#compdef Start Restart Stop Reload
## vim:ft=zsh
## Completion for the Start, Stop etc. functions introduced in ../function
## Note: This script parses the files in /etc/init.d to generate the matches.
## If you'd prefer to just have all the files in /etc/init.d as arguments, 
## write "zstyle ':completion:*:*:_initd' all-files true" into your zshrc
## Most of this has been taken from the _init_d function provided with zsh

typeset arguments file bang
typeset specific=${service:l}
typeset action='(st(art|op|atus)|(force-|)re(start|load)|debug_(up|down)|dump(|_stats)|add|delete|clean|list)'
typeset -a scripts

if zstyle -t ':completion:*:*:_initd' all-files; then
	_arguments -s '*:init script:_path_files -W /etc/init.d -g "*(*)"'
	return 0

for file in /etc/init.d/*(*); {
	read -u0 -k2 bang < ${file} && [[ ${bang} == '#!' ]] &&
	[[ -n ${${(j:|:s:|:)${(M)${(f)"$(< ${file})"}:#[[:blank:]]#(\'|)(${~action}[[:blank:]]#\|[[:blank:]]#)#${~specific}([[:blank:]]#\|[[:blank:]]#${~action})#(\'|)\)}}//[^-a-z_]} ]] &&

_wanted script expl script compadd ${scripts}