package Travelynx::Command::integritycheck;

# Copyright (C) 2022 Birte Kristina Friesel
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later

use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Command';
use List::Util qw();
use Travel::Status::DE::IRIS::Stations;

sub run {
	my ($self) = @_;
	my $found  = 0;
	my $db     = $self->app->pg->db;

	my $res1 = $db->query(
			select checkin_station_id
			from journeys
			left join stations on journeys.checkin_station_id = stations.eva
			where stations.eva is null;

	my $res2 = $db->query(
			select checkout_station_id
			from journeys
			left join stations on journeys.checkout_station_id = stations.eva
			where stations.eva is null;

	my %notified;
	while ( my $row = $res1->hash ) {
		my $eva = $row->{checkin_station_id};
		if ( not $found ) {
			$found = 1;
'Journeys in the travelynx database contain the following unknown EVA IDs.';
			say '------------8<----------';
			say 'Travel::Status::DE::IRIS v'
			  . $Travel::Status::DE::IRIS::Stations::VERSION;
		if ( not $notified{$eva} ) {
			say $eva;
			$notified{$eva} = 1;

	while ( my $row = $res2->hash ) {
		my $eva = $row->{checkout_station_id};
		if ( not $found ) {
			$found = 1;
'Journeys in the travelynx database contain the following unknown EVA IDs.';
			say '------------8<----------';
			say 'Travel::Status::DE::IRIS v'
			  . $Travel::Status::DE::IRIS::Stations::VERSION;
		if ( not $notified{$eva} ) {
			say $eva;
			$notified{$eva} = 1;

	if ($found) {
		say '------------8<----------';
		say '';
		$found = 0;

	my $rename = $self->app->renamed_station;

	my $res = $db->select( 'journeys', [ 'route', 'edited' ] )->expand;
	while ( my $j = $res->hash ) {
		if ( $j->{edited} & 0x0010 ) {
		my @stops = @{ $j->{route} // [] };
		for my $stop (@stops) {
			my $stop_name = $stop->[0];
			if ( $rename->{ $stop->[0] } ) {
				$stop->[0] = $rename->{ $stop->[0] };
		my @unknown
		  = $self->app->stations->grep_unknown( map { $_->[0] } @stops );
		for my $stop_name (@unknown) {
			if ( not $notified{$stop_name} ) {
				if ( not $found ) {
'Journeys in the travelynx database contain the following unknown route entries.';
					say 'Note that this check ignores manual route entries.';
					say 'All reports refer to routes obtained via HAFAS/IRIS.';
					say '------------8<----------';
					say 'Travel::Status::DE::IRIS v'
					  . $Travel::Status::DE::IRIS::Stations::VERSION;
					$found = 1;
				say $stop_name;
				$notified{$stop_name} = 1;

	if ($found) {
		say '------------8<----------';
		say '';
		$found = 0;

	$res = $db->select(
		[ 'journey_id', 'sched_arr_ts', 'route', 'arr_name', 'arr_eva' ],
		{ backend_id => 0 }
	journey: while ( my $j = $res->hash ) {
		my $found_in_route;
		my $found_arr;
		for my $stop ( @{ $j->{route} // [] } ) {
			if ( not $stop->[1] ) {
				next journey;
			if ( $stop->[1] == $j->{arr_eva} ) {
				$found_in_route = 1;
			if (    $stop->[2]{sched_arr}
				and $j->{sched_arr_ts}
				and $stop->[2]{sched_arr} == int( $j->{sched_arr_ts} ) )
				$found_arr = $stop;
		if ( $found_arr and not $found_in_route ) {
			if ( not $found ) {
				say q{};
'The following journeys have route entries which do not agree with checkout EVA ID.';
'checkout station ID (left) vs route entry with matching checkout time (right)';
				say '------------8<----------';
				$found = 1;
				"%7d  %d (%s) vs %d (%s)\n",
				$j->{journey_id}, $j->{arr_eva}, $j->{arr_name},
				$found_arr->[1],  $found_arr->[0]
