#!/usr/bin/env perl use Mojolicious::Lite; use Cache::File; use DateTime; use DateTime::Format::DateParse; use App::VRR::Fakedisplay; use Travel::Status::DE::VRR; our $VERSION = '0.00'; sub get_results_for { my ($city, $stop) = @_; my $cache = Cache::File->new( cache_root => '/tmp/vrr-fake', default_expires => '900 sec', ); my $results = $cache->thaw("${city} _ ${stop}"); if ( not $results ) { my $status = Travel::Status::DE::VRR->new(place => $city, name => $stop); $results = [ [$status->results], $status->errstr ]; $cache->freeze( "${city} _ ${stop}", $results ); } return @{$results}; } sub handle_request { my $self = shift; my $city = $self->stash('city'); my $stop = $self->stash('stop'); $self->stash( title => 'vrr-fakedisplay' ); $self->stash( version => $VERSION ); $self->render( 'main', city => $city, stop => $stop, version => $VERSION, title => "departures for ${city} ${stop}", ); } sub render_image { my $self = shift; my $city = $self->stash('city'); my $stop = $self->stash('stop'); my $dt_now = DateTime->now(time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin'); $self->res->headers->content_type('image/png'); my ($results, $errstr) = get_results_for($city, $stop); my $png = App::VRR::Fakedisplay->new(width => 180, height => 50); for my $d (@{$results}) { my $line = $d->line; my $platform = (split(qr{ }, $d->platform))[-1]; my $destination = $d->destination; my $time = $d->time; my $etr; my $dt_dep = DateTime::Format::DateParse->parse_datetime($time, 'floating'); my $dt; if ($time =~ m{ ^ \d\d? : \d\d $ }x) { $dt = DateTime->new( year => $dt_now->year, month => $dt_now->month, day => $dt_now->day, hour => $dt_dep->hour, minute => $dt_dep->minute, second => $dt_dep->second, time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin', ); } else { $dt = $dt_dep; } my $duration = $dt->subtract_datetime($dt_now); if ($duration->is_negative) { next; } elsif ($duration->in_units('minutes') == 0) { $etr = 'sofort'; } elsif ($duration->in_units('hours') == 0) { $etr = sprintf( ' %2dmin', $duration->in_units('minutes'), ); } else { last; } $destination =~ s{ $city \s }{}ix; $png->draw_at(0, $line); $png->draw_at(25, $destination); $png->draw_at(145, $etr); $png->new_line(); } $self->render(data => $png->png); } get '/_redirect' => sub { my $self = shift; my $city = $self->param('city'); my $stop = $self->param('stop'); $self->redirect_to("/${city}/${stop}"); }; get '/' => \&handle_request; get '/:city/:stop.png' => \&render_image; get '/:city/:stop' => \&handle_request; app->start(); __DATA__ @@ main.html.ep
DB-Fakedisplay displays the next departures at a DB station, just like the big LC display in the station itself.
% }
Error: <%= $error %>
Station name: <%= text_field 'city' %> <%= text_field 'stop' %> <%= submit_button 'Display' %>
<% end %>