package Travelynx::Command::maintenance; # Copyright (C) 2020-2023 Birte Kristina Friesel # # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Command'; use DateTime; has description => 'Prune unverified users, incomplete checkins etc'; has usage => sub { shift->extract_usage }; sub run { my ( $self, $filename ) = @_; my $now = DateTime->now( time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' ); my $verification_deadline = $now->clone->subtract( hours => 48 ); my $deletion_deadline = $now->clone->subtract( hours => 72 ); my $old_deadline = $now->clone->subtract( years => 1 ); my $old_notification_deadline = $now->clone->subtract( weeks => 4 ); my $db = $self->app->pg->db; my $tx = $db->begin; my $unverified = $db->select( 'users', 'id, email, extract(epoch from registered_at) as registered_ts', { status => 0, registered_at => { '<', $verification_deadline } } ); for my $user ( $unverified->hashes->each ) { my $mail = $user->{email}; my $reg_date = DateTime->from_epoch( epoch => $user->{registered_ts}, time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' ); my $pending = $db->select( 'mail_blacklist', ['num_tries'], { email => $mail } ); my $pending_h = $pending->hash; if ($pending_h) { my $num_tries = $pending_h->{num_tries} + 1; $db->update( 'mail_blacklist', { num_tries => $num_tries, last_try => $reg_date }, { email => $mail } ); } else { $db->insert( 'mail_blacklist', { email => $mail, num_tries => 1, last_try => $reg_date } ); } $db->delete( 'pending_registrations', { user_id => $user->{id} } ); $db->delete( 'users', { id => $user->{id} } ); printf( "Pruned unverified user %d\n", $user->{id} ); } my $res = $db->delete( 'pending_passwords', { requested_at => { '<', $verification_deadline } } ); if ( my $rows = $res->rows ) { printf( "Pruned %d pending password reset(s)\n", $rows ); } $res = $db->delete( 'pending_mails', { requested_at => { '<', $verification_deadline } } ); if ( my $rows = $res->rows ) { printf( "Pruned %d pending mail change(s)\n", $rows ); } my $to_notify = $db->select( 'users', [ 'id', 'name', 'email', 'last_seen' ], { last_seen => { '<', $old_deadline }, deletion_notified => undef } ); for my $user ( $to_notify->hashes->each ) { say "Sending account deletion notification to uid $user->{id}..."; $self->app->sendmail->age_deletion_notification( name => $user->{name}, email => $user->{email}, last_seen => $user->{last_seen}, login_url => $self->app->base_url_for('login')->to_abs, account_url => $self->app->base_url_for('account')->to_abs, imprint_url => $self->app->base_url_for('impressum')->to_abs, ); $self->app->users->mark_deletion_notified( uid => $user->{id} ); } my $to_delete = $db->select( 'users', ['id'], { deletion_requested => { '<', $deletion_deadline } } ); my @uids_to_delete = $to_delete->arrays->map( sub { shift->[0] } )->each; $to_delete = $db->select( 'users', ['id'], { last_seen => { '<', $old_deadline }, deletion_notified => { '<', $old_notification_deadline } } ); push( @uids_to_delete, $to_delete->arrays->map( sub { shift->[0] } )->each ); if ( @uids_to_delete > 10 ) { printf STDERR ( "About to delete %d accounts, which is quite a lot.\n", scalar @uids_to_delete ); for my $uid (@uids_to_delete) { my $journeys_res = $db->select( 'journeys', 'count(*) as count', { user_id => $uid } )->hash; printf STDERR ( " - UID %5d (%4d journeys)\n", $uid, $journeys_res->{count} ); } say STDERR 'Aborting maintenance. Please investigate.'; exit(1); } for my $uid (@uids_to_delete) { say "Deleting uid ${uid}..."; my $count = $self->app->users->delete( uid => $uid, db => $db, in_transaction => 1 ); printf( " %d tokens, %d monthly stats, %d journeys\n", $count->{tokens}, $count->{stats}, $count->{journeys} ); } $tx->commit; # Computing stats may take a while, but we've got all time in the # world here. This means users won't have to wait when loading their # own journey log. say 'Generating missing stats ...'; for my $user ( $db->select( 'users', ['id'], { status => 1 } )->hashes->each ) { $tx = $db->begin; $self->app->journeys->generate_missing_stats( uid => $user->{id} ); $self->app->journeys->get_stats( uid => $user->{id}, year => $now->year ); $tx->commit; } } 1; __END__ =head1 SYNOPSIS Usage: maintenance Prunes unverified users.