<ul class="collection departures"> % my $orientation_bar_shown = param('train'); % my $now_epoch = now->epoch; % for my $result (@{$results}) { % my $row_class = ''; % my $link_class = 'action-checkin'; % if ($result->is_cancelled) { % $row_class = "cancelled"; % $link_class = 'action-cancelled-from'; % } % if (not $orientation_bar_shown and $result->datetime->epoch < $now_epoch) { % $orientation_bar_shown = 1; <li class="collection-item" id="now"> <strong class="dep-time"> %= now->strftime('%H:%M') </strong> <strong>— Anfragezeitpunkt —</strong> </li> % } <li class="collection-item <%= $link_class %> <%= $row_class %>" data-station="<%= $result->station_eva %>" data-train="<%= $result->id %>" data-ts="<%= ($result->sched_datetime // $result->datetime)->epoch %>" > <a class="dep-time" href="#"> %= $result->datetime->strftime('%H:%M') % if ($result->delay) { (<%= sprintf('%+d', $result->delay) %>) % } % elsif (not defined $result->delay and not $result->is_cancelled) { <i class="material-icons" aria-label="Keine Echtzeitdaten vorhanden" style="font-size: 16px;">gps_off</i> % } </a> <span class="dep-line <%= (split(/ /, $result->line))[0] %>"> %= $result->line </span> <span class="dep-dest"> % if ($result->is_cancelled) { Fahrt nach <%= $result->destination %> entfällt % } % else { %= $result->destination % for my $checkin (@{$checkin_by_train->{$result->id} // []}) { <span class="followee-checkin"> <i class="material-icons tiny" aria-label="Eine Person, der du folgst, ist hier eingecheckt">people</i> <%= $checkin->{followee_name} %> → <%= $checkin->{arr_name} // '???' %> </span> % } % } </span> </li> % } </ul>