Various tools related to the Wii Remote / Wii Balance Board. ## bal Displays Balance Board weight data, mostly for debug purposes. Usage: ./bal ## mpcal Calibrates the Motion Plus and outputs the calibration data. Usage: ./mpcal (the program will then tell you to put the wiimote onto a flat surface) ## mplog Logs Motion Plus data to stdout, in the format seconds.nanoseconds pitch roll yaw Where Pitch, Roll and Yaw are the raw 16-bit values. Usage: ./mplog **>** *filename* See also: * ## neverball Experimental patch to control neverball with the balance board. See also: * ## wibble Wiimote Blinkenlights. Press D-Pad up to toggle modes, Home to quit. Usage: ./wibble ## wiiplay Wrapper around `wiispkr`. Plays any mp3/ogg/wav audia file on the wiimote speaker. Requires: `mpg321` / `oggdec` and `sox`. Also, `wiispkr` must be in the current working directory. Usage: ./wiiplay *btaddr* *file* [*volume*] Accepted volumes are 0 .. 255, the default is 64. ## wiiplay-mpd Outputs music played on a local MPD on the Wiimote speaker. Requires `wiispkr` in the current working directory and `sox` in $PATH. Usage: ./wiiplay-mpd *btaddr* [*volume*] If the MPD does not have a suitable FIFO output, wiiplay-mpd will output a suitable configuration snippet. ## wiispkr Plays an 8bit 2kHz signed PCM file on the wiimote speaker. You can create one using e.g. `sox --norm /tmp/in.wav -b 8 /tmp/out.raw channels 1 rate 2000` Usage: ./wiispkr *btaddr* [*volume*] **<** *file*