From c7927ea61730bd6d8a283078d89dffdca08535cd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Daniel Friesel Date: Thu, 12 Nov 2009 22:02:20 +0100 Subject: Merge stuff into .zshrc --- etc/rc | 579 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-- 1 file changed, 561 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-) (limited to 'etc/rc') diff --git a/etc/rc b/etc/rc index 84ffd04..4a2207d 100644 --- a/etc/rc +++ b/etc/rc @@ -1,24 +1,567 @@ -## vim:ft=zsh +## vim:ft=zsh:foldmethod=marker ## Copyright (c) 2008, 2009 by Daniel Friesel -## Unless otherwise noted, this Licence applies to all files sourced here: +## Licence: ## 0. You just DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO. ## ## ## see also: -source $ZDIR/osdetect -source $ZDIR/rc_status -source $ZDIR/options -source $ZDIR/parameters -source $ZDIR/mime-setup -source $ZDIR/ls-colors -source $ZDIR/function -source $ZDIR/zle -source $ZDIR/prompt -source $ZDIR/directories -source $ZDIR/keys -source $ZDIR/alias -source $ZDIR/misc -source $ZDIR/include -source $ZDIR/completion -source $ZDIR/cleanup +# {{{ OS Detection +system=${$(uname):l} + +alias 'linux:'='[[ $system == linux ]] &&' +alias 'openbsd:'='[[ $system == openbsd ]] &&' + +if [[ $system == linux ]] { + [[ -f /etc/debian_version ]] && distro=debian + [[ -f /etc/gentoo-release ]] && distro=gentoo + [[ -f /etc/arch-release ]] && distro=arch + [[ -f /etc/redhat-release ]] && distro=redhat +} +# }}} + +# {{{ Functions for startup status +function zrc_status { + echo -n "\r\e[2K\e[0;36m䷢\e[0m $*" +} + +function zrc_info { + echo "\e[0;36mℹ\e[0m $*" +} +# }}} + +# {{{ Options +## Directory changing +# Automatically use 'pushd' when cd'ing into a directory +# so I can use popd or 'cd -1' to get back where I came from. +# And don't print the stack everytime using popd. +setopt auto_pushd pushd_ignore_dups pushd_minus pushd_silent +setopt auto_cd + +## Prompt +setopt transient_rprompt + +## Completion +setopt list_packed + +## Expansion / Globbing +setopt extended_glob + +## History +unsetopt bang_hist + +## Input/Output +setopt correct +# greedy is more like dvorak than qwerty... +setopt dvorak +unsetopt flow_control +setopt rc_quotes + +## ZLE +unsetopt beep +# }}} + +# {{{ Shell parameters +## parameters which are only important for interactive shells. +## For application-related parameters, see zshenv + +# zsh cache directory +if [[ -d ~/var/cache/zsh ]] { + ZCACHEDIR=~/var/cache/zsh +} else { + zrc_info "~/var/cache/zsh does not exist, using ~/.zsh-cache instead" + mkdir -p ~/.zsh-cache + ZCACHEDIR=~/.zsh-cache +} + +# There's no point in having more history than what can be saved on disk +HISTFILE=$ZCACHEDIR/history +HISTSIZE=50000 +SAVEHIST=$HISTSIZE + +# how many entries to keep for popd +DIRSTACKSIZE=20 + +# Use the full terminal size for listings +LISTMAX=0 + +# be accurate +TIMEFMT='%J (%P) - %*E real, %*U user, %*S system' + +# completion cache for compinit +compdump=$ZCACHEDIR/compdump + +if ((EUID)) { + path+=(/sbin /usr/sbin /usr/local/sbin) +} + +export MAKEFLAGS=j$(grep -c '^processor' /proc/cpuinfo) + +# Add my own executables, if they're not already in the path +[[ $path[1] = $HOME/bin ]] || export PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH + +# Add manuals from caretaker to manpath +which manpath &> /dev/null && [[ -z $MANPATH ]] && export MANPATH=$(manpath):$HOME/packages/.collected/man + +openbsd: export PKG_PATH="`uname -r`/packages/`machine -a`/:`uname -r`/packages/`machine -a`/" +# }}} + +# {{{ MIME parameters +mime_archive=( + 7z ace arj bz bz2 cpio deb dz gz jar lzh lzma rar rpm rz svgz + tar taz tbz2 tgz tz z Z zip zoo +) +mime_audio=( + aif aifc aiff amr amr au awb awb axa flac gsm kar m3u m3u m4a mid midi + mp2 mp3 mpega mpga oga ogg pls ra ra ram rm sd2 sid snd spx wav wax wma +) +mime_document=(pdf ps) +mime_image=( + art bmp cdr cdt cpt cr2 crw djv djvu erf gif ico ief jng jpe jpeg jpg nef orf + pat pbm pcx pgm png pnm ppm psd ras rgb svg svgz tif tiff wbmp xbm xpm xwd +) +mime_video=( + 3gp asf asx avi axv dif divx dl dv fli flv gl lsf lsx m2t mkv mng mov + movie mp4 mpe mpeg mpg mpv mxu ogm ogv qt rmvb wm wmv wmx wvx +) +# }}} + +# {{{ ls-colors (partially based on MIME) +# default:file :dirctory: link : pipe : socket +LS_COLORS="no=00:fi=00:di=01;37:ln=01;36:pi=40;33:so=01;35" + +# door : block dev : char dev :broken link: setuid +LS_COLORS+=":do=01;35:bd=40;33;01:cd=40;33;01:or=40;31;01:su=37;41" + +# setgid : +t,o+w : o+w : sticky : executable +LS_COLORS+=":sg=30;43:tw=30;42:ow=34;42:st=37;44:ex=01;32" + +LS_COLORS+=:${(j/:/):-"*."${^mime_archive}"=04;31"} +LS_COLORS+=:${(j/:/):-"*."${^mime_audio}"=04;36"} +LS_COLORS+=:${(j/:/):-"*."${^mime_document}"=04"} +LS_COLORS+=:${(j/:/):-"*."${^mime_image}"=04;33"} +LS_COLORS+=:${(j/:/):-"*."${^mime_video}"=04;32"} + +export LS_COLORS +# }}} + +# {{{ Functions +zrc_status functions + +# zsh functions +autoload -U compinit +autoload zargs + +# own functions +autoload $ZDIR/functions/*(:t) + +function Status Start Stop Restart Reload { + typeset script sudo + if ((EUID)) { + sudo=sudo + } + for script in $*; { + $sudo /etc/init.d/$script ${0:l} + } +} +# }}} + +# {{{ ZLE +autoload -U url-quote-magic +zle -N self-insert url-quote-magic + +autoload predict-on +zle -N predict-on +zle -N predict-off +zstyle ':predict' verbose true +# }}} + +# {{{ Prompt +# RPS1 is on the right side of the terminal +# The \ek\e\\ is for screen's 'shelltitle' + +# psvar[1] = directory info +# psvar[2] = rtab (current directory) + +typeset -A ps rps + +ps=( + host "%F{yellow}%m" + dir "%F{default}%30<…<%2v%>>" + sign "%(!.%F{red}.%F{green})%(?.%(!.#.>).%?)%F{default}" + screen $'%{\ek\e\\%}' +) + +rps=( + start_always "%F{yellow}[" + start_screen "%(1V.%F{yellow}[" + dirinfo "%F{default}%1v" + time '%T' + end_always "%F{yellow}]%F{default}" + end_screen "%(1V.%F{yellow}]%F{default}.)" +) + +PS1="${ps[host]} ${ps[dir]} ${ps[sign]} ${ps[screen]}" + +if [[ $TERM == screen ]] { + RPS1="${rps[start_screen]}${rps[dirinfo]}${rps[end_screen]}" +} else { + RPS1="${rps[start_always]}${rps[dirinfo]}${rps[time]}${rps[end_always]}" +} + +unset ps rps + +zstyle ':prompt:rtab' fish yes +zstyle ':prompt:rtab' nameddirs yes +# }}} + +# {{{ Named directories +hash -d vcs=~/var/svn +xhashd lyrics=~vcs/lyrics +xhashd www=/var/www +xhashd web=~/public_html +# }}} + +# {{{ Keys +bindkey -e +[[ -z $terminfo[kdch1] ]] || bindkey -M emacs $terminfo[kdch1] delete-char +[[ -z $terminfo[khome] ]] || bindkey -M emacs $terminfo[khome] beginning-of-line +[[ -z $terminfo[kend] ]] || bindkey -M emacs $terminfo[kend] end-of-line +bindkey '^Z' predict-on +bindkey '^X^Z' predict-off +# }}} + +# {{{ Aliases +zrc_status aliases + +# {{{ Suffix +typeset -A alias_apps +alias_apps=( + archive extract + audio mplayer + document kpdf + image feh + video mplayer +) + +for meta in ${parameters[(I)mime_*]#mime_}; { + for format in $(eval echo "$"mime_$meta); { + alias -s $format=$alias_apps[$meta] + } +} + +unset filetypes meta format alias_apps +# }}} +# {{{ Font +# Shamelessly stolen from;a=summary + +alias font-tiny='echo -en "\033]50;-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--8-80-75-75-c-50-iso10646-1\007"' +alias font-small='echo -en "\033]50;6x10\007"' +alias font-default='echo -e "\033]50;-misc-fixed-medium-r-semicondensed--13-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-1\007"' +alias font-medium='echo -en "\033]50;-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--13-120-75-75-c-80-iso10646-1\007"' +alias font-large='echo -en "\033]50;-misc-fixed-medium-*-*-*-15-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-1\007"' +alias font-larger='echo -en "\033]50;-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--18-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-1\007"' +alias font-huge='echo -en "\033]50;-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--20-200-75-75-c-100-iso10646-1\007"' +# }}} +# {{{ Defaults +# evade them with '=foo' instead of 'foo' +## grep +linux: { + alias egrep='grep -E --color=auto' + alias fgrep='grep -F --color=auto' + alias grep='grep --color=auto' +} + + +## file and filesystem information +# human-readable sizes, local filesystems only +linux: alias df='df -hl --exclude-type=fuse.encfs' || + alias df='df -hl' + +# human-readable sizes, summarize, dereference args +linux: alias du='du -shD' || + alias du='du -shH' + +# human-readable sizes, mark executables with '*' etc. +linux: alias ls='ls -h --color=auto' || + alias ls='ls -Fh' + +## enable alias expansion +alias exec='exec ' +alias sudo='sudo ' + +## networking +alias mx='mx -aZ' + +# Only TCP/TCP6, not sockets and such +linux: salias netstat='netstat --program --all --tcp --extend' || + salias netstat='netstat -atp tcp' + + +# less frequent updates when running ncdu via ssh +[[ -n $SSH_CONNECTION ]] && check_com -c ncdu && alias ncdu='ncdu -q' + +alias bc='bc -l' + +alias cal='cal -m' +alias fbi='fbi -readahead' + +# I keep accidently overwriting files +alias cp='cp -i' +alias mv='mv -i' + +# no atime +alias pmount='pmount -A' + +# find does globbing itself +alias find='noglob find' + +# Show all available manuals (all sections) +alias man='man -a' + +# BSD style +alias ps='ps -F' + +# use unicode, reattach anyway, resize if neccessary +alias screen='tscreen -ADRUa' + +alias tilp='kdesudo "tilp --calc=ti84+ --cable=DirectLink"' + +# Don't collapse trees +alias todo='noglob todo -f +children' +# }}} +# {{{ Global +# global aliases are slightly evil, but (usually) not messy +alias -g EG='|egrep' +alias -g FG='|fgrep' +alias -g G='|grep' +alias -g H='|head' +alias -g L='|less' +alias -g T='|tail' +# }}} +# {{{ Loop me +alias allf='for i in *(.);' +alias alld='for i in *(/);' +alias alle='for i in *(*);' +alias alll='for i in *(@);' +alias all='for i in *;' + +alias allfr='for i in **/*(.);' +alias alldr='for i in **/*(/);' +alias aller='for i in **/*(*);' +alias alllr='for i in **/*(@);' +alias allr='for i in **/*;' +# }}} +# {{{ Short (similar to default options) +alias dua='du --apparent-size' + +alias lasth='last | head -$((LINES-1))' + +## fbi +alias fbif='fbi -a' +alias fbij='fbi -a -u' + +for i in ~/var/gtd/*(.N); { + alias gtd-${i:t}='todo --database '$i +} + +# File listings +alias lsi='feh --list' +alias lst='tar tvf' +alias lsz='unzip -l' + +alias nb='newsbeuter' +alias nbr='newsbeuter -r' + +alias rd='rmdir' + +alias rsync-serve="rsync --daemon --port=10873 --no-detach --config=/dev/stdin --log-file=/dev/stdout -v <<< $'[.]\n\tpath = .\n\tuse chroot = no'" + +## Suspend +salias s2d='s2disk' +salias s2r='s2ram -f' + +## Getränke +alias mate='decrement ~/stuff/$(cat ~/var/tmp/.actual-location)/mateguthaben' + +alias x='unsetopt bg_nice; startx &! exit' +# }}} + +if [[ $distro == debian ]] { #{{{ + # Search the packages list + alias acse='apt-cache search' + alias afse='apt-file search' + alias apse='aptitude search' + + # Show package information + alias acp='apt-cache policy' + alias acsh='apt-cache show' + alias afsh='apt-file show' + alias apsh='aptitude show' + alias dps='dpkg --status' + + # Update packages list + salias agu='apt-get update' + salias apu='aptitude update' + + # Update packages + salias ags='apt-get upgrade' + salias agf='apt-get dist-upgrade' + salias aps='aptitude safe-upgrade' + salias apf='aptitude full-upgrade' + + # Install packages + salias agi='apt-get install' + salias api='aptitude install' + salias dpi='dpkg --install' + + # Clean packages cache + salias agc='apt-get clean' + salias apc='aptitude clean' + + # Remove/Purge packages + salias agar='apt-get autoremove' + salias agp='apt-get purge' + salias agr='apt-get remove' + salias dpp='dpkg --purge' + salias dpr='dpkg --remove' + + # Get package source + alias agsrc='apt-get source' + + # Configure packages + salias dprc='dpkg-reconfigure' +} #}}} + +if [[ -e /tmp/.x-started ]] { #{{{ + # quiet and verbose can actually be used together here. + # quiet = suppress non-critical errors, verbose = show progress bars + alias feh='feh --quiet --verbose' + + # Alias structure: + # feh[theme][recursive?][slide-delay?] + # theme = [f]ullscreen | [i]ndex | [j]ust | [t]humbnail + # recursive: r for recursive, nothing otherwise + # slide-delay: + # none - no slideshow + # number - slideshow, $number seconds per image + # x - slideshow, seconds will be specified on commandline + # (like "fehfrx 7 .") + # the themes are defined in .fehrc + alias fehf='feh -Tfull' # Fullscreen + alias fehfr='feh -Tfull --recursive' + alias fehi='feh .fehindex.jpg' + alias fehj='feh -Tjust' # Screensaver-like + alias fehjr='feh -Tjust --recursive' + for i in {5,10,15,20}; { + alias fehj$i="feh -Tjust --slideshow-delay $i" + alias fehf$i="feh -Tfull --slideshow-delay $i" + alias fehjr$i="feh -Tjust --slideshow-delay $i --recursive" + alias fehfr$i="feh -Tfull --slideshow-delay $i --recursive" + } + alias fehjx='feh -Tjust --slideshow-delay' + alias fehfx='feh -Tfull --slideshow-delay' + alias fehjrx='feh -Tjust --recursive --slideshow-delay' + alias fehfrx='feh -Tfull --recursive --slideshow-delay' + alias feht='feh -Tthumbnail' # List thumbnails + alias fehtr='feh -Tthumbnail --recursive' + + # Automatically upload screenshot plzkthx + alias putscreen='put $(screenshot)' + + # Useful when a beamer is connected to my laptop + alias rplayer='mplayer -vo x11 -zoom -vf scale=1024:-2' + + # show current weather + alias weather='feh' +} #}}} + +# }}} + +# {{{ Misc +mesg n +if ((UID)) { + umask 077 +} else { + umask 002 +} +chpwd +# }}} + +# {{{ Includes +zrc_status include + +source $ZDIR/../provided/includes + +# local configuration, not in git +xsource $ZDIR/local + +check_com envstore && eval $(envstore eval) + +# local configuration, in git +xsource $ZDIR/hosts/$HOST +# }}} + +# {{{ Completion +zrc_status completion + +zstyle ':completion:*' cache-path $ZCACHEDIR +zstyle ':completion:*' use-cache true + +# Use ls-colors for file completion +zstyle ':completion:*' list-colors ${(s.:.)LS_COLORS} + +# Mark the current selection when tabbing through possible completions +zstyle ':completion:*' menu select=1 + +# Complete uppercase names with lowercase and spaces with _ +zstyle ':completion:*' matcher-list '' 'm:{a-z}={A-Z} m:_=\\\ ' '+ l:|=* r:|=*' + +# Be verbose +zstyle ':completion:*' verbose true +zstyle ':completion:*:descriptions' format \ + "· %d ·" +zstyle ':completion:*:messages' format \ + "· %d ·" +zstyle ':completion:*:corrections' format \ + "· %d ·" +zstyle ':completion:*:warnings' format \ + "%F{red}no match:%F{default} %d" + +zstyle ':completion:*' group-name '' + +# Force menu completion since the input is just a stupid number +zstyle ':completion:*:*:kill:*' menu yes +zstyle ':completion:*:*:(todo|td*):*:items' menu yes + +zstyle ':completion:*:*:vi(m|):*' ignored-patterns \ + 'a.out|*.o' + +# fancy kill completion +# source: +zstyle ':completion:*:processes' command 'ps -au$USER -o pid,time,cmd|grep -v "ps -au$USER -o pid,time,cmd"' +zstyle ':completion:*:*:kill:*:processes' list-colors '=(#b) #([0-9]#)[ 0-9:]#([^ ]#)*=01;30=01;31=01;38' + +# separate manuals by sections +zstyle ':completion:*:manuals' separate-sections true +zstyle ':completion:*:manuals.*' insert-sections true + +# $hosts is set from the hosts package +zstyle ':completion:*' hosts ${(k)hosts} + +compinit -C -d $compdump + +compdef _hosts sshmount +compdef _functions reload + +# }}} + +# {{{ Cleanup +echo -n "\r\e[2K" +unalias 'linux:' +unalias 'openbsd:' +unfunction zrc_status zrc_info +unfunction xsource +unset system distro +unset -m 'mime_*' +# }}} -- cgit v1.2.3