package Travelynx::Command::work; # Copyright (C) 2020-2023 Birte Kristina Friesel # # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Command'; use Mojo::Promise; use utf8; use DateTime; use JSON; use List::Util; has description => 'Update real-time data of active journeys'; has usage => sub { shift->extract_usage }; sub run { my ($self) = @_; my $now = DateTime->now( time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' ); my $checkin_deadline = $now->clone->subtract( hours => 48 ); my $json = JSON->new; if ( -e 'maintenance' ) { $self->app->log->debug('work: "maintenance" file found, aborting'); return; } my $num_incomplete = $self->app->in_transit->delete_incomplete_checkins( earlier_than => $checkin_deadline ); if ($num_incomplete) { $self->app->log->debug("Removed ${num_incomplete} incomplete checkins"); } my $errors = 0; for my $entry ( $self->app->in_transit->get_all_active ) { if ( -e 'maintenance' ) { $self->app->log->debug('work: "maintenance" file found, aborting'); return; } my $uid = $entry->{user_id}; my $dep = $entry->{dep_eva}; my $arr = $entry->{arr_eva}; my $train_id = $entry->{train_id}; if ( $entry->{is_hafas} ) { eval { $self->app->hafas->get_journey_p( trip_id => $train_id, service => $entry->{backend_name} )->then( sub { my ($journey) = @_; my $found_dep; my $found_arr; for my $stop ( $journey->route ) { if ( $stop->loc->eva == $dep ) { $found_dep = $stop; } if ( $arr and $stop->loc->eva == $arr ) { $found_arr = $stop; last; } } if ( not $found_dep ) { $self->app->log->debug( "Did not find $dep within journey $train_id"); return; } if ( $found_dep->rt_dep ) { $self->app->in_transit->update_departure_hafas( uid => $uid, journey => $journey, stop => $found_dep, dep_eva => $dep, arr_eva => $arr ); } if ( $found_dep->sched_dep and ( $entry->{backend_id} <= 1 or $entry->{backend_name} eq 'VRN' or $entry->{backend_name} eq 'ÖBB' ) and $journey->class <= 16 and $found_dep->dep->epoch > $now->epoch ) { $self->app->add_wagonorder( uid => $uid, train_id => $journey->id, is_departure => 1, eva => $dep, datetime => $found_dep->sched_dep, train_type => $journey->type =~ s{ +$}{}r, train_no => $journey->number, ); $self->app->add_stationinfo( $uid, 1, $journey->id, $found_dep->loc->eva ); } if ( $found_arr and $found_arr->rt_arr ) { $self->app->in_transit->update_arrival_hafas( uid => $uid, journey => $journey, stop => $found_arr, dep_eva => $dep, arr_eva => $arr ); if ( ( $entry->{backend_id} <= 1 or $entry->{backend_name} eq 'VRN' or $entry->{backend_name} eq 'ÖBB' ) and $journey->class <= 16 and $found_arr->arr->epoch - $now->epoch < 600 ) { $self->app->add_wagonorder( uid => $uid, train_id => $journey->id, is_arrival => 1, eva => $arr, datetime => $found_arr->sched_dep, train_type => $journey->type, train_no => $journey->number, ); $self->app->add_stationinfo( $uid, 0, $journey->id, $found_dep->loc->eva, $found_arr->loc->eva ); } } } )->catch( sub { my ($err) = @_; if ( $err =~ m{svcResL\[0\][.]err is (?:FAIL|PARAMETER)$} ) { # HAFAS do be weird. These are not actionable. $self->app->log->debug( "work($uid) @ HAFAS $entry->{backend_name}: journey: $err" ); } else { $self->app->log->error( "work($uid) @ HAFAS $entry->{backend_name}: journey: $err" ); } } )->wait; if ( $arr and $entry->{real_arr_ts} and $now->epoch - $entry->{real_arr_ts} > 600 ) { $self->app->checkout_p( station => $arr, force => 2, dep_eva => $dep, arr_eva => $arr, uid => $uid )->wait; } }; if ($@) { $errors += 1; $self->app->log->error( "work($uid) @ HAFAS $entry->{backend_name}: $@"); } next; } # TODO irgendwo ist hier ne race condition wo ein neuer checkin (in HAFAS) mit IRIS-Daten überschrieben wird. # Die ganzen updates brauchen wirklich mal sanity checks mit train id ... # Note: IRIS data is not always updated in real-time. Both departure and # arrival delays may take several minutes to appear, especially in case # of large-scale disturbances. We work around this by continuing to # update departure data for up to 15 minutes after departure and # delaying automatic checkout by at least 10 minutes. eval { if ( $now->epoch - $entry->{real_dep_ts} < 900 ) { my $status = $self->app->iris->get_departures( station => $dep, lookbehind => 30, lookahead => 30 ); if ( $status->{errstr} ) { die("get_departures($dep): $status->{errstr}\n"); } my ($train) = List::Util::first { $_->train_id eq $train_id } @{ $status->{results} }; if ( not $train ) { $self->app->log->debug( "could not find train $train_id at $dep\n"); return; } $self->app->in_transit->update_departure( uid => $uid, train => $train, dep_eva => $dep, arr_eva => $arr, route => [ $self->app->iris->route_diff($train) ] ); if ( $train->departure_is_cancelled and $arr ) { my $checked_in = $self->app->in_transit->update_departure_cancelled( uid => $uid, train => $train, dep_eva => $dep, arr_eva => $arr, ); # depending on the amount of users in transit, some time may # have passed between fetching $entry from the database and # now. Only check out if the user is still checked into this # train. if ($checked_in) { # check out (adds a cancelled journey and resets journey state # to checkin $self->app->checkout_p( station => $arr, force => 2, dep_eva => $dep, arr_eva => $arr, uid => $uid )->wait; } } else { $self->app->add_route_timestamps( $uid, $train, 1 ); $self->app->add_wagonorder( uid => $uid, train_id => $train->train_id, is_departure => 1, eva => $dep, datetime => $train->sched_departure, train_type => $train->type, train_no => $train->train_no ); $self->app->add_stationinfo( $uid, 1, $train->train_id, $dep, $arr ); } } }; if ($@) { $errors += 1; $self->app->log->error("work($uid) @ IRIS: departure: $@"); } eval { if ( $arr and ( not $entry->{real_arr_ts} or $now->epoch - $entry->{real_arr_ts} < 600 ) ) { my $status = $self->app->iris->get_departures( station => $arr, lookbehind => 20, lookahead => 220 ); if ( $status->{errstr} ) { die("get_departures($arr): $status->{errstr}\n"); } # Note that a train may pass the same station several times. # Notable example: S41 / S42 ("Ringbahn") both starts and # terminates at Berlin Südkreuz my ($train) = List::Util::first { $_->train_id eq $train_id and $_->sched_arrival and $_->sched_arrival->epoch > $entry->{sched_dep_ts} } @{ $status->{results} }; $train //= List::Util::first { $_->train_id eq $train_id } @{ $status->{results} }; if ( not $train ) { # If we haven't seen the train yet, its arrival is probably # too far in the future. This is not critical. return; } my $checked_in = $self->app->in_transit->update_arrival( uid => $uid, train => $train, route => [ $self->app->iris->route_diff($train) ], dep_eva => $dep, arr_eva => $arr, ); if ( $checked_in and $train->arrival_is_cancelled ) { # check out (adds a cancelled journey and resets journey state # to destination selection) $self->app->checkout_p( station => $arr, force => 0, dep_eva => $dep, arr_eva => $arr, uid => $uid )->wait; } else { $self->app->add_route_timestamps( $uid, $train, 0, ( defined $entry->{real_arr_ts} and $now->epoch > $entry->{real_arr_ts} ) ? 1 : 0 ); $self->app->add_wagonorder( uid => $uid, train_id => $train->train_id, is_arrival => 1, eva => $arr, datetime => $train->sched_departure, train_type => $train->type, train_no => $train->train_no ); $self->app->add_stationinfo( $uid, 0, $train->train_id, $dep, $arr ); } } elsif ( $entry->{real_arr_ts} ) { my ( undef, $error ) = $self->app->checkout_p( station => $arr, force => 2, dep_eva => $dep, arr_eva => $arr, uid => $uid )->catch( sub { my ($error) = @_; $self->app->log->error( "work($uid) @ IRIS: arrival: $error"); $errors += 1; } )->wait; } }; if ($@) { $self->app->log->error("work($uid) @ IRIS: arrival: $@"); $errors += 1; } eval { }; } my $started_at = $now; my $main_finished_at = DateTime->now( time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' ); my $worker_duration = $main_finished_at->epoch - $started_at->epoch; if ( $self->app->config->{influxdb}->{url} ) { if ( $self->app->mode eq 'development' ) { $self->app->log->debug( 'POST ' . $self->app->config->{influxdb}->{url} . " worker runtime_seconds=${worker_duration},errors=${errors}" ); } else { $self->app->ua->post_p( $self->app->config->{influxdb}->{url}, "worker runtime_seconds=${worker_duration},errors=${errors}" ) ->wait; } } if ( not $self->app->config->{traewelling}->{separate_worker} ) { $self->app->start('traewelling'); } # add_wagonorder and add_stationinfo assume a permanently running IOLoop # and do not allow Mojolicious commands to wait until they have completed. # Hence, some add_wagonorder and add_stationinfo calls made here may not # complete before the work command exits, and thus have no effect. # # This is not ideal and will need fixing at some point. Until then, here # is the pragmatic solution for 99% of the associated issues. Mojo::Promise->timer(5)->wait; } 1; __END__ =head1 SYNOPSIS Usage: work Work Work Work. Should be called from a cronjob every three minutes or so.