<!DOCTYPE html>
	<title><%= $title %></title>
	<meta charset="utf-8">
	%= stylesheet '/main.css'
	%= javascript '/jquery-2.1.1.min.js'
	%= javascript '/image.js'

% if ($city and $stop) {
% if ($errstr) {
<div class="error">Received an error from the backend service:</div>
%= $errstr
% }
% elsif ($frontend eq 'png') {
<img src="/<%= $city %>/<%= $stop %>.png?<%= $params %>" alt=""
id="display" height="<%= $height * 4 %>" width="<%= $width * 4 %>"/>
% }
% elsif ($frontend eq 'html') {
<iframe src="/<%= $city %>/<%= $stop %>.html?<%= $params %>" id="display"
height="<%= $height * 5 %>" width="<%= $width * 5 %>"></iframe>
% }
% elsif ($frontend eq 'infoscreen') {
<a href="/<%= $city %>/<%= $stop %>.html?<%= $params %>&amp;template=infoscreen">Infoscreen for
<%= $city %> <%= $stop %></a>
<iframe src="/<%= $city %>/<%= $stop %>.html?<%= $params %>&amp;template=infoscreen" id="display"
height="<%= $height * 5 %>" width="<%= $width * 5 %>"></iframe>
% }
% elsif ($frontend eq 'json') {
<a href="/<%= $city %>/<%= $stop %>.json?<%= $params %>">JSON data for
<%= $city %> <%= $stop %></a>
Data is cached for 1 minute: JSON format:
<li>error: err string if an error occured, otherwise null</li>
<li>preformatted: strings used by the PNG / HTML frontend</li>
% if (param('backend') and param('backend') eq 'db') {
<a href="http://finalrewind.org/projects/Travel-Status-DE-DeutscheBahn/">
Travel::Status::DE::DeutscheBahn</a>-objects, see the
<a href="http://man.finalrewind.org/3/Travel-Status-DE-DeutscheBahn-Result/">::Result</a>
% }
% else {
<a href="http://finalrewind.org/projects/Travel-Status-DE-VRR/">
Travel::Status::DE::VRR</a>-objects, see the
<a href="http://man.finalrewind.org/3/Travel-Status-DE-VRR-Result/">::Result</a>
<a href="http://man.finalrewind.org/3/Travel-Status-DE-VRR-Line/">::Line</a>
% }
<li>version: Program version (string, not numeric)</li>
% }
% } # ($city and $stop)
% else {

VRR-Fakedisplay shows the next departures at a public transit stop, just like
the Lumino LED displays used at some stops.

It works best for the VRR (Verkehrsverbund Rhein-Ruhr), but also supports most
other German transit networks.

% }

<div class="input-field">

% if (my $error = stash 'error') {
  Error: <%= $error %><br/>
% }

%= form_for _redirect => begin
  <div class="field">
    <div class="desc">City &rarr; Stop</div>
      %= text_field 'city'
      %= text_field 'stop'
      %= submit_button 'Display'
  <div class="break"></div>
  <span class="optional">optional:</span>
  <div class="field">
    <div class="desc" title="number of lines">
      display height [1..10]</div>
      %= text_field 'no_lines'
  <div class="field">
    <div class="desc">min. offset [minutes]</div>
    %= text_field 'offset'
  <div class="field">
    <div class="desc" title="comma-separated list, example: NE,U,10">
      match line prefixes¹</div>
      %= text_field 'line'
  <div class="field">
    <div class="desc" title="comma-separated list. Buggy.">match platform¹</div>
      %= text_field 'platform'
  <div class="field">
    <div class="desc">backend</div>
      %= select_field backend => [['EFA / VRR' => 'vrr'], ['DB (HAFAS)' => 'db'], ['ASEAG (URA)' => 'aseag']]
  <div class="field">
    <div class="desc">frontend</div>
      %= select_field frontend => [['Image (PNG)' => 'png'], ['HTML' => 'html'], ['Infoscreen' => 'infoscreen'], ['JSON' => 'json']]
% end

<b>¹</b> separate values with commas, e.g. NE,U,10
</div> <!-- input-field -->

<div class="notes">
<span class="notes">notes:</span>
<li>The EFA backend does not support Umlauts</li>
<li>For D&uuml;sseldorf, the DB backend usually gives better results</li>
<li>If you write the city correctly (like "Essen", not "essen"), vrr-fake can
shorten destination names</li>
<li><a href="/Essen/Martinstr?no_lines=8">Example</a>
</div> <!-- notes -->

<div class="about">
<a href="http://finalrewind.org/projects/vrr-fakedisplay/">vrr-fakedisplay</a>
v<%= $version %>
