#compdef sort ## Quick, dirty and probably incomplete sort completion ## Copyright (C) 2008 by Daniel Friesel ## License: WTFPL typeset -a arguments arguments=( '-b[ignore leading blanks]' '-d[dictionary/alphabetical sort]' '-f[ignore case]' '-g[general numeric sort]' '-i[ignore non-printable characters]' '-M[sort by month]' '-n[string numeric sort]' '-R[random sort]' '--random-source=-[entropy source]:file:_files' '-r[reverse sort]' '-c[check if input is sorted]' '-C[quietly check if input is sorted]' '-k' '-m[merge sorted files]' '-o[output file]:output file:_files' '-s[stabilize sort]' '-S[set buffer size]:buffer size' '-t[set field separator]:field seprarator' '-T[set temporary directory]:tmpdir:_path_files -/' '-u[unique output]' '-z[end lines with 0 byte]' ) _arguments -s $arguments