package Travelynx::Command::traewelling; # Copyright (C) 2023 Daniel Friesel # # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Command'; use Mojo::Promise; use DateTime; use JSON; use List::Util; has description => 'Synchronize with Traewelling'; has usage => sub { shift->extract_usage }; sub pull_sync { my ($self) = @_; my $request_count = 0; for my $account_data ( $self->app->traewelling->get_pull_accounts ) { my $in_transit = $self->app->in_transit->get( uid => $account_data->{user_id}, ); if ($in_transit) { $self->app->log->debug( "Skipping Traewelling status pull for UID $account_data->{user_id}: already checked in" ); next; } # $account_data->{user_id} is the travelynx uid # $account_data->{user_name} is the Träwelling username $request_count += 1; $self->app->log->debug( "Scheduling Traewelling status pull for UID $account_data->{user_id}" ); # In 'work', the event loop is not running, # so there's no need to multiply by $request_count at the moment Mojo::Promise->timer(0.5)->then( sub { return $self->app->traewelling_api->get_status_p( username => $account_data->{data}{user_name}, token => $account_data->{token} ); } )->then( sub { my ($traewelling) = @_; $self->app->traewelling_to_travelynx( traewelling => $traewelling, user_data => $account_data ); } )->catch( sub { my ($err) = @_; $self->app->traewelling->log( uid => $account_data->{user_id}, message => "Fehler bei der Status-Abfrage: $err", is_error => 1 ); $self->app->log->debug("Error $err"); } )->wait; } } sub push_sync { my ($self) = @_; for my $candidate ( $self->app->traewelling->get_pushable_accounts ) { $self->app->log->debug( "Pushing to Traewelling for UID $candidate->{uid}"); my $trip_id = $candidate->{journey_data}{trip_id}; if ( not $trip_id ) { $self->app->log->debug("... trip_id is missing"); $self->app->traewelling->log( uid => $candidate->{uid}, message => "Konnte $candidate->{train_type} $candidate->{train_no} nicht übertragen: Keine trip_id vorhanden", is_error => 1 ); next; } if ( $candidate->{data}{latest_push_ts} and $candidate->{data}{latest_push_ts} == $candidate->{checkin_ts} ) { $self->app->log->debug("... already handled"); next; } $self->app->traewelling_api->checkin( %{$candidate}, trip_id => $trip_id ); } } sub run { my ( $self, $direction ) = @_; my $now = DateTime->now( time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' ); my $started_at = $now; if ( not $direction or $direction eq 'push' ) { $self->push_sync; } my $trwl_push_finished_at = DateTime->now( time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' ); if ( not $direction or $direction eq 'pull' ) { $self->pull_sync; } my $trwl_pull_finished_at = DateTime->now( time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' ); my $trwl_push_duration = $trwl_push_finished_at->epoch - $started_at->epoch; my $trwl_pull_duration = $trwl_pull_finished_at->epoch - $trwl_push_finished_at->epoch; my $trwl_duration = $trwl_pull_finished_at->epoch - $started_at->epoch; if ( $self->app->config->{influxdb}->{url} ) { my $report = "sync_runtime_seconds=${trwl_duration}"; if ( not $direction or $direction eq 'push' ) { $report .= ",push_runtime_seconds=${trwl_push_duration}"; } if ( not $direction or $direction eq 'pull' ) { $report .= ",pull_runtime_seconds=${trwl_pull_duration}"; } $self->app->ua->post_p( $self->app->config->{influxdb}->{url}, "traewelling ${report}" )->wait; } } 1; __END__ =head1 SYNOPSIS Usage: traewelling [direction] Performs both push and pull synchronization by default. If "direction" is specified, only synchronizes in the specified direction ("push" or "pull") Should be called from a cronjob every three to ten minutes.