% if ($error) {

Zugfahrt nicht gefunden.

% } % else {

% if (my $name = stash('username')) { <%= $name %>s % } % if ($journey->{cancelled}) { Ausgefallene Fahrt % } % else { Fahrt % } % if ($journey->{edited} & 0x0020) { ∗ % } von <%= $journey->{from_name} %> % if ($journey->{edited} & 0x0004) { ∗ % } nach <%= $journey->{to_name} %> % if ($journey->{edited} & 0x0400) { ∗ % } am <%= $journey->{sched_departure}->strftime('%d.%m.%Y') %>

% if ($journey->{edited}) {

∗ Daten wurden manuell eingetragen

% } % if ($journey->{cancelled} or ($journey->{rt_arrival} and ($journey->{rt_arrival}->epoch - $journey->{sched_arrival}->epoch) >= 3600)) {
% my $form_target = sprintf('/journey/passenger_rights/FGR %s %s %s.pdf', $journey->{sched_departure}->ymd, $journey->{type}, $journey->{no}); %= form_for $form_target => (method => 'POST') => begin %= csrf_field %= hidden_field id => $journey->{id} %= end
% } % if ($journey->{messages} and @{$journey->{messages}}) { % } % if ($journey->{user_data} and $journey->{user_data}{comment}) { % } % if ($journey->{user_data} and $journey->{user_data}{wagongroups} and not exists $journey->{user_data}{wagons}) { % } % elsif ($journey->{user_data} and $journey->{user_data}{wagons}) { % }
Zug <%= $journey->{type} %> <%= $journey->{no} %> % if ($journey->{line}) { (Linie <%= $journey->{line} %>) % }
Abfahrt % if ($journey->{cancelled}) { cancel (Plan: <%= $journey->{sched_departure}->strftime('%H:%M'); %>) % } % elsif ($journey->{rt_departure} != $journey->{sched_departure}) { %= $journey->{rt_departure}->strftime('%H:%M'); (<%= sprintf('%+d', ($journey->{rt_departure}->epoch - $journey->{sched_departure}->epoch) / 60) %>, Plan: <%= $journey->{sched_departure}->strftime('%H:%M'); %>) % } % else { %= $journey->{sched_departure}->strftime('%H:%M'); % } % if ($journey->{edited} & 0x0003) { ∗ % }
Ankunft % if ($journey->{cancelled}) { cancel % if ($journey->{sched_arrival}->epoch != 0) { (Plan: <%= $journey->{sched_arrival}->strftime('%H:%M'); %>) % } % } % elsif ($journey->{rt_arrival}->epoch == 0 and $journey->{sched_arrival}->epoch == 0) { timer_off % } % elsif ($journey->{rt_arrival} != $journey->{sched_arrival}) { %= $journey->{rt_arrival}->strftime('%H:%M'); (<%= sprintf('%+d', ($journey->{rt_arrival}->epoch - $journey->{sched_arrival}->epoch) / 60) %>, Plan: <%= $journey->{sched_arrival}->strftime('%H:%M'); %>) % } % else { %= $journey->{sched_arrival}->strftime('%H:%M'); % } % if ($journey->{edited} & 0x0300) { ∗ % }
Entfernung % if ($journey->{skip_route}) { location_off <%= numify_skipped_stations($journey->{skip_route}) %>
% } % if ($journey->{km_route} > 0.1) { ca. <%= sprintf('%.f', $journey->{km_route}) %> km (Luftlinie: <%= sprintf('%.f', $journey->{km_beeline}) %> km) % } % else { ? % } % if ($journey->{edited} & 0x0010) { ∗ % }
Geschwindigkeit % if ($journey->{skip_route}) { location_off <%= numify_skipped_stations($journey->{skip_route}) %>
% } % if ($journey->{km_route} > 0.1 and $journey->{kmh_route} > 0.01) { ∅ <%= sprintf('%.f', $journey->{kmh_route}) %> km/h (<%= sprintf('%.f', $journey->{kmh_beeline}) %> km/h) % if ($journey->{edited} & 0x0303) { ∗ % } % } % else { ? % }
Meldungen % for my $message (@{$journey->{messages} // []}) { % my ($ts, $msg) = @{$message}; <%= $ts->strftime('%d.%m.%Y %H:%M') %> : <%= $msg %>
% }
Kommentar <%= $journey->{user_data}{comment} %>
Rollmaterial %= include '_wagons', wagongroups => $journey->{user_data}{wagongroups};
Rollmaterial % for my $wagongroup (@{$journey->{user_data}{wagongroups} // []}) { Wagenverbund <%= $wagongroup %>
% } % for my $wagon (@{$journey->{user_data}{wagons}}) { <%= substr($wagon->{id}, 0, 2) %><%= substr($wagon->{id}, 2, 2) %><%= substr($wagon->{id}, 4, 1) %><%= substr($wagon->{id}, 5, 3) %><%= substr($wagon->{id}, 8, 3) %><%= substr($wagon->{id}, 11) %> %= $wagon->{type} % if ($wagon->{number}) { – Wagen <%= $wagon->{number} %> % }
% }
Route % my $within = 0; % my $at_startstop = 0; % for my $station (@{$journey->{route}}) { % if ($station->[0] eq $journey->{from_name}) { % $within = 1; $at_startstop = 1; % } % elsif ($station->[0] eq $journey->{to_name}) { % $within = 0; $at_startstop = 1; % } % else { % $at_startstop = 0; % } % if ($at_startstop or $within) { <%= $station->[0] %> % } % else { <%= $station->[0] %> % } % if ($journey->{edited} & 0x0010) { ∗ % }
% }
% if (stash('polyline_groups')) { %= include '_map', station_coordinates => stash('station_coordinates'), polyline_groups => stash('polyline_groups') % } % if (not stash('readonly')) {
delete_forever Löschen
%= form_for '/journey/edit' => (method => 'POST') => begin %= hidden_field 'journey_id' => param('journey_id') %= end
%= form_for '/journey/edit' => (method => 'POST') => begin %= hidden_field 'journey_id' => param('journey_id') %= end
% } % }