## vim:ft=zsh:foldmethod=marker ## Copyright (c) 2008, 2009 by Daniel Friesel ## Licence: ## 0. You just DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO. ## ## https://derf.homelinux.org/dotfiles/zsh/rc ## see also: https://derf.homelinux.org/dotfiles/zsh/ # {{{ OS Detection [[ -f /etc/debian_version ]] && distro=debian # }}} # {{{ Startup infos function zrc_info { print -P "%F{red}>>%F{default} ${*}" } # }}} # {{{ Options setopt auto_pushd pushd_ignore_dups pushd_minus pushd_silent setopt auto_cd setopt transient_rprompt setopt list_packed setopt extended_glob unsetopt bang_hist setopt correct # greedy is more like dvorak than qwerty... setopt dvorak unsetopt flow_control setopt rc_quotes unsetopt beep # }}} # {{{ Shell parameters ## parameters which are only important for interactive shells. ## For application-related parameters, see .zshenv if [[ -d ~/var/cache/zsh ]] { ZCACHEDIR=~/var/cache/zsh } else { mkdir -p ~/.zsh-cache ZCACHEDIR=~/.zsh-cache } HISTFILE=${ZCACHEDIR}/history HISTSIZE=50000 SAVEHIST=${HISTSIZE} DIRSTACKSIZE=20 # Use the full terminal size for listings LISTMAX=0 TIMEFMT='%J (%P) - %*E real, %*U user, %*S system' if (( EUID != 0)) { path+=(/sbin /usr/sbin /usr/local/sbin) } export MAKEFLAGS=j$(grep -c '^processor' /proc/cpuinfo) if [[ -n ${commands[clang]} ]] { export CC=clang } typeset -U path path=(~/bin ${path}) # Add manuals from caretaker to manpath if [[ ${distro} == debian ]] { export MANPATH=/usr/share/man:/usr/local/share/man MANPATH+=":${HOME}/packages/.collected/man" } # }}} # {{{ MIME parameters mime_archive=( 7z ace arj bz bz2 cpio deb dz gz jar lzh lzma rar rpm rz svgz tar taz tbz2 tgz tz xz z Z zip zoo ) mime_audio=( aif aifc aiff amr amr au awb awb axa flac gsm kar m3u m3u m4a mid midi mp2 mp3 mpega mpga oga ogg pls ra ra ram rm sd2 sid snd spx wav wax wma ) mime_document=(pdf ps) mime_image=( art bmp cdr cdt cpt cr2 crw djv djvu erf gif ico ief jng jpe jpeg jpg nef orf pat pbm pcx pgm png pnm ppm psd ras rgb svg svgz tif tiff wbmp xbm xpm xwd ) mime_video=( 3gp asf asx avi axv dif divx dl dv fli flv gl lsf lsx m2t mkv mng mov movie mp4 mpe mpeg mpg mpv mxu ogm ogv qt rmvb wm wmv wmx wvx ) # }}} # {{{ ls-colors (partially based on MIME) # default:file :dirctory: link : pipe : socket LS_COLORS="no=00:fi=00:di=01;37:ln=01;36:pi=40;33:so=01;35" # door : block dev : char dev :broken link: setuid LS_COLORS+=":do=01;35:bd=40;33;01:cd=40;33;01:or=40;31;01:su=37;41" # setgid : +t,o+w : o+w : sticky : executable LS_COLORS+=":sg=30;43:tw=30;42:ow=34;42:st=37;44:ex=01;32" LS_COLORS+=:${(j/:/):-"*."${^mime_archive}"=04;31"} LS_COLORS+=:${(j/:/):-"*."${^mime_audio}"=04;36"} LS_COLORS+=:${(j/:/):-"*."${^mime_document}"=04"} LS_COLORS+=:${(j/:/):-"*."${^mime_image}"=04;33"} LS_COLORS+=:${(j/:/):-"*."${^mime_video}"=04;32"} export LS_COLORS # }}} # {{{ Functions autoload -U compinit autoload zargs zmv if [[ -e ${ZDIR}/functions ]] { autoload ${ZDIR}/functions/*(:t) } else { # No cool extra stuff zrc_info "Running in standalone mode" # rtab is tracked in functions/, so it may not be present everywhere. # However, the prompt assumes the presence of a 'rtab' function. function rtab { print -P %~ } } # This all belongs into the prompt, but since it only changes # when changing directories, it's more efficient to do it here function chpwd { psvar[1]=$(dirinfo) psvar[2]=$(rtab) } function dirinfo { typeset string [[ -r .todo ]] && string+='todo ' [[ -f .fehindex.jpg ]] && string+='feh ' [[ -d .hg ]] && string+='hg ' [[ -d .git ]] && string+='git ' [[ -d .svn ]] && string+='svn ' [[ -f Makefile || -f makefile ]] && string+='make ' echo ${string% } } function xhashd { typeset directory=${~1#*\=} name=${1%%\=*} if [[ -d ${directory} ]] { hash -d ${name}=${directory} } } function Status Start Stop Restart Reload { typeset script for script in ${*}; { sudo /etc/init.d/${script} ${0:l} } } # }}} # {{{ ZLE autoload -U url-quote-magic zle -N self-insert url-quote-magic # }}} # {{{ Prompt # psvar[1] = directory info # psvar[2] = rtab (current directory) # (both set by the chpwd function) typeset -A ps rps ps=( host "%F{yellow}%m" dir "%F{default}%30<…<%2v%>>" sign "%(!.%F{red}.%F{green})%(?.%(!.#.>).%?)%F{default}" ) rps=( start "%(1V.%F{yellow}[" dirinfo "%F{default}%1v" end "%(1V.%F{yellow}]%F{default}.)" ) PS1="${ps[host]} ${ps[dir]} ${ps[sign]} " RPS1="${rps[start]}${rps[dirinfo]}${rps[end]}" unset ps rps zstyle ':prompt:rtab' fish yes zstyle ':prompt:rtab' nameddirs yes # }}} # {{{ Named directories xhashd vcs=~/var/svn xhashd lyrics=~vcs/lyrics xhashd web=~/public_html # }}} # {{{ Keys bindkey -e [[ -z ${terminfo[kdch1]} ]] || bindkey -M emacs ${terminfo[kdch1]} \ delete-char [[ -z ${terminfo[khome]} ]] || bindkey -M emacs ${terminfo[khome]} \ beginning-of-line [[ -z ${terminfo[kend]} ]] || bindkey -M emacs ${terminfo[kend]} \ end-of-line # }}} # {{{ Aliases # {{{ Suffix typeset -A alias_apps alias_apps=( archive extract audio mplayer document apvlv image feh video mplayer ) for meta in ${parameters[(I)mime_*]#mime_}; { for format in $(eval echo '$'mime_${meta}); { alias -s ${format}=${alias_apps[$meta]} } } unset filetypes meta format alias_apps # }}} # {{{ Defaults # To evade these defaults, use '=command' instead of 'command' alias grep='grep --color=auto' alias egrep='grep -E' alias fgrep='grep -F' alias bzgrep='bzgrep --color=auto' alias zgrep='zgrep --color=auto' alias df='df -hl --exclude-type=fuse.encfs' alias du='du -shD' alias ls='ls -h --color=auto' [[ -n ${commands[bsdtar]} ]] && alias tar=bsdtar ## enable alias expansion alias exec='exec ' alias sudo='sudo ' alias netstat='sudo netstat --program --all --tcp --extend' alias bc='bc -l' alias fbi='fbi -readahead' alias cp='cp -i' alias mv='mv -i' alias pmount='pmount -A' alias find='noglob find' alias man='man -a' # ps -C foo is better than ps aux | fgrep foo ;-) alias ps='ps -F' alias todo='noglob todo -f +children' alias vim='vim -p' # }}} # {{{ Font alias font-present='echo -en '\ '"\033]50;-*-terminus-medium-*-*-*-*-320-*-*-*-*-*-*\007"' alias font-default='echo -en '\ '"\033]50;-misc-fixed-medium-r-semicondensed--13-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-1\007"' # }}} # {{{ Global # global aliases are slightly evil, but (usually) not messy alias -g EG='|egrep' alias -g FG='|fgrep' alias -g G='|grep' alias -g H='|head' alias -g L='|less' alias -g T='|tail' # }}} # {{{ Loop me alias allf='for i in *(.);' alias alld='for i in *(/);' alias alle='for i in *(*);' alias alll='for i in *(@);' alias all='for i in *;' alias allfr='for i in **/*(.);' alias alldr='for i in **/*(/);' alias aller='for i in **/*(*);' alias alllr='for i in **/*(@);' alias allr='for i in **/*;' # }}} # {{{ Misc alias dent='twidge update' alias dua='du --apparent-size' alias lasth='last | head -$((LINES-1))' alias fbif='fbi -a' alias fbij='fbi -a -u' alias icq='dtach -A ~/.dtach.ysm ysm' alias irc='dtach -A ~/.dtach.irssi irssi' alias jabber='dtach -A ~/.dtach.mcabber mcabber' alias safe='dtach -c /tmp/.dtach.$$' for i in ~/var/gtd/*(.N); { alias gtd-${i:t}='todo --database '${i} } alias lsi='feh --list' alias lst='tar -tvf' alias lsz='unzip -l' alias mate='decrement ~/stuff/$(cat /tmp/.location)/mateguthaben' alias nb='newsbeuter' alias nbr='newsbeuter -r' alias rd='rmdir' alias readahead='cat **/*(-.) > /dev/null' alias rsync-serve="rsync --daemon --port=10873 --no-detach --config=/dev/stdin"\ " --log-file=/dev/stdout -v <<< $'[.]\n\tpath = .\n\tuse chroot = no'" alias x='unsetopt bg_nice; startx &! exit' alias xxz='xz -v -9 -M 800M' # }}} if [[ ${distro} == debian ]] { #{{{ alias acse='apt-cache search' alias afse='apt-file search' alias apse='aptitude search' alias acp='apt-cache policy' alias acsh='apt-cache show' alias afsh='apt-file show' alias apsh='aptitude show' alias dps='dpkg --status' alias agu='sudo apt-get update' alias apu='sudo aptitude update' alias ags='sudo apt-get upgrade' alias agf='sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' alias aps='sudo aptitude safe-upgrade' alias apf='sudo aptitude full-upgrade' alias agi='sudo apt-get install' alias api='sudo aptitude install' alias dpi='sudo dpkg --install' alias agc='sudo apt-get clean' alias apc='sudo aptitude clean' alias agar='sudo apt-get autoremove' alias agp='sudo apt-get purge' alias agr='sudo apt-get remove' alias dpp='sudo dpkg --purge' alias dpr='sudo dpkg --remove' alias agsrc='apt-get source' alias dprc='sudo dpkg-reconfigure' } #}}} if [[ -e /tmp/.x-started ]] { #{{{ alias feh='feh --quiet --verbose --action8 "nrm '\'%f\'\" # Alias structure: # feh[theme][recursive?][slide-delay?] # theme = [f]ullscreen | [i]ndex | [j]ust | [t]humbnail # recursive: r for recursive, nothing otherwise # slide-delay: # none - no slideshow # x - slideshow, seconds will be specified on commandline # (like "fehfrx 7 .") # The themes are defined in ~/.fehrc alias fehf='feh -Tfs' alias fehfr='feh -Tfs --recursive' alias fehi='feh .fehindex.jpg' alias fehj='feh -Trfs' alias fehjr='feh -Trfs --recursive' alias fehjx='feh -Trfs --slideshow-delay' alias fehfx='feh -Tfs --slideshow-delay' alias fehjrx='feh -Trfs --recursive --slideshow-delay' alias fehfrx='feh -Tfs --recursive --slideshow-delay' alias feht='feh -Tthumbnail' alias fehtr='feh -Tthumbnail --recursive' alias putscreen='put $(screenshot)' alias weather='feh http://www.bredeney-wetter.de/aktuell.gif' } #}}} # }}} # {{{ Misc mesg n if ((UID)) { umask 077 } else { umask 002 } chpwd # Show infos if requested (.xinitrc) if ((SHOW_INFO)) { ${ZDIR}/../helpers/info } # }}} # {{{ Includes if [[ -e ${ZDIR}/../provided/includes ]] { source ${ZDIR}/../provided/includes } if [[ -e ${ZDIR}/local ]] { source ${ZDIR}/local } [[ -n ${commands[envstore]} ]] && eval $(envstore eval) # }}} # {{{ Completion zstyle ':completion:*' cache-path ${ZCACHEDIR} zstyle ':completion:*' use-cache true zstyle ':completion:*' list-colors ${(s.:.)LS_COLORS} zstyle ':completion:*' menu select=1 # Complete uppercase chars with lowercase ones, spaces with _, # start completion somewhere else than the beginning of the word if neccessary zstyle ':completion:*' matcher-list '' 'm:{a-z}={A-Z} m:_=\\\ ' '+ l:|=* r:|=*' zstyle ':completion:*' verbose true zstyle ':completion:*:descriptions' format '· %d ·' zstyle ':completion:*:messages' format '· %d ·' zstyle ':completion:*:corrections' format '· %d ·' zstyle ':completion:*:warnings' format '%F{red}no match:%F{default} %d' zstyle ':completion:*' group-name '' # Force menu completion since the input is just a stupid number zstyle ':completion:*:*:kill:*' menu yes zstyle ':completion:*:*:(todo|td*):*:items' menu yes zstyle ':completion:*:*:vi(m|):*' ignored-patterns \ 'a.out|*.o' # source: http://madism.org/~madcoder/dotfiles/zsh/40_completion zstyle ':completion:*:processes' command \ 'ps -au${USER} -o pid,time,cmd|grep -v "ps -au${USER} -o pid,time,cmd"' zstyle ':completion:*:*:kill:*:processes' list-colors \ '=(#b) #([0-9]#)[ 0-9:]#([^ ]#)*=01;30=01;31=01;38' zstyle ':completion:*:manuals' separate-sections true zstyle ':completion:*:manuals.*' insert-sections true # ${hosts} is set from the hosts package zstyle ':completion:*' hosts ${(k)hosts} [[ -e ${ZCACHEDIR}/compdump ]] || zrc_info "Creating completion cache" compinit -C -d ${ZCACHEDIR}/compdump compdef _hosts sshmount compdef _functions reload # }}} # {{{ Cleanup unfunction zrc_info unset system distro unset -m 'mime_*' # }}}