package Travelynx::Controller::Account; # Copyright (C) 2020-2023 Birte Kristina Friesel # # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller'; use JSON; use Mojo::Util qw(xml_escape); use Text::Markdown; use UUID::Tiny qw(:std); my %visibility_itoa = ( 100 => 'public', 80 => 'travelynx', 60 => 'followers', 30 => 'unlisted', 10 => 'private', ); my %visibility_atoi = ( public => 100, travelynx => 80, followers => 60, unlisted => 30, private => 10, ); # Internal Helpers sub make_token { return create_uuid_as_string(UUID_V4); } sub send_registration_mail { my ( $self, %opt ) = @_; my $email = $opt{email}; my $token = $opt{token}; my $user = $opt{user}; my $user_id = $opt{user_id}; my $ip = $opt{ip}; my $date = DateTime->now( time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' ) ->strftime('%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S %z'); my $ua = $self->req->headers->user_agent; my $reg_url = $self->url_for('reg')->to_abs->scheme('https'); my $imprint_url = $self->url_for('impressum')->to_abs->scheme('https'); my $body = "Hallo, ${user}!\n\n"; $body .= "Mit deiner E-Mail-Adresse (${email}) wurde ein Account bei\n"; $body .= "travelynx angelegt.\n\n"; $body .= "Falls die Registrierung von dir ausging, kannst du den Account unter\n"; $body .= "${reg_url}/${user_id}/${token}\n"; $body .= "freischalten.\n\n"; $body .= "Falls nicht, ignoriere diese Mail bitte. Nach etwa 48 Stunden wird deine\n"; $body .= "Mail-Adresse erneut zur Registrierung freigeschaltet. Falls auch diese fehlschlägt,\n"; $body .= "werden wir sie dauerhaft sperren und keine Mails mehr dorthin schicken.\n\n"; $body .= "Daten zur Registrierung:\n"; $body .= " * Datum: ${date}\n"; $body .= " * Client: ${ip}\n"; $body .= " * UserAgent: ${ua}\n\n\n"; $body .= "Impressum: ${imprint_url}\n"; return $self->sendmail->custom( $email, 'Registrierung bei travelynx', $body ); } sub send_address_confirmation_mail { my ( $self, $email, $token ) = @_; my $name = $self->current_user->{name}; my $ip = $self->req->headers->header('X-Forwarded-For'); my $ua = $self->req->headers->user_agent; my $date = DateTime->now( time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' ) ->strftime('%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S %z'); # In case Mojolicious is not running behind a reverse proxy $ip //= sprintf( '%s:%s', $self->tx->remote_address, $self->tx->remote_port ); my $confirm_url = $self->url_for('confirm_mail')->to_abs->scheme('https'); my $imprint_url = $self->url_for('impressum')->to_abs->scheme('https'); my $body = "Hallo ${name},\n\n"; $body .= "Bitte bestätige unter <${confirm_url}/${token}>,\n"; $body .= "dass du mit dieser Adresse E-Mail empfangen kannst.\n\n"; $body .= "Du erhältst diese Mail, da eine Änderung der deinem travelynx-Account\n"; $body .= "zugeordneten Mail-Adresse beantragt wurde.\n\n"; $body .= "Daten zur Anfrage:\n"; $body .= " * Datum: ${date}\n"; $body .= " * Client: ${ip}\n"; $body .= " * UserAgent: ${ua}\n\n\n"; $body .= "Impressum: ${imprint_url}\n"; return $self->sendmail->custom( $email, 'travelynx: Mail-Adresse bestätigen', $body ); } sub send_name_notification_mail { my ( $self, $old_name, $new_name ) = @_; my $ip = $self->req->headers->header('X-Forwarded-For'); my $ua = $self->req->headers->user_agent; my $date = DateTime->now( time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' ) ->strftime('%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S %z'); # In case Mojolicious is not running behind a reverse proxy $ip //= sprintf( '%s:%s', $self->tx->remote_address, $self->tx->remote_port ); my $confirm_url = $self->url_for('confirm_mail')->to_abs->scheme('https'); my $imprint_url = $self->url_for('impressum')->to_abs->scheme('https'); my $body = "Hallo ${new_name},\n\n"; $body .= "Der Name deines Travelynx-Accounts wurde erfolgreich geändert.\n"; $body .= "Bitte beachte, dass du dich ab sofort nur mit dem neuen Namen anmelden kannst.\n\n"; $body .= "Alter Name: ${old_name}\n\n"; $body .= "Neue Name: ${new_name}\n\n"; $body .= "Daten zur Anfrage:\n"; $body .= " * Datum: ${date}\n"; $body .= " * Client: ${ip}\n"; $body .= " * UserAgent: ${ua}\n\n\n"; $body .= "Impressum: ${imprint_url}\n"; return $self->sendmail->custom( $self->current_user->{email}, 'travelynx: Name geändert', $body ); } sub send_password_notification_mail { my ($self) = @_; my $user = $self->current_user->{name}; my $email = $self->current_user->{email}; my $ip = $self->req->headers->header('X-Forwarded-For'); my $ua = $self->req->headers->user_agent; my $date = DateTime->now( time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' ) ->strftime('%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S %z'); # In case Mojolicious is not running behind a reverse proxy $ip //= sprintf( '%s:%s', $self->tx->remote_address, $self->tx->remote_port ); my $imprint_url = $self->url_for('impressum')->to_abs->scheme('https'); my $body = "Hallo ${user},\n\n"; $body .= "Das Passwort deines travelynx-Accounts wurde soeben geändert.\n\n"; $body .= "Daten zur Änderung:\n"; $body .= " * Datum: ${date}\n"; $body .= " * Client: ${ip}\n"; $body .= " * UserAgent: ${ua}\n\n\n"; $body .= "Impressum: ${imprint_url}\n"; $self->sendmail->custom( $email, 'travelynx: Passwort geändert', $body ); } sub send_lostpassword_confirmation_mail { my ( $self, %opt ) = @_; my $email = $opt{email}; my $name = $opt{name}; my $uid = $opt{uid}; my $token = $opt{token}; my $ip = $self->req->headers->header('X-Forwarded-For'); my $ua = $self->req->headers->user_agent; my $date = DateTime->now( time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' ) ->strftime('%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S %z'); # In case Mojolicious is not running behind a reverse proxy $ip //= sprintf( '%s:%s', $self->tx->remote_address, $self->tx->remote_port ); my $recover_url = $self->url_for('recover')->to_abs->scheme('https'); my $imprint_url = $self->url_for('impressum')->to_abs->scheme('https'); my $body = "Hallo ${name},\n\n"; $body .= "Unter ${recover_url}/${uid}/${token}\n"; $body .= "kannst du ein neues Passwort für deinen travelynx-Account vergeben.\n\n"; $body .= "Du erhältst diese Mail, da mit deinem Accountnamen und deiner Mail-Adresse\n"; $body .= "ein Passwort-Reset angefordert wurde. Falls diese Anfrage nicht von dir\n"; $body .= "ausging, kannst du sie ignorieren.\n\n"; $body .= "Daten zur Anfrage:\n"; $body .= " * Datum: ${date}\n"; $body .= " * Client: ${ip}\n"; $body .= " * UserAgent: ${ua}\n\n\n"; $body .= "Impressum: ${imprint_url}\n"; my $success = $self->sendmail->custom( $email, 'travelynx: Neues Passwort', $body ); } sub send_lostpassword_notification_mail { my ( $self, $account ) = @_; my $user = $account->{name}; my $email = $account->{email}; my $ip = $self->req->headers->header('X-Forwarded-For'); my $ua = $self->req->headers->user_agent; my $date = DateTime->now( time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' ) ->strftime('%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S %z'); # In case Mojolicious is not running behind a reverse proxy $ip //= sprintf( '%s:%s', $self->tx->remote_address, $self->tx->remote_port ); my $imprint_url = $self->url_for('impressum')->to_abs->scheme('https'); my $body = "Hallo ${user},\n\n"; $body .= "Das Passwort deines travelynx-Accounts wurde soeben über die"; $body .= " 'Passwort vergessen'-Funktion geändert.\n\n"; $body .= "Daten zur Änderung:\n"; $body .= " * Datum: ${date}\n"; $body .= " * Client: ${ip}\n"; $body .= " * UserAgent: ${ua}\n\n\n"; $body .= "Impressum: ${imprint_url}\n"; return $self->sendmail->custom( $email, 'travelynx: Passwort geändert', $body ); } # Controllers sub login_form { my ($self) = @_; $self->render('login'); } sub do_login { my ($self) = @_; my $user = $self->req->param('user'); my $password = $self->req->param('password'); # Keep cookies for 6 months $self->session( expiration => 60 * 60 * 24 * 180 ); if ( $self->validation->csrf_protect->has_error('csrf_token') ) { $self->render( 'bad_request', csrf => 1, status => 400 ); } else { if ( $self->authenticate( $user, $password ) ) { $self->redirect_to( $self->req->param('redirect_to') // '/' ); $self->users->mark_seen( uid => $self->current_user->{id} ); } else { my $data = $self->users->get_login_data( name => $user ); if ( $data and $data->{status} == 0 ) { $self->render( 'login', status => 400, invalid => 'confirmation' ); } else { $self->render( 'login', status => 400, invalid => 'credentials' ); } } } } sub registration_form { my ($self) = @_; $self->render('register'); } sub register { my ($self) = @_; my $dt = $self->req->param('dt'); my $user = $self->req->param('user'); my $email = $self->req->param('email'); my $password = $self->req->param('password'); my $password2 = $self->req->param('password2'); my $ip = $self->req->headers->header('X-Forwarded-For'); # In case Mojolicious is not running behind a reverse proxy $ip //= sprintf( '%s:%s', $self->tx->remote_address, $self->tx->remote_port ); if ( $self->validation->csrf_protect->has_error('csrf_token') ) { $self->render( 'bad_request', csrf => 1, status => 400 ); return; } if ( my $registration_denylist = $self->app->config->{registration}->{denylist} ) { if ( open( my $fh, "<", $registration_denylist ) ) { while ( my $line = <$fh> ) { chomp $line; if ( $ip eq $line ) { close($fh); $self->render( 'register', invalid => "denylist" ); return; } } close($fh); } else { $self->log->error("Cannot open($registration_denylist): $!"); die("Cannot verify registration: $!"); } } if ( my $error = $self->users->is_name_invalid( name => $user ) ) { $self->render( 'register', invalid => $error ); return; } if ( not length($email) ) { $self->render( 'register', invalid => 'mail_empty' ); return; } if ( $self->users->mail_is_blacklisted( email => $email ) ) { $self->render( 'register', invalid => 'mail_blacklisted' ); return; } if ( $password ne $password2 ) { $self->render( 'register', invalid => 'password_notequal' ); return; } if ( length($password) < 8 ) { $self->render( 'register', invalid => 'password_short' ); return; } if ( not $dt or DateTime->now( time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' )->epoch - $dt < 6 ) { # a human user should take at least five seconds to fill out the form. # Throw a CSRF error at presumed spammers. $self->render( 'bad_request', csrf => 1, status => 400 ); return; } my $token = make_token(); my $db = $self->pg->db; my $tx = $db->begin; my $user_id = $self->users->add( db => $db, name => $user, email => $email, token => $token, password => $password, ); my $success = $self->send_registration_mail( email => $email, token => $token, ip => $ip, user => $user, user_id => $user_id ); if ($success) { $tx->commit; $self->render( 'login', from => 'register' ); } else { $self->render( 'register', invalid => 'sendmail' ); } } sub verify { my ($self) = @_; my $id = $self->stash('id'); my $token = $self->stash('token'); if ( not $id =~ m{ ^ \d+ $ }x or $id > 2147483647 ) { $self->render( 'register', invalid => 'token' ); return; } if ( not $self->users->verify_registration_token( uid => $id, token => $token ) ) { $self->render( 'register', invalid => 'token' ); return; } $self->render( 'login', from => 'verification' ); } sub delete { my ($self) = @_; my $uid = $self->current_user->{id}; if ( $self->validation->csrf_protect->has_error('csrf_token') ) { $self->render( 'bad_request', csrf => 1, status => 400 ); return; } if ( $self->param('action') eq 'delete' ) { if ( not $self->authenticate( $self->current_user->{name}, $self->param('password') ) ) { $self->flash( invalid => 'deletion password' ); $self->redirect_to('account'); return; } $self->users->flag_deletion( uid => $uid ); } else { $self->users->unflag_deletion( uid => $uid ); } $self->redirect_to('account'); } sub do_logout { my ($self) = @_; if ( $self->validation->csrf_protect->has_error('csrf_token') ) { $self->render( 'bad_request', csrf => 1, status => 400 ); return; } $self->logout; $self->redirect_to('/login'); } sub privacy { my ($self) = @_; my $user = $self->current_user; if ( $self->param('action') and $self->param('action') eq 'save' ) { my %opt; my $default_visibility = $visibility_atoi{ $self->param('status_level') }; if ( defined $default_visibility ) { $opt{default_visibility} = $default_visibility; } my $past_visibility = $visibility_atoi{ $self->param('history_level') }; if ( defined $past_visibility ) { $opt{past_visibility} = $past_visibility; } $opt{comments_visible} = $self->param('public_comment') ? 1 : 0; $opt{past_all} = $self->param('history_age') eq 'infinite' ? 1 : 0; $opt{past_status} = $self->param('past_status') ? 1 : 0; $self->users->set_privacy( uid => $user->{id}, %opt ); $self->flash( success => 'privacy' ); $self->redirect_to('account'); } else { $self->param( status_level => $visibility_itoa{ $user->{default_visibility} } ); $self->param( public_comment => $user->{comments_visible} ); $self->param( history_level => $visibility_itoa{ $user->{past_visibility} } ); $self->param( history_age => $user->{past_all} ? 'infinite' : 'month' ); $self->param( past_status => $user->{past_status} ); $self->render( 'privacy', name => $user->{name} ); } } sub social { my ($self) = @_; my $user = $self->current_user; if ( $self->param('action') and $self->param('action') eq 'save' ) { if ( $self->validation->csrf_protect->has_error('csrf_token') ) { $self->render( 'bad_request', csrf => 1, status => 400 ); return; } my %opt; my $accept_follow = $self->param('accept_follow'); if ( $accept_follow eq 'yes' ) { $opt{accept_follows} = 1; } elsif ( $accept_follow eq 'request' ) { $opt{accept_follow_requests} = 1; } $self->users->set_social( uid => $user->{id}, %opt ); $self->flash( success => 'social' ); $self->redirect_to('account'); } else { if ( $user->{accept_follows} ) { $self->param( accept_follow => 'yes' ); } elsif ( $user->{accept_follow_requests} ) { $self->param( accept_follow => 'request' ); } else { $self->param( accept_follow => 'no' ); } $self->render( 'social', name => $user->{name} ); } } sub social_list { my ($self) = @_; my $kind = $self->stash('kind'); my $user = $self->current_user; if ( $kind eq 'follow-requests' ) { my @follow_reqs = $self->users->get_follow_requests( uid => $user->{id} ); $self->render( 'social_list', type => 'follow-requests', entries => [@follow_reqs], notifications => $user->{notifications}, ); } elsif ( $kind eq 'followers' ) { my @followers = $self->users->get_followers( uid => $user->{id} ); $self->render( 'social_list', type => 'followers', entries => [@followers], notifications => $user->{notifications}, ); } elsif ( $kind eq 'follows' ) { my @following = $self->users->get_followees( uid => $user->{id} ); $self->render( 'social_list', type => 'follows', entries => [@following], notifications => $user->{notifications}, ); } elsif ( $kind eq 'blocks' ) { my @blocked = $self->users->get_blocked_users( uid => $user->{id} ); $self->render( 'social_list', type => 'blocks', entries => [@blocked], notifications => $user->{notifications}, ); } else { $self->render( 'not_found', status => 404 ); } } sub social_action { my ($self) = @_; my $user = $self->current_user; my $action = $self->param('action'); my $target_ids = $self->param('target'); my $redirect_to = $self->param('redirect_to'); for my $key ( qw(follow request_follow follow_or_request unfollow remove_follower cancel_follow_request accept_follow_request reject_follow_request block unblock) ) { if ( $self->param($key) ) { $action = $key; $target_ids = $self->param($key); } } if ( $self->validation->csrf_protect->has_error('csrf_token') ) { $self->redirect_to('/'); return; } if ( $action and $action eq 'clear_notifications' ) { $self->users->update_notifications( db => $self->pg->db, uid => $user->{id}, has_follow_requests => 0 ); $self->flash( success => 'clear_notifications' ); $self->redirect_to('account'); return; } if ( not( $action and $target_ids and $redirect_to ) ) { $self->redirect_to('/'); return; } for my $target_id ( split( qr{,}, $target_ids ) ) { my $target = $self->users->get_privacy_by( uid => $target_id ); if ( not $target ) { next; } if ( $action eq 'follow' and $target->{accept_follows} ) { $self->users->follow( uid => $user->{id}, target => $target->{id} ); } elsif ( $action eq 'request_follow' and $target->{accept_follow_requests} ) { $self->users->request_follow( uid => $user->{id}, target => $target->{id} ); } elsif ( $action eq 'follow_or_request' ) { if ( $target->{accept_follows} ) { $self->users->follow( uid => $user->{id}, target => $target->{id} ); } elsif ( $target->{accept_follow_requests} ) { $self->users->request_follow( uid => $user->{id}, target => $target->{id} ); } } elsif ( $action eq 'unfollow' ) { $self->users->unfollow( uid => $user->{id}, target => $target->{id} ); } elsif ( $action eq 'remove_follower' ) { $self->users->remove_follower( uid => $user->{id}, follower => $target->{id} ); } elsif ( $action eq 'cancel_follow_request' ) { $self->users->cancel_follow_request( uid => $user->{id}, target => $target->{id} ); } elsif ( $action eq 'accept_follow_request' ) { $self->users->accept_follow_request( uid => $user->{id}, applicant => $target->{id} ); } elsif ( $action eq 'reject_follow_request' ) { $self->users->reject_follow_request( uid => $user->{id}, applicant => $target->{id} ); } elsif ( $action eq 'block' ) { $self->users->block( uid => $user->{id}, target => $target->{id} ); } elsif ( $action eq 'unblock' ) { $self->users->unblock( uid => $user->{id}, target => $target->{id} ); } if ( $redirect_to eq 'profile' ) { # profile links do not perform bulk actions $self->redirect_to( '/p/' . $target->{name} ); return; } } $self->redirect_to($redirect_to); } sub profile { my ($self) = @_; my $user = $self->current_user; if ( $self->param('action') and $self->param('action') eq 'save' ) { if ( $self->validation->csrf_protect->has_error('csrf_token') ) { $self->render( 'bad_request', csrf => 1, status => 400 ); return; } my $md = Text::Markdown->new; my $bio = $self->param('bio'); if ( length($bio) > 2000 ) { $bio = substr( $bio, 0, 2000 ) . '…'; } my $profile = { bio => { markdown => $bio, html => $md->markdown( xml_escape($bio) ), }, metadata => [], }; for my $i ( 0 .. 20 ) { my $key = $self->param("key_$i"); my $value = $self->param("value_$i"); if ($key) { if ( length($value) > 500 ) { $value = substr( $value, 0, 500 ) . '…'; } my $html_value = ( $value =~ s{ \[ ([^]]+) \]\( ([^)]+) \) }{'' . xml_escape($1) .'' }egrx ); $profile->{metadata}[$i] = { key => $key, value => { markdown => $value, html => $html_value, }, }; } else { last; } } $self->users->set_profile( uid => $user->{id}, profile => $profile ); $self->redirect_to( '/p/' . $user->{name} ); } my $profile = $self->users->get_profile( uid => $user->{id} ); $self->param( bio => $profile->{bio}{markdown} ); for my $i ( 0 .. $#{ $profile->{metadata} } ) { $self->param( "key_$i" => $profile->{metadata}[$i]{key} ); $self->param( "value_$i" => $profile->{metadata}[$i]{value}{markdown} ); } $self->render( 'edit_profile', name => $user->{name} ); } sub insight { my ($self) = @_; my $user = $self->current_user; my ( $use_history, $destinations ) = $self->users->use_history( uid => $user->{id}, with_local_transit => 1 ); if ( $self->param('action') and $self->param('action') eq 'save' ) { if ( $self->param('on_departure') ) { $use_history |= 0x01; } else { $use_history &= ~0x01; } if ( $self->param('on_arrival') ) { $use_history |= 0x02; } else { $use_history &= ~0x02; } if ( $self->param('local_transit') ) { $use_history |= 0x04; } else { $use_history &= ~0x04; } if ( $self->param('destinations') ) { $destinations = [ split( qr{\r?\n\r?}, $self->param('destinations') ) ]; } $self->users->use_history( uid => $user->{id}, set => $use_history, destinations => $destinations ); $self->flash( success => 'use_history' ); $self->redirect_to('account'); } $self->param( on_departure => $use_history & 0x01 ? 1 : 0 ); $self->param( on_arrival => $use_history & 0x02 ? 1 : 0 ); $self->param( local_transit => $use_history & 0x04 ? 1 : 0 ); $self->param( destinations => join( "\n", @{$destinations} ) ); $self->render('use_history'); } sub services { my ($self) = @_; my $user = $self->current_user; if ( $self->param('action') and $self->param('action') eq 'save' ) { my $sb = $self->param('stationboard'); my $value = 0; if ( $sb =~ m{ ^ \d+ $ }x and $sb >= 0 and $sb <= 4 ) { $value = int($sb); } $self->users->use_external_services( uid => $user->{id}, set => $value ); $self->flash( success => 'external' ); $self->redirect_to('account'); } $self->param( stationboard => $self->users->use_external_services( uid => $user->{id} ) ); $self->render('use_external_links'); } sub webhook { my ($self) = @_; my $uid = $self->current_user->{id}; my $hook = $self->users->get_webhook( uid => $uid ); if ( $self->param('action') and $self->param('action') eq 'save' ) { $hook->{url} = $self->param('url'); $hook->{token} = $self->param('token'); $hook->{enabled} = $self->param('enabled') // 0; $self->users->set_webhook( uid => $uid, url => $hook->{url}, token => $hook->{token}, enabled => $hook->{enabled} ); $self->run_hook( $self->current_user->{id}, 'ping', sub { $self->render( 'webhooks', hook => $self->users->get_webhook( uid => $uid ), new_hook => 1 ); } ); return; } else { $self->param( url => $hook->{url} ); $self->param( token => $hook->{token} ); $self->param( enabled => $hook->{enabled} ); } $self->render( 'webhooks', hook => $hook ); } sub change_mail { my ($self) = @_; my $action = $self->req->param('action'); my $password = $self->req->param('password'); my $email = $self->req->param('email'); if ( $action and $action eq 'update_mail' ) { if ( $self->validation->csrf_protect->has_error('csrf_token') ) { $self->render( 'bad_request', csrf => 1, status => 400 ); return; } if ( not length($email) ) { $self->render( 'change_mail', invalid => 'mail_empty' ); return; } if ( not $self->authenticate( $self->current_user->{name}, $self->param('password') ) ) { $self->render( 'change_mail', invalid => 'password' ); return; } my $token = make_token(); my $db = $self->pg->db; my $tx = $db->begin; $self->users->mark_for_mail_change( db => $db, uid => $self->current_user->{id}, email => $email, token => $token ); my $success = $self->send_address_confirmation_mail( $email, $token ); if ($success) { $tx->commit; $self->render( 'change_mail', success => 1 ); } else { $self->render( 'change_mail', invalid => 'sendmail' ); } } else { $self->render('change_mail'); } } sub change_name { my ($self) = @_; my $action = $self->req->param('action'); my $password = $self->req->param('password'); my $old_name = $self->current_user->{name}; my $new_name = $self->req->param('name'); if ( $action and $action eq 'update_name' ) { if ( $self->validation->csrf_protect->has_error('csrf_token') ) { $self->render( 'bad_request', csrf => 1, status => 400 ); return; } if ( my $error = $self->users->is_name_invalid( name => $new_name ) ) { $self->render( 'change_name', name => $old_name, invalid => $error ); return; } if ( not $self->authenticate( $old_name, $self->param('password') ) ) { $self->render( 'change_name', name => $old_name, invalid => 'password' ); return; } # The users table has a unique constraint on the "name" column, so having # two users with the same name is not possible. The race condition # between the user_name_exists check in is_name_invalid and this # change_name call is harmless. my $success = $self->users->change_name( uid => $self->current_user->{id}, name => $new_name ); if ( not $success ) { $self->render( 'change_name', name => $old_name, invalid => 'user_collision' ); return; } $self->flash( success => 'name' ); $self->redirect_to('account'); $self->send_name_notification_mail( $old_name, $new_name ); } else { $self->render( 'change_name', name => $old_name ); } } sub password_form { my ($self) = @_; $self->render('change_password'); } sub change_password { my ($self) = @_; my $old_password = $self->req->param('oldpw'); my $password = $self->req->param('newpw'); my $password2 = $self->req->param('newpw2'); if ( $self->validation->csrf_protect->has_error('csrf_token') ) { $self->render( 'bad_request', csrf => 1, status => 400 ); return; } if ( $password ne $password2 ) { $self->render( 'change_password', invalid => 'password_notequal' ); return; } if ( length($password) < 8 ) { $self->render( 'change_password', invalid => 'password_short' ); return; } if ( not $self->authenticate( $self->current_user->{name}, $self->param('oldpw') ) ) { $self->render( 'change_password', invalid => 'password' ); return; } $self->users->set_password( uid => $self->current_user->{id}, password => $password ); $self->flash( success => 'password' ); $self->redirect_to('account'); $self->send_password_notification_mail(); } sub request_password_reset { my ($self) = @_; if ( $self->param('action') and $self->param('action') eq 'initiate' ) { if ( $self->validation->csrf_protect->has_error('csrf_token') ) { $self->render( 'bad_request', csrf => 1, status => 400 ); return; } my $name = $self->param('user'); my $email = $self->param('email'); my $uid = $self->users->get_uid_by_name_and_mail( name => $name, email => $email ); if ( not $uid ) { $self->render( 'recover_password', invalid => 'recovery credentials' ); return; } my $token = make_token(); my $db = $self->pg->db; my $tx = $db->begin; my $error = $self->users->mark_for_password_reset( db => $db, uid => $uid, token => $token ); if ($error) { $self->render( 'recover_password', invalid => $error ); return; } my $success = $self->send_lostpassword_confirmation_mail( email => $email, name => $name, uid => $uid, token => $token ); if ($success) { $tx->commit; $self->render( 'recover_password', success => 1 ); } else { $self->render( 'recover_password', invalid => 'sendmail' ); } } elsif ( $self->param('action') and $self->param('action') eq 'set_password' ) { my $id = $self->param('id'); my $token = $self->param('token'); my $password = $self->param('newpw'); my $password2 = $self->param('newpw2'); if ( $self->validation->csrf_protect->has_error('csrf_token') ) { $self->render( 'bad_request', csrf => 1, status => 400 ); return; } if ( not $self->users->verify_password_token( uid => $id, token => $token ) ) { $self->render( 'recover_password', invalid => 'change token' ); return; } if ( $password ne $password2 ) { $self->render( 'set_password', invalid => 'password_notequal' ); return; } if ( length($password) < 8 ) { $self->render( 'set_password', invalid => 'password_short' ); return; } $self->users->set_password( uid => $id, password => $password ); my $account = $self->get_user_data($id); if ( not $self->authenticate( $account->{name}, $password ) ) { $self->render( 'set_password', invalid => 'Authentication failure – WTF?' ); } $self->flash( success => 'password' ); $self->redirect_to('account'); $self->users->remove_password_token( uid => $id, token => $token ); $self->send_lostpassword_notification_mail($account); } else { $self->render('recover_password'); } } sub recover_password { my ($self) = @_; my $id = $self->stash('id'); my $token = $self->stash('token'); if ( not $id =~ m{ ^ \d+ $ }x or $id > 2147483647 ) { $self->render( 'recover_password', invalid => 'recovery token' ); return; } if ( $self->users->verify_password_token( uid => $id, token => $token ) ) { $self->render('set_password'); } else { $self->render( 'recover_password', invalid => 'recovery token' ); } } sub confirm_mail { my ($self) = @_; my $id = $self->current_user->{id}; my $token = $self->stash('token'); if ( $self->users->change_mail_with_token( uid => $id, token => $token ) ) { $self->flash( success => 'mail' ); $self->redirect_to('account'); } else { $self->render( 'change_mail', invalid => 'change token' ); } } sub account { my ($self) = @_; my $uid = $self->current_user->{id}; my $follow_requests = $self->users->has_follow_requests( uid => $uid ); my $followers = $self->users->has_followers( uid => $uid ); my $following = $self->users->has_followees( uid => $uid ); my $blocked = $self->users->has_blocked_users( uid => $uid ); $self->render( 'account', api_token => $self->users->get_api_token( uid => $uid ), num_follow_requests => $follow_requests, num_followers => $followers, num_following => $following, num_blocked => $blocked, ); $self->users->mark_seen( uid => $uid ); } sub json_export { my ($self) = @_; my $uid = $self->current_user->{id}; my $db = $self->pg->db; $self->render( json => { account => $db->select( 'users', '*', { id => $uid } )->hash, in_transit => [ $db->select( 'in_transit_str', '*', { user_id => $uid } ) ->hashes->each ], journeys => [ $db->select( 'journeys_str', '*', { user_id => $uid } ) ->hashes->each ], } ); } sub webfinger { my ($self) = @_; my $resource = $self->param('resource'); if ( not $resource ) { $self->render( 'not_found', status => 404 ); return; } my $root_url = $self->base_url_for('/')->to_abs->host; if ( not $root_url or not $resource =~ m{ ^ acct: [@]? (? [^@]+ ) [@] $root_url $ }x ) { $self->render( 'not_found', status => 404 ); return; } my $name = $+{name}; my $user = $self->users->get_privacy_by( name => $name ); if ( not $user ) { $self->render( 'not_found', status => 404 ); return; } my $profile_url = $self->base_url_for("/p/${name}")->to_abs->scheme('https')->to_string; $self->render( text => JSON->new->encode( { subject => $resource, aliases => [ $profile_url, ], links => [ { rel => '', type => 'text/html', href => $profile_url, }, ], } ), format => 'json', ); } 1;