package Travelynx::Command::database;

# Copyright (C) 2020-2023 Birte Kristina Friesel
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Command';

use DateTime;
use File::Slurp qw(read_file);
use JSON;
use Travel::Status::DE::IRIS::Stations;

has description => 'Initialize or upgrade database layout';

has usage => sub { shift->extract_usage };

sub get_schema_version {
	my ( $db, $key ) = @_;
	my $version;

	$key //= 'version';

	eval { $version = $db->select( 'schema_version', [$key] )->hash->{$key}; };
	if ($@) {

		# If it failed, the version table does not exist -> run setup first.
		return undef;
	return $version;

sub initialize_db {
	my ($db) = @_;
			create table schema_version (
				version integer primary key
			create table users (
				id serial not null primary key,
				name varchar(64) not null unique,
				status smallint not null,
				public_level smallint not null,
				email varchar(256),
				token varchar(80),
				password text,
				registered_at timestamptz not null,
				last_login timestamptz not null,
				deletion_requested timestamptz
			create table stations (
				id serial not null primary key,
				ds100 varchar(16) not null unique,
				name varchar(64) not null unique
			create table user_actions (
				id serial not null primary key,
				user_id integer not null references users (id),
				action_id smallint not null,
				station_id int references stations (id),
				action_time timestamptz not null,
				train_type varchar(16),
				train_line varchar(16),
				train_no varchar(16),
				train_id varchar(128),
				sched_time timestamptz,
				real_time timestamptz,
				route text,
				messages text
			create table pending_mails (
				email varchar(256) not null primary key,
				num_tries smallint not null,
				last_try timestamptz not null
			create table tokens (
				user_id integer not null references users (id),
				type smallint not null,
				token varchar(80) not null,
				primary key (user_id, type)
			insert into schema_version values (0);

my @migrations = (

	# v0 -> v1
	sub {
		my ($db) = @_;
				alter table user_actions
					add column edited smallint;
				drop table if exists monthly_stats;
				create table journey_stats (
					user_id integer not null references users (id),
					year smallint not null,
					month smallint not null,
					data jsonb not null,
					primary key (user_id, year, month)
				update schema_version set version = 1;

	# v1 -> v2
	sub {
		my ($db) = @_;
				update user_actions set edited = 0;
				alter table user_actions
					alter column edited set not null;
				update schema_version set version = 2;

	# v2 -> v3
	# A bug in the journey distance calculation caused excessive distances to be
	# reported for routes covering stations without GPS coordinates. Ensure
	# all caches are rebuilt.
	sub {
		my ($db) = @_;
				truncate journey_stats;
				update schema_version set version = 3;

	# v3 -> v4
	# Introduces "journeys", containing one row for each complete
	# journey, and "in_transit", containing the journey which is currently
	# in progress (if any). "user_actions" is no longer used, but still kept
	# as a backup for now.
	sub {
		my ($db) = @_;

				create table journeys (
					id serial not null primary key,
					user_id integer not null references users (id),
					train_type varchar(16) not null,
					train_line varchar(16),
					train_no varchar(16) not null,
					train_id varchar(128) not null,
					checkin_station_id integer not null references stations (id),
					checkin_time timestamptz not null,
					sched_departure timestamptz not null,
					real_departure timestamptz not null,
					checkout_station_id integer not null references stations (id),
					checkout_time timestamptz not null,
					sched_arrival timestamptz,
					real_arrival timestamptz,
					cancelled boolean not null,
					edited smallint not null,
					route text,
					messages text
				create table in_transit (
					user_id integer not null references users (id) primary key,
					train_type varchar(16) not null,
					train_line varchar(16),
					train_no varchar(16) not null,
					train_id varchar(128) not null,
					checkin_station_id integer not null references stations (id),
					checkin_time timestamptz not null,
					sched_departure timestamptz not null,
					real_departure timestamptz not null,
					checkout_station_id int references stations (id),
					checkout_time timestamptz,
					sched_arrival timestamptz,
					real_arrival timestamptz,
					cancelled boolean not null,
					route text,
					messages text
				create view journeys_str as select as journey_id, user_id,
					train_type, train_line, train_no, train_id,
					extract(epoch from checkin_time) as checkin_ts,
					extract(epoch from sched_departure) as sched_dep_ts,
					extract(epoch from real_departure) as real_dep_ts,
					dep_stations.ds100 as dep_ds100, as dep_name,
					extract(epoch from checkout_time) as checkout_ts,
					extract(epoch from sched_arrival) as sched_arr_ts,
					extract(epoch from real_arrival) as real_arr_ts,
					arr_stations.ds100 as arr_ds100, as arr_name,
					cancelled, edited, route, messages
					from journeys
					join stations as dep_stations on = checkin_station_id
					join stations as arr_stations on = checkout_station_id
				create view in_transit_str as select
					train_type, train_line, train_no, train_id,
					extract(epoch from checkin_time) as checkin_ts,
					extract(epoch from sched_departure) as sched_dep_ts,
					extract(epoch from real_departure) as real_dep_ts,
					dep_stations.ds100 as dep_ds100, as dep_name,
					extract(epoch from checkout_time) as checkout_ts,
					extract(epoch from sched_arrival) as sched_arr_ts,
					extract(epoch from real_arrival) as real_arr_ts,
					arr_stations.ds100 as arr_ds100, as arr_name,
					cancelled, route, messages
					from in_transit
					join stations as dep_stations on = checkin_station_id
					left join stations as arr_stations on = checkout_station_id

		my @uids
		  = $db->select( 'users', ['id'] )->hashes->map( sub { shift->{id} } )
		my $count = 0;

		for my $uid (@uids) {
			my %cache;
			my $prev_action_type = 0;
			my $actions          = $db->select(
				'user_actions', '*',
				{ user_id  => $uid },
				{ order_by => { -asc => 'id' } }
			for my $action ( $actions->hashes->each ) {
				my $action_type = $action->{action_id};
				my $id          = $action->{id};

				if ( $action_type == 2 and $prev_action_type != 1 ) {
"Inconsistent data at uid ${uid} action ${id}: Illegal transition $prev_action_type -> $action_type.\n"

				if ( $action_type == 5 and $prev_action_type != 4 ) {
"Inconsistent data at uid ${uid} action ${id}: Illegal transition $prev_action_type -> $action_type.\n"

				if ( $action_type == 1 or $action_type == 4 ) {
					%cache = (
						train_type         => $action->{train_type},
						train_line         => $action->{train_line},
						train_no           => $action->{train_no},
						train_id           => $action->{train_id},
						checkin_station_id => $action->{station_id},
						checkin_time       => $action->{action_time},
						sched_departure    => $action->{sched_time},
						real_departure     => $action->{real_time},
						route              => $action->{route},
						messages           => $action->{messages},
						cancelled          => $action->{action_id} == 4 ? 1 : 0,
						edited             => $action->{edited},
				elsif ( $action_type == 2 or $action_type == 5 ) {
					$cache{checkout_station_id} = $action->{station_id};
					$cache{checkout_time}       = $action->{action_time};
					$cache{sched_arrival}       = $action->{sched_time};
					$cache{real_arrival}        = $action->{real_time};
					$cache{edited} |= $action->{edited} << 8;
					if ( $action->{route} ) {
						$cache{route} = $action->{route};
					if ( $action->{messages} ) {
						$cache{messages} = $action->{messages};

							user_id             => $uid,
							train_type          => $cache{train_type},
							train_line          => $cache{train_line},
							train_no            => $cache{train_no},
							train_id            => $cache{train_id},
							checkin_station_id  => $cache{checkin_station_id},
							checkin_time        => $cache{checkin_time},
							sched_departure     => $cache{sched_departure},
							real_departure      => $cache{real_departure},
							checkout_station_id => $cache{checkout_station_id},
							checkout_time       => $cache{checkout_time},
							sched_arrival       => $cache{sched_arrival},
							real_arrival        => $cache{real_arrival},
							cancelled           => $cache{cancelled},
							edited              => $cache{edited},
							route               => $cache{route},
							messages            => $cache{messages}

					%cache = ();


				$prev_action_type = $action_type;

			if (%cache) {

				# user is currently in transit
						user_id            => $uid,
						train_type         => $cache{train_type},
						train_line         => $cache{train_line},
						train_no           => $cache{train_no},
						train_id           => $cache{train_id},
						checkin_station_id => $cache{checkin_station_id},
						checkin_time       => $cache{checkin_time},
						sched_departure    => $cache{sched_departure},
						real_departure     => $cache{real_departure},
						cancelled          => $cache{cancelled},
						route              => $cache{route},
						messages           => $cache{messages}

			printf( "    journey storage migration: %3.0f%% complete\n",
				$count * 100 / @uids );
		$db->update( 'schema_version', { version => 4 } );

	# v4 -> v5
	# Handle inconsistent data (overlapping journeys) in statistics. Introduces
	# the "inconsistencies" stats key -> rebuild all stats.
	sub {
		my ($db) = @_;
				truncate journey_stats;
				update schema_version set version = 5;

	# v5 -> v6
	# Add documentation
	sub {
		my ($db) = @_;
				comment on table in_transit is 'Users who are currently checked into a train';
				comment on view in_transit_str is 'in_transit with station IDs resolved to name/ds100';
				comment on table journey_stats is 'Cache for yearly and monthly statistics in JSON format';
				comment on table journeys is 'Past train trips (i.e. the user has already checked out)';
				comment on view journeys_str is 'journeys with station IDs resolved to name/ds100';
				comment on table pending_mails is 'Blacklist for mail addresses used in an unsuccessful registration attempt. Helps ensure that travelynx does not spam individual mails with registration attempts.';
				comment on table stations is 'Map of station IDs to name and DS100 code';
				comment on table tokens is 'User API tokens';
				comment on column in_transit.route is 'Format: station1|station2|station3|...';
				comment on column in_transit.messages is 'Format: epoch:message1|epoch:message2|...';
				comment on column in_transit_str.route is 'Format: station1|station2|station3|...';
				comment on column in_transit_str.messages is 'Format: epoch:message1|epoch:message2|...';
				comment on column journeys.edited is 'Bit mask indicating which part has been entered manually. 0x0001 = sched departure, 0x0002 = real departure, 0x0100 = sched arrival, 0x0200 = real arrival';
				comment on column journeys.route is 'Format: station1|station2|station3|...';
				comment on column journeys.messages is 'Format: epoch:message1|epoch:message2|...';
				comment on column journeys_str.edited is 'Bit mask indicating which part has been entered manually. 0x0001 = sched departure, 0x0002 = real departure, 0x0100 = sched arrival, 0x0200 = real arrival';
				comment on column journeys_str.route is 'Format: station1|station2|station3|...';
				comment on column journeys_str.messages is 'Format: epoch:message1|epoch:message2|...';
				comment on column users.status is 'Bit mask: 0x01 = verified';
				comment on column users.public_level is 'Bit mask indicating public account parts. 0x01 = current status (checkin from/to or last checkout at)';
				comment on column users.token is 'Used for e-mail verification';
				comment on column users.deletion_requested is 'Time at which account deletion was requested';
				update schema_version set version = 6;

	# v6 -> v7
	# Add pending_passwords table to store data about pending password resets
	sub {
		my ($db) = @_;
				create table pending_passwords (
					user_id integer not null references users (id) primary key,
					token varchar(80) not null,
					requested_at timestamptz not null
				comment on table pending_passwords is 'Password reset tokens';
				update schema_version set version = 7;

	# v7 -> v8
	# Add pending_mails table to store data about pending mail changes
	sub {
		my ($db) = @_;
				alter table pending_mails rename to mail_blacklist;
				create table pending_mails (
					user_id integer not null references users (id) primary key,
					email varchar(256) not null,
					token varchar(80) not null,
					requested_at timestamptz not null
				comment on table pending_mails is 'Verification tokens for mail address changes';
				update schema_version set version = 8;

	# v8 -> v9
	sub {
		my ($db) = @_;
				alter table users rename column last_login to last_seen;
				drop table user_actions;
				update schema_version set version = 9;

	# v9 -> v10
	# Add pending_registrations table. The users.token column is no longer
	# needed.
	sub {
		my ($db) = @_;
				create table pending_registrations (
					user_id integer not null references users (id) primary key,
					token varchar(80) not null
				comment on table pending_registrations is 'Verification tokens for newly registered accounts';
				update schema_version set version = 10;
		my $res = $db->select( 'users', [ 'id', 'token' ], { status => 0 } );
		for my $user ( $res->hashes->each ) {
					user_id => $user->{id},
					token   => $user->{token}
				alter table users drop column token;

	# v10 -> v11
	sub {
		my ($db) = @_;
				create table webhooks (
					user_id integer not null references users (id) primary key,
					enabled boolean not null,
					url varchar(1000) not null,
					token varchar(250),
					errored boolean,
					latest_run timestamptz,
					output text
				comment on table webhooks is 'URLs and bearer tokens for push events';
				create view webhooks_str as select
					user_id, enabled, url, token, errored, output,
					extract(epoch from latest_run) as latest_run_ts
					from webhooks
				update schema_version set version = 11;

	# v11 -> v12
	sub {
		my ($db) = @_;
				alter table journeys
					add column dep_platform varchar(16),
					add column arr_platform varchar(16);
				alter table in_transit
					add column dep_platform varchar(16),
					add column arr_platform varchar(16);
				create or replace view journeys_str as select as journey_id, user_id,
					train_type, train_line, train_no, train_id,
					extract(epoch from checkin_time) as checkin_ts,
					extract(epoch from sched_departure) as sched_dep_ts,
					extract(epoch from real_departure) as real_dep_ts,
					dep_stations.ds100 as dep_ds100, as dep_name,
					extract(epoch from checkout_time) as checkout_ts,
					extract(epoch from sched_arrival) as sched_arr_ts,
					extract(epoch from real_arrival) as real_arr_ts,
					arr_stations.ds100 as arr_ds100, as arr_name,
					cancelled, edited, route, messages,
					dep_platform, arr_platform
					from journeys
					join stations as dep_stations on = checkin_station_id
					join stations as arr_stations on = checkout_station_id
				create or replace view in_transit_str as select
					train_type, train_line, train_no, train_id,
					extract(epoch from checkin_time) as checkin_ts,
					extract(epoch from sched_departure) as sched_dep_ts,
					extract(epoch from real_departure) as real_dep_ts,
					dep_stations.ds100 as dep_ds100, as dep_name,
					extract(epoch from checkout_time) as checkout_ts,
					extract(epoch from sched_arrival) as sched_arr_ts,
					extract(epoch from real_arrival) as real_arr_ts,
					arr_stations.ds100 as arr_ds100, as arr_name,
					cancelled, route, messages,
					dep_platform, arr_platform
					from in_transit
					join stations as dep_stations on = checkin_station_id
					left join stations as arr_stations on = checkout_station_id
				update schema_version set version = 12;

	# v12 -> v13
	sub {
		my ($db) = @_;
				alter table users add column use_history smallint default 255;
				update schema_version set version = 13;

	# v13 -> v14
	sub {
		my ($db) = @_;
				alter table journeys add column route_new jsonb,
					add column messages_new jsonb;
				alter table in_transit add column route_new jsonb,
					add column messages_new jsonb;
		my $res  = $db->select( 'journeys', [ 'id', 'messages', 'route' ] );
		my $json = JSON->new;

		for my $journey ( $res->hashes->each ) {
			my $id = $journey->{id};
			my @messages;
			for my $message ( split( qr{[|]}, $journey->{messages} // '' ) ) {
				my ( $ts, $msg ) = split( qr{:}, $message );
				push( @messages, [ $ts, $msg ] );
			my @route = map { [$_] }
			  split( qr{[|]}, $journey->{route} // '' );

					messages_new => $json->encode( [@messages] ),
					route_new    => $json->encode( [@route] ),
				{ id => $id }

		$res = $db->select( 'in_transit', [ 'user_id', 'messages', 'route' ] );
		for my $journey ( $res->hashes->each ) {
			my $id = $journey->{user_id};
			my @messages;
			for my $message ( split( qr{[|]}, $journey->{messages} // '' ) ) {
				my ( $ts, $msg ) = split( qr{:}, $message );
				push( @messages, [ $ts, $msg ] );
			my @route = map { [$_] }
			  split( qr{[|]}, $journey->{route} // '' );

					messages_new => $json->encode( [@messages] ),
					route_new    => $json->encode( [@route] ),
				{ user_id => $id }

				drop view journeys_str;
				alter table journeys drop column messages;
				alter table journeys drop column route;
				alter table journeys rename column messages_new to messages;
				alter table journeys rename column route_new to route;

				drop view in_transit_str;
				alter table in_transit drop column messages;
				alter table in_transit drop column route;
				alter table in_transit rename column messages_new to messages;
				alter table in_transit rename column route_new to route;

				create view journeys_str as select as journey_id, user_id,
					train_type, train_line, train_no, train_id,
					extract(epoch from checkin_time) as checkin_ts,
					extract(epoch from sched_departure) as sched_dep_ts,
					extract(epoch from real_departure) as real_dep_ts,
					dep_stations.ds100 as dep_ds100, as dep_name,
					extract(epoch from checkout_time) as checkout_ts,
					extract(epoch from sched_arrival) as sched_arr_ts,
					extract(epoch from real_arrival) as real_arr_ts,
					arr_stations.ds100 as arr_ds100, as arr_name,
					cancelled, edited, route, messages,
					dep_platform, arr_platform
					from journeys
					join stations as dep_stations on = checkin_station_id
					join stations as arr_stations on = checkout_station_id
				create view in_transit_str as select
					train_type, train_line, train_no, train_id,
					extract(epoch from checkin_time) as checkin_ts,
					extract(epoch from sched_departure) as sched_dep_ts,
					extract(epoch from real_departure) as real_dep_ts,
					dep_stations.ds100 as dep_ds100, as dep_name,
					extract(epoch from checkout_time) as checkout_ts,
					extract(epoch from sched_arrival) as sched_arr_ts,
					extract(epoch from real_arrival) as real_arr_ts,
					arr_stations.ds100 as arr_ds100, as arr_name,
					cancelled, route, messages,
					dep_platform, arr_platform
					from in_transit
					join stations as dep_stations on = checkin_station_id
					left join stations as arr_stations on = checkout_station_id

				update schema_version set version = 14;

	# v14 -> v15
	sub {
		my ($db) = @_;
				alter table in_transit add column data jsonb;
				create or replace view in_transit_str as select
					train_type, train_line, train_no, train_id,
					extract(epoch from checkin_time) as checkin_ts,
					extract(epoch from sched_departure) as sched_dep_ts,
					extract(epoch from real_departure) as real_dep_ts,
					dep_stations.ds100 as dep_ds100, as dep_name,
					extract(epoch from checkout_time) as checkout_ts,
					extract(epoch from sched_arrival) as sched_arr_ts,
					extract(epoch from real_arrival) as real_arr_ts,
					arr_stations.ds100 as arr_ds100, as arr_name,
					cancelled, route, messages,
					dep_platform, arr_platform, data
					from in_transit
					join stations as dep_stations on = checkin_station_id
					left join stations as arr_stations on = checkout_station_id
				update schema_version set version = 15;

	# v15 -> v16
	# Beeline distance calculation now also works when departure or arrival
	# station do not have geo-coordinates (by resorting to the first/last
	# station in the route which does have geo-coordinates). Previously,
	# beeline distances were reported as zero in this case. Clear caches
	# to recalculate total distances per year / month.
	sub {
		my ($db) = @_;
				truncate journey_stats;
				update schema_version set version = 16;

	# v16 -> v17
	sub {
		my ($db) = @_;
				drop view journeys_str;
				drop view in_transit_str;
				alter table journeys add column user_data jsonb;
				alter table in_transit add column user_data jsonb;
				create view journeys_str as select as journey_id, user_id,
					train_type, train_line, train_no, train_id,
					extract(epoch from checkin_time) as checkin_ts,
					extract(epoch from sched_departure) as sched_dep_ts,
					extract(epoch from real_departure) as real_dep_ts,
					dep_stations.ds100 as dep_ds100, as dep_name,
					extract(epoch from checkout_time) as checkout_ts,
					extract(epoch from sched_arrival) as sched_arr_ts,
					extract(epoch from real_arrival) as real_arr_ts,
					arr_stations.ds100 as arr_ds100, as arr_name,
					cancelled, edited, route, messages, user_data,
					dep_platform, arr_platform
					from journeys
					join stations as dep_stations on = checkin_station_id
					join stations as arr_stations on = checkout_station_id
				create view in_transit_str as select
					train_type, train_line, train_no, train_id,
					extract(epoch from checkin_time) as checkin_ts,
					extract(epoch from sched_departure) as sched_dep_ts,
					extract(epoch from real_departure) as real_dep_ts,
					dep_stations.ds100 as dep_ds100, as dep_name,
					extract(epoch from checkout_time) as checkout_ts,
					extract(epoch from sched_arrival) as sched_arr_ts,
					extract(epoch from real_arrival) as real_arr_ts,
					arr_stations.ds100 as arr_ds100, as arr_name,
					cancelled, route, messages, user_data,
					dep_platform, arr_platform
					from in_transit
					join stations as dep_stations on = checkin_station_id
					left join stations as arr_stations on = checkout_station_id
		for my $journey ( $db->select( 'journeys', [ 'id', 'messages' ] )
			->expand->hashes->each )
			if (    $journey->{messages}
				and @{ $journey->{messages} }
				and $journey->{messages}[0][0] == 0 )
				my $comment = $journey->{messages}[0][1];
						user_data =>
						  JSON->new->encode( { comment => $comment } ),
						messages => undef
					{ id => $journey->{id} }
				update schema_version set version = 17;

	# v17 -> v18
	sub {
		my ($db) = @_;
				create or replace view in_transit_str as select
					train_type, train_line, train_no, train_id,
					extract(epoch from checkin_time) as checkin_ts,
					extract(epoch from sched_departure) as sched_dep_ts,
					extract(epoch from real_departure) as real_dep_ts,
					dep_stations.ds100 as dep_ds100, as dep_name,
					extract(epoch from checkout_time) as checkout_ts,
					extract(epoch from sched_arrival) as sched_arr_ts,
					extract(epoch from real_arrival) as real_arr_ts,
					arr_stations.ds100 as arr_ds100, as arr_name,
					cancelled, route, messages, user_data,
					dep_platform, arr_platform, data
					from in_transit
					join stations as dep_stations on = checkin_station_id
					left join stations as arr_stations on = checkout_station_id
				update schema_version set version = 18;

	# v18 -> v19
	sub {
		my ($db) = @_;
'Transitioning from travelynx station ID to EVA IDs, this may take a while ...';
				alter table in_transit drop constraint in_transit_checkin_station_id_fkey;
				alter table in_transit drop constraint in_transit_checkout_station_id_fkey;
				alter table journeys drop constraint journeys_checkin_station_id_fkey;
				alter table journeys drop constraint journeys_checkout_station_id_fkey;
		for my $journey ( $db->select( 'in_transit_str', '*' )->hashes->each ) {
			my ($s_dep)
			  = Travel::Status::DE::IRIS::Stations::get_station(
				$journey->{dep_ds100} );
			if ( $s_dep->[1] ne $journey->{dep_name} ) {
"$s_dep->[0] name mismatch: $s_dep->[1] vs. $journey->{dep_name}"
			my $rows = $db->update(
				{ checkin_station_id => $s_dep->[2] },
				{ user_id            => $journey->{user_id} }
			if ( $rows != 1 ) {
"Update error at in_transit checkin_station_id UID $journey->{user_id}\n"
			if ( $journey->{arr_ds100} ) {
				my ($s_arr)
				  = Travel::Status::DE::IRIS::Stations::get_station(
					$journey->{arr_ds100} );
				if ( $s_arr->[1] ne $journey->{arr_name} ) {
"$s_arr->[0] name mismatch: $s_arr->[1] vs. $journey->{arr_name}"
				my $rows = $db->update(
					{ checkout_station_id => $s_arr->[2] },
					{ user_id             => $journey->{user_id} }
				if ( $rows != 1 ) {
"Update error at in_transit checkout_station_id UID $journey->{user_id}\n"
		for my $journey ( $db->select( 'journeys_str', '*' )->hashes->each ) {
			my ($s_dep)
			  = Travel::Status::DE::IRIS::Stations::get_station(
				$journey->{dep_ds100} );
			my ($s_arr)
			  = Travel::Status::DE::IRIS::Stations::get_station(
				$journey->{arr_ds100} );
			if ( $s_dep->[1] ne $journey->{dep_name} ) {
"$s_dep->[0] name mismatch: $s_dep->[1] vs. $journey->{dep_name}"
			my $rows = $db->update(
				{ checkin_station_id => $s_dep->[2] },
				{ id                 => $journey->{journey_id} }
			if ( $rows != 1 ) {
"While updating journeys#checkin_station_id for journey $journey->{id}: got $rows rows, expected 1\n"
			if ( $s_arr->[1] ne $journey->{arr_name} ) {
"$s_arr->[0] name mismatch: $s_arr->[1] vs. $journey->{arr_name}"
			$rows = $db->update(
				{ checkout_station_id => $s_arr->[2] },
				{ id                  => $journey->{journey_id} }
			if ( $rows != 1 ) {
"While updating journeys#checkout_station_id for journey $journey->{id}: got $rows rows, expected 1\n"
				drop view journeys_str;
				drop view in_transit_str;
				create view journeys_str as select as journey_id, user_id,
					train_type, train_line, train_no, train_id,
					extract(epoch from checkin_time) as checkin_ts,
					extract(epoch from sched_departure) as sched_dep_ts,
					extract(epoch from real_departure) as real_dep_ts,
					checkin_station_id as dep_eva,
					extract(epoch from checkout_time) as checkout_ts,
					extract(epoch from sched_arrival) as sched_arr_ts,
					extract(epoch from real_arrival) as real_arr_ts,
					checkout_station_id as arr_eva,
					cancelled, edited, route, messages, user_data,
					dep_platform, arr_platform
					from journeys
				create or replace view in_transit_str as select
					train_type, train_line, train_no, train_id,
					extract(epoch from checkin_time) as checkin_ts,
					extract(epoch from sched_departure) as sched_dep_ts,
					extract(epoch from real_departure) as real_dep_ts,
					checkin_station_id as dep_eva,
					extract(epoch from checkout_time) as checkout_ts,
					extract(epoch from sched_arrival) as sched_arr_ts,
					extract(epoch from real_arrival) as real_arr_ts,
					checkout_station_id as arr_eva,
					cancelled, route, messages, user_data,
					dep_platform, arr_platform, data
					from in_transit
				drop table stations;
				update schema_version set version = 19;

	# v19 -> v20
	sub {
		my ($db) = @_;
				create table polylines (
					id serial not null primary key,
					origin_eva integer not null,
					destination_eva integer not null,
					polyline jsonb not null
				alter table journeys
					add column polyline_id integer references polylines (id);
				alter table in_transit
					add column polyline_id integer references polylines (id);
				drop view journeys_str;
				drop view in_transit_str;
				create view journeys_str as select as journey_id, user_id,
					train_type, train_line, train_no, train_id,
					extract(epoch from checkin_time) as checkin_ts,
					extract(epoch from sched_departure) as sched_dep_ts,
					extract(epoch from real_departure) as real_dep_ts,
					checkin_station_id as dep_eva,
					extract(epoch from checkout_time) as checkout_ts,
					extract(epoch from sched_arrival) as sched_arr_ts,
					extract(epoch from real_arrival) as real_arr_ts,
					checkout_station_id as arr_eva,
					polylines.polyline as polyline,
					cancelled, edited, route, messages, user_data,
					dep_platform, arr_platform
					from journeys
					left join polylines on = polyline_id
				create or replace view in_transit_str as select
					train_type, train_line, train_no, train_id,
					extract(epoch from checkin_time) as checkin_ts,
					extract(epoch from sched_departure) as sched_dep_ts,
					extract(epoch from real_departure) as real_dep_ts,
					checkin_station_id as dep_eva,
					extract(epoch from checkout_time) as checkout_ts,
					extract(epoch from sched_arrival) as sched_arr_ts,
					extract(epoch from real_arrival) as real_arr_ts,
					checkout_station_id as arr_eva,
					polylines.polyline as polyline,
					cancelled, route, messages, user_data,
					dep_platform, arr_platform, data
					from in_transit
					left join polylines on = polyline_id
				update schema_version set version = 20;

	# v20 -> v21
	# After introducing polyline support, journey distance calculation diverged:
	# the detail view (individual train) used the polyline, whereas monthly and
	# yearly statistics were still based on beeline between intermediate stops.
	# Release 1.16.0 fixes this -> ensure all caches are rebuilt.
	sub {
		my ($db) = @_;
				truncate journey_stats;
				update schema_version set version = 21;

	# v21 -> v22
	sub {
		my ($db) = @_;
				create table traewelling (
					user_id integer not null references users (id) primary key,
					email varchar(256) not null,
					push_sync boolean not null,
					pull_sync boolean not null,
					errored boolean,
					token text,
					data jsonb,
					latest_run timestamptz
				comment on table traewelling is 'Token and Status for Traewelling';
				create view traewelling_str as select
					user_id, email, push_sync, pull_sync, errored, token, data,
					extract(epoch from latest_run) as latest_run_ts
					from traewelling
				update schema_version set version = 22;

	# v22 -> v23
	# 1.18.1 fixes handling of negative cumulative arrival/departure delays
	# and introduces additional statistics entries with pre-formatted duration
	# strings while at it. Old cache entries lack those.
	sub {
		my ($db) = @_;
				truncate journey_stats;
				update schema_version set version = 23;

	# v23 -> v24
	# travelynx 1.22 warns about upcoming account deletion due to inactivity
	sub {
		my ($db) = @_;
				alter table users add column deletion_notified timestamptz;
				comment on column users.deletion_notified is 'Time at which warning about upcoming account deletion due to inactivity was sent';
				update schema_version set version = 24;

	# v24 -> v25
	# travelynx 1.23 adds optional links to external services, e.g.
	# DBF or departure boards
	sub {
		my ($db) = @_;
				alter table users add column external_services smallint;
				comment on column users.external_services is 'Which external service to use for stationboard or routing links';
				update schema_version set version = 25;

	# v25 -> v26
	# travelynx 1.24 adds local transit connections and needs to know targets
	# for that to work, as local transit does not support checkins yet.
	sub {
		my ($db) = @_;
				create table localtransit (
					user_id integer not null references users (id) primary key,
					data jsonb
				create view user_transit as select
					use_history, as data
					from users
					left join localtransit on localtransit.user_id = id
				update schema_version set version = 26;

	# v26 -> v27
	# add list of stations that are not (or no longer) present in T-S-DE-IRIS
	# (in this case, stations that were removed up to 1.74)
	sub {
		my ($db) = @_;
				alter table schema_version
					add column iris varchar(12);
				create table stations (
					eva int not null primary key,
					ds100 varchar(16) not null,
					name varchar(64) not null,
					lat real not null,
					lon real not null,
					source smallint not null,
					archived bool not null
				update schema_version set version = 27;
				update schema_version set iris = '0';

	# v27 -> v28
	# add ds100, name, and lat/lon from stations table to journeys_str / in_transit_str
	sub {
		my ($db) = @_;
				drop view journeys_str;
				drop view in_transit_str;
				create view journeys_str as select as journey_id, user_id,
					train_type, train_line, train_no, train_id,
					extract(epoch from checkin_time) as checkin_ts,
					extract(epoch from sched_departure) as sched_dep_ts,
					extract(epoch from real_departure) as real_dep_ts,
					checkin_station_id as dep_eva,
					dep_station.ds100 as dep_ds100, as dep_name, as dep_lat,
					dep_station.lon as dep_lon,
					extract(epoch from checkout_time) as checkout_ts,
					extract(epoch from sched_arrival) as sched_arr_ts,
					extract(epoch from real_arrival) as real_arr_ts,
					checkout_station_id as arr_eva,
					arr_station.ds100 as arr_ds100, as arr_name, as arr_lat,
					arr_station.lon as arr_lon,
					polylines.polyline as polyline,
					cancelled, edited, route, messages, user_data,
					dep_platform, arr_platform
					from journeys
					left join polylines on = polyline_id
					left join stations as dep_station on checkin_station_id = dep_station.eva
					left join stations as arr_station on checkout_station_id = arr_station.eva
				create view in_transit_str as select
					train_type, train_line, train_no, train_id,
					extract(epoch from checkin_time) as checkin_ts,
					extract(epoch from sched_departure) as sched_dep_ts,
					extract(epoch from real_departure) as real_dep_ts,
					checkin_station_id as dep_eva,
					dep_station.ds100 as dep_ds100, as dep_name, as dep_lat,
					dep_station.lon as dep_lon,
					extract(epoch from checkout_time) as checkout_ts,
					extract(epoch from sched_arrival) as sched_arr_ts,
					extract(epoch from real_arrival) as real_arr_ts,
					checkout_station_id as arr_eva,
					arr_station.ds100 as arr_ds100, as arr_name, as arr_lat,
					arr_station.lon as arr_lon,
					polylines.polyline as polyline,
					cancelled, route, messages, user_data,
					dep_platform, arr_platform, data
					from in_transit
					left join polylines on = polyline_id
					left join stations as dep_station on checkin_station_id = dep_station.eva
					left join stations as arr_station on checkout_station_id = arr_station.eva
				update schema_version set version = 28;

	# v28 -> v29
	# add pre-migration travelynx version. This way, a failed migration can
	# print a helpful "git checkout" command.
	sub {
		my ($db) = @_;
				alter table schema_version
					add column travelynx varchar(64);
				update schema_version set version = 29;

	# v29 -> v30
	# change layout of stops in in_transit and journeys "route" lists.
	# Old layout: A mixture of [name, {data}, undef/"additional"/"cancelled"], [name, timestamp, timestamp], and [name]
	# New layout: [name, eva, {data including isAdditional/isCancelled}]
	# Combined with a maintenance task that adds eva IDs to past stops, this will allow for more resilience against station name changes.
	# It will also help increase the performance of distance and map calculation
	sub {
		my ($db) = @_;
		my $json = JSON->new;

		say 'Adjusting route schema, this may take a while ...';

		my $res = $db->select( 'in_transit_str', [ 'route', 'user_id' ] );
		while ( my $row = $res->expand->hash ) {
			my @new_route;
			for my $stop ( @{ $row->{route} } ) {
				push( @new_route, [ $stop->[0], undef, {} ] );
				{ route   => $json->encode( \@new_route ) },
				{ user_id => $row->{user_id} }

		my $total
		  = $db->select( 'journeys', 'count(*) as count' )->hash->{count};
		my $count = 0;

		$res = $db->select( 'journeys_str', [ 'route', 'journey_id' ] );
		while ( my $row = $res->expand->hash ) {
			my @new_route;

			for my $stop ( @{ $row->{route} } ) {
				if ( @{$stop} == 1 ) {
					push( @new_route, [ $stop->[0], undef, {} ] );
				elsif (
					( not defined $stop->[1] or $stop->[1] =~ m{ ^ \d+ $ }x )
					( not defined $stop->[2] or $stop->[2] =~ m{ ^ \d+ $ }x )
					push( @new_route, [ $stop->[0], undef, {} ] );
				else {
					my $attr = $stop->[1] // {};
					if ( $stop->[2] and $stop->[2] eq 'additional' ) {
						$attr->{isAdditional} = 1;
					elsif ( $stop->[2] and $stop->[2] eq 'cancelled' ) {
						$attr->{isCancelled} = 1;
					push( @new_route, [ $stop->[0], undef, $attr ] );

				{ route => $json->encode( \@new_route ) },
				{ id    => $row->{journey_id} }

			if ( $count++ % 10000 == 0 ) {
				printf( "    %2.0f%% complete\n", $count * 100 / $total );
		say '    done';
				update schema_version set version = 30;

	# v30 -> v31
	# travelynx v1.29.17 introduces links to conflicting journeys.
	# These require changes to statistics data.
	sub {
		my ($db) = @_;
				truncate journey_stats;
				update schema_version set version = 31;

	# v31 -> v32
	# travelynx v1.29.18 improves above-mentioned conflict links.
	sub {
		my ($db) = @_;
				truncate journey_stats;
				update schema_version set version = 32;

	# v32 -> v33
	# add optional per-status visibility that overrides global visibility
	sub {
		my ($db) = @_;
				alter table journeys add column visibility smallint;
				alter table in_transit add column visibility smallint;
				drop view journeys_str;
				drop view in_transit_str;
				create view journeys_str as select as journey_id, user_id,
					train_type, train_line, train_no, train_id,
					extract(epoch from checkin_time) as checkin_ts,
					extract(epoch from sched_departure) as sched_dep_ts,
					extract(epoch from real_departure) as real_dep_ts,
					checkin_station_id as dep_eva,
					dep_station.ds100 as dep_ds100, as dep_name, as dep_lat,
					dep_station.lon as dep_lon,
					extract(epoch from checkout_time) as checkout_ts,
					extract(epoch from sched_arrival) as sched_arr_ts,
					extract(epoch from real_arrival) as real_arr_ts,
					checkout_station_id as arr_eva,
					arr_station.ds100 as arr_ds100, as arr_name, as arr_lat,
					arr_station.lon as arr_lon,
					polylines.polyline as polyline,
					cancelled, edited, route, messages, user_data,
					dep_platform, arr_platform
					from journeys
					left join polylines on = polyline_id
					left join stations as dep_station on checkin_station_id = dep_station.eva
					left join stations as arr_station on checkout_station_id = arr_station.eva
				create view in_transit_str as select
					train_type, train_line, train_no, train_id,
					extract(epoch from checkin_time) as checkin_ts,
					extract(epoch from sched_departure) as sched_dep_ts,
					extract(epoch from real_departure) as real_dep_ts,
					checkin_station_id as dep_eva,
					dep_station.ds100 as dep_ds100, as dep_name, as dep_lat,
					dep_station.lon as dep_lon,
					extract(epoch from checkout_time) as checkout_ts,
					extract(epoch from sched_arrival) as sched_arr_ts,
					extract(epoch from real_arrival) as real_arr_ts,
					checkout_station_id as arr_eva,
					arr_station.ds100 as arr_ds100, as arr_name, as arr_lat,
					arr_station.lon as arr_lon,
					polylines.polyline as polyline,
					cancelled, route, messages, user_data,
					dep_platform, arr_platform, data
					from in_transit
					left join polylines on = polyline_id
					left join stations as dep_station on checkin_station_id = dep_station.eva
					left join stations as arr_station on checkout_station_id = arr_station.eva
		my $res = $db->select( 'users', [ 'id', 'public_level' ] );
		while ( my $row = $res->hash ) {
			my $old_level = $row->{public_level};

			# status default: unlisted
			my $new_level = 30;
			if ( $old_level & 0x01 ) {

				# status: account required
				$new_level = 80;
			if ( $old_level & 0x02 ) {

				# status: public
				$new_level = 100;
			if ( $old_level & 0x04 ) {

				# comment public
				$new_level |= 0x80;
			if ( $old_level & 0x10 ) {

				# past: account required
				$new_level |= 0x100;
			if ( $old_level & 0x20 ) {

				# past: public
				$new_level |= 0x200;
			if ( $old_level & 0x40 ) {

				# past: infinite (default is 4 weeks)
				$new_level |= 0x400;
			my $r = $db->update(
				{ public_level => $new_level },
				{ id           => $row->{id} }
			if ( $r != 1 ) {
				die("oh no");
		$db->update( 'schema_version', { version => 33 } );

	# v33 -> v34
	# add polyline_id to in_transit_str
	# (
	sub {
		my ($db) = @_;
				drop view in_transit_str;
				create view in_transit_str as select
					train_type, train_line, train_no, train_id,
					extract(epoch from checkin_time) as checkin_ts,
					extract(epoch from sched_departure) as sched_dep_ts,
					extract(epoch from real_departure) as real_dep_ts,
					checkin_station_id as dep_eva,
					dep_station.ds100 as dep_ds100, as dep_name, as dep_lat,
					dep_station.lon as dep_lon,
					extract(epoch from checkout_time) as checkout_ts,
					extract(epoch from sched_arrival) as sched_arr_ts,
					extract(epoch from real_arrival) as real_arr_ts,
					checkout_station_id as arr_eva,
					arr_station.ds100 as arr_ds100, as arr_name, as arr_lat,
					arr_station.lon as arr_lon,
					polylines.polyline as polyline,
					cancelled, route, messages, user_data,
					dep_platform, arr_platform, data
					from in_transit
					left join polylines on = polyline_id
					left join stations as dep_station on checkin_station_id = dep_station.eva
					left join stations as arr_station on checkout_station_id = arr_station.eva
				update schema_version set version = 34;

	# v34 -> v35
	sub {
		my ($db) = @_;

		# 1 : follows
		# 2 : follow requested
		# 3 : is blocked by
				create table relations (
					subject_id integer not null references users (id),
					predicate smallint not null,
					object_id integer not null references users (id),
					primary key (subject_id, object_id)
				create view followers as select
					relations.object_id as self_id, as id, as name
					from relations
					join users on relations.subject_id =
					where predicate = 1;
				create view followees as select
					relations.subject_id as self_id, as id, as name
					from relations
					join users on relations.object_id =
					where predicate = 1;
				create view follow_requests as select
					relations.object_id as self_id, as id, as name
					from relations
					join users on relations.subject_id =
					where predicate = 2;
				create view blocked_users as select
					relations.object_id as self_id, as id, as name
					from relations
					join users on relations.subject_id =
					where predicate = 3;
				update schema_version set version = 35;

	# v35 -> v36
	sub {
		my ($db) = @_;
				alter table relations
					add column ts timestamptz not null;
				alter table users
					add column accept_follows smallint default 0;
				update schema_version set version = 36;

	# v36 -> v37
	sub {
		my ($db) = @_;
				alter table users
					add column notifications smallint default 0,
					add column profile jsonb;
				update schema_version set version = 37;

	# v37 -> v38
	sub {
		my ($db) = @_;
				drop view followers;
				create view followers as select
					relations.object_id as self_id, as id, as name,
					users.accept_follows as accept_follows,
					r2.predicate as inverse_predicate
					from relations
					join users on relations.subject_id =
					left join relations as r2 on relations.subject_id = r2.object_id
					where relations.predicate = 1;
				update schema_version set version = 38;

	# v38 -> v39
	sub {
		my ($db) = @_;
				drop view followers;
				create view followers as select
					relations.object_id as self_id, as id, as name,
					users.accept_follows as accept_follows,
					r2.predicate as inverse_predicate
					from relations
					join users on relations.subject_id =
					left join relations as r2
					on relations.subject_id = r2.object_id
					and relations.object_id = r2.subject_id
					where relations.predicate = 1;
				update schema_version set version = 39;

	# v39 -> v40
	# distinguish between public / travelynx / followers / private visibility
	# for the history page, just like status visibility.
	sub {
		my ($db) = @_;
				alter table users alter public_level type integer;
		my $res = $db->select( 'users', [ 'id', 'public_level' ] );
		while ( my $row = $res->hash ) {
			my $old_level = $row->{public_level};

			# checkin and comment visibility remain unchanged
			my $new_level = $old_level & 0x00ff;

			# past: account required
			if ( $old_level & 0x100 ) {
				$new_level |= 80 << 8;

			# past: public
			elsif ( $old_level & 0x200 ) {
				$new_level |= 100 << 8;

			# past: private
			else {
				$new_level |= 10 << 8;

			# past: infinite (default is 4 weeks)
			if ( $old_level & 0x400 ) {
				$new_level |= 0x10000;

			# show past journey on status page
			if ( $old_level & 0x800 ) {
				$new_level |= 0x8000;

			my $r = $db->update(
				{ public_level => $new_level },
				{ id           => $row->{id} }
			if ( $r != 1 ) {
				die("oh no");
		$db->update( 'schema_version', { version => 40 } );

	# v40 -> v41
	# Compute effective visibility in in_transit_str and journeys_str.
	sub {
		my ($db) = @_;
				drop view in_transit_str;
				drop view journeys_str;
				create view in_transit_str as select
					train_type, train_line, train_no, train_id,
					extract(epoch from checkin_time) as checkin_ts,
					extract(epoch from sched_departure) as sched_dep_ts,
					extract(epoch from real_departure) as real_dep_ts,
					checkin_station_id as dep_eva,
					dep_station.ds100 as dep_ds100, as dep_name, as dep_lat,
					dep_station.lon as dep_lon,
					extract(epoch from checkout_time) as checkout_ts,
					extract(epoch from sched_arrival) as sched_arr_ts,
					extract(epoch from real_arrival) as real_arr_ts,
					checkout_station_id as arr_eva,
					arr_station.ds100 as arr_ds100, as arr_name, as arr_lat,
					arr_station.lon as arr_lon,
					polylines.polyline as polyline,
					coalesce(visibility, users.public_level & 127) as effective_visibility,
					cancelled, route, messages, user_data,
					dep_platform, arr_platform, data
					from in_transit
					left join polylines on = polyline_id
					left join users on = user_id
					left join stations as dep_station on checkin_station_id = dep_station.eva
					left join stations as arr_station on checkout_station_id = arr_station.eva
				create view journeys_str as select as journey_id, user_id,
					train_type, train_line, train_no, train_id,
					extract(epoch from checkin_time) as checkin_ts,
					extract(epoch from sched_departure) as sched_dep_ts,
					extract(epoch from real_departure) as real_dep_ts,
					checkin_station_id as dep_eva,
					dep_station.ds100 as dep_ds100, as dep_name, as dep_lat,
					dep_station.lon as dep_lon,
					extract(epoch from checkout_time) as checkout_ts,
					extract(epoch from sched_arrival) as sched_arr_ts,
					extract(epoch from real_arrival) as real_arr_ts,
					checkout_station_id as arr_eva,
					arr_station.ds100 as arr_ds100, as arr_name, as arr_lat,
					arr_station.lon as arr_lon,
					polylines.polyline as polyline,
					coalesce(visibility, users.public_level & 127) as effective_visibility,
					cancelled, edited, route, messages, user_data,
					dep_platform, arr_platform
					from journeys
					left join polylines on = polyline_id
					left join users on = user_id
					left join stations as dep_station on checkin_station_id = dep_station.eva
					left join stations as arr_station on checkout_station_id = arr_station.eva
				update schema_version set version = 41;

	# v41 -> v42
	# adds current followee checkins
	sub {
		my ($db) = @_;
				create view follows_in_transit as select
					r1.subject_id as follower_id, user_id as followee_id, as followee_name,
					train_type, train_line, train_no, train_id,
					extract(epoch from checkin_time) as checkin_ts,
					extract(epoch from sched_departure) as sched_dep_ts,
					extract(epoch from real_departure) as real_dep_ts,
					checkin_station_id as dep_eva,
					dep_station.ds100 as dep_ds100, as dep_name, as dep_lat,
					dep_station.lon as dep_lon,
					extract(epoch from checkout_time) as checkout_ts,
					extract(epoch from sched_arrival) as sched_arr_ts,
					extract(epoch from real_arrival) as real_arr_ts,
					checkout_station_id as arr_eva,
					arr_station.ds100 as arr_ds100, as arr_name, as arr_lat,
					arr_station.lon as arr_lon,
					polylines.polyline as polyline,
					coalesce(visibility, users.public_level & 127) as effective_visibility,
					cancelled, route, messages, user_data,
					dep_platform, arr_platform, data
					from in_transit
					left join polylines on = polyline_id
					left join users on = user_id
					left join relations as r1 on r1.predicate = 1 and r1.object_id = user_id
					left join stations as dep_station on checkin_station_id = dep_station.eva
					left join stations as arr_station on checkout_station_id = arr_station.eva
				update schema_version set version = 42;

	# v42 -> v43
	# list sent and received follow requests
	sub {
		my ($db) = @_;
				alter view follow_requests rename to rx_follow_requests;
				create view tx_follow_requests as select
					relations.subject_id as self_id, as id, as name
					from relations
					join users on relations.object_id =
					where predicate = 2;
				update schema_version set version = 43;

	# v43 -> v44
	# show inverse relation in followees as well
	sub {
		my ($db) = @_;
				drop view followees;
				create view followees as select
					relations.subject_id as self_id, as id, as name,
					r2.predicate as inverse_predicate
					from relations
					join users on relations.object_id =
					left join relations as r2
					on relations.subject_id = r2.object_id
					and relations.object_id = r2.subject_id
					where relations.predicate = 1;
				update schema_version set version = 44;

# TODO add 'hafas' column to in_transit (and maybe journeys? undo/redo needs something to work with...)

sub sync_stations {
	my ( $db, $iris_version ) = @_;

	$db->update( 'schema_version',
		{ iris => $Travel::Status::DE::IRIS::Stations::VERSION } );

	say 'Updating stations table, this may take a while ...';
	my $total = scalar Travel::Status::DE::IRIS::Stations::get_stations();
	my $count = 0;
	for my $s ( Travel::Status::DE::IRIS::Stations::get_stations() ) {
		my ( $ds100, $name, $eva, $lon, $lat ) = @{$s};
			and ( $eva < 8000000 or $eva > 8000100 ) )
				eva      => $eva,
				ds100    => $ds100,
				name     => $name,
				lat      => $lat,
				lon      => $lon,
				source   => 0,
				archived => 0
				on_conflict => \
'(eva) do update set archived = false, source = 0, ds100 = EXCLUDED.ds100,,, lon=EXCLUDED.lon'
		if ( $count++ % 1000 == 0 ) {
			printf( "    %2.0f%% complete\n", $count * 100 / $total );
	say '    done';

	my $res1 = $db->query(
			select checkin_station_id
			from journeys
			left join stations on journeys.checkin_station_id = stations.eva
			where stations.eva is null
			limit 1;

	my $res2 = $db->query(
			select checkout_station_id
			from journeys
			left join stations on journeys.checkout_station_id = stations.eva
			where stations.eva is null
			limit 1;

	if ( $res1 or $res2 ) {
		say 'Dropping stats cache for archived stations ...';
		$db->query('truncate journey_stats;');

	say 'Updating archived stations ...';
	my $old_stations
	  = JSON->new->utf8->decode( scalar read_file('share/old_stations.json') );
		$old_stations = [];
	for my $s ( @{$old_stations} ) {
				eva      => $s->{eva},
				ds100    => $s->{ds100},
				name     => $s->{name},
				lat      => $s->{latlong}[0],
				lon      => $s->{latlong}[1],
				source   => 0,
				archived => 1
			{ on_conflict => undef }

	if ( $iris_version == 0 ) {
		say 'Applying EVA ID changes ...';
		for my $change (
			[ 721394, 301002, 'RKBP: Kronenplatz (U), Karlsruhe' ],
				721356, 901012,
				'RKME: Ettlinger Tor/Staatstheater (U), Karlsruhe'
			my ( $old, $new, $desc ) = @{$change};
			my $rows = $db->update(
				{ checkout_station_id => $new },
				{ checkout_station_id => $old }
			$rows += $db->update(
				{ checkin_station_id => $new },
				{ checkin_station_id => $old }
			if ($rows) {
				say "$desc ($old -> $new) : $rows rows";

	say 'Checking for unknown EVA IDs ...';
	my $found = 0;

	$res1 = $db->query(
			select checkin_station_id
			from journeys
			left join stations on journeys.checkin_station_id = stations.eva
			where stations.eva is null;

	$res2 = $db->query(
			select checkout_station_id
			from journeys
			left join stations on journeys.checkout_station_id = stations.eva
			where stations.eva is null;

	my %notified;
	while ( my $row = $res1->hash ) {
		my $eva = $row->{checkin_station_id};
		if ( not $found ) {
			$found = 1;
			say '';
			say '------------8<----------';
			say 'Travel::Status::DE::IRIS v'
			  . $Travel::Status::DE::IRIS::Stations::VERSION;
		if ( not $notified{$eva} ) {
			say $eva;
			$notified{$eva} = 1;

	while ( my $row = $res2->hash ) {
		my $eva = $row->{checkout_station_id};
		if ( not $found ) {
			$found = 1;
			say '';
			say '------------8<----------';
			say 'Travel::Status::DE::IRIS v'
			  . $Travel::Status::DE::IRIS::Stations::VERSION;
		if ( not $notified{$eva} ) {
			say $eva;
			$notified{$eva} = 1;

	if ($found) {
		say '------------8<----------';
		say '';
'Due to a conceptual flaw in past travelynx releases, your database contains unknown EVA IDs.';
'Please file a bug report titled "Missing EVA IDs after DB migration" at';
		say 'and include the list shown above in the bug report.';
'If you do not have a GitHub account, please send an E-Mail to instead.';
		say '';
		say 'This issue does not affect usability or long-term data integrity,';
		say 'and handling it is not time-critical.';
'Past journeys referencing unknown EVA IDs may have inaccurate distance statistics,';
'but this will be resolved once a future release handles those EVA IDs.';
		say 'Note that this issue was already present in previous releases.';
	else {
		say 'None found.';

sub setup_db {
	my ($db) = @_;
	my $tx = $db->begin;
	eval {
	if ($@) {
		say "Database initialization failed: $@";

sub failure_hints {
	my ($old_version) = @_;
	say STDERR 'This travelynx instance has reached an undefined state:';
'The source code is expecting a different schema version than present in the database.';
'Please file a detailed bug report at <>';
	say STDERR 'or send an e-mail to';
	if ($old_version) {
		say STDERR '';
		say STDERR
		  "The last migration was performed with travelynx v${old_version}.";
		say STDERR
'You may be able to return to a working state with the following command:';
		say STDERR "git checkout ${old_version}";
		say STDERR '';
		say STDERR 'We apologize for any inconvenience.';

sub migrate_db {
	my ( $self, $db ) = @_;
	my $tx = $db->begin;

	my $schema_version = get_schema_version($db);
	say "Found travelynx schema v${schema_version}";

	my $old_version;

	if ( $schema_version >= 29 ) {
		$old_version = get_schema_version( $db, 'travelynx' );

	if ( $schema_version == @migrations ) {
		say 'Database layout is up-to-date';
	else {
		eval {
			for my $i ( $schema_version .. $#migrations ) {
				printf( "Updating to v%d ...\n", $i + 1 );
			say 'Update complete.';
		if ($@) {
			say STDERR "Migration failed: $@";
			say STDERR "Rolling back to v${schema_version}";

	my $iris_version = get_schema_version( $db, 'iris' );
	say "Found IRIS station database v${iris_version}";
	if ( $iris_version eq $Travel::Status::DE::IRIS::Stations::VERSION ) {
		say 'Station database is up-to-date';
	else {
		eval {
"Synchronizing with Travel::Status::DE::IRIS $Travel::Status::DE::IRIS::Stations::VERSION";
			sync_stations( $db, $iris_version );
			say 'Synchronization complete.';
		if ($@) {
			say STDERR "Synchronization failed: $@";
			if ( $schema_version != @migrations ) {
				say STDERR "Rolling back to v${schema_version}";

	$db->update( 'schema_version',
		{ travelynx => $self->app->config->{version} } );

	if ( get_schema_version($db) == @migrations ) {
		say 'Changes committed to database. Have a nice day.';
	else {
		printf STDERR (
			"Database schema mismatch after migrations: Expected %d, got %d\n",
			scalar @migrations,
		say STDERR "Rolling back to v${schema_version}";
		say STDERR "";

sub run {
	my ( $self, $command ) = @_;

	my $db = $self->app->pg->db;

	#if ( not defined $dbh ) {
	#	printf( "Can't connect to the database: %s\n", $DBI::errstr );
	#	exit(1);

	if ( $command eq 'migrate' ) {
		if ( not defined get_schema_version($db) ) {
	elsif ( $command eq 'has-current-schema' ) {
		if (    get_schema_version($db) == @migrations
			and get_schema_version( $db, 'iris' ) eq
			$Travel::Status::DE::IRIS::Stations::VERSION )
			say "yes";
		else {
			say "no";
	else {




  Usage: database <migrate|has-current-schema>

  Upgrades the database layout to the latest schema.

  Recommended workflow:
  > systemctl stop travelynx
  > perl database migrate
  > systemctl start travelynx