<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title><%= $title %></title> <meta charset="utf-8"> % if ($self->stash('refresh_interval')) { <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="<%= $self->stash('refresh_interval') %>"/> % } %= stylesheet '/infoscreen.css' %= javascript '/jquery-2.1.1.min.js' %= javascript '/collapse.js' </head> <body> % if (my $error = stash 'error') { <div class="error">Received an error from the backend service:</div> <div> <pre> %= $error </pre> </div> % } <div class="displayclean"> <ul> % for my $departure (@{$raw}) { % my $linetype = q{}; % if ($departure->can('type')) { % given ($departure->type) { % when ($_ =~ m{ (?: enbahn $ ) | Tram | STR }ix) { $linetype = 'tram' } % when ('S-Bahn') { $linetype = 'sbahn' } % when ([qw[NE Niederflurbus SB Bus]]) { $linetype = 'bus' } % when ('U-Bahn') { $linetype = 'ubahn' } % } % } <li> <span class="line <%= $linetype %>"> %= $departure->line </span> <!-- line --> <span class="moreinfo"> <div class="mheader"> <span class="train-line"><%= $departure->line %></span> : <span class="train-route"> % if ($departure->can('lineref') and $departure->lineref) { %= $departure->lineref->route % } % else { %= $departure->destination % } </span> <!-- train-route --> </div> <!-- mheader --> % if ($departure->isa('Travel::Status::DE::EFA::Result')) { Fahrplan: <table class="scheduled"> % for my $stop ($departure->route_pre) { <tr class="routepre"><td class="time"> % if (not defined $stop->arr_time) { <%= $stop->dep_time %> % } % elsif (not defined $stop->dep_time) { <%= $stop->arr_time %> % } % elsif ( $stop->arr_time eq $stop->dep_time ) { <%= $stop->dep_time %> % } % else { <%= $stop->arr_time %> → <%= $stop->dep_time %> % } </td> <td class="stop"><%= $stop->name %></td></tr> % } <tr class="routenow"><td class="time"> % if ($departure->can('sched_time')) { <%= $departure->sched_time %> % } % else { <%= $departure->time %> % } </td> <td class="stop"><%= $id_name %> <%= $id_stop %></td></tr> % for my $stop ($departure->route_post) { <tr class="routepost"><td class="time"> % if (not defined $stop->arr_time) { <%= $stop->dep_time %> % } % elsif (not defined $stop->dep_time) { <%= $stop->arr_time %> % } % elsif ( $stop->arr_time eq $stop->dep_time ) { <%= $stop->dep_time %> % } % else { <%= $stop->arr_time %> → <%= $stop->dep_time %> % } </td> <td class="stop"><%= $stop->name %></td></tr> % } </table> % } % elsif ($departure->isa('Travel::Status::DE::URA::Result')) { Fahrplan: <table class="scheduled"> % for my $stop ($departure->route_pre) { <tr class="routepre"><td class="time"> %= $stop->[0]->strftime('%H:%M:%S') </td> <td class="stop"><%= $stop->[1] %></td></tr> % } <tr class="routenow"><td class="time"> <%= $departure->time %> </td> <td class="stop"><%= $id_name %> <%= $id_stop %></td></tr> % for my $stop ($departure->route_post) { <tr class="routepost"><td class="time"> %= $stop->[0]->strftime('%H:%M:%S') </td> <td class="stop"><%= $stop->[1] %></td></tr> % } </table> % } </span> <!-- moreinfo --> <span class="route"> % if ($departure->can('route_interesting') and $departure->route_interesting) { %= join(' - ', map { ref($_) ? $_->name_suf : $_ } ($departure->route_interesting)); % } % elsif ($departure->can('lineref') and $departure->lineref) { %= $departure->lineref->route % } </span> <!-- route --> <span class="dest"> %= $departure->destination </span> <!-- dest --> <span class="countdown"> % if ($departure->can('delay') and $departure->delay) { <span class="delay"> (+<%= $departure->delay %>) </span> % } % if ($departure->can('is_cancelled') and $departure->is_cancelled) { <span class="delay"> FÄLLT AUS </span> % } % else { % if ($departure->can('countdown')) { % if ($departure->countdown > 0) { <%= $departure->countdown %> min % } % else { sofort % } % } % } </span> <!-- countdown --> <span class="time"> %= $departure->time </span> </li> % } </ul> </div> </body> </html>