#!/usr/bin/env perl # Copyright (C) 2020 Birthe Friesel <derf@finalrewind.org> # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT use Mojo::Base -strict; # Tests journey entry and statistics use Test::More; use Test::Mojo; # Include application use FindBin; require "$FindBin::Bin/../index.pl"; use DateTime; my $t = Test::Mojo->new('Travelynx'); if ( not $t->app->config->{db} ) { plan( skip_all => 'No database configured' ); } $t->app->pg->db->query('drop schema if exists travelynx_test_12 cascade'); $t->app->pg->db->query('create schema travelynx_test_12'); $t->app->pg->db->query('set search_path to travelynx_test_12'); $t->app->pg->on( connection => sub { my ( $pg, $dbh ) = @_; $dbh->do('set search_path to travelynx_test_12'); } ); $t->app->config->{mail}->{disabled} = 1; $t->app->start( 'database', 'migrate' ); my $csrf_token = $t->ua->get('/register')->res->dom->at('input[name=csrf_token]') ->attr('value'); # Successful registration $t->post_ok( '/register' => form => { csrf_token => $csrf_token, dt => 1, user => 'someone', email => 'foo@example.org', password => 'foofoofoo', password2 => 'foofoofoo', } ); $t->status_is(200)->content_like(qr{Verifizierungslink}); my $res = $t->app->pg->db->select( 'users', ['id'], { name => 'someone' } ); my $uid = $res->hash->{id}; $res = $t->app->pg->db->select( 'pending_registrations', ['token'], { user_id => $uid } ); my $token = $res->hash->{token}; # Successful verification $t->get_ok("/reg/${uid}/${token}"); $t->status_is(200)->content_like(qr{freigeschaltet}); # Successful login $t->post_ok( '/login' => form => { csrf_token => $csrf_token, user => 'someone', password => 'foofoofoo', } ); $t->status_is(302)->header_is( location => '/' ); $t->app->journeys->add( db => $t->app->pg->db, uid => $uid, dep_station => 'EMST', arr_station => 'EG', sched_departure => DateTime->new( year => 2018, month => 10, day => 16, hour => 17, minute => 36, time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' ), rt_departure => DateTime->new( year => 2018, month => 10, day => 16, hour => 17, minute => 36, time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' ), sched_arrival => DateTime->new( year => 2018, month => 10, day => 16, hour => 18, minute => 34, time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' ), rt_arrival => DateTime->new( year => 2018, month => 10, day => 16, hour => 18, minute => 34, time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' ), cancelled => 0, train_type => 'RE', train_line => '42', train_no => '11238', comment => 'Huhu' ); $t->get_ok('/journey/1')->status_is(200)->content_like(qr{M.nster\(Westf\)Hbf}) ->content_like(qr{Gelsenkirchen Hbf})->content_like(qr{RE 11238}) ->content_like(qr{Linie 42})->content_like(qr{..:36}) ->content_like(qr{..:34})->content_like(qr{ca[.] 62 km}) ->content_like(qr{Luftlinie: 62 km})->content_like(qr{64 km/h}) ->content_like(qr{Huhu})->content_like(qr{Daten wurden manuell eingetragen}); $t->post_ok( '/journey/edit' => form => { action => 'edit', journey_id => 1, } ); $t->status_is(200)->content_like(qr{M.nster\(Westf\)Hbf}) ->content_like(qr{Gelsenkirchen Hbf})->content_like(qr{RE 11238}) ->content_like(qr{Linie 42})->content_like(qr{16.10.2018 ..:36}) ->content_like(qr{16.10.2018 ..:34})->content_like(qr{Huhu}); $csrf_token = $t->tx->res->dom->at('input[name=csrf_token]')->attr('value'); $t->post_ok( '/journey/edit' => form => { action => 'save', journey_id => 1, csrf_token => $csrf_token, from_name => 'Münster(Westf)Hbf', to_name => 'Gelsenkirchen Hbf', sched_departure => '16.10.2018 17:36', rt_departure => '16.10.2018 17:36', sched_arrival => '16.10.2018 18:34', rt_arrival => '16.10.2018 18:34', } ); $t->status_is(302)->header_is( location => '/journey/1' ); $t->get_ok('/journey/1')->status_is(200)->content_like(qr{M.nster\(Westf\)Hbf}) ->content_like(qr{Gelsenkirchen Hbf})->content_like(qr{RE 11238}) ->content_like(qr{Linie 42})->content_like(qr{..:36}) ->content_like(qr{..:34})->content_like(qr{ca[.] 62 km}) ->content_like(qr{Luftlinie: 62 km})->content_like(qr{64 km/h}) ->content_like(qr{Huhu})->content_like(qr{Daten wurden manuell eingetragen}); $t->post_ok( '/journey/edit' => form => { action => 'edit', journey_id => 1, } ); $t->status_is(200)->content_like(qr{M.nster\(Westf\)Hbf}) ->content_like(qr{Gelsenkirchen Hbf})->content_like(qr{RE 11238}) ->content_like(qr{Linie 42})->content_like(qr{16.10.2018 ..:36}) ->content_like(qr{16.10.2018 ..:34})->content_like(qr{Huhu}); $csrf_token = $t->tx->res->dom->at('input[name=csrf_token]')->attr('value'); $t->post_ok( '/journey/edit' => form => { action => 'save', journey_id => 1, csrf_token => $csrf_token, from_name => 'Münster(Westf)Hbf', to_name => 'Gelsenkirchen Hbf', sched_departure => '16.10.2018 17:36', rt_departure => '16.10.2018 17:42', sched_arrival => '16.10.2018 18:34', rt_arrival => '16.10.2018 18:33', } ); $t->status_is(302)->header_is( location => '/journey/1' ); $t->get_ok('/journey/1')->status_is(200)->content_like(qr{M.nster\(Westf\)Hbf}) ->content_like(qr{Gelsenkirchen Hbf})->content_like(qr{RE 11238}) ->content_like(qr{Linie 42}) ->content_like(qr{..:42\s*\(\+6,\s*Plan: ..:36\)}) ->content_like(qr{..:33\s*\(-1,\s*Plan: ..:34\)}) ->content_like(qr{ca[.] 62 km})->content_like(qr{Luftlinie: 62 km}) ->content_like(qr{73 km/h})->content_like(qr{Huhu}) ->content_like(qr{Daten wurden manuell eingetragen}); $t->app->pg->db->query('drop schema travelynx_test_12 cascade'); done_testing();