package Travelynx::Controller::Profile;

# Copyright (C) 2020-2023 Birte Kristina Friesel
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';

use DateTime;

# Internal Helpers

sub status_token_ok {
	my ( $self, $status, $ts2_ext ) = @_;
	my $token = $self->param('token') // q{};

	my ( $eva, $ts, $ts2 ) = split( qr{-}, $token );
	if ( not $ts ) {

	$ts2 //= $ts2_ext;

	if (    $eva == $status->{dep_eva}
		and $ts == $status->{timestamp}->epoch % 337
		and $ts2 == $status->{sched_departure}->epoch )
		return 1;

sub journey_token_ok {
	my ( $self, $journey, $ts2_ext ) = @_;
	my $token = $self->param('token') // q{};

	my ( $eva, $ts, $ts2 ) = split( qr{-}, $token );
	if ( not $ts ) {

	$ts2 //= $ts2_ext;

	if (    $eva == $journey->{from_eva}
		and $ts == $journey->{checkin_ts} % 337
		and $ts2 == $journey->{sched_dep_ts} )
		return 1;

# Controllers

sub profile {
	my ($self) = @_;

	my $name = $self->stash('name');
	my $user = $self->users->get_privacy_by( name => $name );

	if ( not $user ) {
		$self->render( 'not_found', status => 404 );

	my $profile = $self->users->get_profile( uid => $user->{id} );

	my $my_user;
	my $relation;
	my $inverse_relation;
	my $is_self;
	if ( $self->is_user_authenticated ) {
		$my_user = $self->current_user;
		if ( $my_user->{id} == $user->{id} ) {
			$is_self = 1;
			$my_user = undef;
		else {
			$relation = $self->users->get_relation(
				subject => $my_user->{id},
				object  => $user->{id}
			$inverse_relation = $self->users->get_relation(
				subject => $user->{id},
				object  => $my_user->{id}

	my $status = $self->get_user_status( $user->{id} );
	if ( $status->{checked_in} or $status->{arr_name} ) {
		my $visibility = $status->{effective_visibility};
		if (
				   $visibility == 100
				or ( $visibility >= 80 and $my_user )
				( $visibility >= 60 and $relation and $relation eq 'follows' )
				or ( $visibility >= 60 and $is_self )
				or ( $visibility >= 30 and $self->status_token_ok($status) )
			$status->{checked_in} = 0;
			$status->{arr_name}   = undef;
	if (    not $status->{checked_in}
		and $status->{arr_name}
		and not $user->{past_status} )
		$status->{arr_name} = undef;

	my @journeys;

	if (
		$user->{past_visibility_str} eq 'public'
		or ( $user->{past_visibility_str} eq 'travelynx'
			and ( $my_user or $is_self ) )
		or ( $user->{past_visibility_str} eq 'followers'
			and ( ( $relation and $relation eq 'follows' ) or $is_self ) )

		my %opt = (
			uid           => $user->{id},
			limit         => 10,
			with_datetime => 1

		if ( not $user->{past_all} ) {
			my $now = DateTime->now( time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' );
			$opt{before} = DateTime->now( time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' );
			$opt{after}  = $now->clone->subtract( weeks => 4 );

		if ($is_self) {
			$opt{min_visibility} = 'followers';
		elsif ($my_user) {
			if ( $relation and $relation eq 'follows' ) {
				$opt{min_visibility} = 'followers';
			else {
				$opt{min_visibility} = 'travelynx';
		else {
			$opt{min_visibility} = 'public';

		@journeys = $self->journeys->get(%opt);

		title            => "travelynx: $name",
		name             => $name,
		uid              => $user->{id},
		privacy          => $user,
		bio              => $profile->{bio}{html},
		metadata         => $profile->{metadata},
		is_self          => $is_self,
		following        => ( $relation and $relation eq 'follows' ) ? 1 : 0,
		follow_requested => ( $relation and $relation eq 'requests_follow' )
		? 1
		: 0,
		can_follow => ( $my_user and $user->{accept_follows} and not $relation )
		? 1
		: 0,
		can_request_follow =>
		  ( $my_user and $user->{accept_follow_requests} and not $relation )
		? 1
		: 0,
		follows_me => ( $inverse_relation and $inverse_relation eq 'follows' )
		? 1
		: 0,
		follow_reqs_me =>
		  ( $inverse_relation and $inverse_relation eq 'requests_follow' ) ? 1
		: 0,
		journey  => $status,
		journeys => [@journeys],

sub journey_details {
	my ($self)     = @_;
	my $name       = $self->stash('name');
	my $journey_id = $self->stash('id');
	my $user       = $self->users->get_privacy_by( name => $name );

	$self->param( journey_id => $journey_id );

	my $my_user;
	my $relation;
	my $inverse_relation;
	my $is_self;
	if ( $self->is_user_authenticated ) {
		$my_user = $self->current_user;
		if ( $my_user->{id} == $user->{id} ) {
			$is_self = 1;
			$my_user = undef;
		else {
			$relation = $self->users->get_relation(
				subject => $my_user->{id},
				object  => $user->{id}

	if ( not( $user and $journey_id and $journey_id =~ m{ ^ \d+ $ }x ) ) {
			status  => 404,
			error   => 'notfound',
			journey => {}

	my $journey = $self->journeys->get_single(
		uid             => $user->{id},
		journey_id      => $journey_id,
		verbose         => 1,
		with_datetime   => 1,
		with_polyline   => 1,
		with_visibility => 1,

	if ( not $journey ) {
			status  => 404,
			error   => 'notfound',
			journey => {}

	my $is_past;
	if ( not $user->{past_all} ) {
		my $now = DateTime->now( time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' );
		if ( $journey->{sched_dep_ts} < $now->subtract( weeks => 4 )->epoch ) {
			$is_past = 1;

	my $visibility = $journey->{effective_visibility};

	if (
		not(   ( $visibility == 100 and not $is_past )
			or ( $visibility >= 80 and $my_user  and not $is_past )
			or ( $visibility >= 60 and $relation and $relation eq 'follows' )
			or ( $visibility >= 60 and $is_self )
			or ( $visibility >= 30 and $self->journey_token_ok($journey) ) )
			status  => 404,
			error   => 'notfound',
			journey => {}

	my $title = sprintf( 'Fahrt von %s nach %s am %s',
		$journey->{from_name}, $journey->{to_name},
		$journey->{rt_arrival}->strftime('%d.%m.%Y') );
	my $delay = 'pünktlich ';
	if ( $journey->{rt_arrival} != $journey->{sched_arrival} ) {
		$delay = sprintf(
			'mit %+d ',
				  - $journey->{sched_arrival}->epoch
			) / 60
	my $description = sprintf( 'Ankunft mit %s %s %s',
		$journey->{type}, $journey->{no},
		$journey->{rt_arrival}->strftime('um %H:%M') );
	if ( $journey->{km_route} > 0.1 ) {
		$description = sprintf( '%.0f km mit %s %s – Ankunft %sum %s',
			$journey->{km_route}, $journey->{type}, $journey->{no},
			$delay, $journey->{rt_arrival}->strftime('%H:%M') );
	my %tw_data = (
		card  => 'summary',
		site  => '@derfnull',
		image => $self->url_for('/static/icons/icon-512x512.png')
		title       => $title,
		description => $description,
	my %og_data = (
		type        => 'article',
		image       => $tw_data{image},
		url         => $self->url_for->to_abs,
		site_name   => 'travelynx',
		title       => $title,
		description => $description,

	my $map_data = $self->journeys_to_map_data(
		journeys       => [$journey],
		include_manual => 1,
	if ( $journey->{user_data}{comment}
		and not $user->{comments_visible} )
		delete $journey->{user_data}{comment};
		title     => "travelynx: $title",
		error     => undef,
		journey   => $journey,
		with_map  => 1,
		username  => $name,
		readonly  => 1,
		twitter   => \%tw_data,
		opengraph => \%og_data,

sub user_status {
	my ($self) = @_;

	my $name = $self->stash('name');
	my $ts   = $self->stash('ts') // 0;
	my $user = $self->users->get_privacy_by( name => $name );

	if ( not $user ) {
		$self->render( 'not_found', status => 404 );

	my $my_user;
	my $relation;
	my $inverse_relation;
	my $is_self;
	if ( $self->is_user_authenticated ) {
		$my_user = $self->current_user;
		if ( $my_user->{id} == $user->{id} ) {
			$is_self = 1;
			$my_user = undef;
		else {
			$relation = $self->users->get_relation(
				subject => $my_user->{id},
				object  => $user->{id}

	my $status = $self->get_user_status( $user->{id} );

	if (
		and ( not $status->{checked_in}
			or $status->{sched_departure}->epoch != $ts )
		for my $journey (
				uid             => $user->{id},
				sched_dep_ts    => $ts,
				limit           => 1,
				with_visibility => 1,
			my $visibility = $journey->{effective_visibility};
			if (
				   $visibility == 100
				or ( $visibility >= 80 and $my_user )
				( $visibility >= 60 and $relation and $relation eq 'follows' )
				or ( $visibility >= 60 and $is_self )
				or (    $visibility >= 30
					and $self->journey_token_ok( $journey, $ts ) )
				my $token = $self->param('token') // q{};
			else {
				$self->render( 'not_found', status => 404 );
		$self->render( 'not_found', status => 404 );

	my %tw_data = (
		card  => 'summary',
		site  => '@derfnull',
		image => $self->url_for('/static/icons/icon-512x512.png')
	my %og_data = (
		type      => 'article',
		image     => $tw_data{image},
		url       => $self->url_for("/status/${name}")->to_abs->scheme('https'),
		site_name => 'travelynx',

	if ( $status->{checked_in} or $status->{arr_name} ) {
		my $visibility = $status->{effective_visibility};
		if (
				   $visibility == 100
				or ( $visibility >= 80 and $my_user )
				( $visibility >= 60 and $relation and $relation eq 'follows' )
				or ( $visibility >= 60 and $is_self )
				( $visibility >= 30 and $self->status_token_ok( $status, $ts ) )
			$status = {};
	if (    not $status->{checked_in}
		and $status->{arr_name}
		and not $user->{past_status} )
		$status = {};

	if ( $status->{checked_in} ) {
		$og_data{url} .= '/' . $status->{sched_departure}->epoch;
		$og_data{title}       = $tw_data{title}       = "${name} ist unterwegs";
		$og_data{description} = $tw_data{description} = sprintf(
			'%s %s von %s nach %s',
			$status->{train_type}, $status->{train_line} // $status->{train_no},
			$status->{dep_name},   $status->{arr_name}   // 'irgendwo'
		if ( $status->{real_arrival}->epoch ) {
			$tw_data{description} .= $status->{real_arrival}
			  ->strftime(' – Ankunft gegen %H:%M Uhr');
			$og_data{description} .= $status->{real_arrival}
			  ->strftime(' – Ankunft gegen %H:%M Uhr');
	else {
		$og_data{title} = $tw_data{title}
		  = "${name} ist gerade nicht eingecheckt";
		$og_data{description} = $tw_data{description} = q{};

		json => {
			json => {
				account => {
					name => $name,
				status => $self->get_user_status_json_v1(
					status  => $status,
					privacy => $user,
					public  => 1
				version => $self->app->config->{version} // 'UNKNOWN',
		any => {
			template  => 'user_status',
			name      => $name,
			title     => "travelynx: $tw_data{title}",
			privacy   => $user,
			journey   => $status,
			twitter   => \%tw_data,
			opengraph => \%og_data,
			version   => $self->app->config->{version} // 'UNKNOWN',

sub status_card {
	my ($self) = @_;

	my $name = $self->stash('name');
	$name =~ s{[.]html$}{};
	my $user = $self->users->get_privacy_by( name => $name );

	delete $self->stash->{layout};

	if ( not $user ) {
		$self->render( 'not_found', status => 404 );

	my $my_user;
	my $relation;
	my $inverse_relation;
	my $is_self;
	if ( $self->is_user_authenticated ) {
		$my_user = $self->current_user;
		if ( $my_user->{id} == $user->{id} ) {
			$is_self = 1;
			$my_user = undef;
		else {
			$relation = $self->users->get_relation(
				subject => $my_user->{id},
				object  => $user->{id}

	my $status = $self->get_user_status( $user->{id} );
	my $visibility;
	if ( $status->{checked_in} or $status->{arr_name} ) {
		my $visibility = $status->{effective_visibility};
		if (
				   $visibility == 100
				or ( $visibility >= 80 and $my_user )
				( $visibility >= 60 and $relation and $relation eq 'follows' )
				or ( $visibility >= 60 and $is_self )
				or ( $visibility >= 30 and $self->status_token_ok($status) )
			$status->{checked_in} = 0;
			$status->{arr_name}   = undef;
	if (    not $status->{checked_in}
		and $status->{arr_name}
		and not $user->{past_status} )
		$status->{arr_name} = undef;

		name         => $name,
		privacy      => $user,
		journey      => $status,
		from_profile => $self->param('profile') ? 1 : 0,

sub checked_in {
	my ($self) = @_;

	my $uid      = $self->current_user->{id};
	my @journeys = $self->in_transit->get_timeline(
		uid       => $uid,
		with_data => 1

	if ( $self->param('ajax') ) {
		delete $self->stash->{layout};
			journeys => [@journeys],
	else {
			journeys => [@journeys],
