#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.020;

use DateTime;
use DBI;

my $dbname = $ENV{TRAVELYNX_DB_FILE} // 'run/travelynx.sqlite';
my $dbh = DBI->connect( "dbi:SQLite:dbname=${dbname}", q{}, q{} );

my $get_unverified_query
  = $dbh->prepare(
qq{select email, registered_at from users where status = 0 and registered_at < ?;}
my $get_pending_query
  = $dbh->prepare(qq{select num_tries from pending_mails where email = ?;});
my $set_pending_query = $dbh->prepare(
	qq{update pending_mails set num_tries = ?, last_try = ? where email = ?;});
my $add_pending_query
  = $dbh->prepare(
	qq{insert into pending_mails (email, num_tries, last_try) values (?, ?, ?);}
my $drop_unverified_query = $dbh->prepare(
	qq{delete from users where status = 0 and registered_at < ?;});

my $now = DateTime->now( time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' );
my $verification_deadline = $now->subtract( hours => 48 )->epoch;

while ( my @row = $get_unverified_query->fetchrow_array ) {
	my ( $mail, $reg_date ) = @row;

	if ($mail) {
		my $rows = $get_pending_query->fetchall_arrayref;

		if ( @{$rows} ) {
			my $num_tries = $rows->[0][0];
			$set_pending_query->execute( $num_tries + 1, $reg_date, $mail );
		else {
			$add_pending_query->execute( $mail, 1, $reg_date );
printf( "Pruned %d unverified accounts from database\n",
	$drop_unverified_query->rows );
