ); return; } )->catch( sub { # no stationinfo? no problem. return; } )->wait; } if ( $journey->{arr_eva} and not $is_departure ) { $self->dbdb->get_stationinfo_p( $journey->{arr_eva} )->then( sub { my ($station_info) = @_; my $data = { stationinfo_arr => $station_info }; $self->in_transit->update_data( uid => $uid, db => $db, data => $data ); return; } )->catch( sub { # no stationinfo? no problem. return; } )->wait; } } ); $self->helper( 'resolve_sb_template' => sub { my ( $self, $template, %opt ) = @_; my $ret = $template; $ret =~ s{[{]eva[}]}{$opt{eva}}g; $ret =~ s{[{]name[}]}{$opt{name}}g; $ret =~ s{[{]tt[}]}{$opt{tt}}g; $ret =~ s{[{]tn[}]}{$opt{tn}}g; $ret =~ s{[{]id[}]}{$opt{id}}g; return $ret; } ); $self->helper( 'stationinfo_to_direction' => sub { my ( $self, $platform_info, $wagonorder, $prev_stop, $next_stop ) = @_; if ( $platform_info->{kopfgleis} ) { if ($next_stop) { return $platform_info->{direction} eq 'r' ? 'l' : 'r'; } return $platform_info->{direction}; } elsif ( $prev_stop and exists $platform_info->{direction_from}{$prev_stop} ) { return $platform_info->{direction_from}{$prev_stop}; } elsif ( $next_stop and exists $platform_info->{direction_from}{$next_stop} ) { return $platform_info->{direction_from}{$next_stop} eq 'r' ? 'l' : 'r'; } elsif ($wagonorder) { my $wr; eval { $wr = Travel::Status::DE::DBWagenreihung->new( from_json => $wagonorder ); }; if ( $wr and $wr->sections and defined $wr->direction ) { my $section_0 = ( $wr->sections )[0]; my $direction = $wr->direction; if ( $section_0->name eq 'A' and $direction == 0 ) { return $platform_info->{direction}; } elsif ( $section_0->name ne 'A' and $direction == 100 ) { return $platform_info->{direction}; } elsif ( $platform_info->{direction} ) { return $platform_info->{direction} eq 'r' ? 'l' : 'r'; } return; } } } ); $self->helper( 'journey_to_ajax_route' => sub { my ( $self, $journey ) = @_; my @route; for my $station ( @{ $journey->{route_after} } ) { my $station_desc = $station->[0]; if ( $station->[1]{rt_arr} ) { $station_desc .= $station->[1]{sched_arr}->strftime(';%s'); $station_desc .= $station->[1]{rt_arr}->strftime(';%s'); if ( $station->[1]{rt_dep} ) { $station_desc .= $station->[1]{sched_dep}->strftime(';%s'); $station_desc .= $station->[1]{rt_dep}->strftime(';%s'); } else { $station_desc .= ';0;0'; } } else { $station_desc .= ';0;0;0;0'; } push( @route, $station_desc ); } return join( '|', @route ); } ); $self->helper( 'get_user_status' => sub { my ( $self, $uid, $db ) = @_; $uid //= $self->current_user->{id}; $db //= $self->pg->db; my $now = DateTime->now( time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' ); my $epoch = $now->epoch; my $in_transit = $self->in_transit->get( uid => $uid, db => $db, with_data => 1, with_timestamps => 1 ); if ($in_transit) { if ( my $station = $self->stations->get_by_eva( $in_transit->{dep_eva} ) ) { $in_transit->{dep_ds100} = $station->{ds100}; $in_transit->{dep_name} = $station->{name}; } if ( $in_transit->{arr_eva} and my $station = $self->stations->get_by_eva( $in_transit->{arr_eva} ) ) { $in_transit->{arr_ds100} = $station->{ds100}; $in_transit->{arr_name} = $station->{name}; } my @route = @{ $in_transit->{route} // [] }; my @route_after; my $dep_info; my $stop_before_dest; my $is_after = 0; for my $station (@route) { if ( $in_transit->{arr_name} and @route_after and $station->[0] eq $in_transit->{arr_name} ) { $stop_before_dest = $route_after[-1][0]; } if ($is_after) { push( @route_after, $station ); } if ( $in_transit->{dep_name} and $station->[0] eq $in_transit->{dep_name} ) { $is_after = 1; if ( @{$station} > 1 and not $dep_info ) { $dep_info = $station->[1]; } } } my $stop_after_dep = @route_after ? $route_after[0][0] : undef; my $ts = $in_transit->{checkout_ts} // $in_transit->{checkin_ts}; my $action_time = epoch_to_dt($ts); my $ret = { checked_in => !$in_transit->{cancelled}, cancelled => $in_transit->{cancelled}, timestamp => $action_time, timestamp_delta => $now->epoch - $action_time->epoch, train_type => $in_transit->{train_type}, train_line => $in_transit->{train_line}, train_no => $in_transit->{train_no}, train_id => $in_transit->{train_id}, boarding_countdown => -1, sched_departure => epoch_to_dt( $in_transit->{sched_dep_ts} ), real_departure => epoch_to_dt( $in_transit->{real_dep_ts} ), dep_ds100 => $in_transit->{dep_ds100}, dep_eva => $in_transit->{dep_eva}, dep_name => $in_transit->{dep_name}, dep_platform => $in_transit->{dep_platform}, sched_arrival => epoch_to_dt( $in_transit->{sched_arr_ts} ), real_arrival => epoch_to_dt( $in_transit->{real_arr_ts} ), arr_ds100 => $in_transit->{arr_ds100}, arr_eva => $in_transit->{arr_eva}, arr_name => $in_transit->{arr_name}, arr_platform => $in_transit->{arr_platform}, route_after => \@route_after, messages => $in_transit->{messages}, extra_data => $in_transit->{data}, comment => $in_transit->{user_data}{comment}, }; my $traewelling = $self->traewelling->get( uid => $uid, db => $db ); if ( $traewelling->{latest_run} >= epoch_to_dt( $in_transit->{checkin_ts} ) ) { $ret->{traewelling} = $traewelling; if ( @{ $traewelling->{data}{log} // [] } and ( my $log_entry = $traewelling->{data}{log}[0] ) ) { if ( $log_entry->[2] ) { $ret->{traewelling_status} = $log_entry->[2]; $ret->{traewelling_url} = '' . $log_entry->[2]; } $ret->{traewelling_log_latest} = $log_entry->[1]; } } my @parsed_messages; for my $message ( @{ $ret->{messages} // [] } ) { my ( $ts, $msg ) = @{$message}; push( @parsed_messages, [ epoch_to_dt($ts), $msg ] ); } $ret->{messages} = [ reverse @parsed_messages ]; @parsed_messages = (); for my $message ( @{ $ret->{extra_data}{qos_msg} // [] } ) { my ( $ts, $msg ) = @{$message}; push( @parsed_messages, [ epoch_to_dt($ts), $msg ] ); } $ret->{extra_data}{qos_msg} = [@parsed_messages]; if ( $dep_info and $dep_info->{sched_arr} ) { $dep_info->{sched_arr} = epoch_to_dt( $dep_info->{sched_arr} ); $dep_info->{rt_arr} = epoch_to_dt( $dep_info->{rt_arr} ); $dep_info->{rt_arr_countdown} = $ret->{boarding_countdown} = $dep_info->{rt_arr}->epoch - $epoch; } for my $station (@route_after) { if ( @{$station} > 1 ) { # Note: $station->[1]{sched_arr} may already have been # converted to a DateTime object. This can happen when a # station is present several times in a train's route, e.g. # for Frankfurt Flughafen in some nightly connections. my $times = $station->[1]; if ( $times->{sched_arr} and ref( $times->{sched_arr} ) ne 'DateTime' ) { $times->{sched_arr} = epoch_to_dt( $times->{sched_arr} ); if ( $times->{rt_arr} ) { $times->{rt_arr} = epoch_to_dt( $times->{rt_arr} ); $times->{rt_arr_countdown} = $times->{rt_arr}->epoch - $epoch; } } if ( $times->{sched_dep} and ref( $times->{sched_dep} ) ne 'DateTime' ) { $times->{sched_dep} = epoch_to_dt( $times->{sched_dep} ); if ( $times->{rt_dep} ) { $times->{rt_dep} = epoch_to_dt( $times->{rt_dep} ); $times->{rt_dep_countdown} = $times->{rt_dep}->epoch - $epoch; } } } } $ret->{departure_countdown} = $ret->{real_departure}->epoch - $now->epoch; if ( $ret->{departure_countdown} > 0 and $in_transit->{data}{wagonorder_dep} ) { my $wr; eval { $wr = Travel::Status::DE::DBWagenreihung->new( from_json => $in_transit->{data}{wagonorder_dep} ); }; if ( $wr and $wr->wagons and defined $wr->direction ) { $ret->{wagonorder} = $wr; } } if ( $in_transit->{real_arr_ts} ) { $ret->{arrival_countdown} = $ret->{real_arrival}->epoch - $now->epoch; $ret->{journey_duration} = $ret->{real_arrival}->epoch - $ret->{real_departure}->epoch; $ret->{journey_completion} = $ret->{journey_duration} ? 1 - ( $ret->{arrival_countdown} / $ret->{journey_duration} ) : 1; if ( $ret->{journey_completion} > 1 ) { $ret->{journey_completion} = 1; } elsif ( $ret->{journey_completion} < 0 ) { $ret->{journey_completion} = 0; } my ($dep_platform_number) = ( ( $ret->{dep_platform} // 0 ) =~ m{(\d+)} ); if ( $dep_platform_number and exists $in_transit->{data}{stationinfo_dep} {$dep_platform_number} ) { $ret->{dep_direction} = $self->stationinfo_to_direction( $in_transit->{data}{stationinfo_dep} {$dep_platform_number}, $in_transit->{data}{wagonorder_dep}, undef, $stop_after_dep ); } my ($arr_platform_number) = ( ( $ret->{arr_platform} // 0 ) =~ m{(\d+)} ); if ( $arr_platform_number and exists $in_transit->{data}{stationinfo_arr} {$arr_platform_number} ) { $ret->{arr_direction} = $self->stationinfo_to_direction( $in_transit->{data}{stationinfo_arr} {$arr_platform_number}, $in_transit->{data}{wagonorder_arr}, $stop_before_dest, undef ); } } else { $ret->{arrival_countdown} = undef; $ret->{journey_duration} = undef; $ret->{journey_completion} = undef; } return $ret; } my ( $latest, $latest_cancellation ) = $self->journeys->get_latest( uid => $uid, db => $db ); if ( $latest_cancellation and $latest_cancellation->{cancelled} ) { if ( my $station = $self->stations->get_by_eva( $latest_cancellation->{dep_eva} ) ) { $latest_cancellation->{dep_ds100} = $station->{ds100}; $latest_cancellation->{dep_name} = $station->{name}; } if ( my $station = $self->stations->get_by_eva( $latest_cancellation->{arr_eva} ) ) { $latest_cancellation->{arr_ds100} = $station->{ds100}; $latest_cancellation->{arr_name} = $station->{name}; } } else { $latest_cancellation = undef; } if ($latest) { my $ts = $latest->{checkout_ts}; my $action_time = epoch_to_dt($ts); if ( my $station = $self->stations->get_by_eva( $latest->{dep_eva} ) ) { $latest->{dep_ds100} = $station->{ds100}; $latest->{dep_name} = $station->{name}; } if ( my $station = $self->stations->get_by_eva( $latest->{arr_eva} ) ) { $latest->{arr_ds100} = $station->{ds100}; $latest->{arr_name} = $station->{name}; } return { checked_in => 0, cancelled => 0, cancellation => $latest_cancellation, journey_id => $latest->{journey_id}, timestamp => $action_time, timestamp_delta => $now->epoch - $action_time->epoch, train_type => $latest->{train_type}, train_line => $latest->{train_line}, train_no => $latest->{train_no}, train_id => $latest->{train_id}, sched_departure => epoch_to_dt( $latest->{sched_dep_ts} ), real_departure => epoch_to_dt( $latest->{real_dep_ts} ), dep_ds100 => $latest->{dep_ds100}, dep_eva => $latest->{dep_eva}, dep_name => $latest->{dep_name}, dep_platform => $latest->{dep_platform}, sched_arrival => epoch_to_dt( $latest->{sched_arr_ts} ), real_arrival => epoch_to_dt( $latest->{real_arr_ts} ), arr_ds100 => $latest->{arr_ds100}, arr_eva => $latest->{arr_eva}, arr_name => $latest->{arr_name}, arr_platform => $latest->{arr_platform}, comment => $latest->{user_data}{comment}, }; } return { checked_in => 0, cancelled => 0, cancellation => $latest_cancellation, no_journeys_yet => 1, timestamp => epoch_to_dt(0), timestamp_delta => $now->epoch, }; } ); $self->helper( 'get_user_status_json_v1' => sub { my ( $self, $uid ) = @_; my $status = $self->get_user_status($uid); # TODO simplify lon/lat (can be returned from get_user_status) my $ret = { deprecated => \0, checkedIn => ( $status->{checked_in} or $status->{cancelled} ) ? \1 : \0, fromStation => { ds100 => $status->{dep_ds100}, name => $status->{dep_name}, uic => $status->{dep_eva}, longitude => undef, latitude => undef, scheduledTime => $status->{sched_departure} ? $status->{sched_departure}->epoch : undef, realTime => $status->{real_departure} ? $status->{real_departure}->epoch : undef, }, toStation => { ds100 => $status->{arr_ds100}, name => $status->{arr_name}, uic => $status->{arr_eva}, longitude => undef, latitude => undef, scheduledTime => $status->{sched_arrival} ? $status->{sched_arrival}->epoch : undef, realTime => $status->{real_arrival} ? $status->{real_arrival}->epoch : undef, }, train => { type => $status->{train_type}, line => $status->{train_line}, no => $status->{train_no}, id => $status->{train_id}, }, actionTime => $status->{timestamp} ? $status->{timestamp}->epoch : undef, intermediateStops => [], }; for my $stop ( @{ $status->{route_after} // [] } ) { if ( $status->{arr_name} and $stop->[0] eq $status->{arr_name} ) { last; } push( @{ $ret->{intermediateStops} }, { name => $stop->[0], scheduledArrival => $stop->[1]{sched_arr} ? $stop->[1]{sched_arr}->epoch : undef, realArrival => $stop->[1]{rt_arr} ? $stop->[1]{rt_arr}->epoch : undef, scheduledDeparture => $stop->[1]{sched_dep} ? $stop->[1]{sched_dep}->epoch : undef, realDeparture => $stop->[1]{rt_dep} ? $stop->[1]{rt_dep}->epoch : undef, } ); } if ( $status->{dep_eva} ) { if ( my $s = $self->stations->get_by_eva( $status->{dep_eva} ) ) { $ret->{fromStation}{longitude} = $s->{lon}; $ret->{fromStation}{latitude} = $s->{lat}; } } if ( $status->{arr_eva} ) { if ( my $s = $self->stations->get_by_eva( $status->{arr_eva} ) ) { $ret->{toStation}{longitude} = $s->{lon}; $ret->{toStation}{latitude} = $s->{lat}; } } return $ret; } ); $self->helper( 'traewelling_to_travelynx' => sub { my ( $self, %opt ) = @_; my $traewelling = $opt{traewelling}; my $user_data = $opt{user_data}; my $uid = $user_data->{user_id}; if ( not $traewelling->{checkin} or $self->now->epoch - $traewelling->{checkin}->epoch > 900 ) { $self->log->debug("... not checked in"); return; } if ( $traewelling->{status_id} and $user_data->{data}{latest_pull_status_id} and $traewelling->{status_id} == $user_data->{data}{latest_pull_status_id} ) { $self->log->debug("... already handled"); return; } $self->log->debug( "... checked in : $traewelling->{dep_name} $traewelling->{dep_eva} -> $traewelling->{arr_name} $traewelling->{arr_eva}" ); my $user_status = $self->get_user_status($uid); if ( $user_status->{checked_in} ) { $self->log->debug( "... also checked in via travelynx. aborting."); return; } if ( $traewelling->{category} !~ m{^ (?: national .* | regional .* | suburban ) $ }x ) { $self->log->debug( "... status is not a train, but $traewelling->{category}"); $self->traewelling->log( uid => $uid, message => "$traewelling->{line} nach $traewelling->{arr_name} ist keine Zugfahrt (HAFAS-Kategorie '$traewelling->{category}')", status_id => $traewelling->{status_id}, ); $self->traewelling->set_latest_pull_status_id( uid => $uid, status_id => $traewelling->{status_id} ); return; } my $dep = $self->iris->get_departures( station => $traewelling->{dep_eva}, lookbehind => 60, lookahead => 40 ); if ( $dep->{errstr} ) { $self->traewelling->log( uid => $uid, message => "Konnte $traewelling->{line} nach $traewelling->{arr_name} nicht übernehmen: $dep->{errstr}", status_id => $traewelling->{status_id}, is_error => 1, ); return; } my ( $train_ref, $train_id ); for my $train ( @{ $dep->{results} } ) { if ( $train->line ne $traewelling->{line} ) { next; } if ( not $train->sched_departure or $train->sched_departure->epoch != $traewelling->{dep_dt}->epoch ) { next; } if ( not List::Util::first { $_ eq $traewelling->{arr_name} } $train->route_post ) { next; } $train_id = $train->train_id; $train_ref = $train; last; } if ($train_id) { $self->log->debug("... found train: $train_id"); my $db = $self->pg->db; my $tx = $db->begin; my ( undef, $err ) = $self->checkin( station => $traewelling->{dep_eva}, train_id => $train_id, uid => $uid, in_transaction => 1, db => $db ); if ( not $err ) { ( undef, $err ) = $self->checkout( station => $traewelling->{arr_eva}, train_id => 0, uid => $uid, in_transaction => 1, db => $db ); if ( not $err ) { $self->log->debug("... success!"); if ( $traewelling->{message} ) { $self->in_transit->update_user_data( uid => $uid, db => $db, user_data => { comment => $traewelling->{message} } ); } $self->traewelling->log( uid => $uid, db => $db, message => "Eingecheckt in $traewelling->{line} nach $traewelling->{arr_name}", status_id => $traewelling->{status_id}, ); $self->traewelling->set_latest_pull_status_id( uid => $uid, status_id => $traewelling->{status_id}, db => $db ); $tx->commit; } } if ($err) { $self->log->debug("... error: $err"); $self->traewelling->log( uid => $uid, message => "Konnte $traewelling->{line} nach $traewelling->{arr_name} nicht übernehmen: $err", status_id => $traewelling->{status_id}, is_error => 1 ); } } else { $self->log->debug("... train $traewelling->{line} not found"); $self->traewelling->log( uid => $uid, message => "Konnte $traewelling->{line} nach $traewelling->{arr_name} nicht übernehmen: Zug nicht gefunden", status_id => $traewelling->{status_id}, is_error => 1 ); } } ); $self->helper( 'journeys_to_map_data' => sub { my ( $self, %opt ) = @_; my @journeys = @{ $opt{journeys} // [] }; my $route_type = $opt{route_type} // 'polybee'; my $include_manual = $opt{include_manual} ? 1 : 0; my $location = $self->app->coordinates_by_station; my $with_polyline = $route_type eq 'beeline' ? 0 : 1; if ( not @journeys ) { return { skipped_journeys => [], station_coordinates => [], polyline_groups => [], }; } my $json = JSON->new->utf8; my $first_departure = $journeys[-1]->{rt_departure}; my $last_departure = $journeys[0]->{rt_departure}; my @stations = List::Util::uniq map { $_->{to_name} } @journeys; push( @stations, List::Util::uniq map { $_->{from_name} } @journeys ); @stations = List::Util::uniq @stations; my @station_coordinates = map { [ $location->{$_}, $_ ] } grep { exists $location->{$_} } @stations; my @station_pairs; my @polylines; my %seen; my @skipped_journeys; my @polyline_journeys = grep { $_->{polyline} } @journeys; my @beeline_journeys = grep { not $_->{polyline} } @journeys; if ( $route_type eq 'polyline' ) { @beeline_journeys = (); } elsif ( $route_type eq 'beeline' ) { push( @beeline_journeys, @polyline_journeys ); @polyline_journeys = (); } for my $journey (@polyline_journeys) { my @polyline = @{ $journey->{polyline} }; my $from_eva = $journey->{from_eva}; my $to_eva = $journey->{to_eva}; my $from_index = first_index { $_->[2] and $_->[2] == $from_eva } @polyline; my $to_index = first_index { $_->[2] and $_->[2] == $to_eva } @polyline; if ( $from_index == -1 or $to_index == -1 ) { # Fall back to route delete $journey->{polyline}; next; } my $key = $from_eva . '!' . $to_eva . '!' . ( $to_index - $from_index ); if ( $seen{$key} ) { next; } $seen{$key} = 1; # direction does not matter at the moment $key = $to_eva . '!' . $from_eva . '!' . ( $to_index - $from_index ); $seen{$key} = 1; @polyline = @polyline[ $from_index .. $to_index ]; my @polyline_coords; for my $coord (@polyline) { push( @polyline_coords, [ $coord->[1], $coord->[0] ] ); } push( @polylines, [@polyline_coords] ); } for my $journey (@beeline_journeys) { my @route = map { $_->[0] } @{ $journey->{route} }; my $from_index = first_index { $_ eq $journey->{from_name} } @route; my $to_index = first_index { $_ eq $journey->{to_name} } @route; if ( $from_index == -1 ) { my $rename = $self->app->renamed_station; $from_index = first_index { ( $rename->{$_} // $_ ) eq $journey->{from_name} } @route; } if ( $to_index == -1 ) { my $rename = $self->app->renamed_station; $to_index = first_index { ( $rename->{$_} // $_ ) eq $journey->{to_name} } @route; } if ( $from_index == -1 or $to_index == -1 ) { push( @skipped_journeys, [ $journey, 'Start/Ziel nicht in Route gefunden' ] ); next; } # Manual journey entries are only included if one of the following # conditions is satisfied: # * their route has more than two elements (-> probably more than just # start and stop station), or # * $include_manual is true (-> user wants to see incomplete routes) # This avoids messing up the map in case an A -> B connection has been # tracked both with a regular checkin (-> detailed route shown on map) # and entered manually (-> beeline also shown on map, typically # significantly differs from detailed route) -- unless the user # sets include_manual, of course. if ( $journey->{edited} & 0x0010 and @route <= 2 and not $include_manual ) { push( @skipped_journeys, [ $journey, 'Manueller Eintrag ohne Unterwegshalte' ] ); next; } @route = @route[ $from_index .. $to_index ]; my $key = join( '|', @route ); if ( $seen{$key} ) { next; } $seen{$key} = 1; # direction does not matter at the moment $seen{ join( '|', reverse @route ) } = 1; my $prev_station = shift @route; for my $station (@route) { push( @station_pairs, [ $prev_station, $station ] ); $prev_station = $station; } } @station_pairs = uniq_by { $_->[0] . '|' . $_->[1] } @station_pairs; @station_pairs = grep { exists $location->{ $_->[0] } and exists $location->{ $_->[1] } } @station_pairs; @station_pairs = map { [ $location->{ $_->[0] }, $location->{ $_->[1] } ] } @station_pairs; my $ret = { skipped_journeys => \@skipped_journeys, station_coordinates => \@station_coordinates, polyline_groups => [ { polylines => $json->encode( \@station_pairs ), color => '#673ab7', opacity => $with_polyline ? 0.4 : 0.6, }, { polylines => $json->encode( \@polylines ), color => '#673ab7', opacity => 0.8, } ], }; if (@station_coordinates) { my @lats = map { $_->[0][0] } @station_coordinates; my @lons = map { $_->[0][1] } @station_coordinates; my $min_lat = List::Util::min @lats; my $max_lat = List::Util::max @lats; my $min_lon = List::Util::min @lons; my $max_lon = List::Util::max @lons; $ret->{bounds} = [ [ $min_lat, $min_lon ], [ $max_lat, $max_lon ] ]; } return $ret; } ); $self->helper( 'navbar_class' => sub { my ( $self, $path ) = @_; if ( $self->req->url eq $self->url_for($path) ) { return 'active'; } return q{}; } ); my $r = $self->routes; $r->get('/')->to('traveling#homepage'); $r->get('/about')->to('static#about'); $r->get('/api')->to('api#documentation'); $r->get('/changelog')->to('static#changelog'); $r->get('/impressum')->to('static#imprint'); $r->get('/imprint')->to('static#imprint'); $r->get('/legend')->to('static#legend'); $r->get('/offline.html')->to('static#offline'); $r->get('/api/v1/:user_action/:token')->to('api#get_v1'); $r->get('/login')->to('account#login_form'); $r->get('/recover')->to('account#request_password_reset'); $r->get('/recover/:id/:token')->to('account#recover_password'); $r->get('/reg/:id/:token')->to('account#verify'); $r->get('/status/:name')->to('traveling#user_status'); $r->get('/status/:name/:ts')->to('traveling#user_status'); $r->get('/ajax/status/#name')->to('traveling#public_status_card'); $r->get('/ajax/status/:name/:ts')->to('traveling#public_status_card'); $r->get('/p/:name')->to('traveling#public_profile'); $r->get('/p/:name/j/:id')->to('traveling#public_journey_details'); $r->get('/.well-known/webfinger')->to('account#webfinger'); $r->post('/api/v1/import')->to('api#import_v1'); $r->post('/api/v1/travel')->to('api#travel_v1'); $r->post('/action')->to('traveling#travel_action'); $r->post('/geolocation')->to('traveling#geolocation'); $r->post('/list_departures')->to('traveling#redirect_to_station'); $r->post('/login')->to('account#do_login'); $r->post('/recover')->to('account#request_password_reset'); if ( not $self->config->{registration}{disabled} ) { $r->get('/register')->to('account#registration_form'); $r->post('/register')->to('account#register'); } my $authed_r = $r->under( sub { my ($self) = @_; if ( $self->is_user_authenticated ) { return 1; } $self->render( 'login', redirect_to => $self->req->url ); return undef; } ); $authed_r->get('/account')->to('account#account'); $authed_r->get('/account/privacy')->to('account#privacy'); $authed_r->get('/account/hooks')->to('account#webhook'); $authed_r->get('/account/traewelling')->to('traewelling#settings'); $authed_r->get('/account/insight')->to('account#insight'); $authed_r->get('/account/services')->to('account#services'); $authed_r->get('/ajax/status_card.html')->to('traveling#status_card'); $authed_r->get('/cancelled')->to('traveling#cancelled'); $authed_r->get('/fgr')->to('passengerrights#list_candidates'); $authed_r->get('/account/password')->to('account#password_form'); $authed_r->get('/account/mail')->to('account#change_mail'); $authed_r->get('/account/name')->to('account#change_name'); $authed_r->get('/export.json')->to('account#json_export'); $authed_r->get('/history.json')->to('traveling#json_history'); $authed_r->get('/history.csv')->to('traveling#csv_history'); $authed_r->get('/history')->to('traveling#history'); $authed_r->get('/history/commute')->to('traveling#commute'); $authed_r->get('/history/map')->to('traveling#map_history'); $authed_r->get('/history/:year')->to('traveling#yearly_history'); $authed_r->get('/history/:year/review')->to('traveling#year_in_review'); $authed_r->get('/history/:year/:month')->to('traveling#monthly_history'); $authed_r->get('/journey/add')->to('traveling#add_journey_form'); $authed_r->get('/journey/comment')->to('traveling#comment_form'); $authed_r->get('/journey/:id')->to('traveling#journey_details'); $authed_r->get('/s/*station')->to('traveling#station'); $authed_r->get('/confirm_mail/:token')->to('account#confirm_mail'); $authed_r->post('/account/privacy')->to('account#privacy'); $authed_r->post('/account/hooks')->to('account#webhook'); $authed_r->post('/account/traewelling')->to('traewelling#settings'); $authed_r->post('/account/insight')->to('account#insight'); $authed_r->post('/account/services')->to('account#services'); $authed_r->post('/journey/add')->to('traveling#add_journey_form'); $authed_r->post('/journey/comment')->to('traveling#comment_form'); $authed_r->post('/journey/edit')->to('traveling#edit_journey'); $authed_r->post('/journey/passenger_rights/*filename') ->to('passengerrights#generate'); $authed_r->post('/account/password')->to('account#change_password'); $authed_r->post('/account/mail')->to('account#change_mail'); $authed_r->post('/account/name')->to('account#change_name'); $authed_r->post('/delete')->to('account#delete'); $authed_r->post('/logout')->to('account#do_logout'); $authed_r->post('/set_token')->to('api#set_token'); } 1;