package Travelynx::Command::influxdb; # Copyright (C) 2022 Daniel Friesel # # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Command'; use DateTime; has description => 'Generate statistics for InfluxDB'; has usage => sub { shift->extract_usage }; sub query_to_influx { my ( $label, $value ) = @_; if ( defined $value ) { return sprintf( '%s=%f', $label, $value ); } return; } sub run { my ($self) = @_; my $db = $self->app->pg->db; my $now = DateTime->now( time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' ); my $active = $now->clone->subtract( months => 1 ); my $checkin_window_query = qq{select count(*) as count from journeys where checkin_time > to_timestamp(?);}; # DateTime's math does not like time zones: When subtracting 7 days from # sun 2am and the previous sunday was the switch from CET to CEST (i.e., # the switch to daylight saving time), the resulting datetime is invalid. # This is a fatal error. We avoid this edge case by performing date math # on the epoch timestamp, which does not know or care about time zones and # daylight saving time. my $one_day = 24 * 60 * 60; my $one_week = 7 * $one_day; my $one_month = 30 * $one_day; my @out; push( @out, query_to_influx( 'pending_user_count', $db->select( 'users', 'count(*) as count', { status => 0 } ) ->hash->{count} ) ); push( @out, query_to_influx( 'reg_user_count', $db->select( 'users', 'count(*) as count', { status => 1 } ) ->hash->{count} ) ); push( @out, query_to_influx( 'active_user_count', $db->select( 'users', 'count(*) as count', { status => 1, last_seen => { '>', $active } } )->hash->{count} ) ); push( @out, query_to_influx( 'checked_in_count', $db->select( 'in_transit', 'count(*) as count' )->hash->{count} ) ); push( @out, query_to_influx( 'checkins_24h_count', $db->query( $checkin_window_query, $now->epoch - $one_day ) ->hash->{count} ) ); push( @out, query_to_influx( 'checkins_7d_count', $db->query( $checkin_window_query, $now->epoch - $one_week ) ->hash->{count} ) ); push( @out, query_to_influx( 'checkins_30d_count', $db->query( $checkin_window_query, $now->epoch - $one_month ) ->hash->{count} ) ); push( @out, query_to_influx( 'polyline_count', $db->select( 'polylines', 'count(*) as count' )->hash->{count} ) ); push( @out, query_to_influx( 'traewelling_pull_count', $db->select( 'traewelling', 'count(*) as count', { pull_sync => 1 } )->hash->{count} ) ); push( @out, query_to_influx( 'traewelling_push_count', $db->select( 'traewelling', 'count(*) as count', { push_sync => 1 } )->hash->{count} ) ); push( @out, query_to_influx( 'polyline_ratio', $db->query( 'select (select count(polyline_id) from journeys)::float / (select count(*) from polylines) as ratio' )->hash->{ratio} ) ); say join( ',', @out ); return; } 1; __END__ =head1 SYNOPSIS Usage: influx Write statistics for InfluxDB to stdout