package Travelynx::Command::work;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Command';

use DateTime;
use List::Util qw(first);

has description =>
  'Perform automatic checkout when users arrive at their destination';

has usage => sub { shift->extract_usage };

sub run {
	my ($self) = @_;

	my $now = DateTime->now( time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' );

	my $db = $self->app->pg->db;

	for my $entry (
		$db->select( 'in_transit_str', '*', { cancelled => 0 } )->hashes->each )

		my $uid   = $entry->{user_id};
		my $dep   = $entry->{dep_ds100};
		my $arr   = $entry->{arr_ds100};
		my $train = $entry->{train_id};

		$self->app->log->debug("Processing $uid");

		eval {
			if ( $now->epoch - $entry->{real_dep_ts} < 300 ) {
				$self->app->log->debug("  - updating departure");
				my $status = $self->app->get_departures( $dep, 30, 30 );
				if ( $status->{errstr} ) {
					die("get_departures($dep): $status->{errstr}\n");

				my ($train)
				  = first { $_->train_id eq $train } @{ $status->{results} };

				if ( not $train ) {
					die("could not find train $train at $dep\n");

					{ real_departure => $train->departure },
					{ user_id        => $uid }
		if ($@) {
			$self->app->log->error("work($uid)/departure: $@");

		eval {
			if (
				and ( not $entry->{real_arr_ts}
					or $now->epoch - $entry->{real_arr_ts} < 60 )
				$self->app->log->debug("  - updating arrival");
				my $status = $self->app->get_departures( $arr, 20, 220 );
				if ( $status->{errstr} ) {
					die("get_departures($arr): $status->{errstr}\n");

				my ($train)
				  = first { $_->train_id eq $train } @{ $status->{results} };

				if ( not $train ) {
					die("could not find train $train at $arr\n");

						sched_arrival => $train->sched_arrival,
						real_arrival  => $train->arrival,
					{ user_id => $uid }
			elsif ( $entry->{real_arr_ts} ) {
				$self->app->log->debug("  - checking out");
				my ( undef, $error ) = $self->app->checkout( $arr, 1, $uid );
				if ($error) {
		if ($@) {
			$self->app->log->error("work($uid)/arrival: $@");

		eval { }




  Usage: work

  Work Work Work.

  Should be called from a cronjob every three minutes or so.