package Travelynx::Command::database; use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Command'; use DateTime; has description => 'Initialize or upgrade database layout'; has usage => sub { shift->extract_usage }; sub get_schema_version { my ($db) = @_; my $version; eval { $version = $db->select( 'schema_version', ['version'] )->hash->{version}; }; if ($@) { # If it failed, the version table does not exist -> run setup first. return undef; } return $version; } sub initialize_db { my ($db) = @_; $db->query( qq{ create table schema_version ( version integer primary key ); create table users ( id serial not null primary key, name varchar(64) not null unique, status smallint not null, public_level smallint not null, email varchar(256), token varchar(80), password text, registered_at timestamptz not null, last_login timestamptz not null, deletion_requested timestamptz ); create table stations ( id serial not null primary key, ds100 varchar(16) not null unique, name varchar(64) not null unique ); create table user_actions ( id serial not null primary key, user_id integer not null references users (id), action_id smallint not null, station_id int references stations (id), action_time timestamptz not null, train_type varchar(16), train_line varchar(16), train_no varchar(16), train_id varchar(128), sched_time timestamptz, real_time timestamptz, route text, messages text ); create table pending_mails ( email varchar(256) not null primary key, num_tries smallint not null, last_try timestamptz not null ); create table tokens ( user_id integer not null references users (id), type smallint not null, token varchar(80) not null, primary key (user_id, type) ); insert into schema_version values (0); } ); } my @migrations = ( # v0 -> v1 sub { my ($db) = @_; $db->query( qq{ alter table user_actions add column edited smallint; drop table if exists monthly_stats; create table journey_stats ( user_id integer not null references users (id), year smallint not null, month smallint not null, data jsonb not null, primary key (user_id, year, month) ); update schema_version set version = 1; } ); }, # v1 -> v2 sub { my ($db) = @_; $db->query( qq{ update user_actions set edited = 0; alter table user_actions alter column edited set not null; update schema_version set version = 2; } ); }, # v2 -> v3 # A bug in the journey distance calculation caused excessive distances to be # reported for routes covering stations without GPS coordinates. Ensure # all caches are rebuilt. sub { my ($db) = @_; $db->query( qq{ truncate journey_stats; update schema_version set version = 3; } ); }, ); sub setup_db { my ($db) = @_; my $tx = $db->begin; eval { initialize_db($db); $tx->commit; }; if ($@) { say "Database initialization failed: $@"; exit(1); } } sub migrate_db { my ($db) = @_; my $tx = $db->begin; my $schema_version = get_schema_version($db); say "Found travelynx schema v${schema_version}"; if ( $schema_version == @migrations ) { say "Database layout is up-to-date"; } eval { for my $i ( $schema_version .. $#migrations ) { printf( "Updating to v%d ...\n", $i + 1 ); $migrations[$i]($db); } }; if ($@) { say STDERR "Migration failed: $@"; say STDERR "Rolling back to v${schema_version}"; exit(1); } if ( get_schema_version($db) == @migrations ) { $tx->commit; } else { printf STDERR ( "Database schema mismatch after migrations: Expected %d, got %d\n", scalar @migrations, get_schema_version($db) ); say STDERR "Rolling back to v${schema_version}"; exit(1); } } sub run { my ( $self, $command ) = @_; my $db = $self->app->pg->db; #if ( not defined $dbh ) { # printf( "Can't connect to the database: %s\n", $DBI::errstr ); # exit(1); #} if ( $command eq 'migrate' ) { if ( not defined get_schema_version($db) ) { setup_db($db); } migrate_db($db); } elsif ( $command eq 'has-current-schema' ) { if ( get_schema_version($db) == @migrations ) { say "yes"; } else { say "no"; exit(1); } } else { $self->help; } } 1; __END__ =head1 SYNOPSIS Usage: database Upgrades the database layout to the latest schema. Recommended workflow: > systemctl stop travelynx > perl migrate > systemctl start travelynx